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The Journey Home Page 17

by Lee Carroll

  Finally! thought Mike, glad that an angel was giving him some information about why this last question was being asked at every house. It must have to do with the seventh house and what Mike would find there.

  “I’m ready for the question, Red.” Mike knew the question but wanted to give Red the honor of asking it. Red could tell that Mike was letting him have his moment, and he appreciated it.

  “Michael Thomas of Pure Intent, do you love God?”

  “As I do you, and all the others—yes, I love God.” Mike stepped forward and did something he had not done before. He hugged Red! The large red angel was a tough package to get his arms around, but Mike did his best. Red quickly accepted the physical good-bye and stooped down to allow Mike to hug him at eye level. Red encircled Mike completely, swallowing him up in the gossamer red robes.

  “There is significance in this, Michael,” Red said as he let go of Mike. “As Green and Violet have told me, you are the first to have the vibration that would allow touch with an angel.” Red was emotional. “We never got to hug humans physically in the past. I will always remember this time.”

  Mike took the compliment well and then walked down the trail from the house to the main path. Mike had a choice—path or not. Yes, this time he would use the path to the next house, which he already knew was white. Mike turned one more time and waved a farewell to Red. Red stood there on the porch and watched Mike stroll out of sight. He marveled at Mike’s progress. He was proud that Mike’s gifts and weaponry were so attuned to this human. Never had this happened so completely.

  It was only a matter of moments before the looming menace of the repugnant creature with the stench of death itself appeared out of the tree and began to follow the human to the next house. IT left no footprints as it moved along the margins of the path. IT passed very close to Red and glared at him with two fiery eyes. Red, for the first time, spoke to the apparition.

  “Phantom, you haven’t got a chance.”With that, Red spun around and disappeared into the house of his color.


  The Sixth House

  The trek to the next house went almost without incident. Mike was more aware than ever that he was being followed. Instead of fear, however, he felt only caution. He could actually feel the dark energy of IT following not too far behind. He hadn’t been able to sense the creature’s energy before. It was almost as though Michael Thomas had been given a new gift of second sight—perhaps a sixth sense? He absolutely could tell that this energy existed!What did this all mean? What or who was this—thing? What did it want? Why didn’t it just show itself? Why just follow him all the time?

  Mike remembered the storm and how the dark greenish figure had come out of hiding and attacked him while he was vulnerable—seemingly only to disappear when lightning struck. Perhaps it was afraid of Michael? In that case, Mike had nothing to worry about, and he would simply keep the phantom at bay throughout the remainder of his journey to the last two houses.

  Mike intuitively knew, however, that there would probably be a time of reckoning with the sinister thing that shadowed him from house to house. Red had intimated as much, and Mike’s new intuitive sense was telling him the same thing. Be careful, Mike! were the words he heard over and over regarding the subject. It was his mind talking—or was it? He was beginning to realize that the voices of the angels were somehow melding into his own, giving him advice about his journey. It was all so new!

  As he continued, twice he caught a glimpse of the thing when he looked back. At least it was behind him. Mike considered the fact that if it was smart, it could get ahead of him in his journey from the sixth to the seventh house. Better be watchful for that, an intuitive voice spoke clearly in his mind. Mike took out his map to see if the shadowy phantom had any kind of energy that would appear. The map was normal, however, showing all things around the red “you are here” dot for a couple of hundred yards. Mike looked back to where he had seen movement and realized that the thing was lurking just out of range of the map. He wondered if it knew that it might show up on the map and therefore kept itself far enough away. He would have to keep that firmly in mind. Somehow, he felt, it was valuable information.

  Mike found the white house fairly soon in the afternoon. It was small and unassuming; a cottage just like the others. He approached it and looked for the sign so that he could have a preview of the lessons to be learned there. His curiosity didn’t disappoint him, for indeed, the sign was there. It read “House of Love.”Mike was instantly curious. What could this be about? He had felt loved in each house. He had been through the House of Relationships, yet here was an entire house dedicated to love.

  Mike turned from the path and walked up to the door. There was no angel to greet him. He looked for the place to put his shoes, and it was there, waiting for him. Mike wondered if he should wait for the white angel but decided not to. He removed his shoes, placed them in the appropriate area, opened the door, and went inside.

  He was overcome by the smell of flowers! He remembered this feeling. He was standing in a hallway that led to a vast area of indistinct whiteness. He slowly made his way down the hall until he was standing in a great, open void of white. He remembered this place. This was where he’d experienced his original vision! Suddenly, the great white angel who had been in the vision stood before him.

  “Greetings, Michael Thomas of Pure Intent!We meet again.” The angel smiled a phenomenal smile—and what a voice!

  Mike was extremely pleased to see this wonderful entity. The gossamer quality of his garments again astonished Mike. The angel seemed to blend into the house. He intuitively recognized that White, as he would call this angel, was different from the rest. He floated! The others walked. White had a countenance about him that somehow gave him a greater badge of divinity—if such a thing was possible. The other angels on this journey had become his friends, his family. This one was like a priest. He glowed! Mike felt that White shouldn’t be touched and that he carried a great energy with him. Mike’s new intuitive powers were serving him well.

