Double Stuffed: An MFM Menage Romance

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Double Stuffed: An MFM Menage Romance Page 8

by Dawn, Daphne

  Seth escorts me inside. The place is dimly lit, and I hear the crackle of a fire in a hearth and smell the wood burning. I swear I hear the distant sounds of people walking, but before I can ask anything, Seth leads me to the first room, one filled with a giant crystal chandelier and a grand staircase that blows my mind.

  “Seth…this…this is amazing.”

  “Ha. Yes, it is. Has lots of history, too. Would you believe the same man who designed the grand staircase on the Titanic designed this one?”

  My brow wrinkles. “Really?”

  “Aye, truly.”

  “I thought it looked familiar,” I say and laugh. “I’ve seen that movie a few times…a few hundred times.”

  Seth nods, places his hand on the small of my back and leads me to the next room.

  “This is the parlor. Well, one of them.”

  “Wow. Beautiful.”

  He waves his hand at the chairs sitting near the fireplace and says, “Can you see yourself sitting here, a cup of tea in one hand and one of those delicious scone stuffed cones in the other?”

  “I can.” I nod. “Maybe reading a book or listening to some music.”

  Seth points to the old phonograph sitting on a table. “I have a good collection for you to choose from, Leila. Do you like jazz or classical?”

  “A little of everything, I guess.”

  “Good. Follow me. What I want to show you is this way.”

  I continue to follow him through his amazingly beautiful home. This is the kind of space I could get used to living in.

  Out a set of large double doors, Seth stops and raises his arms. “Behold.”

  It’s a greenhouse.

  “Oh my god, Seth!” I have no other words.

  It’s incredible.

  The moonlight paints the room in a blanket of yellow light. There’s a rustic old cabana in the back of the room with a futon set up for seating. A Zen garden catches my eye. I’ve always wanted to see one in person.

  “I thought you might like it.”

  On the table next to the futon is a massive feast, almost like a Thanksgiving dinner set for ten.

  “Everything looks and smells so good in here. All that food—is that all for us?”

  “It is.”

  “Seth, I’m starving, but that’s enough food to feed me and my roommate for a week or two.”

  “I’ll be sure to send you home with a doggie bag then,” he laughs. “Or three.”

  I twirl around and take in all that there is to see.

  “Notice the Japanese design elements. My father and I spent a year in Japan when I was younger. The culture rubs off on you. Never have I felt so at peace than when I lived there.”

  “Where in Japan?”

  “Chiba. Not far from Tokyo.”

  I walk toward the food; this is all so overwhelming but so very incredible. “I’ve never been there.”

  “You said you were hungry. I am, too. Let’s sit.”

  I sit on the futon and Seth joins me. He smells as good as the food.

  “All you see in front of you comes from my greenhouse, my gardens, and my farms. The spices used to make this dinner, well, they’re only a hundred feet away.”

  “All natural.” I nod in appreciation. “That’s wonderful. I’d love to be able to eat clean all the time.”

  “I prefer all natural. Eating clean is easy when you have the right resources and know how.”

  “You obviously have both, Seth.” I smile and take his hand for a moment. “Thank you so much for this. I can tell this is going to be the best meal I’ve eaten in years.”

  “You’re very welcome, Leila.”

  We eat for several minutes. The food is amazing, clearly prepared by top chefs. I lose myself in the moment, and I don’t even realize how quiet it is until he starts talking again.

  “Leila, I must admit I was very interested in your scone stuffed cones. I still am. But now that we’ve met, and I’ve had the opportunity to get to know the person behind the scone, I…well…I’ve taken a much larger interest in you. You’re more amazing than your scones by far.”

  I laugh, and he laughs, too.

  “That didn’t come out like I meant it.”

  “I understand what you’re saying, Seth.”

  I smile at him. It’s all the approval he needs. He leans in and places a small kiss on my lips. I seize the moment and follow it with an even bigger, deeper one.

  His hands pull me in tighter. My temperature rises, and I start to sweat.

