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The Journey Home Page 11

by Lee Carroll


  “Yes!” Mike quickly agreed. He was becoming introspective, but continued. “What happened yesterday—I thought it was a test, but it wasn’t.” Green continued to listen, letting Mike pour out his ideas of what had taken place. “I know you will eventually give me the details of what took place, but I think I know the WHY.” Mike spoke slowly and deliberately, as an instructor would. “Green, every cell in my body felt a withdrawal. It’s like I turned off a switch and died. There was no solace anywhere; not even my own mind could come up with any reason to exist. I was somehow a neutral human being. That’s when I knew what was happening—when I looked at the map. It was a signal to my mind, and I knew what was happening.”

  Green was impressed. Never before had a student in the green house been so accurate and aware of the characteristics of vibrational shift. Usually it took a very long time to explain. Green knew he sat before a special entity—this Michael Thomas. Green was proud of his student and loved him even more. Mike continued.

  “The map died, too. I was in limbo; then, I knew what was taking place. In order to receive this spiritual gift of intent, I had to go through a rebirth of sorts. Almost like the power was turned off of my existence for a day, and then it was restarted with new circuitry. I knew that if I could somehow keep my sanity through it all, I would eventually be okay. I used a visualization of you telling me that you loved me, Green. It’s the only thing that worked. When I thought about you, then I could focus on why I was here.” Mike looked at Green and smiled. He tried to hide the fact that his eyes were tearing. “Am I right?”

  “There is almost nothing I can add, Michael Thomas of Pure Intent.” Green stood up for emphasis. “What I will tell you is this: When you were thinking of my love for you, it wasn’t just me. I am part of a collective, Michael. When you speak to me, you are speaking to the whole. You are part of it, too, but you don’t feel it as I do. As you vibrate higher, these things will come into focus. When you felt the love of the one you call Green, you were also feeling the love of Blue, Orange, and even of your parents—as well as the ones you are going to meet next along this path. You don’t know them yet, but they know you. We are all one, Michael, and you felt it at the moment of your greatest need. Your intuition won!What a gift you already have!”

  Mike knew there was more, so he kept quiet, waiting for Green to gather his thoughts. Green continued.

  “Everything you said is correct, my wise human friend. In order for you to move to a higher level, there is a time of challenge. It is a time when all of us in the collective must move away and let you change. We can do nothing for you during this time, and our energy will actually disturb your process. You are enabled spiritually to move through it. You felt the loss of your family, Michael. You felt abandonment and emptiness during the brief time that you had to remain alone. The only thing that centered you was love, and I, as an instructor in this house, could never have given you that solution. You found it in the blackness for yourself. I congratulate you for your awareness and maturity in this place.” Green again paused to let Mike absorb the compliment. “Do you have any other questions?”

  “Yes, I do. Will it happen again?”

  “Yes, it will, each time you shift into a new vibratory state.”

  “What can I do to make it better the next time?”

  Green faced Mike and spoke seriously. “Recognize what it is and busy yourself with other things. Don’t dwell on it, and remember that it is temporary. Hold ceremony around it! Honor the process in the midst of the blackness! Do exactly as you did, Michael Thomas of Pure Intent—feel the love that is involved in the gift!”

  Mike understood and took it all in.

  SLOWLY, THROUGH THE DAYS that followed, the lessons resumed. Because of Mike’s new vibratory rate, there was even more to impart. Subtleties of awareness regarding the body were taught, and he was shown ways to tell if there was imbalance present. Green told Mike about new sleep patterns and food desires that would accompany each vibrational shift. There was so much to remember!

  The last days in the green house were approaching when Green broached a new subject, one that had never before come up. “Are you ready to talk about sex?” inquired Green.

  Mike almost fell over. He eyed his great green friend to see if this was another joke. “You have to be kidding!” Mike was embarrassed.

  “Not kidding,” said Green.

  Mike spoke softly, as if someone might overhear him. “Green, that’s not angel stuff. That’s something humans do in the dark. It’s a lowly lust thing. I’m surprised you even used the word!” Mike turned his face away and spoke to the corner of the room. “I don’t think we should discuss it in such a sacred place.”

  Green was unyielding. “It’s not what you think, Michael. Your reaction to it is only what humans have made of it. It’s biological, and that’s why you are here.” Green was silent, letting Mike have his space while he thought about what Green had just said.

  Mike was resigned. He knew that he could not escape something that Green was supposed to teach him. He had visions of high school sex-education class, where some unlucky male teacher was given the task of explaining to a group of guys what they already knew. They giggled like girls the whole time, giving each other those knowing looks—and wishing they were somewhere else. It was just too personal.

  “Green, do we have to?”


  What followed would forever change Michael Thomas’s view of the physical relationship between human beings. Green spoke eloquently as though from personal experience, but Green was gender-less! He told Mike that sex was one of the greatest spiritual aspects of biology. He described to an astounded Mike what the real purpose was, what males and females were supposed to get from the experience—besides children. He spoke of the elegance of raising the consciousness of two individuals simultaneously through the bringing together of emotion in a specific way. Green even gave Michael examples of how things worked in the spiritual realm of the body when passion was controlled and channeled in specific ways. Sex was an actual catalyst to enlightenment!When he finished, Mike was silent.

