The Dom Who Loved Me

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The Dom Who Loved Me Page 6

by Lexi Blake

  Jake shook his head. “Watch yourself, Sarge. You better not forget that she’s involved in this.”

  “She is not,” Adam replied. “That woman is not in league with a damn terrorist. You’ve lost your mind if you think that.”

  “Oh, she’s involved,” Jake said, picking up his jacket. “If Patrick Wright is here, Matthew Wright is working with him. If Matt is working with him, there’s no way Grace isn’t involved.”

  “Those are some big ‘ifs,’ Jake.” Adam slid out, too. His face was set in stubborn lines. He’d picked his side.

  Sean had picked his side, too. He just wasn’t sure it was the right one. He’d been burned before. “She keeps that case close. How many admins have briefcases with locks on them?”

  It was a quandary. Every instinct he had told him that Grace Hawthorne was just what she claimed to be. And Grace wouldn’t be the first woman to figure out that sweet and submissive was an awfully good way to cover up criminal activities.

  “I don’t buy it,” Adam said. “But I can see I’m the only one who hasn’t given in to complete cynicism. I’m going home. I have an eight o’clock meeting. I hate sales.”

  Jake threw his hands up. “We’re not going home, asshole. I set up a date with the bartender. I had to convince her that you were drinking the Cosmo as a bet. She was pretty sure you were gay.”

  Adam drew his hands over his chest. “Are you talking about double D’s?”

  “Yeah, the blonde with the huge rack and an open mind. We’re due at her place in half an hour,” Jake said. “Unless, of course, you have to get your beauty sleep.”

  “Fuck you, asshole. Damn, she’s hot. I want the back door this time,” Adam said eagerly. He was moving way faster than he was before.

  And he was forgetting a couple of things. “You two better be careful. I don’t give a damn what you do off the clock, but you be discreet. None of this better get around that office.”

  Jake held out a key. “Already thought of it. She wants us waiting for her.”

  Trust Jacob Dean to have gotten some random waitress to give him the key to her apartment in exchange for the promise of multiple orgasms. Sean waved them off. “Good night, guys.”

  They left, and Sean was alone. He took a long sip of his beer and thought about how Grace had softened against him. She’d tilted her head up, and he’d almost leaned over to brush his lips against hers. He’d wanted to order her to open her mouth and submit to him. She’d responded so well when he’d turned his Dom voice on and told her what he expected. She would respond the same way when he got her into bed. She would flower open for him once he’d trained her, and he would take care of her.

  Damn it. He couldn’t let that happen. He couldn’t get close. He had to keep it light. He would get in her bed, but he wasn’t about to open up to her.

  No matter what happened, he had to be able to walk away. The trouble was, he was starting to think that he wouldn’t want to.

  Chapter Five

  Three days later, Grace sank into the pool, sighing as the cool water covered her body. It was peaceful and quiet in her backyard. Her neighbors were elderly and rarely came out after dark, so Grace enjoyed the glorious solitude. Though the September days were ridiculously hot in Texas, the nights had started to take on a cooler, autumnal air. Grace looked up at the nighttime sky. For fourteen years, she’d called this three bedroom ranch-style house home. It had been her and Pete’s dream house. She would have to sell it soon. It didn’t make sense keeping it all on her own. She’d started swimming every single night she could when she’d had that revelation. The water would be too cold to swim in soon. Grace leisurely swam in the moonlight, her mind processing the last few days.

  She’d tried to keep Mr. Sean Johansson at arm’s length. He seemed intent on screwing up her perfectly rational plan. The day after they had danced together, he’d asked her to lunch. When she’d politely declined, he shown up in the building’s cafeteria where she and Kayla were meeting. He’d promptly charmed the pants off Kayla, who announced that she’d take him if Grace didn’t want him.

  The big Viking seemed intent on wearing her down. He’d asked her out to dinner every single night, those blue eyes of his pulling at her. He’d followed her to happy hour and been really sweet to Kay and their new friends, Adam and Jacob.