  My god, this man is hot . I can’t wait to see where the evening leads.

  Chapter 19


  Little electric shock waves shoot through my arms, legs, and abdomen. Tiny fireworks are exploding in my head in an array of reds, greens, and yellows. They’re akin to those fountain-like ones I admire every New Year’s Eve.

  I sigh.

  Surely it’s wrong to revel in so much pleasure.

  It started with awesome sex with the two of them. Then, Blake and I fucking went for it a few nights ago. Now, here I am with Seth, another sex god.

  How much luck can one woman have?

  Growing up, I used to love listening to my dad read fairy tales to me. I wanted to be Rapunzel, with the long blonde hair, who finds a prince or Cinderella or any of those beautiful princesses, but I knew even back then that not every girl gets to be a princess and find her prince.

  Ever since I met Blake and Seth, I’ve entered my own fairy tale. No, wait; this is much better than any fucking fairy tale. Snow White doesn’t get to fuck all seven dwarves, does she?

  The thought brings a smile to my face.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful,” Seth whispers and brushes my loose locks behind my ear.

  At his words, something squeezes my chest gently and carefully. How I’ve longed for one man to use those words and here I have two.

  Fuck, Leila, I think to myself. How are you so lucky? You’ll have to choose one of them. You know that, don’t you?

  Fucking inner voice should just shut up.

  Do I really have to choose one? Can’t I have both?

  In fairy tales, the princess gets her happy ending. What if my happy ending is two fucking amazing love gods?

  Stop thinking, I tell myself. Enjoy.

  Seth stands up from the futon. His eyes twinkle in the moonlight and I feel myself drowning in them.

  I watch open-mouthed as he ever so slowly pulls his shirt up over his head. He twirls it a few times before he throws it in a wide arc to his right.

  I laugh.

  A little red flame starts flickering in the pit of my stomach at the sight of his six-pack and broad chest. Seth works out; it shows.

  My eyes eat up every last bit of him. Almost involuntary, my legs spread apart just a little. Thankfully, I’m not wearing a skirt.

  Now his fingers are working on the button of his jeans. I’m tempted to jump up and help him, but I stay where I am.

  Once his jeans are unzipped, he pushes them down past his hips. As he does so, he sways them from side to side before he turns around.

  I laugh as I see him swing his ass from left to right.

  He drops his jeans and steps out of them.

  I lick my lips.

  Was this desert? I fucking hope so.

  Now all he’s wearing is his boxers. From what I can see, his cock’s already hard and ready to go.

  Now he’s standing to my side. Gently, his index fingers hook into the elastic of his boxers and push them down. My heart’s starting to beat a little faster.

  Out springs his fucking huge cock. It’s bigger than I remember. I gasp as I see it again.

  The moonlight catches his expression, which to me seems full of pure primal lust. But my eyes are drawn to his fucking huge cock.

  My mouth opens a little in anticipation and my pussy is wet.

  Fuck, I need to do something.

  Seth walks, stark naked as he is, to the other side of the room. His shadow is a r
eflection of his perfect body, right down to his fucking enormous cock sticking up in the air.

  Music fills the room.

  Instead of walking back, Seth dances toward me. His body is moving in perfect rhythm and harmony to the soft pan flute tones coming from four different speakers.

  I’m barely able to breathe.

  He’s been able to transform the night into something out-of-this-world. I wouldn’t be surprised to suddenly find flying unicorns in the room or to see chocolate fountains erupt in front of me.

  My breathing is becoming short and shallow as Seth spins and twirls in front of me. His fucking cock’s sticking up straight like a lightening rod.

  Slowly, I get to my feet, the music guiding me.

  In my rather unflattering clothes, I simply pull my top off before doing the same to my pants.

  Now in my slip and bra, I join the slow movements of Seth’s body. He glides in behind me and, with one swift flick of the finger, undoes the clasp of bra, which then dangles in his right hand. He twirls it up above his head like a price.

