Romance: Alpha Rockstar : SING, PUNCH, KISS. 3 (Rockstar fiction) (Romance Rockstars)

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Romance: Alpha Rockstar : SING, PUNCH, KISS. 3 (Rockstar fiction) (Romance Rockstars) Page 3

by J. S. Lynn

  Nadia pulled her top down, her large breasts displayed in black lace. He groaned above her and she smiled to herself before she rubbed his length against her soft pillows. Moving herself out of the bra by pulling it down as well, he growled when she encased them in their softness. “Now hold this.”

  Her hands pulled his down and her instructions were to grab her large breasts. His thumbs rubbed at her turgid tips, but he was lost the moment she started to thrust him in and out. The wetness from her mouth made him slide with ease and her hungry mouth was waiting for his sensitive head as he pushed through. His pace was rapid and the more he pumped, the wetter Nadia became. She grabbed his hips and pushed him deeper until he released her tits. The full length of his cock pushed all the way down her throat and he bellowed as he filled her mouth with his hot seed. She grabbed him and rubbed his length against her milky breasts as the last two shots came out.

  Nadia pushed him back, afraid that she would say something she wasn’t supposed to. It had happened quickly, but in that short span of time she was despite with her own need. The only difference was that she could hide her desires better than he could. Going to the bathroom, she didn’t look back at him. Closing the door, she looked at the state of herself and couldn’t believe what she had just done. What was she thinking?

  She wasn’t of course and she cleaned off her breasts with a wet washcloth. Amazingly none got on her clothing, so she had to only fix her hair slightly. Checking the time on her phone, she was out with it in her hands. Nadia was back to her professional self, her lipstick perfect on her lips. “Are you ready to get something to eat before the shoot?”

  Her eyes met his and he was still standing naked by the bed. “Come on, Mark. Get dressed.”

  Mark didn’t know how to act around her, his eyes focused on her red lips. “Okay.”

  He turned around and she watched him get dressed. His body called to her and as she imagined what he would feel like on top of her, it had her left in a daze as he looked on. “You ready?”

  “Yeah. Let’s go.”

  She followed him out of the hotel room and he shut the door behind them. He handed her one of the key cards and she thanked him. It was strange to act that way after doing something so intimate, but Nadia had to stop the need that was swirling inside of her. Mark was off-limits and that was a one-time thing to help him out. This is what she told herself, but even then she wasn’t sure of her own thoughts.

  Nadia followed him to a small bistro not far from the hotel. The rest of the band was still at the hotel and it was nice to have just the two of them there. If she hadn’t been so horny and embarrassed with what she had done, she might have been able to enjoy it more. He kept looking at her like he expected her to say something, but Nadia didn’t have much to say.

  “So, are you really just going to sit there eating your pancakes?”

  “Why do you want some?”

  “God yes.”

  Nadia realized that he was not talking about her pancakes, but something else. “Don’t get yourself all riled up Mark, remember the photo-op. Everyone is going to be there, so little Mark needs to stay down.”

  “Never heard it called little before.”

  She blushed with the remembered feeling of it down her throat. Swallowing, she touched her throat and looked down at her plate. Nadia wasn’t very hungry anymore, another need taking over and leaving her unable to think of anything else. Pushing her plate away, he was already ready to go and he paid and she followed him to the car that would take him to the photoshoot.

  Chapter 7

  He sat too close to her in the back of the town car and though she was against the door, his thighs still touched hers. The slight touch was unnerving, but she couldn’t let him see that he was bothering her.

  “So, are we really not going to talk about it?”

  “What is there to talk about? You had a problem that needed to be handled, so I handled it. You know the magazines would be covered tomorrow with your chub if we hadn’t. Don’t read into too much.”

  She could tell that he didn’t believe her, but she ignored the looks and her own body. Nadia was trying her hardest to be professional.

  After all of the berating she had given him over the photoshoot, it went off without a hitch and she couldn’t have been happier with the results. The whole band was getting along and Mark seemed to be meshing well with them. Next was a rehearsal and she stayed for that too. With her there, there was no drinking until afterwards and she loved the way they were sounding. It looked like she might be home before she knew it, as long as the lead singer kept himself from going crazy again.

