The Dom Who Loved Me

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The Dom Who Loved Me Page 25

by Lexi Blake

  Eve shook her head. “Grace isn’t doing this to be stubborn. She isn’t doing this because she wants revenge. She’s doing this because she knows she won’t be safe until this man is taken out, and Sean will do anything to make sure she’s safe. Sean’s in danger, too. You are misreading her, Ian. You’re doing it because you can’t see past what that woman did to you. Grace loves your brother. Oh, she might not admit it because he acted like an ignorant ass, but she does. I can see it in her eyes.”

  Ian’s jaw had tightened the instant Eve had mentioned the woman from his past. He straightened up. “Just see that she doesn’t fuck up this op, Sean.”

  He turned and walked out, every muscle in his body tense.

  Eve’s shoulders fell. “Well, I screwed that up. I think I’ll go to bed, too.” She turned to Grace. “Give Ian a little time. Sean is all he has. He’s very protective.”

  Sean paid no attention as Eve walked out. His eyes were steady on Grace. “Is what Eve said true?”

  Grace had no intention of going there. It had been too long a day to make that decision. She needed time and sleep. “I just want to go to bed, Sean.”

  He nodded slowly and followed her out. She felt him behind her and wondered if he really intended to sleep on the floor in front of her door. She couldn’t stand the thought. She opened the door to the bedroom and turned to him. He looked as tired as she felt. “Come to bed, Sean.”

  He had his clothes off and was under the covers before she could change her mind. Grace crawled in beside him. Despite her hesitations, she was happy he was beside her.

  “I love you, Grace.” He made no move to touch her, but his words were caress enough.

  “I can’t right now.” She couldn’t. She couldn’t say it yet. She might never be ready to say it.

  “I love you enough for both of us. I’ll say it until you believe it.” He rolled onto his back. “Will you let me hold you? Nothing more, little one.”

  Grace fell into his arms. “You’re the only one who calls me that. I’m not exactly little.”

  His chest moved as he chuckled. His hand stroked her hair and the strong beat of his heart was a lullaby to her ears. “You’re small compared to me. You’re just right for me.”

  Grace let the warmth of his body sing along her skin and sank into sleep.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Evan Parnell, formerly Patrick Wright, watched the bitch walk through the door. He sat on the sofa in the small outer office that served as Matt’s reception room. The door swung open, and she breezed in as though he hadn’t tried his damndest to murder her not twenty-four hours before. A man in slacks and a dress shirt followed her speaking animatedly. Adam Miles. Grace Hawthorne dumped her laptop bag on her desk and smiled up at that queer who always seemed to be around her. Something about that fellow and his lover had made warning bells go off in Parnell’s brain, but he quickly let it go. They moved well, but they probably took Krav Maga classes because it was trendy. They also weren’t as demonstrative as other gay couples he’d met, but it still offended him. He didn’t like queers, and he certainly wasn’t afraid of them. If they were dangerous at all, it would be because someone had trained them. Most agents came from the military. The army tended to weed those pansies out fast.

  Sean Johansson was another story, and he was back just in time to really fuck things up.

  Johansson strode in carrying a cup from the coffee house that stupid friend had been on her way to. The knot in Parnell’s gut tightened. If Grace had just followed her daily routine, he wouldn’t be so worried. She would be on a slab in the morgue, and Evan wouldn’t have to put up with his brother’s whining. First Matt was okay with killing Grace because she was a faithless bitch. Now Matt loved her and couldn’t imagine a world without her and why, oh why, did they have to kill anyone?

  It was enough to make him want to wrap his hands around Matt’s throat and squeeze until he couldn’t whine anymore. Couldn’t his brother see how close he was to the prize? He just needed to hold it all together until Friday night.

  Parnell had tried to get a hold of his contact. Something was wrong. He felt it deep down. He needed to move the drop, but the damn Chinese weren’t answering. Those fuckers played a deep game and didn’t like to have the rules changed on them. If he didn’t make the drop at the appointed time, they would more than likely decide he’d sold to another buyer and come after him. He would have two governments out to kill him and no twenty million dollars. He had to make that drop no matter what.