  After he’s thrown it to his right, he hooks his fingers into the waistband of my slip. With one deft movement, he pulls them down around my ankles. Gracefully, I step out of them.

  I watch as Seth brings them to his face and buries his nose in their crotch. They’re so wet already from my over-eager pussy. He seems keen to soak up my juices.

  Not to be outdone by him, I sway left and right in front of him. Our eyes meet and lock.

  His are full of predatory, possessive lust, with his muscles tensed, ready to pounce.

  I, on the other hand, am overcome with a combination of pure sexual desire and feelings of love.

  How can I be having fucking fantastic out-of-this-world sex with two different guys within the space of a few days?

  Why had I made my life so complicated?

  When his fingers glide over my tits, it’s as if they possess electricity. My skin burns and tingles at the same time.

  Thinking becomes more and more difficult.

  What the fuck does it matter if I like fucking two guys? If it doesn’t matter to me, it shouldn’t matter to anyone else, should it?

  Now his body is so close to mine that I can feel the tip of his cock actually arching toward my dripping pussy.

  Fuck Leila, stop fucking thinking everything through.

  He uses his right hand on my lower back to push my swaying body toward him, and his cock glides across my pussy. Any last vestige of thinking power goes out of the window.

  I don’t know how this fucking sex god does it, but I’m not able to function like a proper human being anymore with the things he’s doing to my body.

  My hips press against him, but he takes a step back.

  A groan escapes my lips.

  As we move across the room as one, I can see our shadows in the moonlight. It looks fucking magical.

  I really am in my own fairy tale. And if that’s the case, it should have a happy ending.

  A cool breeze comes in from somewhere, caressing my naked skin. Combined with Seth’s hot body, the sensation leaves me burning on the inside and wanting for more.

  The music is intoxicating, as is Seth. Every time I take a step toward him, he glides away from me but only a little.

  A game of cat and mouse ensues between us. I try and touch his cock. He lets my fingers stroke over it before he moves to my left and behind me.

  I feel him press into my back. His hands rest on my hips and we sway from side to side in total unison.

  Fuck, I’m so wet and hot. I fear I might come any second before he even gets to ram that cock of his into me.

  Seth plants little butterfly kisses on my neck. He nibbles on my ears. His hands slide up toward my waist and then rest on my tits.

  My nipples are so rock-hard they feel ready to explode. His fingers pull and pinch them, and extreme pleasure rips through me like a landmine.

  I rest my head against his chest. I hear his heart beat and close my eyes.

  Was I falling in love with Seth? Had I fallen in love with Blake already?

  My hands reach behind and find the one thing I really want right now, his fucking huge cock.

  Slowly, my fingers wrap around his cock and slide all the way down his shaft. At the bottom, my fingers find his balls.

  Now it’s Seth turn to groan.

  “You’re so fucking hot,” he whispers into my ear.

  If he does not fuck me anytime soon, I think I’ll pass out from sheer ecstasy.

  Seth’s hands leave my tits and continue their exploration. They follow an invisible trail down my abdomen and find my saturated pussy.

  His fingers linger on my opening.

  I continue to rub and massage that fucking cock of his, willing his fingers to do something more than just press against my pussy.

  As I try and push myself onto his fingers, he laughs.

  “You’re after something, my little fucking vixen?”

  In reply, I simply squeeze his balls.

  “For that,” he growls, “you’ll need to be punished.”

  Chapter 20


  My inner wolf is unleashed. I want to rip into her white flesh, hear her howl for mercy and ram my fucking cock right into her until this burning urgency is satisfied.

  I’m close to drooling, and I can see she’s feeling the same fucking way. This woman’s bewitching me.

  I’m not sure what it is about Leila, but she brings out the animal in me. Never before have I felt the need to dominate a woman the way I want to dominate her.

  Lust, a pure animalistic lust grabs me, possesses me and does not let me go till I’ve fucked her. And I don’t just want to fuck her normally, I want to fuck her like I’ve never fucked any girl before.

