Sweet Surrender

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Sweet Surrender Page 30

by Angel Steel

  She really hoped that Dom would listen to what she had to say. She really hoped he would believe her that she didn’t mean any of it, and it was all a misunderstanding. She was meant to be on that stage with Dom, not that loser. And where was he anyways if he had invited her to the club?

  “Chantal, what the fuck happened tonight?” Joey growled from across his truck.

  “I don’t know,” she whispered.

  “”How the hell did you get in that club, I didn’t know you were a member.”

  “I’m not a member, Joey, Jesus. I was sent an invitation to tonight’s event. I had no clue as to what was happening tonight. I just thought it was a normal party.”

  “Well, that wasn’t a normal party, Chantal. How could you be so bloody stupid, and not see that it wasn’t? And why the bloody fuck would you even think about walking into that club without Dom. You seriously have no freaking idea sometimes.”

  What? She was so not in the mood to deal with this shit from him.

  “Pull over, Joey.”

  Joey shot her a look. “What the bloody hell for?”

  “Stop the God damn truck, Joey. I’m not going to sit in here and listen to you call me stupid, or anything else that comes out of your mouth. You have no right saying anything like that at all, and what I do is none of your bloody business!” she screamed at him.

  “I’m not stopping and letting you out in buttfuck nowhere, Chantal. I’ll drop you off at home.”

  “Let me out, now Joey,” she growled.

  “No. Sit there and be quiet!”

  Seriously, this was just bullshit. As they slowed to a set of traffic lights, her hand slid up towards the door handle ready to get out.

  “Don’t even think about it Chantal. I wouldn’t want to explain to Dom how you injured yourself, it’s bad enough now that I have to try and talk to him about you being at that club,” he mumbled.

  “How did you know where I was, anyways?”

  “I stopped by to pick up some of the things that I left at your place. Using the spare key you gave me, I let myself in. I noticed your calendar on the ground. Saw today’s date and knew you were at the club. I still can’t believe that you went to that bloody club, Chantal, without Dom. This is seriously fucked up, you know that right? How the hell am I going to explain to Dom about all this?”

  “Don’t want to inconvenience you in any way. And I can talk to Dom. This has nothing to do with you at all, Joey.”

  They both sat there in silence, until he pulled up out of the front of her house. She never said a word to him, as she got out of his truck and made her way to her front door. When her door was open, his truck screeched away from her house. A single tear slid down her cheek as she closed the door behind her, and slid down the wall in her entryway.

  She couldn’t make it any further than what she was now. Dom never said a word to her tonight, and by the look on his face, he probably never would again, after what she did. She dialled his number again, and left a voicemail, asking him to call her. She sat there for hours, waiting for him to call back. She really fucked up this time with him. Maybe it was for the best, their relationship was never going to be beyond just sex, no matter what she wanted. It was just the way it was going to be, that was it. But she was still going to apologise about tonight to him and then after, end it. There was no point in wanting someone so much, when you knew full well they were never going to be yours in the first place, or return the same feelings towards you.

  Chapter 36

  Dom slammed his fist into the wall, harder than the last time. What was she doing up on that stage with Andrew. He was in the process of getting him kicked off the list of members, after what he did to his last sub. When he walked into the club, he could not see her anywhere and breathed a sigh of relief. Until the crowd opened up, and there she was on the stage for everyone to see, with Andrew behind her.

  He asked the closest bouncer that was on door duty as to how she got in. She had told him that she had received an invite from him to be in the club, and she was excited about it. Well, he wasn’t after seeing her up on that stage with him being inside of her, ready to claim her for his own.

  Why the fuck would she think that he would ask her to attend, tonight of all nights, to be claimed? If he were ever going to do that, it would be in his own privacy, not in a club. The only time that happened was to prove to everyone that she belonged to him and only him, and if anyone ever laid a finger on her without his permission, they would suffer the consequences.

  He still had the images of her staring at him across the room as Andrew moved behind her. Was she trying to tell him something, by allowing Andrew to be there as he walked through the doors? Didn’t she want to be with him at all? Well, she made her point now that she wanted nothing to do with him. He was glad in a way that his feelings for her weren’t deeper than they were.

  Why didn’t she contact him about the invitation that she got? He was bloody pissed that someone else had sent her one, and wanted to claim her for their own. It didn’t matter now. It was over between them. Ripping his shirt off and throwing it across the room, he stomped towards the shower. How could he be so stupid to think that she wanted him for him? She was only using him to get into the God forsaken club, to express her interest in her fantasies.

  His phone rang again, and as he looked at the caller ID, Chantal’s name came up. He didn’t even think to answer, he just threw it across the room and watched as it smashed into pieces and fell to the floor. He did not want to hear the excuses that came out of her mouth. She had done enough to him tonight. She didn’t even try to stop him while he stood there, staring at her. She proved that she didn’t want him in any way. Well, so be it. He made it clear that she was his, and no one else’s, but she obviously thought differently from what he did.