  “Mr. Parnell?”

  Grace’s voice pulled him from his thoughts. He looked up. The secretary had finally stopped staring at the men around her long enough to realize she had someone in her office. Those big hazel eyes pulled at him. It was when he’d looked into the other one’s eyes that he’d realized his mistake. He could still remember the thrill of hunting her down, shoving the knife in and turning her body around so she would know who had killed her. He had so looked forward to the shock in those pretty green and gold eyes. The brown eyes that had stared back at him had been a terrible surprise.

  “I’m just waiting on the boss man.” Evan showed none of his gut-churning anxiety. He kept his face peaceful and used his best “man of the people” tone. He had been playing this particular role for several years now. He had it down pat. “We have a problem at the Bryson Building.”

  “Sounds boring,” the queer said with a dramatic sigh. He gave Grace a little wave. “See you for lunch, dear?”

  The big blond man frowned. His chest puffed out like a gorilla about to defend his territory. Didn’t the idiot know the other man was gay? “Not today. I’m afraid I’ll need my fiancée this afternoon, Adam. We’re picking out rings.”

  Another unpleasant surprise. It didn’t suit his purposes to have the asshole back in town at all, much less hanging all over his victim. What the hell was that man’s game? “You finally snagged a man, Hawthorne?”

  She didn’t take the bait, merely sighed. “I guess so. I can’t seem to get rid of him.” She opened the appointment calendar on her desk as the gay guy exited to go do whatever gay guys did for a living. She was frowning when she looked back up. “You don’t have an appointment.”

  He shrugged. He’d never made an appointment. Grace might not know it, but he was the freaking boss and had been since the day he’d walked back into his brother’s life. “Don’t need one.”

  She drummed her fingers in an impatient tattoo along the oak of her desk. Something was different about little Grace. She seemed far too sure of herself. “You know, all of Matt’s other direct reports make appointments to see him. He’s a busy man.”

  Yes, Matt was probably busy getting his ass sloshed at nine in the morning. Evan felt his anger on the rise. What right did she have to question him? He forced himself to stay in check. She would get hers. “I just need a minute of his time.”

  “Fine. I’ll pencil you in, but I would prefer if you would do me the courtesy of making an appointment from now on.” Her lips thinned as she picked up a pencil and wrote his name in the appropriate box. Johansson sat on the edge of her desk, his big presence the only thing that kept Evan from finishing the job he’d fucked up yesterday. Parnell knew a brief moment’s gratitude for the big, besotted idiot. He still wasn’t sure that Johansson wasn’t an agent of some kind, but he did know now was neither the time nor the place to deal with Grace.

  Matt chose that moment to drag his red-eyed body into the office. He was wearing a suit that looked pressed and fresh, but the rest of him looked like he’d been steamrolled. His eyes were bloodshot, his hair mussed. His skin was a sallow yellow. He stopped and stared at Sean for a moment.

  “You’re back.”

  Johansson smiled. It was the type of smile that annoyed other men. It was a smile a man only used on a rival to let him know he’d already won everything they had fought over. “Don’t worry about it. I’m not here on business anymore. I’m just here for Grace.”

  Evan stood up. It was
time to get down to business. He couldn’t let Matt get involved in this little love triangle again. “I need to talk to you.”

  His brother slid him a sullen look. “In a minute. I need to talk to Grace first.”

  His temper ticked up another notch, headed straight into the danger zone. “This is important.”

  Matt’s hand was on the door. Grace was already walking toward him, laptop in hand. “So is this. I have to talk to Grace. Something terrible has happened. I’ll see you in a minute.”

  The door closed behind them before Evan could get another word out.

  Johansson’s smile was smug as he sipped on his fiancée’s coffee. “Nice weather we’re having, huh?”

  It was stormy outside. It was nothing compared to the storm Evan intended to bring down on all their heads.

  * * * *

  “What’s he doing back here, Grace? I thought you got rid of him.”

