Love Me (Trust Series #2)

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Love Me (Trust Series #2) Page 3

by Mayer, Kristin

  “Hey, Damien?”

  “What is it, baby?” He rubs my arm with his hand soothingly.

  Hesitantly, I start, “Please don’t misunderstand what I’m about to say. If the same person who killed Rebecca is potentially after me, like Martin said, do you think that this wedding could aggravate the killer?”

  “Alli, if that mother—” He abruptly stops, looks toward the altar, and takes a deep breath. “Baby, I’m going to keep you safe. We will figure it out.”

  “I know you will.” I need to change the subject—pronto. “Wow, we are getting married tomorrow.”

  “You know what this means, don’t you?”


  I’m trying to filter through everything that has happened so quickly. “That I’m about to have a lot of paperwork to fill out? That is, unless you are thinking of becoming Damien Scott. Then, I guess you would be the one with a lot of paperwork.”

  He chuckles beside me as he rubs those ever soothing circles on my arm. “You’re a funny girl, but I think Allison Wales sounds perfect.”

  My heart speeds up at the sound of my new name. My new name. Wow.

  “Actually, I was thinking that you will be officially moved in with me.”

  “You’re stuck with me forever, Damien.”

  “Forever? I don’t think that will be long enough.”

  Like they had done a million times before when I used to stay the night, Sam’s parents call from the hallway, “Night, girls.”

  “Night,” we both say in unison.

  It feels like déjà vu being here in Sam’s bedroom as if we were still in high school.

  My poor fiancé got duped this evening as I think about what just happened.

  All evening, Damien has been in and out of the room on the phone, talking with who knows whom regarding the wedding. He wants to take care of everything and surprise me.

  Looking at the clock, I see it’s almost eleven thirty, and I instantly yawn.

  Damien comes back in the room and walks to my side. “We’ve got a big day tomorrow. It’s probably time to go to bed.”

  Peaking up at him, I yawn again. “Do you need any help?”

  “No, baby, I’ve got it all handled.”

  He holds out his hand, and I grab it to stand.

  As we are about to say good night to everyone, Chandra clears her throat. “Since it’s tradition for the groom not to see the bride, Alli, do you want to stay with Sam tonight, like you used to as girls?”

  Damien brings me closer to him. I can sense the warring emotions as they go through him. He doesn’t want to spend the night apart. With all that he was doing for the wedding, I think he assumed I would be staying in that crazy vehicle he had moved to Sam’s parents’ driveway.

  Tilting my head back, I give Damien permission to decide. If he chooses for me to go with him, Sam’s parents will not be happy due to their traditional values.

  He tightens his grip on my hip, looking at me, as he answers, “I’ll be right outside if you need anything.”

  After changing into our pajamas, Sam and I slide under the covers in near darkness. The only light glowing is from the moon seeping into the room.

  Sam asks, “Can you believe you’re getting married tomorrow?”

  A smile involuntarily emerges on my face. “No, it’s still surreal. I’m glad your parents understood our reasoning. I like what your dad said tonight at dinner, regarding our decision to get married so quickly.”

  I think back to her father’s words.

  After all, when you agree to get married, you’ve agreed to be each other’s forever. It doesn’t matter when you get married after you’ve decided to become one. It just matters you both agree on the journey.

  I continue speaking to Sam. “It feels right, but it’s still unbelievable.”

  “Dad does have a way with words.” She starts giggling. “You know, when Damien left to go to that motor-home monstrosity thing, I was so hoping he was going to come back all caveman-like and haul you off.” She snorts. “That thing looks hysterical in our front yard. It’s just not like Damien at all.”

  She’s almost in tears from laughter when she continues, “For him to have it delivered out to your parents’ place, his P must’ve been overly anxious to get into your V. Shit, that is so funny every time I say it.”

  We both start laughing because it is.

  I’m practically gasping for breath. “I know. I’ve never seen him in a no-win situation.”

