Angel's Mission

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Angel's Mission Page 1

by Pamela J. Nerren

  Angel’s Mission

  Pamela Nerren

  After Glows Publishing

  © Copyright 2017 Pamela Nerren

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  Published by After Glows

  PO Box 224

  Middleburg, FL 32050

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  Cover by Scott Carpenter

  Formatting by AG Formatting

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  All rights reserved under the International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, organizations, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Warning: the unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in prison and a fine of $250,000.

  Created with Vellum


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14


  About the Author

  Note From the Publisher


  Kevin Logan Martin twisted his head and spotted a couple of gray streaks of hair in his reflection. Though his light brown hair was too long for his taste, he hadn’t had time to get it cut. His clear blue eyes twinkled back at him. They’d always been his biggest selling point in the world of acting. A sex symbol, they called him, at least had in his younger days. If anyone were to ask him, he’d say his good looks had been as much of a hindrance as an asset for most of his thirty-eight years. It had taken over a decade before anyone had taken him seriously in any field other than acting, but he’d finally come into his own to become the director of choice people came to for their big break in acting. Unfortunately. He stared out of the large uncovered window at the enormous field before him.

  The open field served well as a makeshift runway for his friend’s business, Morales Air Tours. Three years earlier, Miguel had started out with next to nothing, his small company consisting of one helicopter on the small heliport, backed by one used Cessna. Now Miguel’s business was doing so well with tours and flying lessons that he’d had to expand. A group of men worked their way across one end of the massive field, creating its first real runway, the first of several improvements to come. Within the next few weeks, Miguel would have two more new Cessnas, another helicopter, and a staff of six. Kevin never did figure out where Miguel had gotten the money to expand his business. In all honesty, he wasn’t sure he wanted to ask. He didn’t think Miguel would do anything illegal, but…this was Mexico.

  The large waiting room in which Kevin stood was deserted at this early hour except for himself and his, what should he call her…his travel companion? She was still irate with him for getting her up so early, and he was more than a little put out with her as well. Hollywood wannabe diva that she was, she wanted to party until dawn, not get up at dawn.

  Brandi Lacy sat on an old blue couch in the corner of the room, filing her nails into oblivion. The epitome of a stereotypical bombshell, she stood five-foot-six, with light blonde hair—bleached of course—and an attractive face. She also had a great tan and a decent body, but that was where the decency ended. Brandi was rude, obnoxious, and self-centered. Yesterday her constant prattling on their flight into Mexico had been exhausting. A few minutes into the flight, Kevin had realized this excursion to Cabo San Lucas was a huge mistake.

  He’d met Brandi at Arthur Johnston’s sixtieth birthday party last month, and she’d been quick to boast that Arthur was one of her best and wealthiest friends. He was one of the better-known film directors in the business, having helmed some of the best films in which Kevin had ever starred. Arthur had connections, and that was precisely what Brandi wanted. How she’d wormed her way into Arthur’s birthday bash was anybody’s guess.

  Arthur’s wife, Evelyn, had thrown him a birthday gala at their three-story Tudor-style mansion on Lavender Lane every year since they’d wed some thirty years earlier. Everybody who was anybody in the entertainment business made a point of being there. While Evelyn adored Arthur, Arthur adored women. Arthur wasn’t well known for his monogamy, and rumor had it he would sleep with any and every beautiful vixen he could coax into his bed. Probably sums up Brandi’s connection.

  Brandi had tried desperately to latch on to Kevin since that day, and until now he’d avoided her. His name carried a lot of weight in Hollywood, and she wanted him to use that power to launch her career. Oh, he had every intention of helping Brandi—as soon as hell froze over.

  Arthur had called Kevin several days earlier, insisting that he use his guesthouse in Mexico for a well-deserved break, all at Arthur’s expense, of course. For a moment, an immense load had lifted from Kevin’s shoulders. He desperately needed some time away from work and was honored that Arthur had once again offered him the use of his guesthouse. Then he’d heard the details.

  Apparently, Evelyn had found out about Brandi, or so Kevin assumed, and Arthur was now obligated to get rid of her immediately. All Kevin had to do in return was take Brandi with him, to show her around. He owed Arthur that much, didn’t he?

  Arthur had done a lot for him. He’d helped Kevin break into the business when Kevin had been a kid and had needed it most. He’d taught him everything there was to know about the film industry from top to bottom. As much as Kevin wanted to avoid Brandi, he felt duty-bound to help Arthur, or more importantly, to help Evelyn, and so, reluctantly, he’d agreed.

  It was bad enough that Kevin had had to spend the entire flight listening to Brandi’s constant chatter, but she only talked about three things: sex, shopping, and whether he could get her a part in a movie. It wasn’t unusual for someone to approach him for help getting into the business, but lately, he was sick of it. He wanted someone to like him for himself, not what he could do for that person. He had to admit, he was impressed by Arthur’s resilience. Kevin marveled at how Arthur had managed to see this ditzy woman for over a month. He would have gotten rid of her much sooner.

