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The Journey Home Page 15

by Lee Carroll

  Mike arose with great care and alertness. The faint red glow coming from the north was slowly letting his eyes become aware of the immediate ground around him. He moved, slowly and quietly, toward the glowing red light. He pushed his feet through the grass cautiously so as not to be surprised by a change in ground elevation or a boulder. Stooped over, eyes straining to see the faint outline of the ground directly beneath his feet, he moved forward at a snail’s pace.

  In this crouching, step-by-step method of travel, Mike almost stumbled and fell when he suddenly reached smooth ground. It was the path! Mike chuckled to himself at the metaphor. Even though he had chosen to forsake the path, it found him when he needed it most. What a place!

  Mike saw that the path ran at an oblique angle to his northern marker, but he believed that it would indeed lead to the next house and that he had not passed it. In addition, he noticed that the glow was coming from an area where the path was heading. Mike moved to what he perceived was the center of the path and picked up his pace slightly. He was still traveling very slowly. He tried to stay in the middle of the path but occasionally found himself at its edge. He laughed.

  This is worse than fog on the coast of Santa Monica in June! he thought. He remembered riding his bike at night in the fog when he all he could see was the white line in the center of the road. He wished for that same white line now.

  Mike noticed that as he approached the glowing area, he could see more clearly. Gradually, the path became almost fully illuminated, or at least enough so that he could straighten up and walk in a normal fashion. Still, he was cautious. He didn’t know what the light was, and he wanted to be ready for anything.

  When Mike came around a curve, he realized where the light was coming from. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing. There in the forest was the next house. It was brilliant red! Mike mused that while the other houses had seemed to be glowing from within—this one actually was.

  Mike allowed himself to pick up the pace to almost normal as he approached the red house. The light from the house embraced him in its red glow. He turned up the pathway and caught sight of the posted red sign by the walkway: “House of Relationships.” Mike stopped.

  “Oh, dear,” he said with a sigh. “Here is a subject that I have already failed in! Are we going to see more films?”

  “Yes, we are!” The young red angel appeared out of nowhere on the steps leading to the door. “Greetings, Michael Thomas of Pure Intent. I thought we had lost you!”

  “No such luck, my fine red friend,”Mike answered. “I just took my time. I guess I wasn’t in a hurry to see your new films. Are they like the ones Violet had?”

  “No, Michael. They are not.” The red angel was very handsome, indeed. He reminded Michael of a movie star—an action hero with a terrific build. The red angel was really big! His personality was outgoing and comfortable, however, so his size didn’t cause any alarm—any more than the others had. His red robes seem to give him a look of sacredness. Mike remembered seeing this color in some of the robes of high church officials.

  “Are you hungry, Michael?” the large red angel asked.

  “Yes, sir.”

  Red led Mike into the house, but not before he motioned for him to remove his shoes. Red winked at Mike, as if to remind him why the ground was sacred. Mike felt timid at again being honored like this and said nothing. He removed his shoes quietly and placed them at the door.

  As before, the outer appearance of the house was no indication of what it was like on the inside. This house was big. It had stairways and arches, and the windows opened on landscapes that could not be seen from outside. Mike would never get used to the seeming inconsistences between physics and reality. He was reminded of the Alice in Wonderland tale, and wondered if Lewis Carroll had ever been here in his dreams. What a funny thought! Should he start looking for a white rabbit?

  “White is next, Michael,” said Red smiling. “No rabbit, though.”

  Mike laughed. So the next house was white? The White House! thought an amused Mike. Red was also amused, and Mike had a good feeling about whatever lessons were to take place here. He felt Red was indeed family. Like Green, Red seemed to be a brother—perhaps a famous one. Blue and Orange were like uncles, and, of course, Violet was Mom. He could hardly wait to meet Dad!

  “Are we feeling like family, Michael?” Red had stopped at what obviously were the quarters for food and lodging. Mike could smell dinner waiting.

  “Yes, Red.”

  “How appropriate. That’s what this house is all about.” Red turned and escorted Mike into the dining room. As usual, an amazing meal was waiting.

  “I’ll see you in the morning, Michael Thomas. Sleep well and be peaceful with your lesson here.” Red turned to leave, but said another good-bye just before he shut the door.

  Mike laughed to himself at how polite the angels had become on his journey. Mike did indeed feel peaceful. He knew that Red was aware of the lessons in the violet house, and of the powerful emotions and upheaval it had created in Mike’s very soul. He was kind to let Mike know that the next lessons were going to be different.

  Mike ate like a horse! He had missed lunch while out on the plain, and traveling in the darkness had taken a great deal of energy—more than he had realized. He was also tired, and after dinner, he immediately fell asleep. He was peaceful, and he felt the comfort and safety of this fine red house envelop him. He slept deeply and calmly—almost as if he were already home.

  LATE THAT NIGHT while Michael Thomas was sleeping, a bedraggled, angry, stinking, greenish creature skulked up the road toward the Red House. IT took one look at the house and knew that Michael Thomas was in it. IT had waited and waited for Michael Thomas to appear on the path, but Mike had not obliged.