  She puts the pillow over her face now, trying to stifle her hysterical giggling. “He looked like he was going to have an aneurysm. It was so damn funny.” Sam’s doubled over, gasping for air as she continues in a muffled voice from the pillow. “I know that shouldn’t be funny, but the look on his face was hilarious.”

  I give her arm a light nudge, but at this point, we are both a mess. “You’re terrible, Sam.”

  After a few more minutes of laughing, we get our senses about us.

  I lean up on my elbow and ask, “Are you going to tell me what Damien has planned?”

  “Nope.” She pops her P-sound loud. “He wants it all to be a surprise for you, so just chill.”

  My phone beeps from the nightstand. I look over to the clock and notice it’s 11:59. After grabbing my phone, I see a text from Damien.

  Damien: This will be the last night you are Allison Scott. Tomorrow, you will be my wife, Allison Wales. I cannot wait for that moment, Alli.

  Allison Wales. I can’t believe it. Before I even have a chance to respond, I receive another text a minute later.

  Damien: Today, you become my wife. I’ve been dreaming of this moment since I met you. I just never knew it until you walked into it. Good night, my love. I’ll meet you at the end of the aisle. I’m counting down the seconds until then. I love you.

  My whole body is alive and vibrating at those words. I want to run out of the house to where he is and give him a kiss, but I know Sam would tackle me to the ground if I tried.

  Me: I cannot wait to become your wife. Thank you for choosing me. Off to bed now. I’ll be the one in white.

  Kicking my legs in excitement, I wait for another text, but Sam plucks the phone from my hands. I go to grab it from her.

  She says, “Hey, I’m just doing as I’m told. He wants to make sure you get some sleep. The man has no willpower when it comes to you.”

  I give my best pouty face to her back.

  Without even seeing me, she responds, “Pouting won’t help. He bribed me to listen to him, and no, I can’t tell you what his bribe is.”

  My mouth drops open, and I simply turn over. Traitor.

  “Night, sweetie.”

  “You’re a traitor. You’re supposed to be my friend.”

  She gives my arm a nudge. “Oh, I can be bought.”

  We both start giggling again.

  I lie down and try to let my mind rest. Fast and furious don’t even begin to describe how quick this wedding came together. I focus on what my mom used to tell me when my mind would try to overwhelm itself.

  Follow your heart, Allison. It will always be your North Star to guide you when you’re lost.

  I never knew truer words.

  I’m awoken when Chandra brings in a tray with an assortment of pastries and fruit.

  “Good morning, girls. Breakfast is served.”

  It all comes to my mind in a rush. I am getting married today. Holy shit! Throwing the covers back, I shoot straight up. “I’m getting married! I’m getting married! I’m getting married!” I’m practically bouncing on the bed.

  “Oh mercy, Mama. We’ll have to sedate her before the wedding,” Sam says, stretching.

  I stick my tongue out to her.

  Chandra lays the tray on the bed, and I grab a croissant.

  “You know, girls, I can remember when the two of you used to play wedding with our little dog, Dump.”

  We both start laughing. I picture that little stray brown dog dressed in a black T-shirt. We’d trained h
im to sit there stoically through our pretend wedding ceremonies.

  At the same time, Sam and I both say, “That poor dog!”

  After getting our giggle boxes under control, Sam goes to her nightstand and pulls out a white linen envelope. She hands it to me, and I see my name printed in elegant black script.

  I open and read the note.

  My heart soars, and I start grinning from ear to ear.

  Sam tackles me in a hug. “I’m so happy for you, bestie.” She turns to her mom. “Mama, does Daddy still have any of that moonshine? That might calm her down.”

  With an adoring smile, her mom admonishes her, “Sam.” Chandra pats our legs. “Eat up, girls. In about twenty minutes, Damien has a fashion designer named Babette bringing dresses for you two to choose from.”

  I’m just not sure if this day could get any better.

  After picking out my wedding dress, Sam and I are sitting at the table, eating a salmon salad that Damien had delivered, as the fashion designer, Babette, approaches. She’s a petite little thing with black spiky hair.

