Heat Flash

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Heat Flash Page 15

by Taylor Anne

  Kendall looked up to catch him staring at her. His brow furrowed, and his head tilted to the side.

  “So, what happened? Did y’all finally arrest her?”

  “That night I was supposed to be at an important dinner meeting with the CEO of the accounting firm. Well, that’s what Nikki thought. I never imagined she would come looking for me. And yes, in the end, we did take her in. Although we still didn’t have enough evidence to bring in her father, she was arrested, and eventually convicted. We had enough evidence to put her away for fifteen years. But the night that she came looking for me...”

  “Go on,” she urged when the silence stretched out.

  His brow softened, he took a deep breath, and his entire body seemed to relax. Like a heavy weight was lifted off him.

  “That was four years ago. The night of your father’s retirement party. That’s the reason I left the party with someone else. With Nikki. You have to believe me when I say that I almost blew my cover that night in order to stay with you. When I said it was nothing personal, I meant with Nikki. It nearly killed me to look into your big brown eyes and walk away. I saw the hurt. I’ve lived with that torment all these years.”

  Kendall’s mouth fell open. She couldn’t speak. Her heart did flip-flops at the pained expression knotted between his eyes. “Why didn’t you ever say anything?”

  “Things got crazy with the case after that night, and I let time slip by. I tried to call you a few times. When I didn’t get an answer, or a return call, I figured you didn’t want to have anything to do with me. I convinced myself that in your mind, nothing really happened between us.” He shifted on the bed so that she could face him while leaning against his side. “I’m so sorry, Kendall. I wish it would’ve never happened that way.”

  Tightness clogged her throat. She couldn’t manage to do anything except stare at him. Her brain fought to process what he was telling her. That explained about that night, but what about...

  His gravelly voice lowered to just above a whisper. “The other night, yes, you did see me hug and kiss someone. On the cheek.”

  She was not surprised to find he knew where her thoughts were heading. He read her so well.

  “Another case?” she mumbled.

  “No. My mother. She was passing through with Mr. Hernandez.”

  “Her attorney?”

  His laughter sparked up the night. “Yeah. They were on their way to Alabama for a short vacation. She wanted to see me when they came through Baton Rouge. Ken, we’re trying to work things out. I’m trying to give her a chance.” His voice was strained. Mason’s hands wrapped around her upper arms and pulled her up so they were face to face. His thumb swiped at the tears filling her eyes.

  “Don’t cry, sweetheart.”

  Kendall couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Both times she thought he was betraying what little trust they had formed between each other, he had legitimate reasons. He hadn’t abandoned her. She should be more excited than she was, but something knotted in the back of her mind. There was more, something he wasn’t telling her. That hurt. But for now, they were here, together.

  “That morning after we spent the night together at your house, you ran off. Why?”

  “Aw hell, Kendall. That night was wonderful. And the morning, it was so right. You were there with open arms, accepting me for who I was. You didn’t demand anything. I looked at you and you just glowed with happiness. And I realized that I could never give you the peace and comfort of a lifetime that you deserve.”

  “Why? What makes you say that?”

  He sighed. “I saw what my dad went through every time my mom came around. While she was home, he was happy. He lived like his life was worth something. But the minute she left again, he hit the booze and dug himself deeper into misery. He loved her so much, but didn’t know how to deal with her abandonment. I’m just so afraid I inherited too much of Julia’s genes. And I couldn’t live with myself if I hurt you that way.”

  Hearing him confess this tore her heart in two. He was a good man. He was all she needed. She may never convince him of that, but she would forever believe it. Looking at him, she pushed aside her own pain in order to feel his. The lost years between them. The childhood abandonment from his mother, who he was nothing like. The hint of moisture in his eyes nearly broke her.

  “Well, at least we have right now,” she whispered.