  “I just can’t believe it,” Mike said, holding his face in his hands. “All this time, and I thought it was dirty. Something you didn’t bring into the light. Something carnal that we brought with us through the evolutionary chain—and now you tell me it is spiritual?Wow, what a concept. Wait till the priests hear about this!” Mike was being funny, but the concept was overwhelming to a farm boy who had only learned about such things by watching animals and, later, in bits and pieces of misinformation from his adolescent friends. Mike suddenly lifted his head in realization.

  “Green, I’ve missed so much! I wish I could have had this experience with a woman I loved. Now it’s too late.”

  “Don’t be harsh with your path, Michael. Not everything is as it seems. This information, although delivered late, will have its purpose as you proceed. The information is the important thing, even though its application might seem out of place where you are headed. The key is to change your attitude. See the process as sacred. It will help you to honor your biology even more than you do now.”

  Green was right. As a male human, Mike still had his imaginings and his dreams—even in a place like this. He would have to start honoring them now, instead of feeling that they were somehow wrong or corrupt. It meant a great deal to him. He understood how it all fit into the picture, and he felt more complete because of it. Now there were even private parts of his body that could join the “WE” with more respect! Mike laughed at this thought. Green saw his process and grinned in response.

  The next day, it was time to go. Mike dressed himself in his new clothing, somehow magically supplied by those in the green house. This had been the most profound experience in Mike’s life. As he stood on the doorstep of the green cottage in the warm sun next to Green, he didn’t know what to say. Mike felt good. His battle gear looked great over his new clothes, and the
materials chosen for him felt wonderful on his body. Everything fit perfectly, and he marveled at how those who tailored the garments would have known his new size due to the workouts he had been through in the past weeks.

  Green looked him over carefully, his eyes pausing momentarily on Mike’s weapon, and was about to speak. Mike interrupted him.

  “I know, I know—nice sword!”

  It was Green’s turn to burst out laughing, and he did. “You took the words right out of my green angel mouth.” There was awkward silence while the two stood in the warm sunlight. Mike spoke first.

  “Promise me that I will see you again.”

  “I promise,” replied Green instantly, without reservation.

  “Do you have a question for me?” Mike spoke the words, remembering the protocol as in the houses before, when he was asked each time if he loved God before he departed.

  “Yes, I have a question, and you know what it is.” Green looked intensely at Michael Thomas. “Do you wish to answer it before I ask?”

  “Yes, I do,” spoke a ceremonial Michael Thomas. “I love God with all my heart. My intent is pure, and my body is one with the Spirit of all of you. I am closer to your vibration than ever before, and with that closeness comes a feeling of purpose, sacredness, and belonging. I am on my way home.”

  There was nothing Green could say. Whereas before, the angel had simply gone inside the house without a word, this time it was Mike who departed without saying good-bye. He confidently strode down the pathway, heading north toward the hills where the next house would be. Green stayed on the porch until Mike was out of sight and hearing range. Then, he spoke aloud, seemingly to himself.

  “Michael Thomas of Pure Intent. If you survive the next house, you indeed will be the warrior I think you are.” Green remained on the porch, waiting.

  It wasn’t long before a detestable, ugly green creature silently passed the house on ITs dark quest, following Mike and looking directly at Green. The angel said nothing and gave IT no recognition or acknowledgment. Green knew all about IT. Green also knew that Michael would know shortly. Green smiled at the thought.

  “What a meeting that will be!” he spoke. Then, he turned and reentered the Green house.


  The Fourth House

  As Mike casually continued on the path, he felt better than he had so far on this journey. His new custom-tailored clothes and battle gear fit together in a package that seemed to belong to this great place. He had an odd sense of familiarity regarding his surroundings. Although he had spent most of his time actually in the various houses, his trek on the pathway seemed somehow commonplace to him. He was beginning to recognize the smell of things and the way they looked. It was as if memories of Mike’s former life were beginning to fade, and the unusual characteristics of this new land were becoming his home. In addition, Mike kept having the feeling that he “remembered” these things, although he consciously knew better since he had never been here before.

  Mike also had a keen sense of new power. He actually felt as if he belonged to this land. He knew that much of this feeling came from the recent events in the House of Biology, and he smiled broadly each time he remembered Green. As he walked, he reflected that he had truly moved to a new level while he had been there. What more could there be? He had been through only three houses of seven, and he wondered what other lessons awaited him.

  There was a sound behind him.

  Like lightning, Mike spun around automatically, taking a position of alert defense. He even surprised himself at how instinctive his reaction was. He found himself leaning forward, his hand gripping the ornate handle of his fine sword of truth. Was he imagining it, or was the handle vibrating? His ears became the focus of all his concentration, and he stood poised like a statue waiting to spring into some unknown but perfect action.


