Runaway Bride

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Runaway Bride Page 15

by Ruth Ann Nordin

  Smiling, she removed her pearl headband from her hair and dug through her beach bag until she found her brush. She pulled it out and ran it through her hair, glancing once more at the parking lot. When she saw Mark’s car, her heart sped up in anticipation. She quickly threw her brush back into the bag and put her headband back in her hair.

  She tried not to appear too anxious as she headed toward him, but her excitement hurried her pace. By the time he opened the car door, she had reached him. She gave him a big hug and rested her head on his shoulder. It was too bad she couldn’t stay in his arms through the entire day.

  “I can’t believe how long today was without you,” Mark said and kissed the top of her head.

  “I missed you, too,” she replied, smiling at the thought that he hated being away from her as much as she hated to be away from him. Reluctant, she pulled away from him. “Do we really have to see my parents?”

  He cupped her face in his hands. “We have to at some point. It might as well be today.” He kissed her. “It’ll be okay because we’re going to do this together.”

  She reached for his hands and squeezed them. “Alright. Let’s go.”

  “I’ll follow you.”

  After he gave her another kiss, she went to her car and hopped in. She turned the ignition and wondered if she should turn on the radio but decided to enjoy the silence for a change. If nothing else, it would give her a chance to remember every wonderful moment of her whirlwind honeymoon with her husband.

  She drove out of the parking lot and turned onto the main street, checking the rearview mirror to make sure Mark was behind her. He waved at her and her grin widened. In some ways, the whole thing seemed like a dream. She had to keep looking at her wedding ring to make sure it was real. Earlier that day, she had mailed Nick the engagement ring he had given her, insuring the package and paying for the delivery confirmation. She had no idea what Nick was going through but hoped he wasn’t too upset. He would surely find another woman, one who was a better fit for what he needed in a wife, someone who would be happy doing the things she had dreaded.

  Lexie glanced in her rearview mirror again and chuckled when Mark blew her a kiss. One thing was for sure. Her life would never be boring with him. On impulse, she blew him a kiss in return and giggled when he pretended to catch it. He definitely took the edge off having to face her mother. By the time she pulled into her parents’ driveway, she wasn’t as nervous as she’d been while on the beach.

  She turned off the ignition and waited for him to get out of his car before she walked over to him. “Well, we’re here.”

  He put his arm around her shoulders and led her toward the front door. “Relax. I got it all under control.”

  His confidence did help her, but she still experienced a slight wave of nausea as they stopped in front of the door. He rang the doorbell and gave her a light squeeze. She slowly released her breath and clasped her hands in front of her. She heard footsteps approaching and her heartbeat picked up in fear.

  Her mother answered the door.

  Before Lexie could say anything, Mark let go of Lexie and turned to her mother. “Mom,” he wrapped his arms around her and gave her a big hug, “it’s so good to see you!”

  Lexie’s jaw dropped. Of all the things she imagined Mark doing, this hadn’t been anywhere on the list and from the shock on her mother’s face, her mother hadn’t expected it either.

  Lexie’s father came to the door and smiled. “Hey, kids. Come on in.”

  Mark finally released her mother and shook her father’s hand. “Good to see you, Dad.”

  Her father chuckled. “Good to see you, too.”

  Lexie envied Mark’s ability to act so carefree. She couldn’t even look her mother in the eye, though she did manage to do so with her father and knew everything would be fine with him.

  Her father turned to her mother who was moving her mouth but was too stunned to actually say anything. “You know, I can’t remember a time when you were this flustered. Maybe being in the sunroom will help.” He took her by the arm and led her down the hall.

  Though she glanced over her shoulder at Mark and Lexie, she still didn’t say anything.

  Mark took Lexie’s hand and winked at her. “Always take the offensive when dealing with a formidable opponent,” he whispered as her parents rounded the corner of the hallway so she could no longer see them. “It knocks them off guard.”

  Well, she couldn’t deny it worked wonders. At least her mother hadn’t screamed at them.

  Mark nodded toward the hallway. “We only have to stay for about fifteen minutes. We have something important to do in an hour.”

  Heat rose up to her cheeks at his meaning. “So it’s every eight hours that you’ll need to…?” She didn’t dare add the word “ejaculate” in her parents’ house.

  “Yeah, until you conceive,” he whispered. “We don’t want to keep your parents waiting.”

  Tightening her hold on his hand, she joined him and entered the house. At least they were finally getting this over with. In the future, maybe it wouldn’t be as awkward to stop by for a visit.

  “Which way to the sunroom?” he asked as he shut the door.

  “Down the hall and to your right.” They walked forward, and she added, “They added it to the house when I was little. My mom insisted we have one after she saw one in a magazine and fell in love with it. Dad was opposed to it, but she kept on and on about it until he offered a compromise. If he got a billiard room, she got the sunroom.”

  “Chris mentioned the billiard room. It’s his favorite part of coming for a visit.”

  They rounded the corner of the hallway and took two steps down into a small room with large windows. Her parents sat on the plush white couch, leaving two matching chairs for them to sit in.

  Lexie’s dad poured pink lemonade into the crystal glasses and motioned to the chairs. “We’re glad you came by.”