  The band went out for the night and though she was invited, Nadia once again bowed out. Being in a state of need for the whole day, she needed some alone time with her toy. Scott never called back and when everyone left and she was alone, her hands searched for the toy in her suitcase. Rolling it out from beneath the bathroom sink, she opened it onto the bed and sifted through her things. Nadia couldn’t find it anywhere and she cursed herself. Where the heck could it be?

  Sighing, she tried to call Scott again. Maybe some dirty words would be enough, but he didn’t answer. She left another message, but she had a feeling that he wasn’t going to call back. He could be mad at her that she had to leave, but Nadia wasn’t sure. Deciding to do something else, she searched on her phone and found a toy store about ten blocks from the hotel. Nadia hoped that she had enough time to get there and back to do her business, before Mark came back. He had surprised her the night before by coming back to the hotel after an hour or so, but she kind of wished that he would stay out a bit longer.

  The street was quiet one moment and then she was passing a bar named Lavallette that was pouring out drunken people onto the sidewalk with her. She sidestepped a few drunks as she passed. She didn’t recognize any of them, so she moved on, making a mental note to go up a road on the way home. With an easy grid layout, Nadia could easily bypass the loud bar on her way home.

  It was so dark the last stretch that all that could be heard was the click of her heels echoing off the high buildings around her and a glow from a faraway lamppost. It was clearly becoming a bad part of town, but she only had a block more to go and she needed release badly. Nadia walked faster and sighed audibly when she saw the sign for the Den.

  Moving ahead, she went in and quickly went to what she needed. Call her old fashioned, but all she needed was a small bullet to get her through. She had spent too much time with Mark not to take care of it. She was feeling much like he apparently had that morning. Nadia knew then that the worst thing she could have done was suck on him and she knew that she was never going to get his taste out of her mouth.

  Nodding at the cashier, she quickly went back out into the darkness. It was a wonder that there were not more street lights and she walked quickly back towards the hotel. She forgot about the loud bar and the drunks around it, running back into it as she passed. Nadia had folded the black and gold bag around the item inside of her bag. She wished that she had brought her purse, or a jacket with a bigger pocket. Skirting around most of the people on the street, Nadia was almost to the hotel when she heard a voice behind her.

  “On your way back?”

  She turned to see Mark walking up behind her. He was closer than she would have thought, stopping in front of her. Nadia could tell he had a buzz and that seemed to make him more randy. His eyes took in her yoga pants and a T-shirt, her coat open from where she no longer held it together. “See, I knew you would look good in a T-shirt Nadia.”

  “Hey now Mark.” She looked down at her hands, the black bag crinkling in her hands. “Yeah, I just ran out for something and didn’t want to bother with a car.”

  “Mind if I walk with you?”

  There was only a few blocks left to the hotel and she groaned inwardly, moving the bag to the hand furthest from him. The embarrassment and the idea of him knowing what was in the bag was too much for her to even think about. She continued her c
lipped pace, but slowed down when he grabbed her arm. “Hey.”

  He pulled her to his body and moved to kiss her before she knew what was happening. It was so fast and she was left to kiss him back, his lips and tongue too good to resist. Mark pushed her against the building and she was once again reminded of his wiry strength. His chest smashed her tits against him and Nadia felt his hard cock pressing in between her legs.

  Mark’s mouth moved off of her lips and down to her throat, biting on the shoulder that was bare for his eyes. Pulling her shirt down further, Mark pressed his teeth against her sensitive flesh, nipping on her. She moaned and her lower body pressed up against him. She didn’t want to listen to the voice in the back of her head, telling her that she needed his touch.

  When his hands cupped her breasts, Nadia arched her back to offer him more. He pulled her shirt up and her bra down, freeing the luscious tits that he could still see wrapped around his hard shaft every time he closed his eyes. Did she know what she did to him?