  “I am so sorry for the pain I caused you.” The back of his hand caressed her cheek, wiping the dampness from them. “Ken—“

  “Shh.” She lifted her fingers and placed them against his lips. “No more words.” She traced a line down his chin. His hands snaked around hers, stalling their movement.

  “Ken.” His whispered words were hoarse.

  “I want to make love to you.” She exhaled the promise on a soft breath.

  “Oh, God, Kendall.” He sealed her lips with his own, igniting the fire deeper and deeper.

  She eased her body over his, straddling, her bent legs on either side of his hips. With only the barrier of underclothes between them, his erection pressed into her soft flesh. Starting at his lips, she kissed and teased her way down his chest, nuzzling the soft hairs that tickled her. Her hands stroked his muscular arms, arms that were there to protect her. Slowly, she traced a path over his chest. Her fingers circled the heart that had stolen hers.

  Impatient fingers tightened on her thighs where his hands splayed. His hips rocked up against her. Kendall’s body and mind burned for his touch. She needed him to wash away the remains of her nightmare, while at the same time she wanted to pleasure him and alleviate any doubts in his mind they were meant to be together.

  His fingertips stretched until they lingered on the outer line of her panties. The sensual touch surged through her, forcing a small gasp through her lips. Mason groaned deep in his throat, and the fire between them spread instantly. Fevered bodies moved against one another, touching, caressing, tasting. This was not the slow easy loving they shared once before. This was about filling one another’s need—fast and complete. Each claiming their stake in the other.

  Mason rolled Kendall onto her back. He claimed her lips in a searing kiss that had her mind reeling. Thoughts about the past days, the stalker, Mason’s confessions—nothing mattered now except the two of them. Her hands pulled at his back, trying to get closer, needing to feel his body all over. Towering over her, he glanced toward her nightstand. “You have condoms?”

  “Umm, no I don’t.”

  That sexy, crooked smile spread across his face. He rubbed his nose against hers. “Hold that thought,” he whispered before leaping off the bed and ducking into the living room. Seconds later he returned, digging through his duffel bag. He tossed several condoms on the nightstand before ripping the foil off one. Ridding himself of his boxer briefs, he rolled the condom on before crawling onto the bed. His devilish grin teased her. “I see you’re ready.”

  She lay sprawled naked, the sheet draped loosely over her breasts. She was more than ready, and seeing his eagerness sent a thrill of passion through her. In his arms she felt treasured, needed, wanted, and loved.

  “Ready. And I’m all yours.”

  His eyes closed briefly before he opened them and pinned her with a scorching gaze. “Always, baby.” He entered her in one swift movement, filling her.

  Her body clenched onto his, wanting to keep him inside her, touching that special spot, forever. For the second time in her life, she felt complete with this man as their bodies came together in a beautiful rhythm. This was the only man she ever truly loved.

  Afterward, he gently kissed her and cradled her body in his, holding her tight. It felt like a bittersweet parting, like he wasn’t sure if he’d ever have the chance to hold her again. Kendall snuggled into his warmth, and tried to sleep. Tried to block out the nagging in the back of her mind.


  The next morning, Kendall awoke to silence and an empty bed. Her fingers slid over the pillow beside her. She inhaled th
e woodsy, fresh scent that was Mason’s alone. His smell combined with the scent of their recent lovemaking, brought on a rush of emotion. Cuddling the pillow to her face, she let out a soft moan. What happened between them was more than making love. Their souls touched. The night they shared gave new meaning to the words, coming home. Finally, climbing out of bed, she grabbed the T-shirt off the chair at the foot of the bed and pulled it over her head.

  Mason was sitting on the sofa, coffee cup next to the computer, fingers pounding away on the keyboard. Kendall paused in the bedroom doorway, taking the opportunity to look at him. Beyond the blue jeans, bare feet, and bare chest. Deeper than his dark hair rumpled from sleep, and back muscles that bunched as he reached out to take a sip of coffee before continuing to type.

