Heavenly Match

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Heavenly Match Page 9

by Niobia Bryant

  Several times the progression stopped and Deshawn would be standing close to Anika’s back, their hands entwined in the small, intimate space between them. His cool breath fanned against her neck, and his long fingers tapped lightly against her knuckles. Anika was so aware of his presence, the heat of his body infused her.

  “Did I tell you how beautiful you look tonight?” he asked, bending his head to speak directly into her ear when they stopped once again.

  Anika looked over her shoulder at him; her line of vision fell directly on his well-defined, supple mouth. He has the most kissable lips, she thought, before saying, “Fine time to tell me,” raising her eyes to look up at him briefly before facing forward again.

  “You’re beautiful, Anika,” he told her, his lips caressing her name with seduction before grazing her neck with familiarity.

  And she felt stunning under his praise. Chloe’s earlier words floated to her: “He’s going to love you in that outfit.” Anika had hoped so and Chloe had known so. The soft, form-fitting pants hugged her deeply curved full hips in a rich shade of pearlized lavender. She paired them with a metallic stretched halter sweater of a similar shade. A faux fur in a deep purple completed the ensemble. It was a hip, urban outfit and perfect for a night out at a concert. It was sexy and sultry, just as Anika wished it to be.

  Deshawn pulled her hand the short distance back to press against his erection. “See what you do to me?” he asked, his eyes intently gazing upon her profile.

  Anika took his bold move in stride, laughing as she let her hand remain there. “Without even trying? I’m even better than I thought!”

  He laughed as the procession continued out of the building and into the crisp, winter night.


  “Don’t go to bed yet,” Deshawn told Anika, after she unlocked the door to the apartment.

  She turned to him, with only the light from the hall beaming through the open door to illuminate the darkened foyer where they stood. “Deshawn—” she began, a subtle warning not to ruin a good night in her tone.

  “Sshh,” he said softly, holding a finger to her lips.

  Anika stood quiet as he closed the front door. An edge of excitement accelerated her pulse. She swallowed over a lump in her throat.

  He held out his hand to her. He was so damn sexy in the jet-black outfit he wore, she thought. Her mocha eyes locked with his as she placed her manicured hand in his with just a little hesitation. A reluctant acceptance.

  As he led her into the living room, Anika admired him from head to toe. The fit of his tailored shirt over his broad shoulders, the way his slacks skimmed perfectly over his toned buttocks and strong thighs.

  The way he moved with such easy control and subtle eroticism instantly made you curious about his lovemaking skills. She bit her bottom lip in temptation, thinking, Uhm, uhm, uhm.

  Deshawn turned his head just then and caught Anika’s eyes on his buttocks. His body warmed another degree. Under nothing but the illumination of a rather full moon, Deshawn picked up the remote sitting on the sofa table and turned on the radio, quickly finding a station playing the best slow jams.

  Wordlessly, he pulled the voluptuous beauty into his strong arms, cradling her head to his shoulder, her ample bosom pressed intimately against his muscled chest, her soft mound to the length of his erection.

  Anika slid her hands up to circle his neck, enjoying the scent of that intimate spot just below his ear. She allowed herself to get lost in him as she fought the urge to tell him to plant himself deep within her. This man was dangerous in so many ways.

  They rocked, slow and sweet in perfect unison, as The Chi-Lites sang “Oh, Girl” in the background. As the song ended, they moved together to stand before the large bay window, just as Ready for the World softly tore up “Love You Down.” Anika and Deshawn felt that they were alone on their own planet. She leaned back against him where they stood looking out the window at the city together. Their reflection in the window was that of a man and woman just enjoying one another’s company. Their embrace revealed their need to touch and be touched by one another.

  “This is nice,” Deshawn moaned near her ear, before seductively kissing her neck as he clasped his hands in front of her.

  Anika closed her eyes, tipping her head back against his shoulder as she caressed his calf with her stockinged feet. “Yes. Yes, it is,” she purred, a smile of pure delectation hinting at the corner of her mouth.

  “Come on,” Deshawn told her softly, taking her hand to lead her to the plush sofa.

