Love Me (Trust Series #2)

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Love Me (Trust Series #2) Page 6

by Mayer, Kristin

  Coming out of the bathroom fresh from our shower, I ask, “So, since you’re not going to let me nap, what would you like to do with the rest of the day?”

  He combs his fingers through his short black hair a few times, and when he turns his gaze on me, I give him my best pouty face. When he looks at me like that, I always wish we were naked and under our sheets.

  “You’ll never adjust back to our time zone if we nap any longer.” He strolls up to me and puts his hands on my hips. “What would you say to going to your old place and picking out everything you want to have moved here? I could have movers there as early as tomorrow.”

  I can tell he’s warring internally over something. His features are trying to be relaxed, but his jaw is taut.

  Is he serious about doing that today?

  The way he keeps a level face tells me he’s absolutely serious.

  “You know I live here now even though I still have stuff at my old place? That happened the moment I said, I do.”

  His features are unwavering as he presses on, “I understand that, but I’d like it to be completely official.”

  I push my lips together and try to suppress my laughter. “If it means that much to you, then sure.”

  He responds, “It does, Alli. I want you here completely.”

  His humorless tone surprises me.

  Rising up on my tiptoes, I give him a gentle kiss on the lips. “Then, let’s go. I want to be here completely, too.”

  The look of relief passing over his features is immeasurable.

  “Thank you. Let’s take the truck in case there’s anything you don’t want the movers to move.” He puts his hand on the small of my back and guides me toward the garage.

  A security car follows us, allowing us more alone time together in the truck. Remembering my first trip in this truck, I blush slightly. We were on our way back from the Hitchin’ Post Bar. That was the first night Damien made love to me.

  “What are you thinking about, baby?” he asks.

  Running my hand along the console, I respond, “Just my first experience in here when you gave me my second orgasm.”

  The first one happened in my hotel room in Miami where we’d met. That was the beginning journey of my happily ever after.

  He looks over at me and gives me a smirk. “Now, that is a good memory. I’ll never be able to get rid of this truck for that reason.”

  “It’s one of many good memories we have.” Images inside this truck of him pulling down my dress, me ripping open his shirt, and his hands moving up my thighs penetrate my thoughts from that night.

  Needing a subject change since security is following us, I ask, “Are we still going to North Carolina at the end of the week?”

  I wish we never had to leave this little bubble we’ve created over these past few weeks. The reality of life will be beckoning us tomorrow. One of the many gifts Damien gave me during our honeymoon was his undivided attention. At times, I found him awake and working at the wee hours of the morning. I continually told him he could work during the day, but spending uninterrupted time together was something he insisted on. So, I took his gift and cherished it.

  He checks his phone. “Yes, we need to attend the team function. Why don’t you invite Sam to go with us this weekend? That way, you can try out your newfound sports lingo.” He’s smiling that devilish grin.

  “You just want to be declared the winner of the bet, but I’ll check with her. It’ll be nice to see her in person and tell her all about the honeymoon.”

  It will be nice to have some girl time.

  Damien types out a message on his phone as he speaks to me. “Of course. She thinks she’s already beat me, which makes the victory that much sweeter.”

  I find the triumph in his voice funny. Sam is going to be pissed.

  When my phone chimes, I reach for my new brown leather purse, and I think back to when I got it on our honeymoon. I love this purse. We bought it from this nice man named Luigi in a small leather shop in Italy. Even Damien took a liking to Luigi with his funny stories. He definitely gets an award for best salesman.

  With my phone in hand, I see a text from Sam.

  Sam: Hey, girl. Are you back?

  Me: Yes, I was just about to text you. Do you want to go to North Carolina with us this weekend?

  Sam: Um, you have to ask? YES!

  Me: Good. I can’t wait to see you! Damien’s already taking me to my place to pack.

  Sam: Me either. Damn, he’s an anxious man. Tell him hi from his favorite sis.