  “You have a face this time.”Michael winked at White. He remembered that everything about the angel had been indistinct the last time they had met.

  “Indeed, I do, and it is because you have made it this far that you are able to see it. You have done very well, Michael. Your vibration is higher than that of any human who has traveled this land. Already there are colors in your name that announce this—colors that will remain forever regardless of your success here, whether you go forward to the next house or not.”

  There it was again. Was it a warning that he wasn’t going to make it? Was it doubt? Red had given him the same feeling—that perhaps he might fail in the last moments of this sacred journey. What was coming that would be so tough?

  “It is this house that will test your resolve to continue,” said White, again reading Mike’s energy. “Not everything is as it seems. Use this comment as your guide, and you will fare well in what is to come.”

  Mike remembered that he was standing before the angel who had originally spoken those words, and how true they had been! It was an admonishment not to make assumptions. It was a warning to heed, and it would somehow help him. Mike wanted to know more about White.

  “White, you are different?”

  “Yes, Michael. I AM. This is the house of love. It is next to the purest house you will ever enter. It isn’t a house of lessons as the ones before. It is the source house. It’s the center.”

  “But it’s number six of seven—in a row of houses!” Mike exclaimed.

  “Again, not everything is as it seems.” The angel smiled. “Believe me, it’s the center. The order of the houses is only for your lesson, Michael. The layout you see only represents a human attribute.”

  Mike was immediately curious to know more about the house.

  “What will take place here?”


  The angel floated closer to Mike. What a face he had! If love had a face
, this was it. Beautiful, astounding, and peaceful. White continued with his answers.

  “A journey into choice. A re-examination of all that is. Another vibrational shift, if you want it.”

  “Who are you, really?”Michael inquired of White. You’re not just the white angel in the sixth house. I know that.

  “I AM known by all, Michael Thomas, and THAT I AM known by all, therefore I exist.” This was the identical answer that White had given the first time Mike had asked the question. It made no sense to him.

  “I don’t fully understand your answer, White, but undoubtedly someday I will. Of all the angels I have met so far, you are indeed the grandest.” Mike was speaking truthfully, for he was beginning to understand that what stood before him now was an entity of great spiritual importance and potent energy.

  “That may be so, Michael Thomas, but there is one coming who is grander than us all.” White was patient while Mike pondered the statement. Then White turned and floated ahead, beckoning for Mike to follow. White led Mike through a nondescript and almost indistinguishable maze of pseudo hallways. Mike couldn’t see details in this place! They rooms and halls, if that’s what they were, could have been any shape.

  “What is wrong with my vision, White? Everything blends in with everything else.”

  “Much of what you perceive is in higher dimensions, Michael Thomas, and your mind is not able to make sense of it at the moment. That is why I did not meet you at the door. I cannot easily go outside of this place, for the physics there would not accept my dimension.” Mike knew he was in an area of knowledge he didn’t begin to comprehend, and he did not pursue it. White led Mike to a familiar-looking door, one Mike could actually see distinctly, and then he spoke.

  “Your quarters and dining area are in your dimension. You must enter alone. I will be here to greet you in the morning after your first meal.”White was very gracious. He smiled broadly at Mike and made him feel very good, indeed. There was something about his voice that made Mike wish to hear him speak over and over. White’s voice was beautiful! Mike remembered how he had reacted to White’s laughter the first time he had heard it. He wanted to be in White’s company.

  “Must you go?”

  “Yes, but only for now. I will be here in the morning.”

  “I’ll miss you.” Mike felt as if he were saying good-bye to a long-lost relative. He actually didn’t want White to go. The energy between them was addictive to him! Mike recognized that this was unusual. He verbalized it in only a few words and formed a question. White knew it was coming.

  “White, what is it I am feeling? Are you able to explain it so that I can understand?”

  “No.” White was honest and smiled at Mike. “But I will tell you anyway.” This magnificent angel was very willing to talk about everything, even if it was over Mike’s head spiritually. He continued.

  “I represent the source for all matter. I exist that I exist and am the reason for the Universe to exist. I live in the highest scientific paradoxes imaginable, but I am responsible for the emotions of a single human heart. I am the smallest part of physics and the largest part of the Universe. I represent all light. I am the space between the nucleus of the atom and the electron haze. I am the most abundant force in the Universe and the most powerful source of energy. I am from the most distant, yet most powerful force in the Universe. I am the sands in the hourglass of time, yet I am the center, where there is no time. I am the creative force that allows physics to respond to consciousness; therefore, I am a miracle. I AM love.”

  Mike understood none of this, but he was awed by the message anyway. White had sanctity and holiness. Mike was standing before a part of God that was sacred and anointed. He was faced not with a teacher this time, but a personality—a celebrity—with a voice like none that Mike had ever heard. Mike had felt this same thing the first time he had met White.

  “Thank you, White,” Mike said gratefully. “Thank you.”

  White looked at Michael Thomas for a very long time before he spoke again. His silken voice slid into Mike’s ears like the morning dew on a moist flower petal.