  Anika watched as he moved to the bar in the corner and poured them each a glass of wine. She accepted the crystal flute that Deshawn handed her before he took his place on the floor at her feet. Her eyes caressed his profile in the moonlight as the lips she was becoming fascinated with pressed to the rim of his own glass. She wished to be the pale liquid he drank, so that she could be tasted and absorbed by him. To float over his tongue. To be swallowed into him.

  Hoping to quench her thirst, Anika took a deep sip of her wine.

  “It’s one in the morning,” Deshawn told her, massaging her feet with smooth, rhythmic motions. “I’m not sleepy though. Are you?”

  “No, not at all,” she answered, rubbing her hands over the back of his head, letting her nails rake gently through the short black waves of his hair.

  Deshawn moaned in pleasure at the feel of her hands, letting his head fall back against her thigh. “That feels good. My Nana Lil would do that all night when we were sick as kids.”

  Anika laughed lightly. “Tell me about growing up as an identical twin,” she instructed, continuing the physical treat she was giving him. “I know you two were bad little boys, right?”

  Deshawn closed his eyes, enjoying the warmth of her caress as he nodded. A handsome smiled spread across his face. “Hell yeah. We used to love fooling people.”

  “Oh, is that right?”

  “Yeah, I remember one time we even succeeded in tricking our mama. Damn, she tore our butt up when she finally caught on.”

  Anika got lost in his amusing tale as D’Angelo’s soulful rendition of “Cruisin’” played in the background.


  “Is your rum raisin as good as my chocolate walnut?” Anika asked, licking a trace of ice cream from her spoon with childlike delight.

  Deshawn’s loins tightened as he watched the seemingly innocent move. “Better,” he finally answered.

  They sat across from each other at the marble island in the center of the kitchen. It was a little after three in the morning and both had agreed to seek out a snack as Chloe and Devon slept.

  “I doubt it,” Anika countered, using her index finger to trace the inside rim of the half-pint-sized carton. Slow and deliberate she sucked every bit of the ice cream from her fingertip . . . twice.

  Oh, she’s teasing me, huh? Deshawn thought, feeling his stiff member press up against the rim of the island’s marble top. Slow your roll. All good things come to those who wait. Don’t rush her.

  “Let me see,” he said, reaching over with his spoon.

  “Oh no, country boy,” Anika shrieked, snatching her carton back just as he dived his spoon in for a plunge. A look of disbelief was obvious on her pretty round face.

  “What?” Deshawn asked innocently, his eyes questioning.

  “I don’t know where your mouth’s been,” she teased, one eyebrow arched in fake disdain.

  Deshawn bit back a smile. “Nowhere it’s not supposed to be,” he retorted.

  Anika swallowed another spoonful of the ice cream. “Well, I don’t know that.”

  “And I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  As she watched his tongue circle his spoon, Anika pictured where her thoughts lay. The vision was very clear, very sexual, and very, very arousing. . . .

  Shaking away the erotic vision, Anika pressed her thighs together. Her panties were moist and heated. She scooped a big spoonful of ice cream and devoured it, unaware that her wide eyes had
clouded to a shade of mahogany in desire.

  Deshawn noticed the change and the hardening of her nipples pressing against the thin material of her sweater. He bit back a mocking smile. “You okay over there, Anika?” he asked, unable to keep his amusement from his deep tones.

  She licked her lips, still heavily aroused. Anika nodded vigorously. “Yeah, I’m fine,” she lied, diverting her eyes.

  After their snack, the couple moved back to the living room. They were snuggled close on the sofa. Deshawn lay on his side looking down at Anika where she lay on her back beside him. No words were spoken as they reveled in their many kisses. Some short and tender, causing their hearts to swell.

  Others long and lusty, arousing them with deep moans and long stares.

  Kisses on the corners of lips, tips of earlobes, cheeks, eyelids, necks, and foreheads.

  Kisses that comforted.

  Kisses that teased them.

  Kisses that pushed them both to the brink.