  As soon as they’d disembarked from their flight yesterday, Kevin had made it plain that they would have separate bedrooms in Arthur’s guesthouse for the duration of their trip and that she would have to find another sugar daddy when she got home. Arthur was no longer available. He couldn’t help but feel a small sense of triumph when he’d walked away and left her standing at the door of the plane with her face beet red and her mouth wide open. Now he only had to get through the next few days with her—that was, if he didn’t change his mind and jump back on the next flight. Watching Brandi brooding in the corner, he made a silent vow: I’ll get Arthur for this.

  Out on the heliport, Miguel finished his routine inspection of the helicopter in the early morning light. He circled the machine, checking all the bells and whistles. When he was satisfied that everything purred and hummed to his satisfaction, he started toward the building. Kevin quickly summoned Brandi and tried to show some enthusiasm. “Hey, Brandi, ready to go on an adventure?”

  Brandi put her
nail file away and got to her feet. Carelessly throwing her handbag over her shoulder, she did her best impression of a dramatic sigh while sashaying to where he stood. “Do we really have to do this, Kevin?” She ran a would-be seductive finger down the front of his shirt. “Wouldn’t it be so much more fun if we went back to bed instead of hanging around this dump?”

  Kevin pushed her hand away. “Cut it out, Brandi! Don’t you want to see Mexico? The view is amazing from up there.”

  Before Brandi could respond, Miguel walked through the back door, barely missing the eaves of the doorframe. He shook Kevin’s hand, and the two men embraced each other. Miguel placed a hand on Kevin’s shoulder. “It’s so good to see you, my friend.”

  “Same here. It’s been far too long.”

  Miguel noticed Brandi. “Ah, Kevin, do tell. Where did you find this most delightful creature?”

  Kevin put both hands on his hips and tried not to roll his eyes at his friend’s flirtatious nature. Miguel offered Brandi his hand in welcome. “Hola. Cómo estás, señorita?”

  Brandi blatantly ignored Miguel’s outstretched hand and examined him as if he were a parasite. Miguel dropped his hand and directed his attention back to Kevin. Kevin gave him an apologetic look and grudgingly made the necessary introductions.

  “Miguel, I’d like you to meet Brandi Lacy. Brandi, this is mi amigo, Miguel Morales. He’s the best damn helicopter pilot in all of Mexico.”

  Miguel smiled anew at Brandi but didn’t offer to shake hands again. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Brandi.” He gave her a slight bow.

  Brandi smirked. “Charmed, I’m sure.”

  If Miguel was mystified by Brandi’s reaction, he dismissed it and turned back to smile at his friend. “Well, Kevin, you have very good taste in women.”

  “Oh, no, no, no, she’s not my girlfriend. We’re, ah…” Kevin chuckled slightly. “We’re just friends. Sort of,” he finished lamely.

  Miguel’s brow creased in confusion when he eyed Brandi again. He smiled broadly and asked Kevin, “Well, you guys ready to take off?”

  Kevin’s eyes lit up. “I passed ready several months ago, Miguel. Let’s go.”

  Miguel gave Brandi his most captivating smile and offered her his arm. “Shall we?”

  Brandi shot a glare at Kevin, her eyes sparking fire before she reluctantly placed her fingertips on Miguel’s arm. Slowly, they walked out to the helicopter together, Kevin smiling as he followed. Miguel pointed to landmarks on the horizon during their stroll to the helipad. Brandi would probably be a hard sell, but Kevin had yet to see a woman whom Miguel couldn’t charm…eventually.

  Brandi made sure to take a seat in the front of the helicopter next to Miguel, but that was all right with Kevin. He was glad to get the break. He took the seat directly behind Miguel, and all three put on their seatbelts and headsets. Ten minutes later they were in the air and eastbound toward the mountains. Finally, Kevin began to relax.

  One hour later, the trio were heading down the coast back to the airstrip. Miguel spoke to Kevin through his headset. “Hey, Kev, do you mind if we head out to sea a little bit? My sister Miranda and her husband are supposed to be arriving today on a cruise ship, and I thought it would be fun to say hello, so to speak.”

  “Sure.” Anything was okay with Kevin if it kept him airborne and postponed dealing with Brandi.

  Miguel turned the helicopter and circled west out over the Pacific Ocean. A few minutes later, they spotted several cruise ships navigating toward the local port. Miguel flew closer, checking each one for the name of the ship. “That’s it. That’s their ship, the Imagination. Isn’t she a beauty?”

  It was without doubt a magnificent ship. It was close to nine hundred feet long and very elegant with glass and chrome laced down through the upper first-class cabins. Luxury at its finest.

  Miguel flew farther back on the starboard side and checked the private decks. “There, up ahead. That’s their balcony.”

  Kevin looked where Miguel pointed. A very attractive, well-built woman of perhaps thirty sat at a table on the balcony. She was still in her bathrobe, her breakfast in front of her apparently forgotten. Her skin was like alabaster and her shoulder-length blonde hair was still tousled from sleep. She appeared to be lost in her own thoughts.

