History Hackers

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History Hackers Page 9

by Charlie Carter

  Almost there. Almost.

  Bracing himself, he straightened and stumbled the fifty metres or so to the lane at the back of the library. As he turned the corner he saw the limousine and gasped. It was pulling away from the curb, its tail lights glowing like two big bloodshot eyes.

  ‘Wait!’ he croaked, and tried to run, but fell flat on his face. The limousine had gone by the time he struggled to his feet.

  In a daze, barely able to see straight, he bumbled on until he reached a tiny metal door set into the wall. He pressed his hand against the recessed palm pad and waited.

  ‘Come on,’ he whispered. ‘Be there. Please be there.’

  After what seemed an eternity, Professor Perdu’s voice came from the speaker. ‘Alpha One!’ she shrieked. ‘You made it! Alpha One? Are you there?’

  The Time Trooper was slumped against the metal door, barely breathing.

  Also by Charlie Carter

  Open Fire (Battle Boy 1)

  Red Devil Down (Battle Boy 2)

  Destroy Troy (Battle Boy 3)

  Bloodaxe (Battle Boy 4)

  Aztec Attack (Battle Boy 5)

  Battle Bust-up (Battle Boy 6)

  Vampire Virus (Battle Boy 7)

  Chariot Charge (Battle Boy 8)

  White War (Battle Boy 9)

  Caveman Bash (Battle Boy 10)

  Super Soldier (Battle Boy 11)

  Sky Wars (Battle Boy 12)

  Samurai Secrets (Battle Boy 13)

  Black Prince (Battle Boy 14)

  Underwater War (Battle Boy 15)

  Warrior Queen (Battle Boy 16 – ebook)

  Omega Squad: Time Thieves

  First published 2012 in Pan by Pan Macmillan Australia Pty Ltd

  1 Market Street, Sydney 2000

  Copyright © Charlie Carter 2012

  The moral right of the author has been asserted.

  All rights reserved. This publication (or any part of it) may not be reproduced or transmitted, copied, stored, distributed or otherwise made available by any person or entity (including Google, Amazon or similar organisations), in any form (electronic, digital, optical, mechanical) or by any means (photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise) without prior written permission from the publisher.

  This ebook may not include illustrations and/or photographs that may have been in the print edition.

  National Library of Australia Cataloguing-in-Publication data:

  Carter, Charlie.

  Title: History hackers / Charlie Carter.

  9781742611648 (pbk.)

  Carter, Charlie Omega squad ;


  For children.

  Time travel—Juvenile


  Body snatching—Juvenile fiction.


  EPUB format: 9781743348765

  Typeset by Midlands Typsetters

  Cover design by Emigraph

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