  Cloaked by darkness with only the slight illumina­tion of the moon, Anika moved on the couch so that Deshawn’s head was now nestled in her lap. She rubbed his cheek and strong jawline. She fingered the soft waves of his low-faded hair. She gave in to her desire to be near him. She relinquished her armor and admitted him into her world.

  All his words sounded right.

  All his touches and caresses felt right.

  Being with him seemed right.

  Perhaps he was her Mr. Right?


  Deshawn awakened with a start, but soon relaxed when he felt the lush pressure of Anika’s voluptuous frame cupped before him. They had both fallen asleep from sheer exhaustion and sexual frustration. He had no idea which of them drifted first.

  Glancing at the digital clock on the cable box he saw that it was after four in the morning. Easing his body from hers, Deshawn stood quickly. He stretched his limbs before he bent and easily lifted Anika’s sleeping frame into his arms.

  She was a sound sleeper. She didn’t stir, not even when he entered her bedroom and laid her down upon her bed. Since he knew it wouldn’t awaken her, Deshawn removed her boots and pants. The sight of her in lacy black bikinis was delectable. He had to quell a desire to bury his face there. Instead he kissed her briefly on the lips, covered her with a spread, and left the room quickly.

  The next afternoon Deshawn surprised Anika by taking a rather expensive cab ride from New York to The Haven in Irvington, New Jersey. It had been the infectious laughter of the ladies that drew Anika out of her office to see what the crowd found to be so funny. Everyone was out of their office and circled around Deshawn. All of the women were obviously impressed by his handsome looks, his sparkling and friendly eyes, and his charming ways.

  Her steps faltered at the very first sight of him. “Deshawn?” she asked, the surprise and pleasure she felt evident in her face.

  “There’s my baby,” he said, smiling as he turned to face her.

  The ladies who clustered around him scattered, with several saying, “Girl, he’s a keeper” and, “Look at that dimple” and, “One helluva nice secret, Foxx.”

  When they were finally alone, except for the receptionist who sat at her desk, Anika looked at him curiously. “Not scared of these big cities, are you, country boy?” she teased, clutching the folder she had been reading to her ample bosom, her pretty face tilted to the side as she looked up at him.

  “I came to see that smile of yours.”

  Anika looked at him in disbelief.

  “And to check the wiring for you,” he drawled.

  Marisol, the receptionist, actually sighed like a hopeless romantic.

  Anika rolled her eyes heavenward before motioning for Deshawn to follow her into her office.

  “This suits you,” he said, looking around the spacious area after he closed the door. “Very stylish, smart. . . unique.”

  Anika dropped the file to her desk and turned to kiss him full on the mouth. Deshawn was surprised but pleased, his loins jumping to life at the scent and taste of her. “Well, hello to you too,” he teased when she drew back. He licked his lips as if to savor the blessing she bestowed upon him as he placed his hands on her hips and pulled her pliant body against his own.

  Anika used her thumb to remove the smudge of her sheer peach gloss from his mouth. “I didn’t get a chance to tell you good morning before I left for work. So . . . good morning, Deshawn.”

  “Morning, baby.”

  “Also, I’ve decided to enjoy getting to know you. I just hate that it’s only seven days.”

  “It’s only about ten hours between here and South Carolina. I’m willing to drive it if you are.”

  Anika looked up into Deshawn’s smiling eyes. “You’re willing to drive all that way to see lil ole me,” she said in an exaggerated southern belle voice.

  Deshawn kissed her again, long and deep, leaving them both shaken. “Are you willing to do the same?”

  Anika nodded. “Oh, it’s a whole new ball game now. I hope you can handle this.”

  “Oh, I can handle it.”

  With one brow arched, she initiated another kiss, fast becoming addicted to the feel and taste of his lips. She drew his tongue between her cool lips with ease, sucking upon it with deep moans of pleasure, before ending it with a soft peck. “Don’t be so sure,” she teased when his breathing quickened noticeably.

  Her intercom buzzed.

  Slipping out of his embrace, Anika pushed the button. “Yes, Marisol?”

  “You have a call on line one.”

  Anika immediately thought of the constant prank calls she’d been getting of late. “Who is it?”