  After his shower, he walked into the kitchen and pulled out the full bottle of rum he had, and stomped back into his room. He swigged from the bottle as he sat on his bed. His hand hurt like a bitch, but he didn’t care. After he finished the bottle, he would not feel anything, and especially anything to do with Chantal. She had done what she’d done, end of story.

  He didn’t care that he sat there on his bed completely naked; it was his house after all. As he got comfortable, he heard a knock on his door. Groaning, he really hoped it wasn’t her; he was pissed as fuck right now and didn’t know if he would be able to keep himself together. He wanted to beat the shit out of her, in a good way. With his whip, or a flogger, or any of the items he had in his black room. And he knew to his soul that he would not be able to hold back. He wanted to show her exactly who he was and what he was capable of doing to her. That would be one way to scare her away from me for good, he laughed to himself.

  Someone was really banging on his door now, and by the sound of it, it wasn’t Chantal. As he stood, he pulled the sheet around his body and stumbled towards the door. On the way, he heard his beeper go off. Ignoring it as he swung the front door open, he groaned. He was not up to talking to anyone right now, and especially not Joey.

  “What are you doing here, thought you would be with Chantal?” he slurred as he moved towards the lounge room.

  Joey followed and stood there watching as he fell onto the couch.

  “Are you drunk?”

  “Not drunk enough.” He laughed.

  “You need to go over and see Chantal, and talk about tonight, mate.”

  “Nope, not going to happen. She can do whatever she wants and I’ll do the same. She proved tonight what she wanted and that isn’t me.”


  “Yep, don’t need to hear anything more.”

  “It sounded to me that she thought it was you on that stage, and not that dickhead. Seriously, how is he even allowed to be in that club, Dom?”

  “She should have said something to me about the invite she received, not just arrive there and expect me to be there. What would have happened if I didn’t show up? She would have continued with Andrew, tha
t’s what. There is no point now, it is what it is.”

  Dom stood up best he could and stumbled to the kitchen, pouring himself another drink. He didn’t need any more but he didn’t care right then.

  “You have no idea on what happened tonight there at the club. You need to talk to her and find out. And this isn’t what was supposed to happen. I know her too well, she would never do anything like this to just anyone.”

  “Just drop it Joey. I don’t want to hear about it anymore. What’s done is done.”

  “You can’t just end it, what is between you two over something that was meant to be about you, Dom. How can you even think that way, that she would go after that guy? He’s a bloody tosser! He’s nowhere near her type. She has feelings for you, not him. Jesus Christ Dom, don’t do this, man. You will lose the only opportunity you have to be with each other.”

  “I didn’t do what she did, Joey.”

  “No, but you have. How do you think she is going to react when she finds out what you have been doing behind her back? What she has done is nothing compared to what you have done to her. What you have done is so much worse than what she has, or ever will, do to you.”

  “What I do is completely different than what she did tonight, how could she think that I would just do something like that to her if I have never claimed her fully myself? She has never once brought it up that she wanted to go to the club, no ideas at all thrown my way. I’m not a fucking psychic, Joey.”

  “Never said you were, Dominic. Just listen to what she has to say at least. You guys are perfect together. No one can do it for each other, other than you two.”

  “Could you do it if you two were sleeping together and you had seen her on that stage with him?” he growled. He could not get rid of the image of her up there with that idiot behind her, grinning like he won the prize. He wasn’t even close to it, he told himself. He didn’t want to hear any more from Joey. What he saw tonight was enough for a lifetime of nightmares. He had only ever pictured himself between her thighs, never wanted to see someone else there, where he wanted to be the most. Sharing her with Joey had been hard enough.

  Shaking his head, he moved towards the door, opening it and leaning against it. “You need to go. I can’t deal with anymore tonight.”

  Joey walked up and stopped in front of him. “Please, just listen to what she has to say, ok? I don’t want you both acting like this over something so bloody stupid.”

  “I’ll talk to her, just not yet, mate. I need to process exactly what I saw tonight.”

  “Don’t think too much into it, Dom, if you do you won’t talk to her.”

  It was already too late. He had thought the worst only seconds after he stood there staring at Chantal tonight on that fucking stage. He had no clue whether he was going to talk to her or not. Nodding towards Joey, he closed the door behind him, went back into his room, and fell onto his bed.

  The bottle he drank was catching up to him. Maybe if he did a couple more shots it would help him not think at all about her tonight. But he couldn’t even get off the bed. He stayed where he was, staring at the roof until he finally fell asleep.


  Jasmine had been at Nate’s house for the last several days, and driving him up the wall. Why did he agree for her to stay with him again while his brother was out of town on business? He loved her and his nephews but he was seriously reconsidering his answer now. His house was sparkling. He could literally see his own reflexion in every surface, but that wasn’t the problem, not even close to it.

  She waited on him hand and foot, every five minutes she asked if he wanted something or if he was all right. Even his bloody clothes were put away. It had to stop, like now.