  “Are you?” Lexie asked, glancing warily at her mom, whose hands were clasped on her lap.

  “Relax, honey,” her father told her mother. “Pink lemonade is her favorite drink,” he told Mark and held a glass to her. She shook her head, so he placed it on the oak table. “Well, it’s there if you want it.”

  He rose to his feet and handed Lexie and Mark their glasses before he sat back down.

  Biting her lower lip, Lexie settled into the chair, Mark doing the same in the other chair. She took a tentative sip from her glass, barely tasting the sweet drink. Her mother was upset. Not only was her spine stiff, but her knees were clenched together and her expression carefully controlled. She shouldn’t be surprised. She ran off and married Mark without warning her.

  “So, Mark,” her dad began, leaning back on the couch, “Chris says you work with him.”

  Mark drank some of his lemonade. “Yes, though he tends to do more of the preliminary stuff while I see the project through to completion with a group of others.”

  “Have you known him for long?”

  “Not really. We met on our way to Florida.”

  “Where did you meet?”

  Lexie’s eyebrows rose and she looked at Mark, wondering if he’d tell her parents that he was from another planet.

  “Just outside the state line,” Mark replied. “But I think the length of time you’ve known someone isn’t that important. The best relationships are based on the quality of the person you know rather than how long you’ve known them.”

  “I agree,” Lexie added, her heart racing in anxiety. It was the closest she’d ever gotten to speaking her mind in front of her mother. Her hands trembled, so she quickly set her glass on the table between them, keeping her gaze directed at her father who smiled at her.

  “I also agree,” her father said. “There’s no sense in wasting time when you’re with the wrong person. Just like when I met your mom.” He rubbed her mother’s back. “I was dating someone else and it was serious enough that I was ready to propose. But then I met your mom and decided not to buy the
ring after all. You remember that, don’t you, honey?”

  She sighed. “Of course, I remember. I was the one selling the jewelry in the store you went to.”

  Mark’s smile widened and he chuckled. “Were you really?”

  Though she offered a nonchalant shrug, Lexie thought she saw a slight smile on her mother’s lips. “I’ve always had an appreciation for jewelry. I didn’t realize his brother owned the store.”

  “It was fate,” her father said.


  “I don’t believe in coincidences.” He turned his gaze to Mark. “Do you?”

  “No. I think there’s a reason for everything,” Mark replied after he finished his glass of lemonade. “What was it about her that convinced you to give up the other woman?”

  “Rachel told me that if I truly cared about my girlfriend, I’d be willing to spend at least three months’ salary on the wedding ring.”

  “It’s a simple fact that every man should know, not my opinion,” her mother insisted.

  “No, it’s not a fact. It’s an opinion by the jewelry companies who want to make as much money as possible,” he playfully argued. “But your comment made me aware of two things. One, that you would let me know exactly what was on your mind and after being with a couple girlfriends who liked to play mind games, I found your straightforward approach very refreshing. And two, if I didn’t care enough about my current girlfriend to give up everything for her, then I shouldn’t marry her.” Glancing at Mark and Lexie, he added, “Back then, three months salary was all I had to my name.”

  Surprised, Lexie asked her mom, “And you went out with Dad even though he didn’t have much money?”

  Her mother crossed her arms. “I wasn’t aware we were going to spend this time talking about me. I was under the impression you and Mark were here so we could find out something about him.”

  Her dad gave her a pointed look. “I think we’re learning that Mark and I share a lot of things in common.”

  Lexie was used to her father figuring out a way to win an argument with her mother, but she hadn’t seen this tactic coming and couldn’t help but be impressed with him. Her mother stared at him, her expression indicating she had no idea how to respond to that, though she wished she could and desperately wanted to.

  “In that case,” Mark told her father, “you have good taste in women.”

  “I’m sure Rachel wouldn’t argue with that.” He patted her knee affectionately. “She’s not always quiet like this, Mark. Usually, she talks a lot. Sometimes she even laughs.”

  At that, Lexie chuckled.

  “Lexie was telling me that she decorated this room,” Mark began. “It looks great. I especially like how she angled the furniture. The sun doesn’t hit anyone in the eyes.”

  “Rachel’s always had a good eye for detail,” her father agreed. “Well, we don’t want to keep you two. I remember what it was like to be a newlywed.” He squeezed her knee. “Good times, right honey? Though I can honestly say, things only get better with time.”

  Her mother blushed but didn’t say anything.

  “I’ll walk the kids to the door,” he told her and rose to his feet.

  As Lexie and Mark stood up, she dared a look at her mother who also looked at her. She wasn’t sure if she read the expression on her mother’s face right, but she thought she caught a hint of sorrow there.

  “Lexie?” her father asked.

  She turned her gaze to him.

  “You can come back later,” he softly said.

  With a nod, she followed him and Mark out of the sunroom, aware that her mother was watching her. She was tempted to go back and find out just how disappointed her mother was in her. But did she really want to hear it?

  “Do you play pool?” her father asked Mark.

  “I haven’t had the pleasure yet,” Mark replied.

  “We’ll play next time you’re here. If you’re half as good as Chris, then I don’t stand a chance.”