  “Miss Scott, your dress has been properly stowed. I have something for you from Mr. Wales. The different bridesmaid dresses for Miss Matthews to choose from are currently being set up and will be ready for her to try on as soon as you both have finished lunch.”

  “Thank you, Babette.”

  She hands me another white linen envelope with my name printed on it.

  I open it immediately.

  “Sam, please tell me the wedding is soon.” I bite my bottom lip as I stare at his words. I read the note over and over again.

  I’m not anxious about getting married. I’m ecstatic to have him in my arms again. Forever, as mine.

  Sam makes a motion of taking a key, locking her lips, and throwing it away.

  “Paybacks are a bitch, and I’ll remember this,” I say.

  She just gives me an evil little laugh as she grabs my hand and leads me upstairs to a room that has been made into a wedding prep area. “We’ll see. It’s time to go pick out a dress for me, lil’ wife-to-be.”

  Sam comes walking out from behind the partition in a knee-length peach dress with one strap. It’s made of a sheer fabric that folds intricately over the bodice and then gently flows out from the waist. It reminds me of sunsets.

  “That’s it, Sam. It’s beautiful on you.”

  She gives a little twirl. “I love it.”

  Babette comes out from the back. “Is this the one then, Miss Scott?”

  I respond, “If Sam likes it, I’m good with it.”

  Giving another twirl, Sam says, “Babette, you’re one hell of a dress-picker.”

  Babette mashes her lips together to keep from laughing.

  I’ve noticed she does that a lot around us. She probably thinks we are completely off our rocker.

  The fashion designer walks over to me. “This is from Mr. Wales. Hair and makeup will be next with Nancy.”

  She then hands me a black velvet box with a white linen envelope, and then she discreetly leaves. I look up at Sam. With the way her green eyes are looking at me, I know she already knows what this is about.

  These notes make me feel starved for Damien. It’s like having a small taste of him, and it only makes me crave him.

  First, I open the note.

  With shaky fingers, I open the box. My breath catches when I see the necklace and hair combs. It’s a solid ring of mixed diamonds that are tightly interwoven. They are mainly marquise and pear-shaped. The diamonds sparkle from the faintest hint of light. The necklace matches the combs exactly. I would have assumed that they were bought together. The thought that this was Damien’s grandmother’s, whom he loved dearly, and his great-grandmother’s is so incredibly special.

  I look up to Sam with tears in my eyes as I show them to her.

  “They’re beautiful, Allison.”

  I nod and look down again at his note. I’m at a loss for words as the significance of this gift absorbs and takes root.

  “Okay, Miss Scott, my work is done. You look beautiful.”

  Turning me to the mirror, the hairdresser expertly places the combs from Damien into my loosely curled hair, causing it to look fuller. My makeup is done in a natural look with the exception of a smoky shadow that makes my blue-green eyes pop.

  “Thank you, Nancy. You did a fantastic job.”

  The hairdresser gives me a genuine smile. “I’m glad, Miss Scott. Babette will be in momentarily.”

  As Nancy leaves, I turn to Sam and give a big cheesy grin.

  It’s really happening. I’m so close to being Allison Wales.

  Sam has gone with an updo that has ringlets of cascading curls. Her makeup is heavier than mine, and the look makes her large green eyes sparkle.

  Babette enters with another white envelope and a black velvet box. Emotionally, I’m not sure how much more of this I can take.

  Out of the blue, Sam says, “Girl, we gonna drop it like it’s hot.”

  That does it. We all start laughing, including Babette this time.

  After taking the note and box, I open the envelope.

  After all his thoughtfulness today, I feel so undeserving of this man. I’m not sure I will ever have a more perfect span of time in my life than these last couple of days.

  Opening the black velvet box, I find a set of earrings and a bracelet to match the necklace and hair combs I already received. Each earring also has mixed diamonds on a screw-back post. They are as exquisite as his grandmother’s items.