  Moving his hungry mouth to her hardened tip, she whimpered as he suckled hard on the rosy nipples. Every flick of his tongue pushed her to the edge of reason, her mind thinking of his mouth on her nether regions. Like reading her mind, he pulled her away, pulling her the few yards to an alleyway. It was even more desolate and when he went to his knees in front of her, she gasped at the hot heat on her core. Mark had ripped her yoga pants down, pulling one leg out to the side. He opened her lips wide with his fingers, leaning in for a taste.

  Grabbing a handful of his hair, she yanked him towards her and was rewarded with a hot tongue sliding in between her puffy lips. Nadia’s head went back and she thrust her hips towards his greedy mouth, urging him to give her more. A thick finger was added and she squirmed from the sudden pleasure. His mouth sucked on her engorged clit.

  Mark pulled her leg over his shoulder, opening her up to him fully. When she released his hair, he moved back in, sucking and fingering her neglected quim. His name came out as a mantra, over and over again as her juices flowed out of her. Mark sucked harder, not allowing one drop to escape his lips. It was Nadia that finally ended it, pushing him back and setting her leg down. He moved in for a kiss and she tasted herself on his lips. “Feel better?”

  Chapter 8

  She nodded her head, though as she pulled her pants back on, her knees were a little wobbly. Only when he handed her back her bag opened, did she realized she had even lost it. “You were quick to get another toy, weren’t you?”

  “Well mine came up missing. You didn’t take it, did you?”

  “I had to do something or else you were going to never give me a chance.”

  “Well, we are even now.”

  Nadia walked the rest of the way there without a word. It was a double-edged sword, because though her body was satisfied, it still hadn’t slackened her need for him. She wanted more and the image of his thick cock came to mind immediately.

  He followed closely behind her on the way in and neither one of them realized that they were being trailed. Mark opened the door to the hotel room and they stared at each other for a minute. Could she really do this? Looking up into his dark green eyes, she knew that she could. Moreover, that she had to. There was just something about him that drew her in and Nadia was unable to resist him.

  “So, can I have my toy back please?”

  “Do you need it already?”

  She shook her head, though she looked down unable to hold his heated gaze. “Yes.”

  “Do you want me to help you?”

  Nadia wanted to say yes, her body was already screaming that very thing to him. When she finally looked up at him with her pale eyes, she nodded her head. Nadia didn’t trust her voice or the words that were supposed to come out. She didn’t need to though, the man already moving her towards the large bed that they shared the night before.

  She laid back on the bed, scooting up towards the headboard. Nadia watched him pull his jeans off with a jerk and then his shirt over his head. Her fingers itched to touch him and she sat up as he came towards the bed. It was only when he jerked her legs towards him that she made a noise of surprise. Nadia went to her back and she was pulled to the end of the bed without any effort on his part. His strength was still shocking. His fingers grabbed the rim of her yoga pants and pulled them off. Nadia didn’t have any panties on and her hot, weeping core was fully exposed.

  There was no need to get her ready. It wasn’t even possible for her to be anymore needy than she already was. Mark moved away to his jacket, bringing it back to the bed with him. She was not sure what he was doing, but all she was worried about was the long length that kept touching her ever so softly on her wet lips. Mark fished something out of his jacket pocket, throwing the garment back on the floor where he had gotten it.

  Nadia’s eyes were closed and she didn’t see her toy in his hand, but when she felt the cool steel on her quim, she knew exactly what it was. Her eyes flew open in time for him to turn the power button on and it came to life against her. Her body jerked with the intense sudden stimulation of it and she heard him chuckle above her.

  “You are not a very good babysitter Nadia, though I will admit your tactics are perfect for keeping me out of trouble.”

  She shot him a dirty look, her thighs slowly closing as she squeezed the arm holding the bullet to her core. Nadia’s body tensed up and his finger slid inside of her as she peaked with pleasure. Shaking underneath him, her eyes squeezed shut as wave after wave went through her. Nadia’s hands gripped the sheets underneath her, but he was relentless. “Please, Mark. I need to feel you inside of me.”