  That was the real problem with Sean. If he was just a pretty face and a hot body, she wouldn’t be struggling. He was also…sweet. He talked to her. He asked her questions about her sons and what she liked to do in her free time. He seemed truly interested in her as a person.

  The water felt silky and smooth against her skin. She loved this feeling. She’d left the swimsuit behind, getting out of it after she was in the pool and utterly certain none of her neighbors were in their backyards. Swimming felt different without a suit, sensual and a little forbidden. She swam to the deep end and sat down on the bench built into the side of the pool, her legs dangling as she considered the big Viking who was rapidly taking over her life.

  Sean was everywhere. He was holding her chair out when they were in meetings together. He’d brought her a latte the day before when she’d had to work late typing up several proposals. He’d waited and walked her to her car because it was past dark by the time she was through. That had been the hardest invitation to turn down. He’d looked a little hurt when she’d explained she had to get home. He had asked again this afternoon, but she was becoming deft at refusing him. He’d tried to get her to attend a dinner meeting with Matt and some representatives from Chile. When he’d complained about not getting any decent home cooking, she’d breezily offered to feed him some of her famous lasagna one of these days. She’d said it with her patented flirtatious smile and tossed out something like he should drop by sometime. He didn’t know where she lived, and he’d be gone in a week or so. She was safe.

  But a part of her wished she wasn’t.

  There was only the small squeak of her gate opening that gave her warning she was no longer alone. With a little yelp, Grace pushed off the bench and clung to the side of the pool, her naked breasts scraping lightly against the wall.

  “Grace? Are you back here? I tried your front door, but no one answered. Oh, there you are.”

  And there he was, a Norse god in the moonlight. And here she was…without her damn swimsuit. Grace prayed it was dark enough he couldn’t tell. The pool had been built to have a lagoon-like feel. The granite was a dark blue-gray. She hadn’t turned the pool light on, so it was possible he couldn’t tell. Maybe. She prayed he didn’t notice her suit lying on the deck.

  “Sean, what are you doing here?” The question came out as a little squeak. Her nails ground into the tile on the edge of the pool.

  He smiled. She could see his even white teeth in the moonlight as he walked onto the deck. He looked unbelievably sexy in a dark suit. His tie was gone and the shirt open at the neck. He carried a bottle of wine in one large hand. “You said you would feed me, woman. That place tonight was crap. I couldn’t take another overdone steak.”

  “Matt tends to choose his restaurants based on the bar rather than the quality of the food,” she allowed. Oh, she had to find a way to get him out of here. Though the water was the tiniest bit cold, her whole body flushed with embarrassment. The last thing this gorgeous man needed to see was her sagging boobs.

  “You’re telling me. See, if you had come with us, at least I would have had something pretty to look at.” He held up the bottle of wine. “Instead, I come bearing gifts and begging you to feed me. Seriously, Grace, I’m not a man who enjoys restaurants every night. You don’t even have to cook. Just let me use your kitchen. I’ll come up with something. I’m quite good in the kitchen.”

  The kitchen sounded like an awesome place for him to be. The kitchen wasn’t here, where he would be treated to the sight of her overly-large posterior. He could go play around in the kitchen and she would force the swimsuit back on. He would never have to know. “That’s great, Sean. The back door i
s open. Help yourself to anything in the kitchen. I’ll be out in a minute or two.”

  He started to turn toward the door and stopped. “You seem awfully accepting. I expected a bit of a fight.”

  “I never fight with a man who is willing to cook for me.”

  He took a few steps forward until his loafers were just against the edge of the pool. Grace was very thankful for the distance between them. She had the feeling if there wasn’t water in the way, Sean would have gotten much closer.

  “Are you okay?” He frowned suddenly, and the next question came out of his mouth on a low growl. “Do you have another man here?”

  She felt her mouth drop open, and she turned, making sure the water covered her up to her neck. She kept one hand on the side of the pool for balance. “No. I don’t have a man here, Sean Johansson, but if I did, it wouldn’t be any of your business.”

  His gorgeous face turned slightly sheepish. “Would it make a difference if I told you I wanted it to be my business?”