  IT raged inside and burned with an anger that consumed IT with purpose. IT was confused! How had Michael Thomas known IT was there waiting? He must have gone around IT, leaving the path completely! Michael actually had made it to the Red House without the path! How? IT knew the angels were not allowed to interfere, so they had not told Michael where IT was. IT would have to rethink ITs plans now. When IT had gone ahead of Michael, IT had lost him. Should IT therefore go back to following him? That way, at least, IT would know where Mike was. What should be ITs course of action?

  As before, IT found a place in the trees to take up a vigil while IT waited for Mike to leave the Red House. As long as IT knew where Mike was, IT was content. IT passed the time by anticipating the final confrontation with Michael. Over and over, IT reviewed plans, formulating and dismissing strategies. There would have to be a great deal of energy expended and some trickery, but IT knew Michael Thomas very well. IT knew what Michael Thomas reacted to and how he thought. IT began practicing the techniques that would be necessary for the plan to work. The confrontation would take place on the road to the final house. That’s when Michael would be the most vulnerable. IT would again lie in wait. Deception is the key, IT thought. IT would have to pretend, and take another form—something that IT could only sustain for a few moments—but those few moments would be enough.

  AS HE HAD IN the previous houses, Mike arose and put on clothing that was waiting for him in the closet. The clothes were fresh and clean—and red. Mike again remembered the words of Orange, who had told him that there would be no human waste associated with his meals. Mike also realized that he’d had no beard growth since he’d begun this journey. It was almost as if everything that was happening was somehow suspended in time, preventing his physical self from aging or functioning as it had before he got here. What a place!

  Mike enjoyed the delicious breakfast laid out before him in the adjacent room and was sitting contemplating his journey, when he heard the knock at the door and Red entered.

  “I see that you are well rested and ready, Michael Thomas.”

  “Yes, I am, Red.” Michael was gracious and feeling good. Again he was amazed at how handsome Red was. “Thank you for your hospitality.”

“You deserve all of it, Michael Thomas of Pure Intent.” Red smiled and motioned for Mike to arise and join him in a walk to the learning portions of the House of Relationships. Red led Mike to areas that he had not seen the night before. The house was indeed different from the others. All the red made Mike feel alert and energetic. It was an amazing feeling. At length, they came to a large theater and entered. The wraparound screen was the same as in the previous theater, and the padded chair was there, too, except that now it was red. And, also, as before, the chair was just a little too close to the screen. Red knew that this place might cause Michael to be anxious after what he had experienced in the last house.

  “It’s not what you think, Michael,” said a comforting Red.

  “Thank you, my friend,” said a grateful Mike. “Do you wish me to take my place?”


  Red made his way to the back of the room as Violet had, and busied himself with the projection equipment. Mike took his place in the seat of honor in front—and the show began.

  This time there was no sound accompanying the presentation. Instead, Red lectured and explained what Mike was seeing on the screen displayed before him. Red was right. It was invigorating, educational, enlightening, and amazing! There was no sadness or introspective, emotional feelings being elicited from Mike. This was more like a slide show with narration, instead of moving pictures.

  “Mike, this is all about family,” Red began, as the screen lit up with some still images. “You have already seen in the last house that you play many roles on your planet and that those with you do, also. You have also learned that all humans agree and plan the potential directions of their lives before they ever arrive. Now it’s time for you to understand the relationship between the players. Let’s start with identifying the family.”

  Mike sat incredulous as Red introduced 27 beautiful faces on the screen. He gave names that were long and that Mike had never heard before. The names were angelic sounding, and, Mike thought, must be difficult to spell. Names like Angenon, Aleeilou, Beaurifee, Vereeifon, Kooigre, and on and on. Next, Red presented a chart of the lineage of each one. The chart started at the top with the Earth names and faces that Mike recognized, then branched off below with other names and faces that Mike did not know. Across the top were Mike’s parents, friends from church or school, people from work, and many people he barely knew. There were also some strangers. Mike took a moment to identify each. He recognized teachers who had made an impression on him. He saw Henry the bully, and his real first love, Carol! He also recognized his friend John. And there was the thief who had almost done him in at the apartment! Then, he saw Shirley, the woman he had loved and lost in Los Angeles.

  There were other images as well—people he did not know. One in particular caught his eye. A beautiful woman with a gorgeous smile. Her hair was red and her eyes green—an entrancing combination. He felt energy around this picture but didn’t know why. The next picture made Mike’s hair stand on end—it was the woman who had drunkenly steered her car into that of his parents’ that fateful day! She had been killed, too, and Mike thought she had deserved it. Why was she here? Look—his own picture was there, too!

  Below the top row of photos, connected with lines as in an organizational chart, were more images of people within more horizontal lines directly under the top ones Mike had recognized.