  Her heart went out to the man sitting on her couch, in her house. She recalled how his arms cradled her securely all night, after those same hands brought her pleasure she’d never experienced before. His soothing words rocked her back to sleep whenever the nightmare disrupted the night. She believed his wholehearted declaration that he would have a plan by morning. That he would catch Foster.

  Now that he explained about those other women, maybe things could be different between them. First, Kendall had to know if Mason felt the same way. Surely, the tenderness and compassion he expressed last night meant he cared as deeply as she did. Maybe he would allow her to help him get beyond his commitment phobias and realize he was not like his mother.

  She took one more look at his body, from his bare toes up to his face. A soft gasp escaped her lips when her eyes locked with his. Desire was evident there, but something else flickered in their depths. An unidentified emotion that closed his features. That look caused her heart to drop. Words stuck in her throat.

  “Morning.” The compassion in his voice echoed throughout the room.

  “Morning. What you looking at so intently?” Kendall sat next to him.

  Her bare leg brushed against his jean-clad one. He leaned in to give her a deep kiss before he stood. “Take a look at what’s on the computer while I get you some coffee.”

  He strode into the kitchen after leaving her reeling from another kiss. Pulling herself together, she turned her attention to the computer screen. Right there, in her face, was a picture of Deputy Foster. Only, the name on the drivers’ license was different. Staring dumbfounded at the screen, Kendall didn’t realize Mason was standing next to her until he offered her a cup of steaming coffee.

  “Thanks,” she mumbled distractedly. He took a seat on the couch, not leaving an inch of space between them. His hands rubbed up and down her back and over her arms. Picking up his coffee cup with one hand he placed his other on her bare knee. He was jittery about something, but he seemed to want to make sure he was touching her. Kendall looked up at his face. Instead of making eye contact, he turned his head to look toward the window. An uneasy feeling pierced her gut. He was all business now. Suddenly the coffee no longer held the brisk, strong taste she relished. Instead, it burned her throat and turned her stomach. She set the coffee cup down next to the computer and tried to focus on the information on the screen.

  Mason pointed to the picture of the deputy. “Deputy Chuck Foster. Real name, Charles F. Miller. F, as in Foster. The nephew of your deceased boss, Tom.” His voice was curt and business-like, no trace of his earlier kindness revealed. He punched a few keys and another picture popped on the screen. Tom and Foster, sitting at a bar sipping drinks, completely unaware their picture had been snapped. “Marks had to dig pretty deep to get his hands on this. He’s still not sure who took the picture, but the date stamp on it shows it was taken about six months before Tom was killed.”

  “So they were working together?” He nodded. “Why is Foster after me? What does he think I know, or have?”

  “He thinks you have access to some of the money Tom swindled away. Or at the least, he believes you know where it is.”

  “Why would he think that?”

  “Marks tapped into Foster’s computer at the office. He had a file that had documents, pictures, and spreadsheets of everything he and Tom were doing. There were also copies of emails between the two of them. Tom mentioned your name in several of those emails and said that you would be their new partner.”

  “Oh my gosh. That is sick.”

  Mason picked up his coffee cup and took a long drink. His eyes made brief contact with hers before he looked away and continued. “Marks contacted several people from Mississippi, where Foster—um, Miller—was living before moving here. The references he used to get the deputy job were all bogus. He paid people to lie for him. Marks’ department was in such a bind that they didn’t check him out any further than those few references.”

  “Wow. He had everyone fooled.”

  “It gets worse.” The edge in his voice was unmistakable. “He’s wanted for murder of a convenience store clerk in Lafayette. Held the woman at gunpoint for half an hour before he shot her in cold blood. Surveillance cameras positively identified him as the robber.”

  “When did this happen?”

  “One month before he moved here. He used a different identity, of course, but it was definitely him. Marks is blaming himself for this whole mess.”

  “No, it’s not his fault.” Pain etched across Mason’s face. Kendall laid a hand on his arm. “Or yours.”

