Timothy Chyme In Majixland Part Three

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Timothy Chyme In Majixland Part Three Page 2

by Donald Harry Roberts

  And they advanced.....Stone-crushers at the ready. Timothy and company followed close behind.

  Their fate was unpredictable....They were still out-numbered.

  Luanna took to the and for the first time Timothy saw her fire.....a fire that would melt iron.....and....stone.....or anything else that got in its range.


  "Who won the battle on the Plains of Abraham?.... Timothy Chyme.......Timothy.....Chyme....Are you paying attention?"

  Mrs. White's angry tone crashed into Timothy thought and startled him back to the class room.

  Mrs. White was already to scold him for daydreaming........again.....but he stood and answered the question.

  "The Battle of the Plains of Abraham fought on the 13th day of September 1759 was an important moment in the seven years' war and in Canadian history. A British invasion force led by General James Wolfe defeated French troops under the Marquis de Montcalm, leading to the surrender of Québec to the British."

  Astonished Mrs. White replied. "Correct young man but I know you were not completely attentive. Just what were you thinking about....besides history....

  Timothy Chyme smiled devilishly and answered as honestly as he could...."Ma'am...You would not believe me if I told you so it is best I keep it too myself." Then he retook his seat and waited for the repercussions of his insolence...which never came.....Mrs. White just stood there string menacingly at him for a moment then turned away and went on with the class.

  If you did not get it....Timothy essentially....however politely it seemed....told the teacher to shut up and mind her own business.....in a diplomatic way that is.....sort of.....

  Timothy turned his head and let his thoughts follow his gaze out the window. The mundane world faded and once again he was back in Majixland.....on the brink of battle.....

  What do you want to know.....the horrors of battle.....the blood and guts of it.....loping of heads.....severing of.....well.....it was all there and fortunately it was all on the Stonemen. Except for a few cuts and bruises and a broken finger the Cavaliers and Centaurs and the company came out the end of the battle almost unscathed....Dust and rubble was all that was left of the Stonemen Horde...


  If there was a back-lash to the battle of note....they were weary.....and hungry.....and thirsty....and not looking forward to continuing their march to Palisade....not would the Centaurs consider carrying any one on their backs save the cavaliers. So after a bite of food and drink and an hours rest the company moved on north....their pace fitting their fatigued bodies.

  And the afternoon faded to evening and the evening on to a star lighted night with a bright full moon. Finally the company....It was Timothy who made the decision....decided to stop and rest.

  "I am too bone weary and foot sore to take another step and I long for a good meal in my belly." Said Timothy Chyme as he came to a halt and let himself fall to his knees and roll out of his back pack. "I am sure we all could use some food and a rest until midnight would do us all good.....and the march would go faster than a snail's speed."

  No one argued...not even Luanne who needed the least rest of all for even she was feeling the drain of endless hours....battles and an empty belly....She flew off to find her own food.

  "And what do we find here. A lazy troop in desperate times." The voice came just as the company was snuggling in for an hour or two of sleep..... "And no guard set."

  Timothy recognized the voice and lazily climbed from his bedroll to greet the visitor.

  "It was not you who did battle today or marched five leagues since the fights end old Hobo." His voice was not unfriendly but it carried a hint of sternness in its quality.

  Strebor Nod laughed heartily then bowed his head and replied. "I have heard of your troubles friend Chyme. And there is no doubt that you are weary but I come to offer fair warning that something very....very dark and dangerous is coming this way. Even now it sit on the edge of dawn....not many days from this. The sooner you get to visit the king the better. I suggest you do not remain long in your lazy mood.....That is all...." Said the old Hobo....Then he turned and walked away....fading into the darkness of night.

  "He has never been a bearer of good news or good hope....but he never has spoken of doom and that doom not come as he warned. I believe we should push on....weary or not." Eifion's voice filtered into Timothy's thoughts of defiance.

  "Very well....let us pack up and march on.....We cannot be all that far from Palisade City." Timothy relented.

  "We are near indeed....but a day and a half." The Cavalier agreed.

  So long before midnight and with only a short rest the company gathered their belongings and set out at a steady pace northward.....silently.....

  The mood was sullen until Eifion began whistling.....as only a ground-hog cavalier can whistle.....a cheerful marching tune that fit some lyrics Timothy had learned from his Grandad Will.....

  "The ants go marching one by one hoorah...Hoorah"

  Soon they were all in on it.....out of tune but well in beat of the march....hoorah.....hoorah.


  And the sun came full and golden over the eastern horizon. The company spied a glint far to the north....a glint as golden as the sun.

  "That would be the spire of Palisade City." Luanna announced. If we keep our pace and nothing more comes to hinder our passing we should be there not long after midnight......an hour or two.....or less if we hurry along.....just a little quicker."

  "Going faster is out of the question.....I for one need a rest....even if it is only for an hour......or two." Timothy complained.

  "Yes....you would....I forget that you are Mundanie and do not have our stamina." Luanna replied with a teasing quality in her voice.