  Me: Tell me about it. Will do. I’ll call you tomorrow with the plans. Miss you! xoxo

  Sam: Sounds good and miss you. xoxo

  As we pull up in front of my old place, I finish my texting banter with Sam and put my phone away. His hand reaches across the console and grabs mine. I know he’s anxious to have me completely moved out.

  “What did Sam say?”

  “She says she’s in, so prepare to declare your victory this weekend.”

  I roll my eyes as he chuckles.

  He rubs his chin, “Oh, I will.”

  As we stare at each other, the atmosphere in the car charges, crackling between us.

  Hmm, I think it’s about time to play with him a little.

  I move my body and prop myself over the console. I smell his cool mint breath as I beckon him a little closer with my finger, and he complies.

  Seductively, I say, “One day, I hope you take me on the hood of your truck.”

  At that, I turn and get out of the vehicle. Damien swears under his breath. I love that book Sam gave me. It has great tips on how to drive a guy crazy. As I look back to him with a saucy grin, I practically run Bane over. For an instance, his hands go out to steady me.

  Damn it, I keep forgetting about security, each and every time. Someone is always around.

  Damien is by my side with his arm around my waist. It doesn’t matter who it is. If another man is near me, he cannot help but be possessive. Standing beside Bane is another security guard, Jeremy, who Bane apparently brought on during our honeymoon to be in charge of watching our home.

  Bane gives me a slight smile as I say, “Sorry, Bane.”

  “No problem, Mrs. Wales.” He moves back to allow us to pass.

  Damien and Bane exchange a look and a nod as we make our way inside. I imagine it’s Bane’s way of telling Damien that the premises are all clear.

  As we are climbing the stairs, Damien comes close to me.

  He whispers, “You played dirty back there. I plan on making good on your request and fucking you hard on the hood of my truck.”

  I fumble at his sex-ridden voice, and of course, Damien is right there to catch me before I land on my face. My brain synapses are officially fried.

  Geez, I’m becoming as sex crazed as Damien.

  It’s just too much fun when I unlock the cage to Damien’s beast and let him free. And he’s pretty much been out and about, roaming around, for the last three weeks.

  When we make it to the landing at my apartment door, I look Damien straight in the eyes as I turn the lock. “How does it feel that this will be the last time we are here?”

  His grin is infectious. “Fucking fantastic. I’ve been waiting for what seems like an eternity for this to happen.”

  It’s surreal in a good sort of way.

  After giving him a small peck on the lips, I push through the door and turn to face my living room. Immediately, I stop in my tracks as I take in the sight before me. Damien bumps into me, causing me to go a little farther into the chaos. The blood drains from my face for the second time today as my stomach bottoms out.

  I gasp as Damien pulls me to the corner behind him and yells, “Bane!”

  Immediately, two guys run into my apartment and are in front of us. With his gun drawn, Bane starts searching my small apartment. My hands are glued to Damien’s back as I scrunch his shirt fabric tightly in my grip, pulling him as close as possible to me.

  My apartment is in u
tter shambles. The leather couch is ripped to shreds, and feathers lay all over the room. My canvas artwork of pictures I have taken are either broken or totally ruined. Most are slashed into multiple pieces. I just stand there in shock at the sight.

  Am I really in my apartment? It feels like a bad nightmare.

  My eyes snap up to the wall where bright red letters are written hastily across the entire wall.

  Damien tries to turn me around, but I can’t tear my eyes away from my former haven. My emotions are all over the place.

  I feel violated, contaminated, and terrified.

  This guy got to me—again.

  Damien keeps murmuring, “It’s going to be okay,” over and over and over again, but his voice is barely audible, like he’s been put on mute.

  The kitchen looks the same as the rest of the apartment, like a wrecking ball had a good time in there.

  Bane has returned from searching the rest of the apartment, and he holsters his gun.

  Damien’s voice finally starts to break through at normal volume. “Bane, I thought you checked this place.”