  Walking into the kitchen where Jasmine was, he was ready to have it out with her until the aroma hit him full force. Ok, maybe he had to pull it back a notch. She did all the cooking, every single meal, even snacks. He hadn’t had that in so long, unless he was at his parents’ house, and he really missed it. Maybe he could just say something instead of going off his rail at her.

  “Jazz, we need to talk,” he said as he pulled a chair out and sat down.

  “Sure thing, Nate. Do you want to try these new cookies I made?”

  “Like I would ever say no to your cooking.” He laughed.

  She walked over and sat a plate in front of him, and turned back to grab another tray out of the oven. Lifting a cookie to his mouth, he bit into it, and moaned. He loved white chocolate cookies. They were one of his favourites.

  “So, what do you think?”

  “I could eat every single one on this plate, Jazz. They’re amazing. No wonder why my brother has to work out every day, you’re feeding him way too many sweets.”

  “I love cooking and he loves eating whatever I make for him. And even if he didn’t go to the gym every day, I’d still love him no matter what shape he was in. Anyways, what did you want to talk about?” she said as she sat across from him at the table.

  “I love having you here, and the boys, but you really need to back off on everything, Jazz. You’re killing me with everything you do.”

  “Are you serious? You’re complaining about what I have done in the last couple of days?”

  “I love how I have my house, Jazz. And you doing what you have been doing is putting it all out of place. Can you just please back off on everything? You’re disrupting my space.”

  She laughed. “Nate, you need someone here to do all this stuff. You do washing once a week, who does that anymore? And don’t get me started on your fridge and what is in it that is so disgusting, I had no clue as to what was growing in the back. When was the last time you cleaned that out?”

  “I haven’t had time to do that. I get take out most nights or go to the pub. Least my dirty clothes end up where they should, and not lying around.”

  “I found two pairs of your jeans under the couch, rags on the back verandah and your room looks like a bomb went off in it, and don’t get me started with what I found under your bed. How can you have so many pairs of panties under there?”

  “Stay out of my room, Jazz. You don’t need to be in there at all. My space, ok?”

  Placing her hands up, she agreed, “Ok, I’ll stay out of your room, for now. But if you don’t start picking up after yourself, I’m starting in there, and you won’t like what I do to your precious room.”

  “Really, is that a threat?” he asked, raising his eyebrow to her.

  “You know it is, Nate. If I can make your brother drop to his knees, I can make you,” she replied with a wicked grin.

  “I doubt that very much, sweetheart. You give my brother what you can’t give me.”

  “Doesn’t matter if I do, keep your room clean. I don’t want my boys running in there one day and coming out with God knows what they find in there.”

  “Jesus Jazz, I don’t leave things lying around just for anyone to see. Give me some kind of credit.”

  “Okay, okay, I will. Anyways, can you watch the boys, I want to have a shower without them coming in. I want to at least enjoy it for more than five minutes.”

  “Sure, no problem. I’ll keep them out so you can enjoy your shower.”

  Nate got up and walked into the lounge room where the boys were sitting down, watching a movie, and plopped down right in between them. “So, what are you boys watching?”

  “Fast five, have you seen it Uncle Nate?” Tom asked.

  “No, mate I haven’t. Is it good?”

  “Yes, you should see all the cool cars they drive. They go really fast,” Scott answered.

  Nate snickered. “Don’t let your mother hear you say that, Scott. You will give her a heart attack.”

  “Ok,” both Tom and Scott reluctantly agreed.

  Twenty minutes into the movie, there was a knock at the door. Nate quickly opened it, surprised at who he saw there. “Skylar?”

  “Hi Nate. I don’t mean to interrupt, but could you come over and have a look at my washing machine, please.�

  “Umm, sure. Just give me a sec.”

  Well damn, after that night at the bar, he didn’t ever think he would see her on his doorstep again. He had not seen or heard from her since then, but he wasn’t going to say no if it meant spending some kind of time alone with her.

  He walked off towards his room, changed his shirt, and grabbed his tool bag from the laundry room. Just as he turned back into the hall, he saw Jasmine walking past to her room, and watched as Skylar’s whole body language instantly changed.

  Shit, for that split second of being around her, he forgot that Jasmine was in the shower. He rushed over to her. “It’s not what you think, Sky.”

  “It doesn’t matter what I think anymore, Nate. We broke up, remember? You do what you want, and so do I.”

  Great, we’re back to that? He only went out on dates because she did the same thing. It killed him seeing her with someone else, but she wanted the break up, so he complied. He had even tried to sleep with someone, but he couldn’t get it up unless he thought of Skylar.

  Jasmine walked back into the hall and saw them both standing there. With a smile on her face, she ambled over. “Hey, I’m Jasmine, nice to meet you,” she said, lifting her hand.

  Skylar looked to her hand and back to her face, then over to Nate.

  “On second thought, I’ll call someone to come over and fix it,” Skylar snapped, and then turned around, walking away from him, yet again. He was getting tired of her doing exactly that. It was time for him to put his foot down, and hard. She was carrying his child, and they were meant to be together.

  “Wow, who was that?”


  “She’s cute. How far along is she?”


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