  “Sean,” she started with a sigh. He was playing some sort of game. He had to be. No man that young and gorgeous would be desperate for a forty-year-old widow. “Don’t play around with me. It’s not kind.”

  He groaned and shook his head as though he couldn’t figure out what she was saying. “Kind? What do you mean by that? Come on, Grace. What do I have to do? I’ve followed you around like a puppy for days. I’ve been perfectly charming to all your friends and gallant toward you. I’m standing here begging you to let me show off my culinary skills. I’ve decided maybe you’ll take mercy on me if I feed you well enough. I’m playing by your rules, sweetheart. I’m keeping my hands to myself and being the perfect southern gentleman. I need you to tell me what’s going to work.”

  “Nothing.” She was going to have to be brutally honest with him. She wasn’t going to be used. “I don’t know how often this little act of yours works, but it’s not going to work on me. I’m not going to influence Matt to give you a better contract. You’re going to have to deal with him. Now, I would thank you to leave. From here on out, just be professional with me, and I’ll treat you the same way.”

  His eyes narrowed. Grace shrank back a bit. It was as though she could feel his willpower filling the space between them. One hand was on his hip as he regarded her. His voice was deeper and smoother than before. “You are working under some serious misconceptions, little one. First, there’s nothing at all professional about the way I feel about you. Second, I don’t give a shit about the contract. It’s a job, Grace. It doesn’t matter. Answer me one question. If you tell me no, then I’ll leave. Grace, do you want me as much as I want you?”

  Grace swallowed. All she had to do was get that one word out. She just had to say no, and her whole life would go back to normal. He would leave her alone, and she could focus on her sons…who didn’t need her anymore. They were off at college. She could focus on…her job? That sounded sad. Any way she looked at it, this big, blond man was the most exciting thing to happen to her since forever. Peter had been gone for so long. Her loneliness washed over her.

  “I don’t hear a ‘no,’ Grace.” His voice was quiet, and she heard a well of emotion in it. “I need a yes.”

  He wouldn’t move on without it, Grace knew. He wouldn’t give her the easy way out. He would make her say it.

  “Yes.” She would regret it. She was absolutely sure of that. She would end up with a broken heart, but maybe that was better than having an empty one.

  His smile lit up the night. His shoulders relaxed. There was a self-satisfied air about him that couldn’t be denied. “I’m so glad. You’ll see. Whatever job I’m doing has nothing to do with what’s between us. Remember that.” He held out his empty hand. “Come on. I was serious about my culinary skills. My mother didn’t get the daughter she wanted. She passed her quest for the perfect pasta down to me. And this wine is heavenly. You’re going to love it.”

  Grace shook her head. Just because she’d decided to spend time with him didn’t mean she was ready to rise like Venus in front of him. He was still younger than she was, and she still had her insecurities. “You go on. I’ll be there in a minute.”

  He considered the situation for a moment. It was clear to see he was not a man who was easily dismissed. A slow smile spread across his face and his foot started to tap. He leaned over, trying to get a better view. “What’s wrong? Why won’t you come with me? Are you skinny dipping, little one? Did I catch you without your suit on?”

  “No.” It even sounded like a damn lie to her own ears. “I’m just shy.”

  He tsked her. He paced the side of the pool like a lion stuck in a cage. “You’re not going to make this easy on me, are you? We can do this the hard way. That was lie number one. I’ll keep count. I’d watch myself if I were you. There might be punishment later on.”

  There it was. Grace had to take a deep breath and acknowledge that what attracted her to the Viking wasn’t just his good looks. He had the deep, authoritative presence of a Dom when he wanted it. At least he reminded her of the Doms in her books. Now she had a two-fold problem. She was naked and wet in a way that had nothing to do with the pool she was in.

  Sean placed the bottle of wine on the table and shrugged out of his jacket. He looked around the yard, his eyes taking in everything. He finally turned and studied the box that controlled her pool. “Ah, there it is.”

  The pool was suddenly illuminated with a lovely blue light. It was a soothing color that also bathed her naked form in light. Grace gasped and tried to move away. There was nowhere to go, no place to hide.