  He’s pissed beyond belief.

  Bane looks agitated as a vein bulges on his bald head. “We did—two hours ago. Since then, someone has been posted outside the entire time. No activity occurred in or out of the front door, sir. All other exits are locked from the inside and were previously checked. A security code is required to get in the back door.”

  The military-laced voice echoes in my head as it all sinks in.

  Damien states. “Bane, we need to find this fucking asshole.”

  I just stand there, immobile, and I don’t even hear Bane’s response. Without thinking, I start to move toward my bedroom.

  Damien grabs my hand. “Alli…”

  I need to see the rest.

  Bane is the next one to speak up. “Mr. Wales, I would advise against Mrs. Wales seeing any more of the apartment.”

  Damien moves to further hinder my process.

  Looking at him, I whisper, “I need to see it all.”

  I don’t know why there’s a part of me that needs to see how far into my life this asshole got. It’s as if the further he penetrated my apartment, the closer he got to me. I have to know.

  “Alli, I don’t think that’s a good idea.”


  He doesn’t respond. I continue to move toward my bedroom. Damien stays close to me. Glancing into the bathroom, I see the shower curtain is ripped down, toiletries are scattered across the floor, and the pictures are smashed and hanging cockeyed on the wall.

  Whoever this was stayed in my place for a long time.

  Walking into my bedroom, I gasp. Bad idea…bad idea…horrible idea. I should have listened to Damien.

  For all that is holy…

  This creep just got a hell of a lot creepier. The linens and bed are torn to shreds. The mattress has a big gash down it. Clothes are spread around and ripped. The pictures on my dresser are slashed in half. They are ones of Damien and me that I took at various times throughout our relationship. The halves with me are…missing.

  A numbness sets in throughout my body. This person has come into my personal space twice today.


  I am totally freaked out. Looking to the right, I see a message painted on the wall above my bed in red. It’s written to Damien.

  My hand instinctively goes to my mouth.

  My legs collapse from under me. Damien grabs me immediately and takes me out of the room. My head goes to his chest, and I close my eyes. Footsteps echo on the wood floors as Damien walks me through the hallway. A few tears trickle down my face. I want back in my bubble.

  Damien starts issuing commands in a rapid-fire pace as he continues to walk. “Bane, search the place for evidence to see if we can find out who this fucker is. When you get back to the house, we’ll decide what to do next. Don’t report it. Do whatever else you need to do, Bane. I don’t give a shit what the cost is, but you find this motherfucker. Jeremy, you’re driving us home.”

  Damien’s authoritative voice causes a silence in the room, and then we swiftly leave the apartment.

  I need to get a grip and fast because I cannot let this crazy person win. Damien is going to protect me, and everything is going to be fine. That’s what I have to keep telling myself. Any other thoughts are too terrifying to accept. Never putting me down, Damien gets us to the vehicle and situates us both in the backseat of the truck. The front door of the truck opens and closes as Jeremy takes his seat behind the wheel.

  My mouth opens to speak, but Damien motions toward Jeremy in the front seat, reminding me that we aren’t alone. Only Bane, Damien, and I know everything that is going on. Jeremy is of average build, lean and muscular, with dark brown hair. I nod my understanding and just try to focus on Damien’s heartbeat to calm me.

  Damien begins rubbing those soothing circles and murmurs into my ear, “As your husband and everything that I am, I swear that I will keep you safe. We’ll talk this out when we get home. Don’t let this scare you away from loving me, Alli.”

  “Never. I promise.”

  A few tears slip down my face. His thumbs are immediately there, stopping them in their tracks.

  This is so crazy.

  This sicko is obsessed with me, and I don’t even know who this person is. From the note on my bedroom wall, it’s almost as if whoever this is thinks I want to be taken from Damien.

  As we make our way home, I begin processing everything that I know. Damien pulls out his phone and sends a text message. I just want to get to our room—my sanctuary, my bubble, my safe place.