  “We’ll see.” Grinning, he touched the small of Lexie’s back. “That didn’t go so bad.”

  “No, it didn’t.” At least her mother hadn’t screamed or cried, two things she had feared would happen.

  They paused at the front door and her father gave her an understanding smile. “Your mother’s got a good heart. Give her time. She’ll come around.”

  “You think so?” she asked, not feeling as optimistic as he was.

  “Yes. I know your mom can seem set in her ways, but she’s a lot more understanding than people think. You just have to know when to talk to her and when to wait.”

  So right now was the time to wait. She sighed. “I should be glad everything went as well as it did. Are you mad that I didn’t marry Nick?”

  “Not mad. I’m relieved. I never did know what to say to him.” He hugged her, making her feel better. In her ear, he whispered, “You’re much better off with Mark and in time, your mother will see that too.”

  “Thanks, Dad.”

  When she pulled away from him, he opened the door and said, “Don’t be a stranger, you two.”

  “We won’t,” Mark promised. They said good-bye to her dad and he put his arms around her shoulders so he could draw her close to his side. “That went pretty well.”

  “As well as could be expected, I guess.”

  “Is something wrong?”

  “I don’t know.” They stopped at her car and she rested her hand on his chest. “I can’t help but feel that I disappointed my mom. I almost wish she had come right out and argued with me. At least then I’d know what she was thinking.”

  “You can go back in there and talk to her.”

  “No. I better not. If Dad said I need to give her time, then that’s what I need to do.”

  He brought his hands up to her shoulders and massaged them, helping to ease her tension. “Everything will work out.”

  “I hope so.”

  After he kissed her forehead, he opened her car door. “It will. From what I saw in there, your mom seems nice. She just needs to get used to the idea that we’re married.”

  Feeling better, she smiled and got into her car, shut the door and pushed the button to roll down the window.

  “Your place or mine?” he asked.

  “Yours, but I’ll need to pick up some clothes first.”

  He leaned down and kissed her. “You won’t need clothes.” Wiggling his eyebrows, he straightened and dug his car key from his pocket. “I’ll lead this time.”

  Unable to stop the light chuckle that rose up in her throat, she started her car and waited for him to back out of the driveway before she followed him home.

  Chapter Nineteen

  The next morning, after Mark went to work, Lexie picked up her cell phone and almost called her mother. No. She couldn’t. Her dad was right. It was best to wait. She placed the phone back on the nightstand by Mark’s bed. Maybe she should take a shower and get ready for the day. As she was ready to take off the shirt she slept in, there was a knock at the door. She searched through his closet until she found a robe. Shrugging into it, she hurried to the door, wondering if her mom had come to talk to her.

  She stopped right before the door, remembering her parents didn’t know Mark’s address. Curious, she peered through the peephole and saw Caitlyn holding a gift wrapped in silver paper. After she tied the robe’s straps, she opened the door. “Hi, Caitlyn,” she greeted. “How is married life treating you?”

  “I was about to ask you the same thing.” Caitlyn entered the apartment and held out the gift to her. “This is your wedding present.”

  She accepted it and shut the door. “Thank you. Have a seat.”

  Her lips curling into a smile, she relaxed on the couch by the large window. “Nice view.”

  “Yeah, it is.”

  “So you’re moving here?”

  “My lease is almost up and Mark’s isn’t, so it makes the most sense. This Saturday is when we officially move my stuff over here.” She set the pres
ent on the coffee table. “Do you want something to drink?”

  “You have anything with chocolate in it?”

  “I’m afraid not.”

  “I’ll pass. If it doesn’t have chocolate in it, I don’t want it. Aren’t you going to open your gift?”

  “Shouldn’t I wait until Mark’s here?”

  “Well, it’s not really for him. Okay. That’s not the total truth. One thing in there is for him, but you’re the one who has to wear it.”

  Lexie’s face warmed. “Let me guess. Lingerie?”

  “And a frappuccino maker.”

  Excited, Lexie unwrapped the gift, careful to set aside the bow and paper in a neat pile by the two boxes Caitlyn had put into a larger box. “I’ve been wanting a frappuccino maker for a year, but Nick thought it was a bad idea so I didn’t get one.”

  “Well, now you have one.”

  After she studied the frappuccino maker’s instructions, she picked up the light pink teddy with matching crotchless panties.

  “Trust me, Mark will love it,” Caitlyn said with a wicked grin. “They don’t have anything that advanced on their world.”

  Lexie laughed and put the lingerie back into the box. “I thought they were technologically advanced.”

  “In some ways, but they are lacking in the ways of the bedroom.”

  “Right. Because they have no women on their planet anymore.”

  After a moment of silence, Caitlyn softly asked, “How did Mom and Dad take the news?”

  Releasing her breath, she shrugged. “I’m not sure. Yesterday when Mark and I went to see them, Mom didn’t say much. I didn’t either. If it weren’t for Dad and Mark, it would have been more awkward than it was.”

  “Well, if she tries to give you or Mark a guilt trip, just tell her that it’s your life and you’re going to do what you want. Then hang up. That’s what Chris and I do.”


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