  “A Mr. Livingston, he says he’s with the newspaper.” Anika wasn’t familiar with the name. “Take a message. As a matter of fact I won’t be taking calls from anyone but personnel and family. From now on just take messages and I’ll call them all back.”

  “Got it, boss.”

  “Something wrong?” Deshawn asked, as he picked up the photo of Chloe and Devon on their wedding day.

  “I’ve been getting some prank calls. You know, hang-ups, heavy breathing. No big deal.”

  “You sure?” he asked, looking over at her.

  “Positive,” Anika told him, reaching for his hand. “Now let me show you where the breaker box is.”

  Deshawn inhaled deeply of the scent of apples as she pulled him behind her out of the office. “Lead the way.”

  Anika paused at Marisol’s desk. “Did Mr. Livingston leave a message?” she asked, curious.

  Marisol shook her head. “He said he would call you back.”

  “Perv,” she muttered under her breath.

  “You think that was your prankster?” Deshawn asked, as they took the steps into the basement.

  “Probably. I think it’s just a kid or something. Hell, I don’t know.”

  “You should’ve let me talk to him.”

  “It’s no big deal. Don’t stress it,” she told him, smiling over her shoulder. “You take a look at this for me and then we’ll go to lunch. How’s that sound?”

  “Like a deal.”


  His heart jumped at the sight of Anika about to leave the building. Today was the day, he swore it to himself. He would never be happy or satisfied until she was dead.

  He moved to cross the street, headed to the parking lot. He planned to wait by her car and then attack her when she was out of sight of the street. His steps faltered when he glanced back and saw Anika walking up the street with a man at her side. His eyes squinted furiously, his mind working fast as he found a dark corner to hide in.

  They didn’t even see him as they laughed and continued towards her car. The alarm beeped loudly twice as she deactivated it. She heard him say his name. Deshawn.

  He couldn’t take both of them. He knew it. The man was strong and one might get away while he was killing the other.

  “Damn it,” he swore, as they climbed into the vehicle and sped out of the parking lot.

  Wednesday night, Devon was reading the latest Jordan Banks mystery novel when he heard Anika and Deshawn come in. The two had gone to a movie together, even though Chloe and he had canceled on them when she was hit with a bad bout of “evening sickness.”

  “You can go to bed now, Devon,” Chloe said, her voice muffled by the pillow.

  Devon looked down at his wife, who was lying on her side and looking up at him with one open eye. “I thought you were sleeping.”

  “All closed eyes ain’t sleep,” she told him, quoting Nana Lil.

  The sound of Deshawn and Anika laughing filtered into the room, as Devon turned off the light and settled on the bed. Chloe immediately turned to press her backside into him, in their beloved spoon position. “Sounds like they had a good time,” Devon said into the darkness, moving his hand to rest lightly on Chloe’s abdomen.

  “Yup,” she said, sleep heavy in her voice.

  “They’re really getting along lately. No more fighting.”

  “Yup,” she answered, her voice thickening with sleep.

  “Think something’s going on between them?”

  Her snores echoed in the quiet of the night.


  Anika played hooky from work on Thursday. She and Deshawn spent the entire day together exploring New York. They did all the tourist sights, even enjoying a carriage ride through Central Park, going to the Empire State Building, and having lunch at Tavern on the Green. Around the early part of the evening, they returned to the apartment.

  “That was fun, Deshawn, thank you,” Anika told him, as she removed her bright orange down coat.

  “When you come to visit I’ll have to show you around Charleston.”

  Anika became sad. Deshawn was scheduled to leave Saturday morning with Chloe and Devon. “When I first found out you came to New York, I couldn’t wait for you to catch the first thing smoking back to Holtsville.”

  Deshawn pulled Anika into his arms. “And now?” he asked softly, his head already lowering toward hers.

  “Now I don’t want to think of you leaving,” she answered, just before their lips locked.


  Friday night the two couples went to Mahogany’s, a popular jazz club in downtown Newark. Their conversation was lively, the food and service above par, and the music top rate. When Deshawn stood, quietly handsome in his black silk shirt and tailored pants, he asked Anika to dance and she ac­cepted his offered hand with a sultry smile.


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