  The sentimental factor behind all of this is beyond words. Reading Damien’s note again, I rub my fingers over his words as I picture him sitting and writing this out.

  Chandra walks into the room and says. “Girls, it’s time to get dressed.”

  “If we don’t get this girl married soon, it’s going to be bad news for us all,” Sam says with a Southern accent.

  I start giggling. I love her for knowing how to keep me from turning into a blubbering mess.

  Standing in front of the floor-length mirror, I look at myself, and I am completely speechless at the transformation that has taken place. It’s like taking an average person and turning her into a princess.

  Overall, my white dress is simply sophisticated. It is strapless with an empire waist. Above the empire waist, the bodice is covered with a simple patterned lace. Below the empire waist, the fabric flows out to a semi-full dress. It’s moderately poufed from the couple of layers of crinoline. There is a very small train on the back. Part of me wants to spin in circles, like Sam and I did as kids when we played dress-up together.

  Sam walks up behind me and puts her hands on my shoulders. “Allison, you look beautiful. This will be one of the best days in my life because I get to share this with you.”

  I reach up and touch her hands. I can’t speak right now, but I want her to know that I feel the same way. She gives my shoulders a little squeeze, conveying her understanding. I see sadness in her eyes, and I hope she also finds love one day.

  Chandra walks in and comes to join Sam and me at the mirror. “Allison, you look exquisite. Damien is such a lucky man to have you. I know we are under strict orders not to cry, so I will make this brief. Honey, I want to give you your something borrowed. Damien has thought of everything, and I asked if I could be the one to lend you something.”

  She hands me a small box that is about two by four inches. I gently open it up. Inside is a small bridal Bible with a cover made of lace and two small silk ribbon strands tying it together.

  Chandra continues, “This was my bridal Bible I used on my wedding day. It was my something new that day. It came from your mother. I thought it fitting that a part of her be with you today.”

  Memories of my mom flood my mind. I wish she could be here with me. I take several deep breaths in and out to get my emotions under control as my chest tightens.

  Enveloping Chandra in a hug, I whisper, “Thank you. I love you guys so much.”

  “I know, sweetie. I pu
t a picture of your parents in the Bible, so they will be right there with you the entire way. Wait until after the ceremony to look at it. The picture is yours to keep.”

  Chandra’s eyes are a lighter shade of green than Sam’s, and her face is beginning to show laughter wrinkles from her years. One day, I hope that all of the years of happiness will be shown on my face.

  I nod at her response.

  Chandra grabs my hand and gives it a light squeeze. “There’s one other thing, and then I swear that I’ll let us recover from our near emotional breakdowns because, Lord have mercy, we know those makeup people will have our hides. If you want Dean to walk you down the aisle, he will. There’s no pressure, but he wanted you to know he would be there for you if you needed him.”

  I am overwhelmed by the offer, but that is something that should be saved for Sam.

  Knowing they would disagree, I go another route. “I really appreciate the offer. Instead, when the preacher asks who gives this woman away, I would like for all three of you to respond that you do. You are all my family now.”

  “Oh, honey, nothing would please us more.” She starts to sniffle when she says, “I think it’s time to get this girl married. Her future husband is about beside himself, waiting to get her down the aisle. And no, Allison, I’m not giving you any more details.”

  Oh, she is so sassy. It’s amazing how much Sam is like her sometimes.

  I laugh as we head down the stairs to the door. As we step out, a driver greets us, and he gives me another white linen envelope and black velvet box. Behind him is a white stretch limo. It’s my carriage to take me to my prince.

  I open the note and read.

  Words cannot describe the amount of love I feel right now. It’s not for the materialistic gift I’m about to open. It’s for Damien’s written words that express his true and undying feelings for me. I open the box, and in it sits a beautiful eternity band in platinum. A single row of square cut sapphires wrap around the entire ring. Surrounding that row, matching square cut diamonds look as if they are fused with the sapphires.


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