  Sean’s breath was audible. He stood there for a moment looking at her, his eyes wide. “You really are naked.”

  Before Grace could protest, Sean jumped into the pool fully dressed.


  He swam toward her, his big body powerfully stroking through the water. He could hold his breath for a really long time. Grace moved to the very far end of the pool and thought about using the bench to get out. His hand was on her ankle before she could make the move.

  His grin was a predatory slash across his handsome face as he surfaced and moved his hands to her waist. He stared at her through the water.

  “What happened to being a gentleman?” Her voice was a breathy confection of yearning. She hoped she didn’t scare him off. She searched his face. He didn’t seem to be offended by what he saw. His blue eyes were taking in every inch of her.

  “The gentleman has left the building, little one.” His hands moved up to cup her breasts. “God, you’re beautiful.”

  She suddenly felt beautiful. It occurred to Grace that she had a choice. She could let her insecurities have their way and perhaps save her dignity—or she could let her dignity hang and have Sean. Her Viking won in a heartbeat. A light happiness filled her. She wanted. She hadn’t wanted in so long that the very yearning was a pleasure in and of itself. She gave herself up to the feel of his hands on her. Her nipples were hard and aching. She wound her arms around his neck.

  “That’s right, Grace. Hold on to me.”

  He covered his mouth with hers as he pulled her to the middle of the pool. Grace’s feet couldn’t touch the bottom, but Sean didn’t have the same problem. Five and a half feet worth of water couldn’t cover up Sean Johansson. He pulled her away from the side. She had to wrap herself around him if she wanted to stay afloat. His lips were warm and soft against hers. He nibbled tenderly at her mouth and then rubbed his nose against hers. It was a sweet gesture that had Grace’s heart as engaged as the rest of her. There was lust in Sean’s eyes, but there was a wanting there that seemed like more than simple sex.

  “You’ve made me crazy for days.” He ran his tongue along her lower lip. She groaned in response. Every nerve in her body seemed to be coming alive. “You are the most damned flirtatious woman I’ve ever met. I swear if you use that honey voice of yours on the delivery guy again, I’ll have to kill him.”

  Grace gave into the urge to run her fi
ngers through that thick mop of his. He usually kept it ruthlessly slicked back, but now it was a sexy mess. She loved the silky feel of it under her fingers. She’d longed to be this close to him for days, and now she could see he was perfect even with no distance between them. His face was chiseled perfection. Even the shadow of his beard tickling against her cheek felt like a sweet sensation. “I don’t mean anything by it.”

  She’d just always been a flirt. Pete hadn’t really noticed. He hadn’t been the jealous type. Sean seemed like the jealous type. If she belonged to him and he caught her flirting, he might not laugh it off. He might…he’d said there might be punishment later. That one phrase did all kinds of things to her libido. God, why had he said that? She wondered if she could talk Sean into spanking her. He might think she was a complete pervert. How would she explain that she read a lot of erotica and had a few wicked fantasies? She would have to settle for vanilla sex. It would still be so good.

  “Why do you think I let that poor delivery guy live, baby? I know you’re just being your sweet self, but Grace, I am very possessive. You need to remember that.” His voice was light and teasing. He pulled her flush against his body, his hands cupping the globes of her ass as he walked them toward the shallow end of the pool. Now his chest was out of the water. The white dress shirt was plastered against his skin. It molded to the hard, ripped muscles of his chest that spoke of hours spent in a gym. He looked down at her, studying her face. “You look like you could eat me up.”

  Grace lowered her eyes, embarrassed to be so very open. It was hard to know how to play this. It had been so long since she’d dated. It had been twenty years since she’d been in an intimate situation with any man other than her husband.

  “Hey.” Sean set her on her feet. Without her heels, she came to the middle of his chest. He was so big he made her feel small and delicate. He cupped her chin and forced her to look up at him. The light of the pool illuminated his gorgeous face, making his light blue eyes seem darker, more powerful. “I love the way you look at me, Grace. It makes me feel ten feet tall, and I definitely want you to eat me up.”


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