  “Each horizontal line is a lifetime, Michael Thomas,” Red said while Mike examined the entire scene. “They’re the same players over and over. The names change, and the gender is different, but they are the same entities—and they are your real family. Like a group, you loosely travel through time, some coming and going, but all are family. Now it’s time to hear their story.”

  What happened next was one of the most amazing and revolutionary things that Mike had ever experienced. He wasn’t prepared for what took place in that red theater with the red seats and the wonderful red angel. He was transfixed and speechless as he sat in his big red chair wearing his red clothes.

  The first picture on the top left of the chart suddenly zoomed to full size and became animated! Suddenly there was sound, too, and the one called Shirley, the love of Mike’s life, came to life on the screen! Then she stepped from the screen into Mike’s reality on the floor before him. She was real—no longer part of any movie or slide show! She called Mike by name and began her tale as she stood literally feet from him as a perfectly tangible object.

  “Michael Thomas, I am Reenuei from Quadril Five. I am your family, and I love you dearly! I am Shirley, as you know me in this life. Before that I was Fred, your brother in the last century. Before I was Fred, I was Cynthia, your wife before that. Michael Thomas of Pure Intent, we have a contract, and the energy of it is called karma. We had planned together to meet again in this life, and we did. You and I have completed something we both started centuries ago, and we did it well. We agreed to generate feelings in you that would bring you to this crossroads in life. It is my gift to you, and yours to me. We did it together!”

  Mike’s mouth was agape. She wasn’t an image on the screen. She was real! He was listening to a very familiar entity telling him that she was Shirley—and before that she was someone else he knew... and before went on and on. What a loving presentation! Each word was dripping with truth and purpose. Each explanation felt authoritative and complete. What a story! What a place! Mike didn’t know if Shirley could hear him as she stood there, but the undeniably solid form in front of him commanded that he speak.

  “Thank you, dear Shirley!” Mike bowed in appreciation to this one he had known and loved. This gave an entirely new perspective to their relationship; she was more like a best friend than a female who had ruined his life. Shirley disappeared gradually from the space she had occupied in front of him.

  The next image came forward and related a tale of love, intrigue, and complex relationships. It was Mike’s favorite high school teacher, Mr. Burroughs. He explained that he had been in Mike’s life many times, as many people. This time it was only to touch Mike during his education, which he had done. Mike’s part was obvious, also. They actually helped each other in ways Mike was not aware of. They had a contract, too, and the energy of learning he called karma, even though it was subtle. Mike orally acknowledged him, and the image of Mr. Burroughs faded, as the last one had.

  Suddenly, as big as life, he saw the image of his father. Mike was not sad—Dad was alive! His father’s form descended from the screen and casually took its place as a living being before Mike. He began his narrative, and Mike listened with great joy.

  “Michael Thomas, I am not who you think I am.” The entity was gentle, and not exactly the countenance that was Mike’s dad. It continued, “I am Anneehu from Quadril Five, and I am your real family. The face you see now is that of your father, and I played my role in human life exactly as I had planned it with your mother and you before we ever got to Earth. Everything that happened was appropriate, and we left early so that we could accomplish a great deal more in other spiritual areas. At the same time that we left for our own work, we facilitated your greatest gift, Michael. Our passing was the catalyst for your enlightenment. We came into your life with the heavy karmic lesson of death, Michael, and it played out perfectly. You are seated here because of it, and we love you dearly for your journey—and the fact that you now recognize the gift.”

  Mike felt keenly that this entity was alive and speaking to him personally. He memorized the name Anneehu. He wanted the sound to live in him from now on. How could there be sadness around his father’s death when the truth was standing in front of him? The words greatest gift rang in Michael’s ears as the being that had been his father continued. It told of the wars they had served in together, of the brothers they had been—and yes, even the sisters—a very long time ago on continents that no longer existed on Earth.

  Finally, Mike’s dad was finished. He smiled and faded away as had the others. Mike was moved, but not sad or pensive. It was exciting! He sp
oke to his father’s image as it was fading.

  “For the gift, Father, I am grateful.” Mike knew this was absolutely true, and bowed his head in respect as he spoke.

  Mom was next, and Mike was glued to his seat with his mouth open, listening to her tale of karmic lesson with him and the others in his life.

  “I am Eleeuin, also from Quadril Five. I love you dearly and have been many faces in your past.” She continued to explain the parts she had played in one life after another. She had even killed Mike once when they were both women—sisters! She told of the energy created from the actions of one life to another, and how it played out in building the lessons of interaction for the next. She did not pull on Mike’s emotions or create any kind of melancholy in his soul. She was informative and beautiful in her presentation. She was real. She was alive! When Mom started to fade, Mike spoke to her as well.

  “Thank you for your gift as well, Eleeuin.” Mike felt it appropriate to remember at least the real names of his parents. Remembering all the names was beyond his ability, but he committed these two names to his memory forever.

  One by one the faces took their place as real individuals before Mike. They introduced themselves and told of the great love they had for Michael Thomas. They spoke of the family often—all were from the strange place called Quadril Five—whatever that was.


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