  Timothy almost fell for the taunt but instead he grinned....shrugged his shoulder.....slushed off his back-pack and quickly laid down in his bed roll. He was asleep in the time it took to take a couple of breaths. The others stood there staring at their fearless leader for several minutes then realizing he was really asleep they set about other business.

  "Mundanies....sometimes I wonder how they survive." Andringal muttered amusedly.


  Timothy Chyme checked his stride just before stepping off the edge of a precipice. He should have been afraid or at least startled....but he was neither.....It was like this was exactly what was supposed to happen at that very moment.

  He gaze whimsically at vast sea that stretched out from the base of the cliff and in the distance....dancing on curling...white capped waves were dolphins....riding on their tails.

  "Beautiful are they not?" It was the voice of his teacher Mrs. White.

  "What are you doing here?" Timothy asked....miffed at the intrusion. "This is my place....my dream and you are not welcome....you belong in the class room."

  "I am your teacher Timothy and believe it or not I understand the world you see outside the window. I only want what is best for you and your imagination. I will see you in Majixland very soon.....but when you see me you may not recognize who I am."

  Mrs. White blinked out.....

  "What does that mean? I don't understand." Timothy shouted but no answer came from his teacher. Instead Will Chyme appeared and looked at Timothy through his warm blue eyes.

  "My Grandson. Nothing that happens in Majixland happens by chance.....nor is it fore told. It happens as you see it.....and that includes all things good and all things bad."

  "Does that mean I make it up as I go Grampa?"

  "Not exactly Timothy. Thoughts you have are translated into your journey. If you have a good thought....good things may happen.....If you have a bad thought....Bad things may happen.....but there is always that random thought that is neither.... good ...or bad. Still it its effects can be monumental."

  Will Chyme faded away. Timothy was staring out across the sea again.......

  "Hey. Timothy Chyme. You cannot sleep forever. We must be off. Our journey is not yet over."

fion stood over Timothy shaking him with his clawed foot.

  "Yes. Now we must hurry. We are standing on a precipice....looking out over the sea over time. We must........"

  Timothy did not finish. He jumped to his feet....collected his belongings and took up a quick march.


  Palisade City. It was nothing like Timothy expected. It was exactly as the dictionary described Palisade..... A palisade is sometimes called a stake wall or a paling and is typically a fence or wall made from wooden stakes or tree trunks and used as a defensive structure or enclosure.

  In this case Palisade City's fortification was made of tree stumps beautifully carved into magnificent creatures from the world of myth and magic and the gate was made of polished iron hung on iron wood post figures of Cavaliers mounted on Centaurs.....and as was so common in Majixland much of the display was gilded in silver....helms....shields.....weapons in hand.....leaves on the trees and in the back-ground towering over the city was a silver gilded spire that rose out of a palace that made the best of Mundanie Places look dwarfed and diminished. But most magnificent of all was ornament at the peak of the spire.....A great, white, horned owl with eyes of amber and talons of ....yes....silver. It seemed to watch everything as its head turned about...first to the left and then to the right.

  The gates opened and heralding trumpets sounded welcoming Timothy Chyme and company. And the street leading to the steps ascending the palace entrance was lined with people....and creatures of a nature Timothy was in awe of......elves, dwarves, leprechauns, Brownies, Dryads....too many to list them all.

  And the street approaching the palace steps were made of silver....specked with sapphire, emerald and amber......and if it was old it was not worn....in fact it appeared never to have been used.

  Timothy was smiling but he said to Eifion. "This is all very....very beautiful and wonderful. I feel welcomed.....However I also feel a strong reverberance....Timothy made up his own word to fit..... Of apprehension.....like the unwilling cow entering an abattoir.

  "Given the reason you have come to Majixland I can understand. But it will not be all bad I am sure......" The Cavalier replied though there was less than absolute confidence resting in the quality of his tone.

  At the head of the steps stood the King......not at all looking regal.....but like a Hobo straight out of a photograph Timothy's Grandfather had shown him once a long time ago. "Remember this man Timothy. One day he will become very important in your life."

  '"King Albert. Grandfather was right." Timothy said when he stood before the Regent of Majixland. Instead of a bow he offered a handshake.....the secret handshake of the hobos of the dirty thirties.

  "Will was a great companion when the times were hard in Mundania. And when he came to our aid at the time of the first Majixland war he was and remains our greatest hero. I welcome you Timothy Chyme....Grandson of Will Chyme.

  "It is a shame that my family only visits this marvellous kingdom when things are treacherous." Timothy replied.

  Albert nodded his head and countered. It is a shame indeed but it happens that these treacherous times have a great deal to do with your family.....Majixland has a great deal to do with the Chyme family....and today you and I must decide what your Family is going to do about our current dilemma.....We are threaten by a Queen.......a very dark and evil Queen who believes what she is doing is for the best of all who dwell in this land.

  Now.....until next time......see you in a month or so....




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