  Matt’s words cracked through the air, and the hope that they could have a civil conversation was blown to smithereens. Grace set the laptop down, not bothering to open it. It didn’t look like they would be doing any work today. It occurred to Grace that if he fired her, she wouldn’t have to go through with any of this. She could walk away with a clean conscience. And Sean would stay on. No matter what he said, he had a job to do, and he would do it. His brother was counting on him. Despite the small feud they were in, Grace knew Sean loved his brother.

  “I didn’t get rid of him, Matt.” Grace sat down, hoping to ease the tension in the air. “He got called back to his office.” She stuck to their cover. “He went back to Chicago, got some loose ends tied up, and took a sabbatical. He’s just back here to spend some time with me.”

  “You’re sleeping with him.” The accusation was ground out of his mouth.

  Grace held her temper. If she shouted the way she wanted to, Sean would be in here laying out Matt, and that wouldn’t help anyone. “That’s none of your business, Mr. Wright. If you feel it is affecting my performance, then I will discuss it with you.”

  He slumped into his chair. “Damn it, Grace, I thought we were friends.”

  “We are, Matt. You know you can tell me anything.” Tell me about Parnell. Tell me you aren’t involved in this. Please ask for help.

  His face fell, mouth drooping, eyes watery. “I do have to tell you something.”

  Grace leaned in, her hopes soaring.

  Matt took a moment, and even when he spoke, he was quiet. “Something happened yesterday. I got a call from the police.”

  Grace felt tears well up. She had known this would happen. At least she didn’t have to really act now. Her emotions were real. “About what?”

  “Grace, I know you were friends with Kayla Green.” He closed his eyes as though he couldn’t stand to look at her. “I’m so sorry to tell you this. She was killed yesterday. The police think it was a mugging gone bad.”

  Grace let herself go. She finally allowed the tears to flow. She listened to the bullshit Matt was spouting and for the first time realized her boss was in on this. She knew him. She knew his tells. He was feeling guilty, and there was only one reason for that. He had known his brother was going to kill. He had known his brother wanted to kill her, and he’d let it happen. A cold chill crossed Grace’s skin.

  Matt got up and crossed the space between them. He got down on one knee and looked up at Grace. “Sweetheart, I’m so sorry to be the one to tell you. She was so young. I still can’t believe it myself. I talked to her just yesterday.”

  But now Grace recalled that he had barely been able to look her in the eyes. He’d left early, and he’d been very short with her. He had known what was supposed to happen. Grace wanted to smack him. As a second option, she would run screaming from the room. She could do neither. She had to suffer through his clammy hands sliding over hers, his red-rimmed eyes looking up at her. “I just can’t think about her being gone.”

  She forced herself to be still, to accept his “sympathy.”

  “I know.” His voice was low. “But these things happen. I guess it was just fate. But, Grace, sometimes fate can save us, too. Sometimes, it can stop us from making a terrible mistake.”

  His hand moved restlessly on top of hers. She couldn’t take it anymore. She pulled away and stood. “I don’t think Kayla would have felt that way. And I certainly don’t think it was fate. It was some wretched man. It was some person who didn’t care who he hurt.”

  Matt stood, unsteady on his feet. “Yeah, I guess. But sometimes things aren’t so simple.” He walked up to her and invaded her space. “Grace, tell that asshole to go back to Chicago. You promised. You promised you would give us a chance.”

  His hands were on her hips, and she could smell the whiskey on his breath. She crossed her arms over her chest, trying to get some distance between them. “Matt, we’re just friends.”

  His eyes narrowed, and his hands tightened. “You promised.”

  She had to stop herself from shoving him away. “I told you I would think about it. I don’t love you, Matt. Not that way. I’m so grateful for the chance you gave me, but I just don’t have those feelings for you.”

  “Because of him,” Matt practically spat. “Everything was fine before that meathead showed up.”

  “You didn’t even look at me before Sean showed up.” And she’d been perfectly fine with that. She’d been more than happy to be his admin/keeper who he utterly took for granted.

