Crystal Muse

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Crystal Muse Page 23

by Heather Askinosie

  UNAKITE—balances the heart chakra and the male and female energies that lie within everyone. It’s a powerful stone for emotional healing, allowing us to address the negative emotions we’re holding on to and transform ourselves from a place of love.

  VANADINITE—strongly associated with the element of fire and the sacral chakra, this crystal is a strong creativity and energy booster. It helps you to become more focused on your tasks, clearing any blocks—especially those impeding creativity.

  ZEBRA JASPER—unites the yin and yang energies. The white and black coloring represents balance. It allows us to see the good in a “bad situation,” and recognize the “bad” in a good situation, to realize the truth of any situation.




  Energy Muse—

  Local metaphysical shops and gem shows



  Shamans Market—

  Mountain Rose Herbs—



  The Chalkboard Mag—

  The Numinous—

  Tony Robbins—





  The Den (Los Angeles)—

  RA MA Institute—

  MNDFL (New York)—

  Maha Rose Center for Healing—

  The Class by Taryn Toomey—

  Ashley Neese—

  INSCAPE (New York)—



  NOTE: Page numbers in italics indicate rituals (including references to specific crystals used in rituals). Page numbers in bold indicate term definitions and summaries of qualities and healing properties of crystals/ritual items.



  Abalone shell

  as fireproof container for rituals, 23. See also specific rituals

  as part of ritual, 243–247

  qualities and healing properties, 8, 263

  Agate, 8


  aha moment with (Heather’s story), 2

  averting negative energy, 183

  500-pound, for Energy Muse, 99, 100

  history and lore, 175

  Katy Perry on, 115

  keeping negative co-workers/ energy vampires away, 183

  qualities and healing properties, 8, 175, 263

  rituals using, 78, 81–82, 157–158, 166, 173–175, 233–237

  Angelite, 263

  Apatite. See Blue Apatite

  Apophyllite, 173–175, 263

  Aquamarine, 8

  Attract Love Ritual, 119–123

  Aura, defined, 263

  Aura, energy cords and. See Cording; Negative energy, removing


  history and lore, 87

  for prosperity, 78

  qualities and healing properties, 8, 87, 263

  rituals using, 81–82, 89–93, 96–97, 123, 233–237



  Babies. See Fertility, pregnancy, and birth

  “Bar to temple,” going from, 64, 65–67


  history and lore, 73

  qualities and healing properties, 73, 263

  rituals using, 71–73, 204–207

  Bathing rituals

  Love Bath, 126–127

  Purifying Bath, 121

  Soak in the Love: A Baby Bonding Ritual, 155

  Bed, clearing, 28

  Bedroom. See Love and passion; Sleep

  Big Island. See Hawaiian journey, spirituality and

  Black Kyanite

  history and lore, 188

  qualities and healing properties, 188, 263

  ritual using, 185–188

  Black Obsidian

  history and lore, 61

  qualities and healing properties, 61, 264

  rituals using, 62–63, 71–73

  Black Onyx, 8, 151–153, 161–163, 195–197, 243–245, 264

  Black Tourmaline

  history and lore, 194

  qualities and healing properties, 8, 194, 264

  rituals using, 31–35, 157–158, 192–193, 195–197, 204–207, 249–251

  for sleep, 167

  Bloodstone, 8, 133–137, 264

  Blue Apatite, 8, 133–137, 264

  Blue Lace Agate

  history and lore, 113

  qualities and healing properties, 8, 113, 264

  rituals using, 161–163, 177–179

  for sleep, 166

  Body, connecting with, 240–241, 243–245

  Book (this), using, xiii

  Botswana Agate, 8

  Breault, Dayle, 181

  Broken heart, mending, 141. See also Love and passion

  Bronzite, 8

  Business, crystal. See Energy Muse business

  Busting Out of the Box Ritual, 229–231




  creativity and, 221

  fertility belt and, 144

  history and lore, 227

  qualities and healing properties, 8, 227, 264

  rituals using, 78, 89–93, 133–137, 146–147, 150, 151–153, 225–227, 233–237

  Cayce, Edgar, 179

  Celestial ceremonies. See Moon and moon rituals


  history and lore, 179

  qualities and healing properties, 8, 179, 264

  rituals using, 161–163, 177–179

  Chakras, 246, 264. See also Hawaiian journey, spirituality and

  Child, creating through eyes of, 232, 233–237

  Children, having. See Fertility, pregnancy, and birth

  Choosing crystals, 7, 10–11

  Chrysocolla, 8, 108, 264

  Chrysoprase, 8, 144, 149, 265


  conceiving, birth and, 149, 156

  history and lore, 95

  prosperity and, 78

  qualities and healing properties, 8, 95, 265

  rituals using, 81–82, 89–95

  Cleansing crystals, programming crystals after, 17

  Clearing spaces. See Space clearing

  Clear Quartz. See also Lemurian Quartz

  history and lore, 51

  qualities and healing properties, 8, 51, 265

  rituals using, 47–51, 109–113, 131–132, 133–137, 169–170, 177–179, 185–188, 192–194, 204–207, 209–211, 229–232. See also Prosperity rituals