  It could have been the wind, but Mike noticed there were no leaves moving in the surrounding trees. Moving only his eyes, keeping the rest of his body absolutely still, Michael scanned the area. What keen vision he had in this place! He did not remember having such wonderful acuity before on the path. It was almost as if someone had turned on a bright light that had not previously been there.

  Mike willed the focus of his concentration from his ears to his eyes, and he slowly looked at every large rock and bluff in sight.


  Mike began to realize that as comfortable as he now felt with his newly found country of colored houses, it was a dangerous place for him. The dark apparition that had been so present in his dreams while in the House of Biology might still be here. He had to be careful. Oddly, Mike felt no fear. He remained motionless, watchful, straining his senses to the limit.

  In this state of heightened awareness, Mike was discovering something new about his abilities. Although he could neither hear nor see anything unusual, he FELT that something was there. There was a feeling of discomfort in his very soul—a feeling of danger and of warning for his very being, yet...


  Slowly, he turned and continued along the sunny path, his head turning slightly from left to right in order to hear behind him, straining for early detection of anything unusual. As he continued, he again contemplated the puzzle. What could it be? In a land dripping with so much love and spiritual discovery, how could such a dark entity exist? And why was it chasing him? Why hadn’t any angel been willing to speak of it? It was a great mystery indeed, but Mike felt forewarned, and he wasn’t about to let this evil dark thing sneak up on him again. He remained alert, with the feeling of danger always present.

  Michael walked well into the afternoon. With dusk approaching and the next house not yet in sight, Mike stopped his brisk pace, turned around to face the way he had come, and slowly removed his map. He continued to scan the area behind him for motion or sound. He was relieved to see that indeed his precious map was active again, and it again showed the “currentness” of his situation. The YOU ARE HERE dot appeared as before, and just on the edge of the small area around the dot was the next house. It was just around the bend. Mike smiled to himself, put his map away, and continued.

  The journey to the next house had taken almost a day. Mike realized that the houses were placed just far enough apart to require a person to make an effort to get to them, but none required that you spend the night in the elements. Mike was glad of that. He was feeling a bit tired and knew that it wasn’t all physical. The state of alertness that he had been in for hours had taken its toll on his energy.

  In that mysterious time of twilight, where everything seems to turn all one warm color, Mike saw the next house as he rounded the curve in the path. Although everything around it was reflecting the orange and red of the dwindling day, the country-style house seemed to glow a pure violet color, as if the surroundings had no effect on it. Mike stopped and gaped in awe. Never had he seen such a beautiful hue! The violet was intense, serene, and powerful all at the same time. He had the feeling that the structure was entirely translucent and somehow lit from within. He continued, remembering that to stop for too long wasn’t prudent, even at this seemingly safe distance from his goal.

  In the beauty department, Mike had only gotten the first taste of what was to come, for when the angel appeared at the door to greet him, he was speechless. Never had he beheld such a beautiful creature as this! He almost felt he should kneel in respect for the sight before him. What was happening? Did he somehow have increased color receptors in his eyes? He couldn’t remember ever seeing such a color! He stood silently in awe of the sight, like a child seeing a sun set for the first time, wondering if there was magic involved. Then he heard the voice—and oh, what a voice!

  From the depths of tranquility seemed to come a silky smooth voice that calmed the very air that carried its vibration—and the voice was obviously female!

  “Greetings, Michael Thomas of Pure Intent,” the serene voice said. “You have been expected.”

  Mike was stun
ned and said nothing. He didn’t even have a coherent thought for the angel to read! He was dumbfounded. He realized that he had stopped breathing. She smiled and continued.

  “I’m no more female than Green was, Michael. Angels are genderless, but they contain all attributes of both your biological genders. My voice and appearance are for your comfort in this house.”

  Mike understood almost nothing of what Violet was saying. He could breath now, but didn’t know what to say. He tried, but was embarrassed by the croaking sound that accompanied his words.

  “You’re quite a sight!” Not only did he croak out his message, but he knew it was an incredibly stupid greeting. What a thing to say to such a beautiful entity! Mike experienced the awkwardness he had felt as a boy, the first time he was actually required to say something intelligent to an adult—and didn’t. Mike’s stupor was in part induced by the incongruity of what stood before him. Here was an enormous angelic presence with what seemed to him the countenance of female gentleness, although there was no body distinction between Violet and any other angel. All wore indistinct flowing garments of the color of their respective houses that would hide or disguise any gender. All were very large—but this face! Violet’s face was definitely female. It had the gentleness of his mother and his grandmother and the beauty of a saint. Mike sighed and tried again.

  “Please, forgive me...uh...Violet.” Mike even found that calling her by the color name somehow violated his sense of proper etiquette since it sounded like the familiar first name of a woman. He continued. “I didn’t expect—I mean I didn’t know that angels could be women.” Mike was immediately sorry he had opened his mouth again. How stupid that was! Of course angels were female! Hadn’t almost every painting he had ever seen of an angel been female? Violet just stood there. He tried again.


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