  “You will not spend much time here, Michael Thomas. Tomorrow I will explain the four attributes of love, then I have someone for you to meet.” Mike could tell that there was something potent coming just by the way White looked at him. Mike felt the angel’s love and compassion for him.

  White exited, leaving Mike wishing for more of everything: more of that wonderful voice, more information, more peace! That was it! White carried peace when he was around, yet White was gone, and the peace remained. What a feeling!

  Mike had forgotten how hungry he was until he smelled food in the other room. He knew the routine and quickly placed his belongings in the closet, washed himself, and prepared for his evening meal and an early retirement.

  After dinner, Mike slept better than he had ever slept in his life. Whatever he had experienced in the other houses, this topped it. The sense of peace was so thick he could taste and smell it. The serenity was awesome, and the result was complete and ultimate rest.

  WHEN THE DISGUSTING and vile entity with the red eyes came upon the white house on the path, IT did not stop to take refuge in a tree or wait behind a rock. Michael had already entered the cottage, and IT knew that all was safe, and IT could pass without notice. IT continued with a dark purpose that compelled IT forward. For about an hour, IT moved quickly up the road in the direction of the next house and found a place perfect for the ambush. IT scouted the land and thought of all the escape contingencies that Michael Thomas might try. Then, IT settled in and began the waiting process, practicing what IT was going to do. The deception was perfect, IT thought. Michael didn’t stand a chance. His guard would be down.

  If you had been a traveler on that path in the dusk of that closing day where IT had set the trap, you would have seen a solitary man standing under a tree, repeating the same words over and over—as if practicing a speech. If you had come closer to this seemingly gentle soul, you would have observed the features of an honest farmer and heard the voice of a loving father—Michael Thomas’s father.

  MIKE AWOKE EARLY and prepared himself. His quarters were similar to that of the other houses except that they were completely white. He had often considered the “white-on-white” look as feminine decor, but this experience changed his mind. In this place, all the whiteness conveyed a sense of peace, of serenity. Mike found some white clothes to wear, complete with white slippers if he had wanted them.

  He ate—and what a meal! Not only did it taste good, but the food looked wonderful. He was seated at a table with a white tablecloth and white china; there were white cups and glasses and even white utensils. The color of the food contrasted dramatically with the whiteness and gave the appearance of a gallery painting. Mike ate slowly, taking in all the elegance in his new surroundings. All the white made him feel as if he were in a palace—as if he were among royalty.

  When he was finished eating, Mike took a deep breath. He absolutely knew that the grand, white angel was just on the other side of the door, waiting. What was going to happen here? If love was the greatest power of the Universe, and Mike was increasing his vibration toward it, then what could be waiting that would tempt him to leave this path?

  Mike opened his door and stepped into the wispy hallway of the white house. He was right. The white angel was waiting for him right where Mike had taken leave of him the evening before.

  “Good morning, Michael Thomas,” said the cheerful entity. Mike immediately felt the grandness of the energy around White.

  “Good morning, White.”

  “Are you ready to move forward?”

  “Yes.” Mike loved the feeling here but was a bit apprehensive. White led him into a room where he could sit. He was invited to seat himself and did so. There were no teaching aids, screens, or charts here, only a white room with a chair in which Mike was now seated. The angel took a place in front of him and began the information exchange.

; “Michael Thomas of Pure Intent, I am here to present to you the four attributes of love. When the pure love of God permeates your being, your very cells will vibrate with its integrity. You will see things differently. You will treat others differently. You will have powerful discernment. It is the essence of all creation, but oddly enough, your language has only one word for this astounding property.” The angel smiled. “I wish to show you how it works. Please, come with me.”

  Mike was surprised by what followed. He thought he had been through a great deal in the first six houses and had seen everything, but suddenly the angel was taking him on a journey! Seated, he was being whisked into an interdimensional reality. He and White seemed real, but everything else became dreamlike. He had the feeling of motion but was not dizzy in any way. The white, indistinct room became a maze of colors and sounds, changing greatly before his eyes. Still in his chair, Mike was being taken somewhere else, and although surprised, he was not afraid. It was all so wondrous!

  After some time, he and White finally “arrived” at whatever destination the angel had in mind. The indistinctness of the dimensional shift started to fade, and Mike found himself and White in a hospital setting. This surprised Mike. He thought White was taking him to some heavenly place to look at divine love. Instead, he was observing an average hospital room where a patient was lying in a bed. Multiple tubes were attached to the individual, and Mike recognized the area as one hospitals called intensive care.

  It was so real! He could hear everything as it was happening, and he could smell the antiseptic the hospital used on the floors and walls. After being on a sacred path in a spiritual land for so long, the sounds and smells assaulted Mike’s nostrils and made him wince. It was so different, yet still familiar. The two travelers took up a place where they could observe everything that happened in the room. They seemed to float in a stationary way in one corner. There was stillness, and Mike was quiet. Only the beeping, hissing, and clicking sounds of the medical apparatus were apparent. Mike looked around. The man in the bed was obviously of advanced years. He looked ashen, very old, and very sick. His eyes were closed.


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