  Tectonic Quartz and, 85–86, 270

  Clusters of crystal, 13

  Coloring, as meditation, 51, 52–53

  Comfort zone, creativity and, 227, 229–231

  Connecting with crystals

  general guidelines, 15

  intention and, 15–16

  not feeling anything and, 15

  opening yourself to, 15

  programming crystals, 16–17, 268

  simple ways of using crystals, 15

  your intuition and, 7

  Control, letting go of, 68–69, 71–73

  Cording. See also Negative energy, removing

  Cutting the Cord Ritual, 185–187

  defined, 182, 265

  “dis-cording” to reenergize (Heather and Timmi’s story), 181–182

  drained/depleted feeling and, 182–183

  Corn, Seane, 257

  Cosmic Connection Altar Ritual, 217–219

  Creative Spirit Stick Ritual, 233–237

  Creativity, 221–237

  Busting Out of the Box Ritual, 229–231

  creating through eyes of a child, 232, 233–237

  Creative Spirit Stick Ritual, 233–237

  getting out of comfort zone, 227, 229–231

  jewelry line development and (Heather’s story), 221–223

  lessons from crystal (Heather’s story), 223

  Ludo Lefebvre on, 237

  Ruby Warrington on, 221

  Tapping into Your Creative Heart Ritual, 225–227

  Crystal Grid. See Grids, crystal

  Crystal Medicine Wheel Ritual, 109–113

  Crystals. See also specific crystals

  authors’ business of. See Energy Muse business

  choosing, 7

  cleansing, 17

  connecting with. See Connecting with crystals

  as Earth’s messengers, 9

  Heather’s background/ perspective, 1–4

  Indian perspectives, 7–9

  Mother Nature and, 9

  neutrality of, 9

  orderly structure of, 10

  resonance with, 10, 15, 167, 232

  resources for, 271

  selecting your three, 7

  shapes, and why they work, 12–13

  as “the stone people,” 9

  uniqueness of each one, 2, 9

  what they can do for you, 7–9

  why they work, 10, 12–13

  as wisdom keepers, 9

  your intuition and, 7

  Cubes, about, 13

  Cutting the Cord Ritual, 185–187



  Dalmatian Jasper, 8

  Diamond, Kartar, 34

  Dreams. See Sleep

  Drift Off to Dreamland Crystal Grid, 177–179

  Dumortierite, 8, 265

  Dunham, Lena, 7

  Durek, Shaman, 59



  Embracing the Light and Shadow Within Ritual, 65–67

  Emotions, balancing ritual, 173–175

  Energy Muse business

  authors’ backgrounds leading to, 1–4

  contacting (website), 271

  evolution of, 4, 75–79, 99–104

  facing challenges, turning business around, 99–104

  financial issues, prosperity and, 75–79, 99–104

  500-pound amethyst for, 99, 100

  jewelry line development and creativity lessons, 221–223

  Mexico odyssey and outcome, 99–104

  Prosperity Necklaces and, 76–77, 78, 95

  spiritual path challenges and, 103

  spiritual wealth and, 79

  Temazcal ceremony impacting, 100–103

  varied roles of owners, viii

  Energy, removing negative. See Negative energy, removing

  Expanding into the Mind Ritual, 255–259



  Feminine spirit, reclaiming (Timmi’s story), 214–215

  Feng Shui