  A little smile played on his lips. “Is that what you’re upset about? Darling, sometimes it takes a little jealousy to force a man to step up. I’ve always seen you. I was just waiting until I was ready to commit. Now I am.” He got serious again. “I can save you, Grace.”

  “Save me from what?” She knew, but she wanted him to say it.

  He hesitated, his eyes sliding away from hers. “From that bastard Johansson. What else could I be talking about? Can’t you see he’s just going to use you? He doesn’t love you. He can’t love you the way I can. He couldn’t possibly. He’s going to use you and leave you. He’ll never marry you.”

  “He already asked.” She didn’t bother mentioning that she’d told him no. That wasn’t part of their cover. Grace tried to pull away from Matt. His hand wrapped around her upper arm.


  Grace bit her bottom lip. “You’re hurting me.”

  “And what the hell do you think you’re doing to me? I love you, Grace. I gave you a job when no one else wanted to hire you.”

  “And I’m damn good at it.” She wasn’t a charity case. She’d run this office for years. Resentment bubbled through her. “You’re hurting me.”

  “Yeah, you’re hurting me, too.” Matt growled at her, shaking her slightly. “What about me?”

  “Well, you’ll have your head taken off if you don’t get your hands off her this instant.” Sean’s low voice was menacing, and Matt immediately backed off.

  Sean stood in the doorway. He didn’t move to intercept Matt, but the threat was in his stance. His gaze was on Matt, and the other man wouldn’t meet it.

  “Sorry, Grace,” Matt muttered.

  “Grace, sweetheart, I just heard some disturbing news.” Sean’s voice was back to being even and smooth.

  She nodded and collected herself. The blood was still pounding through her system. “Yes, I heard about Kayla.”

  Sean crossed the room. Matt went to his desk as though he needed to put some distance between them. Sean pulled her into his arms, and she felt safer than she had all morning. They didn’t have to pretend when it came to this. It was part of their cover. Grace buried her head in his chest.

  “You’ll understand if I take her home. She’s too emotional to stay for the day.” Sean’s hands smoothed down her back as he spoke.

  “Sure. Take her home. Is everything ready for Friday?”

  Grace turned to her boss, her former friend, the man who hadn’t bothered to warn her that she was going to be murdered. “Yes, I can make the calls I need to make
from the house, and I’ll do the walk-through tomorrow. The invitations are already out, and the hotel is booked. Don’t worry. You’ll have your party.”

  “Then you should go home. I can handle things here.” He sat down at his desk. “Send in Pat…Parnell on your way out. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  Sean took her hand and led her out. She gathered her things as Parnell watched. All the way, she could feel Parnell’s eyes on her.

  Sean was quiet as they waited on the elevator. He used his phone, his fingers typing out a message. She was sure he was informing Jake and Adam that they were on the move. Things between Sean and Adam were tense, but at some point they must have reached a truce. They were working together to ensure her safety. She’d received a stern outline of all her safety protocols from the Taggart brothers before she was allowed to go into the office. Both Sean and Ian had promised violent retribution should she stray from the protocols. She had been informed that she was to obey not only Sean, but Ian, Adam, and Jake. She had sat there wondering if the absent Liam would have been topping her, too, if he weren’t out protecting her sons. When she’d pointed out to Sean that she didn’t have his collar on anymore so he didn’t have the authority to boss her around much less allow his friends to, she’d been met with a long, dangerous, unnerving stare. She’d decided not to push her luck. They were the experts, after all.

  The elevator doors opened, and Sean pulled her inside. The minute they closed, his hands ran along the skin of her arms. “I swear to God I will kill him if he left a mark on you.”

  His face was fierce and now she realized just what it had cost him to play the game. He’d wanted to tear Matt up for touching her. Grace let him inspect her then pressed her body into his, softening instinctively against him. “I’m fine, Sean. He just got a little handsy.”

  It was up to her to calm him down. She might have protested earlier that she wasn’t his submissive anymore, but the argument was sounding weaker and weaker. It was starting to be sheer stubbornness. She ran a hand through his hair.


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