  I’m so deep in thought that I don’t even realize when we arrive home. After making our way out of the vehicle, we head into our house, both of us in somewhat of a haze. This really can’t be happening to me. It’s like a horrible nightmare.

  My reaction has to be normal. I don’t think I’m expected to just bounce right back from this.

  My mind is all over the place.

  Damien continues to gently tug me along.

  Briefly, he stops at the kitchen. “Dolores, please prepare some subs for Alli and me. They can be delivered as soon as they are ready.”

  Dolores responds, “Yes, Mr. Wales. They’ll be right up.”

  We are about to continue on, but then he stops and looks at Jeremy. “No one gets on the property tonight besides Bane. I don’t care if it’s the fucking president. No one. Understood?”

  Jeremy stands, resolute. “Yes, sir. Understood.”

  Damien looks my way and lovingly pulls me toward our room. “Come on, baby.”

  Numbly, I follow. I’m trying to be strong, but it’s a lot to take in. This has to be tearing him apart. After what happened to Rebecca, this has to be one of his worst nightmares coming to life again.

  As long as we have each other, everything will be fine.

  At least, I pray that’s the case.

  After shutting the door to our bedroom, we go to sit on the couch by the fireplace. Damien drapes an afghan on me, and I find it comforting. The ice that took root in my veins starts to thaw.

  On the drive home, I decided on something, and I need to get it out. “Hey, Damien.”

  “Yes, baby?” He pulls me to him as close as he can while still allowing me to look him in the eyes.

  “I don’t want Bane to respond to that email as me. I don’t want to feed this guy’s delusions. From that note in my room, it’s like he thinks I want him to come and get me.” My lips start to tremble as I remember those vibrant red words.

  “Alli, whatever you want, whatever will make you feel safer, we’ll do. He’s not getting anywhere near you. I have no idea how he got into your place.”

  Relief washes over me as I cuddle into his side, and then something dawns on me from what Bane said earlier.


  “What is it?” he asks with concern lacing his voice.

  I look up at him as I respond, “Damien, do you think this person
has a key to my place? Bane’s right. There’s only one way to get in through the back. Each tenant is given a key and a personal code to get through the back door. I didn’t give you a copy of that key because I never use it, and I had honestly forgotten about it. That safety feature was one of the reasons I chose that place.”

  Damien pulls his phone out of his pocket. “Where did you keep your back door key, baby?”

  “In the drawer next to the fridge. It’s on a green frog key chain. If a security guard was out front, the back door was the only way he could have gotten in.”

  He hits a number on his cell phone and then places it to his ear. “Bane, look in Alli’s kitchen to see if there is a key on a green frog key chain. It’s the key to the back door.” Damien pinches the bridge of his nose while he waits. “Bane, are you absolutely sure? Check to see if the manager of Alli’s old place logs whose code was used. Okay…I want to be briefed as soon as you get back.”

  “Well?” I ask.

  His face flashes utter fear for a millisecond before his features change into a more passive expression. The ice returns to my body because I already know the answer.

  “Baby, the key is gone, but Bane will look through the rest of the apartment to see if it’s been misplaced.”

  I suck in a harsh breath. “Do you think whoever this is has come to my place before? While I was there?”

  My mind is running rampant with all sorts of scenarios. This is getting worse by the moment.

  “Baby, I don’t know. We’ll know more when Bane gets back. Maybe the key was misplaced while he vandalized your place.” His voice doesn’t sound like he’s convinced.

  Closing my eyes, I wish it were all over already. “Do you think it could be Martin?”

  “No, I don’t. When you disappeared for a long period of time, this guy started to snap. Martin could have taken you from the hotel at your photo shoot and kept you from me. Our marriage announcement pushed him over the edge. As soon as we figure out the clue Martin gave you, we’ll know if he’s fucking with us or not.”

  Deep in thought, he grabs my right hand and rubs the sapphire diamond ring.


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