  Attract Love Ritual and, 119–123

  clearing space and, 21, 26, 34, 268

  Heather consulting in, 115, 116

  love killers to avoid, 117

  sleep and, 165

  Fertility, pregnancy, and birth, 143–163

  conception-aiding stones, 143, 144, 149

  Conscious Conception Ritual, 145–147

  fertility secret, 149

  Heather’s pregnancies, crystals/rituals and, 143–144

  miscarriage pain (Heather’s experience), 150

  Miscarriage Ritual, 151–153

  New Beginnings Ritual, 161–163

  new beginnings (Timmi’s story), 159

  pregnancy discomfort (Timmi’s story, and ritual), 154, 155

  sacred birth (Heather’s story), 156

  Sacred Birthing Ritual, 157–158

  Soak in the Love: A Baby Bonding Ritual, 155

  Sophie Jaffe on motherhood, 162

  Flame Aura Quartz, 52–53, 265

  Fluorite, 8, 149, 171, 173–175, 233–237, 265

  40-Day Love Ritual, 125–127

  Frankincense, 25–26, 188, 265

  Frequency of crystals

  choosing crystals and, 7, 10–11

  resonance with, 15, 167, 232

  Fuchsite, 265

  Full Moon. See Moon and moon rituals



  Gaga, Lady, 79

  Garment industry, feminine spirit and, 214–215

  Garnet, 8, 144, 149, 233–237, 266

  Get Back into Alignment Ritual: For Your Bedroom, 169–170

  Goldstone, 89–93, 266

  Green Calcite, 8, 89–93, 266

  Grids, crystal

  defined, 265

  Drift Off to Dreamland Crystal Grid, 177–179

  Money Magnet Ritual (with grid), 89–95

  Grounded to the Core Ritual, 105–107

  Guru Jagat, 239

  Guzman, Nahi, 241



  Harmonizers, about, 13

  Hawaiian journey, spirituality and, 239–259

  connecting with the body (Big Island), 240–241, 243–245

  connecting with the heart (Molokai), 247, 249–251

  connecting with the mind (Kauai), 252–253, 255–259

  crystals, chakras, and healing transformation (Heather’s story), 239–240

  end of the road, 258

  Expanding into the Mind Ritual, 255–259

  Ho‘oponopono and, 241, 243–245

  islands corresponding to chakras and, 240

  Make Things Right Ritual (Ho‘oponopono), 243–245

  Nahi Guzman and, 241

  Opening Your Heart to Your Shadow Ritual, 249–251

  Pele’s energy and, 239–240

  Heart, connecting with, 247, 249–251

  Heart, creative, tapping into, 225–227

  Heart, mending. See Love and passion

  Heart-shaped crystals, 13


  history and lore, 69

  qualities and healing properties, 8, 69, 266

  rituals using, 71–73, 78, 105–107, 157–158

  for sleep, 167

  Himalayan salt, 31–35, 34

  Ho‘oponopono, 241, 243–245



  Indigo Gabbro, 266

  Inner transformation. See Meditation; Self-reflection


  crafting, 15–16

  defined, 15

  ritual effectiveness and, 17




  history and lore, 83

  prosperity and, 75, 78

  qualities and healing properties, 8, 83, 266

  rituals using, 81–82, 89–93, 123

  Jaffe, Sophie, 162

  Jagat, Guru, 239

  Jasper, 161–163, 266. See also Dalmatian Jasper; Kambaba Jasper; Leopard Skin Jasper; Ocean Jasper; Picture Jasper; Red Jasper; Zebra Jasper