  He twisted his body so that he could pull her into his embrace. He sighed heavily. “Don’t worry, sweetie. We’ll catch him and be done with this whole ordeal.”

  The ringing of his cell phone jarred the quiet. Grudgingly, they pulled away from each other so he could answer the call. “Hello Marks.”

  Kendall listened to the one sided conversation between the two detectives. She couldn’t hear what Marks was saying, but Mason’s fierce scowl revealed the depth of seriousness.

  “Are you sure? How long ago was this?” Mason pulled Kendall into his embrace again while he talked on the phone. “I’m not leaving her until someone is here to keep an eye on her… Marks, this just doesn’t feel right. Are you positive it was him? …Let me talk to Johnson.”

  Kendall asked, “What’s going on?”

  “Marks received a tip that Foster is on the run. We need to check it out, but I’m not leaving you alone. He’s sending someone over to stay with you.”

  Kendall shook her head. “I don’t want anyone in the house with me.”

  “It’s not an option. You need protection.”

  She put a hand on his arm. “No. He can stay outside and keep an eye on things from there. Besides, if Foster were to show up here it would make more sense for the deputy to catch him outside before he got inside to me.” Her voice lowered to a plea. “He’s already taken so much of my life. He can’t take everything from me. This is my house and I don’t want to feel like I’m trapped in it.”

  Instead of answering her, Mason turned his attention back to the phone. Marks must have put Johnson on the line. Kendall felt Mason tense next to her. Even though his hands on her were gentle, his voice to the deputy was not.

  “Get over here and do not leave until I tell you to. Patrol around the entire house. Check and double-check every window and door you walk past. Stand guard over her house. Call Kendall every fifteen minutes. Is that clear?” Mason waited for the man to respond before continuing. The venom in his voice cut Kendall to the bone. “If anything looks out of kilter, you move on it. Get inside and make sure Kendall is safe. Johnson, don’t fuck this up.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  After Mason threatened the deputy beyond his life if anything happened to Kendall, he waited while he put Marks back on the line. “I hope you’re right about this. My gut tells me something is wrong. Why would Foster leave now?”

  “Because he knows we’re on to him. He doesn’t have much of a choice except to run. The sheriff’s department called in the plates on the truck. The driver ran several red lights and was driving recklessly. Either he’s been drinking, or he’s trying to get caught. But I ass
ure you, it’s his truck. They say he’s headed toward Lake Pontchartrain Causeway. We have to catch him before he hits that bridge.”

  “All right, I’m trusting you on this. As soon as Johnson gets here I’ll catch up to you.” He flipped the phone closed and took a deep breath. Marks was certain Foster was on the run, but a nagging sensation at the back of Mason’s mind told him otherwise. He had to convince himself, as well as explain to Kendall, that it was best for him to meet Marks and leave her under someone else’s care.

  He sat with her on the sofa and gave her a brief rundown of their plan to catch Foster. When she reached out to touch him, he dodged contact with her hands. Color rose in her cheeks. His fingers brushed against her thigh. Quickly, he pulled away. Kendall’s hands rose to rub at that spot on her throat. She was hurt and confused.

  This was the hardest part of his job. Mason knew better than to get personally involved in any case. That has always been his one golden rule. Somehow he thought this one would be different. Seeing the fear in Kendall’s face nearly broke his heart. If only he could pull her into his arms. Tell her the truth. That was not possible. Not now. He had to get moving if he wanted to catch Foster. And he desperately wanted to catch the asshole. He had to bury his feelings for Kendall until this mess was resolved. She was going to think he was a total bastard for leaving her at a time like this, but it was unavoidable. And right now he would agree with her, he was being a bastard. He couldn’t let her emotions get in the way. Or his.

  She moved closer to him. Her soft hands cradled his face, turning his head so their eyes met. “Mason, forget about Foster and Tom for a few minutes. We need to talk. About us.”


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