  As Miguel maneuvered the helicopter around for them to see better, Kevin thought he glimpsed a flash of light over her dainty head, almost as if the woman had a halo. He blinked and shook his head before looking again. The halo was gone. It must have been a reflection off the chrome on the ship.

  When the woman saw the helicopter, she suddenly smiled, and Kevin felt as if the heavens had opened up and poured out sunshine and rainbows only for him. She spoke to someone inside the cabin as she got up and walked to the railing. She had to be the most stunning woman he had ever seen. “That’s not Miranda,” Kevin stated.

  Miguel laughed. “That’s Angelina Meeker. Miranda works for her.”

  The name rang a bell, but Kevin couldn’t remember why. “She’s beautiful,” he mumbled to himself. He felt Brandi’s staring eyes, and he turned just in time to catch a nasty look from her. Kevin turned to look again at the woman.

  “Here comes Miranda.” Miguel waved. Miranda was a beautiful woman, tall with dark hair and eyes and skin like mocha. Standing next to each other, the two women were polar opposites. The shorter woman couldn’t have been much more than five feet tall, and she was as pale as Miranda was tan. Miranda’s boss looked more like a porcelain doll to Miranda’s Amazon warrior.

  As both women stood waving from behind the rail, a tall, handsome Latino man walked out behind them. He waved to the helicopter from the doorway and came over to Miranda, pulling her close to him.

  “That’s Tomás Martinez, Miranda’s husband. He’s a teacher,” Miguel informed Brandi.

  Kevin was so mesmerized he hardly took time to notice the couple. He couldn’t seem to take his eyes off Angelina. She looked like an angel standing there with her sea-blue silk robe fluttering briskly around her knees, her blonde locks tossed about her head by the wind. Miranda said something to Angelina, and suddenly Angelina looked directly at him.

  For a moment, he couldn’t find his breath. He felt her eyes penetrate his soul. Then, after a moment, she smiled, winked, and blew him a kiss. He smiled and blew her a kiss back. She chuckled and waved in return. He wondered what her laugh would sound like. He was intrigued. Both women waved one last time and turned to go into the cabin together.

  Miguel swung the helicopter back to shore. “We’re meeting for dinner tonight at El Restaurante Antonio. Would you two like to go?”

  Kevin didn’t hesitate. “We’d love to.” He looked back out at the ocean and smiled to himself, avoiding another furious look from Brandi.


  Angelina Nicole Meeker sat at her private deck outside the cabin she shared with her three children, watching Miranda, her friend and assistant, help Angel’s three girls pick out their clothes. They had made this trip four times a year for the last three years with great success, and she couldn’t wait to get started on what she called her lucky trip number thirteen.

  Angel knew she was truly blessed. She had a wonderfully full life, and it would feel complete if only she could help her girls forget what her husband Michael had almost done to them. Except for their immediate family and a handful of Angel’s friends, they didn’t trust most men anymore, and she couldn’t blame them. Her husband had been a vile man, cruel to the core. Thank God he was no longer in their lives.

  She still felt betrayed every time she thought of her deceased husband, and she was still angry with herself for having been foolish enough to love him. But she could never regret marrying him. She would never regret adopting his daughter Grace. God only knows what might have happened to her had Angel not met and married her father.

  When Angel heard the whirl of the helicopter’s blades, she shook her head, trying to shake her depressing memories away. She pulled herself back to the prese
nt and smiled. Even before she looked out on the horizon, she knew what she would find. Sure enough, Miguel’s helicopter hovered over the warm Pacific Ocean. He met them like this every time they came on one of their trips to Mexico.

  “Miranda, darlin’. We have company,” she called out in her thick southern accent before walking over to the railing.

  Miranda came out to join Angel on the balcony, and both woman smiled and waved at Miguel in the helicopter. Then Tomás, Miranda’s husband, came out to join the two ladies, putting his arms around his wife.

  “I wonder who Miguel has with him today?” Miranda asked. “Look, Angel. That gorgeous man in the back is looking at you.”

  Angel gave Miranda an annoyed look. Her friend had been trying to match-make lately, but Angel simply wasn’t interested. And in all honesty, I don’t know if I ever will be. With her girls, her job, and her mission work, her life was more than full enough.

  In spite of herself, her curiosity got the better of her. She turned to look at the man sitting behind Miguel. He looked vaguely familiar even though she was sure they hadn’t met. He was definitely attractive. His light brown hair was overlong, a little messy on his neck, and he seemed to have a nice build from what she could see of him. He’s cute, the elusive perfect stranger.

  She smiled sweetly at the handsome stranger in Miguel’s helicopter, winked, and then to top it off, she blew him a kiss. The handsome stranger smiled back and blew a kiss to her as well. She giggled and waved, murmuring, “He’s a flirt.”

  Miranda stared at her in amazement. “I can’t believe you just did that.”


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