  Dancing naked in the moonlight has nearly tipped me over the edge. I feel as if I’m standing near the edge of a cliff and am about to free fall. I’m not one for poetry or shit like that, but I’m half expecting a sonnet to sprout from my lips.

  Enough fucking dancing, time for action.

  I drag her over to an original chabutai , a small coffee table from Japan.

  It’s had many uses since I bought and imported it, but it’s never been used as an aid to fuck a woman. If the dinner table weren’t still full of dishes, I’d probably use it. But I’ve got enough thinking power left to realize smashing crockery won’t be any good.

  In my haste to get her into position, Leila stumbles. Instead of stopping and helping her to her feet, I keep dragging her along by her wrists. But instead of protest, I hear pleasurable moaning. She seems to be turned on by my rough handling.

  I didn’t expect her to be a girl who likes to be handled rough. Seems I’m wrong.

  At the table, I push her onto it. She stops her movement by putting her hands out. This puts her exactly the way I want her.

  It being only a low table means her ass is now pointing right up at me. It’s begging to be taken. That wolf lust has well and truly taken hold of me.

  “What,” she’s turning her head towards me, “are you going to do?”

  Her eyes are wide open and I see mixed emotions in them. There’s a bit of fear, a bit of excitement and a whole lot of fucking desire.

  Fuck, she’s so hot. The way her locks fall over her shoulders and down her back turns off any ability on my part to think straight.

  “You’ll find out,” I growl and slap her ass.

  Her cheeks wobble a little and she squeals.

  I walk away to get something to make this a whole lot more interesting.

  “Don’t fucking move a muscle,” I command.

  When I return, she tries to see what it is I’m holding in my hand.

  “Look fucking away,” I say and then hit her inviting ass cheeks with my leather belt.

  It leaves a red mark right across her cheek.

  Leila screams, a high-pitched scream of surprise and pain. But she pushes her fucking ass toward me.

so you want more, do you, you fucking little slut?”

  Instead of a reply, her ass cheeks move from left to right,

  My fucking cock is throbbing with excitement at the sight.

  Whack, the leather hits her skin again, and a second red mark appears next to the first one.

  “How’s that?”

  She whimpers.

  After two more smacks with the belt, my fingers find her wet pussy. She’s dripping. I glide into the wet opening and scoop up some of her juices. I then rub them onto her fucking hot ass. Slowly, my fingers spread the cool liquid onto the red welts.

  “Oh Seth,” she’s muttering, “Please fuck me…please.”

  My fucking cock is so ready to oblige, but I want to prolong this power game as much as I can.

  I move my hand away and peer into her face.

  “What the fuck did you just say? You trying to tell me what to do?”

  She shakes her head and whimpers again.

  “If you’re fucking trying to tell me what to do, you’ll need another fucking spanking like this.”

  This time, I use my bare hand to hit her hard on her right ass cheek. The sound of my bare skin slapping her is music to my ears. I feel like roaring.


  “Touch me…” her breathing is shallow and fast. She’s trying to push her ass up against me. “Pleaseeee…”

  “Fucking demanding little slut, aren’t you?”

  I hit her again. I’m not done yet.

  After five more slaps my fingers are visible on her ass.

  “You going to be good now?”

  I’m inches from her face and my body’s pressed into hers. Where our skin’s touching I feel a burning sensation. Flames are licking the inside of me. Electric shock waves pulse through me. I feel at risk of exploding from he inside.

  “Yes,” she whispers and pushes herself into me.

  I take her by the hips and enter her fucking wet and tight pussy.

  Instead of ramming my throbbing cock in hard and fast, I take my time. At first, I only let my tip into her opening and then I pull it out again. My thumbs are pressing into her lower back.

  When I pull out, she tries to follow me by thrusting her hips back toward me.

  My cock’s throbbing in anticipation. Every time I enter her, it wants to posses her. I have to use every ounce of self control not to just slam into her.


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