  Kambaba Jasper, 8, 89–93, 138–140, 266

  Kauai. See Hawaiian journey, spirituality and

  Keeping the Love Alive Ritual, 138–141

  Kunzite, 266




  creativity example, 222

  history and lore, 207

  qualities and healing properties, 8, 207, 266

  rituals using, 55–57, 81–82, 177–179, 192, 204–207, 217–219

  Lady Gaga, 79

  Lapis Lazuli, 8, 10, 233–237, 266

  Lefebvre, Ludo, 237

  Lemurian Quartz

  history and lore, 258

  qualities and healing properties, 258, 267

  rituals using, 169–170, 209–213, 255–259

  Leopard Skin Jasper, 8

  Lepidolite, 177–179, 267

  Letting Go + Surrendering Ritual, 70–72

  Leveque, Kelly, 165

  Linn, Denise, 21

  Lithium Quartz, 177–179, 267

  Love and passion, 115–141

Love Ritual, 119–123

  breaking up with significant other and, 183. See also Cording

  Feng Shui love killers to avoid, 117

  40-Day Love Ritual, 125–127

  Heather, husband and, 115–116, 128

  Katy Perry on crystals and, 115

  keeping the love alive anecdote (Timmi’s story), 137

  Keeping the Love Alive Ritual, 138–141

  mending broken heart, 141

  self-love anecdote (Timmi’s story), 132

  Self-Love Wheel Ritual, 133–137

  A Wedding Story marriage with crystals, 128

  Wishes of Love Ritual: A Pre-Wedding Celebration Ritual, 131

  Lucky 7s Ritual, 96–97



  Make Things Right Ritual (Ho‘oponopono), 243–245

  Malachite, 8, 10, 89–93, 123, 129, 233–237, 267

  Mala necklace, defined, 267

  Mandala ritual, Mother Moon, 203–207


  defined, 267

  Ganesha, in Money Magnet ritual, 92–93

  for Love Ritual, 125–126

  Marriage. See Love and passion

  Medicine wheel ritual, 109–113

  Meditation, 37–57. See also Self-reflection

  benefits of, 38–39

  coloring as, 51, 52–53

  forms of, 51

  group, 55–57

  Light Watkins on, 56

  Meditation Vortex Ritual, 42–44

  Meditative Coloring Ritual, 52–53

  meditative prayer (Timmi’s story, and ritual), 45, 47–49

  Monkey Mind Ritual, 41

  Prayer and Miracles Meditation Ritual, 47–49

  Reduce Anxiety with a Group Meditation, 55–57

  resources, 271

  Simmons, Russell on, 37

  spiritual wealth and, 79, 81–82

  Transcendental Meditation (Heather’s story), 37–38

  Mental reset, for sleep, 171

  Miller, Susan, 219

  Mind, connecting with, 252–253, 255–259

  Molokai. See Hawaiian journey, spirituality and

  Money. See Prosperity, success, and abundance

  Monkey Mind Ritual, 41

  Mookaite, 8, 267


  aligning rituals with phases of, 18

  Full Moon, 18

  New Moon, 18

  phases, 18

  Moon and moon rituals, 199–219

  aligning with New Moon energy, 207, 209–213

  Cosmic Connection Altar Ritual, 217–219

  Full Moon fostering universal connection, 215, 217–219

  lunar awakening (Heather’s story), 200–201

  Mother Moon Mandala Ritual, 203–207

  New Moon Wishes Ritual, 209–213

  reclaiming feminine spirit and (Timmi’s story), 214–215


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