  He pulled back and though she expected him to release the toy, he held it in place. Pushing her thighs open, Mark positioned himself over her, right at her hot core that he had been dying to get into. Rubbing his large head between her lips, he spread them wide, their eyes meeting for a moment before he pushed in with all of his might.

  Nadia cried out, the sudden filling sensation too much when paired with the buzzing on her quim. His hips pressed the little bullet harder against her engorged clit and pinned her where she laid. Whimpering underneath him, Mark rubbed the toy over her as he lay lodged deep inside of her, grinding against her with his hips. “Is this what you needed?”

  She shook her head that it was, even as she came again. Mark stopped as her insides convulsed around his buried shaft. He tried to hang onto her bucking hips, but she dislodged his hand enough to push the toy away. Nadia didn’t need cold steel, but the hot flesh of him and she didn’t want the feeling tainted with anything else but Mark.

  “Just you. Mmmm, faster Mark.”

  He obliged by grabbing her thick thighs and pulling them towards him. Mark slammed in again, his eyes on her face as he pushed her to another abyss. Nadia had never been so sensitive or came so much in her life. Mark was too much and she clenched him as hard as she could to suffocate his shaft as he pushed inside of her.

  Mark was battling his own desires and the need to prolong it as much as possible. She felt like heaven and he never wanted to leave its warm embrace. Her eyes met his and pulled him in, making him lose the last shred of control he possessed. He slammed into her, pounding her hot crevice until she gripped him again and his own seed was mixed with her essence.

  It was some time before he rolled off of her and moved away from her heat. His cock was steamy and then cold as he pulled away. Spooning her body, he pulled her against him and she moved with no resistance. It was not at all what either had expected and Mark had certainly not foreseen the feelings that stirred up when it was done.

  “Why don’t you just stay and travel with me, Nadia?”

  She laughed a little and pushed her ass against his softened cock. “And what would I do, ride in the bus with you, fighting the groupies off?”

  “No baby, just be with me.”

  “Mark, I have a career. I can’t just drop everything to be with you. It was great, but in this world, it can never happen.”

  She cl
osed her eyes and enjoyed the warmth next to her. How good would it be if this was always? She thought to herself, but Nadia knew that it could never happen. It would never be that perfect again and soon she would have to go back to California and only see him for times she had to go to PR events with the band. It wasn’t very often and it already made her sad to think about it. Nadia was going to miss Mark when she left.


  Nadia was up first the next morning and she was able to get out of his arms without waking him up. He made a groaning sound, but she ignored him and went into the bathroom. Coming out, she could hear a chirp from her phone and grabbed it off the small dining table where she had left it. Her eyes widened when she saw that she had over a hundred missed calls, messages and texts. A lot of them were from a number that she didn’t recognize, but there was over twenty from Rick. Opening the first one, she clicked on the link and sat down on the chair.

  It was far worse than she could have imagined. A PR catastrophe was the least of it. She was going to lose all of her clients! Nadia didn’t get to the other calls and messages; it all became clear that she didn’t want to read or call any of the numbers back. It would be people mad or nosy and either way did not appeal to her. Nadia wanted to cry, her life was official over. Her career was, anyways.

  “What’s wrong, babe?”

  Her eyes narrowed as she looked at him. Nadia had an overwhelming urge to hit him, as if it was his fault. As if he was the one that had photographed him fingering her and then sold it to a magazine cover to splash over the internet and in the press. The picture had undoubtedly surfaced on the television as well. There was nothing she could do to stop it.

  “Here, look at this.” She handed him the phone and looked off out the window of the suite. It was going to be one hell of a day.

  “Wow, you look hot in that picture.”

  The picture was of her leg over his shoulder, hands in his hair, pushing him into her heated core. Nadia’s head was back and her tits were out. It was basically her whole body on display with only small blurs to cover up the most vital parts. Her face was visible in all of them and though Mark is seen, most of them are of the back of his head and only when he pulled away to wipe his mouth, did they get one of his face. There was also one leading into that very hotel and her trepidation rose as she walked towards the window to see down into the front entrance. There were news vans and reporters being held back by the doorman.


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