The Air I Breathe

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The Air I Breathe Page 5

by K. Renee

  My back arches and he pushes me back into the wall as something strange takes over my body. My nails dig into his back, and I cry out his name.

  “Come for me baby. Fuck yeah. Squeeze the shit out of my cock as you ride out your orgasm.”

  As my racing heart starts to slow, I huff out a few deep breaths and he gives me a lazy grin.

  “You feel so damn good. I’m going to come again.”

  He picks up his pace, each of his thrusts pushing me back into the wall hard. After a few more deep thrusts, he bites the part of my neck where my shoulder and neck meet and grunts out my name.

  “So fucking perfect,” he whispers as he kisses his way up my neck, moving my hair that has fallen out of my ponytail holder off my shoulder. “Give me your lips.”

  Not moving from where I am, he grabs my chin forcing me to give him a kiss.

  “My new addiction.” He claims my mouth again, this time rougher than before.



  I never meant to come inside of her, but fuck, it doesn’t even matter now. I’ll never be able to fuck her with a condom now that I’ve had her bareback once.

  Every inch of her body is fucking perfect, and all I want to do is get lost in her.

  Moving from the wall, I lay her down on the mats by my office. I don’t want to pull out of her, but I know that I’ll have to at some point. She’ll have to go home to that fiancé of hers soon enough even though I would rather have her tangled up in my sheets the rest of the night.

  Running a finger down the center of her chest, I pull back and watch her.

  Her breathing is finally getting back to normal, and her eyes are closed. The one thing that stands out right now is the smile on her lips. Bringing my finger down the center of her chest again gets a little giggle from her the second time.

  I knew right before I fucked her that he was on her mind. I could see it written all over her face. She looked unsettled, like she was betraying him, which in everyone’s eyes, she is.

  “What are you thinking?” I ask her.

  Her eyes stay closed, and she reaches toward me, fingertips barely moving over my skin.

  “I’ve never felt that before.” Her lips part like she might say more, but nothing else comes. Putting my finger to her lips, I slowly move it down toward her chin.

  “You’ve never orgasmed before.”

  She shakes her head slightly, a frown replacing her smile. “Is that what it always feels like?” Her eyes open and she stares at me, through me.

  “Maybe not with that tool you’re marrying, but with me, it will only get better.”

  She wrinkles her nose at that and pushes me away from her, forcing us to separate. I groan, and my dick starts to stiffen again.

  “I should go.” She sits up to look around the gym for her clothes. When she goes to get up, I wrap my arm around her waist, pulling her back down to me.

  “Not yet,” I whisper as I press my lips to hers. “I want to feel your skin against mine for a little while longer.”

  She sighs and lies back against the mat.

  “You’re hard again.” I look down at my dick and her eyes travel there too.

  “I can’t help it. You make me hard as steel every time I see you.” She rolls her eyes at me, so I move to lie on top of her.

  “You only want to have sex with me.”

  I stare into her eyes and try to figure out what is running through her head.

  “I want everything from you,” I whisper.

  She stares at me like I’m insane, but I ignore it. She has no idea what is currently running through my head right now. The moment I sank inside of her tight cunt, she was all I could think about. Nothing else mattered but right then and there.

  “I know that when you leave, you’re going back to him and fuck, that pisses me off. I want you all to myself tonight.”

  Her eyes widen, and she goes to say something but nothing comes out. We lay here in silence, both of us staring at the other one, no one saying a word.

  When I roll off of her to stand up because I can’t take the silence anymore, she finally speaks.

  “You don’t know a thing about me. How could it piss you off that I’m going to go back home?”

  She doesn’t get it. I’m sure she thinks that all I want from her is sex, but the truth is, I want it all. I’ve watched her for weeks. I’ve felt her body pressed to mine and I know that the chemistry we have together isn’t something that is fake. Just one touch of her skin brings a spark that burns me, something that has never happened before.

  “I want to know everything about you.” It comes off harsher than I intend and she gets up and starts to pull on her workout clothes. Before I can even stop her, she grabs her bag and keys, practically running out of the gym.

  Grabbing my boxer briefs, I pull them on and watch her go to her car from the window. The lights barely cast enough light on her for me to see her shaking her head and frowning as she pulls open her door and gets in.

  I knew I shouldn’t have said anything because of the situation at hand. She doesn’t want to be a cheater, and I just forced her hand. As her car speeds out of the parking lot, I walk back over to where my clothes are still discarded.

  Grabbing my shirt and shorts, I notice her sports bra and torn panties still on the ground.

  I pick up her panties and bra off the floor and make my way to my office, shoving them into my bottom desk drawer.

  After getting dressed, I think about everything that happened tonight. I knew I shouldn’t have pushed her, but I needed her to know that she isn’t just some piece of ass that I won’t be interested in anymore tomorrow.

  She’s going home to him with my cum between her legs after having my mouth and hands all over her body.

  The more I think about it, the more it pisses me off. Instead of heading home like I had planned, I hit the weights. I need to get all thoughts of her and that tool out of my head before I go insane. Working out will help enough that I’ll be able to head home, shower, and pass out without thinking too much more about this shit.


  The moment I fall into my bed, I’m ready to close my eyes and fall asleep, but I don’t get that lucky. Grabbing my phone, I see the new message notification, and when I click on it, I am shocked as hell.

  Cameo: I’m sorry for my outburst, but you don’t know what you’re saying. You just want something to play with. That won’t happen again.

  I stare at the message for a long time before I even think of what to respond with. Cameo Hartley has no idea what she does to members of the opposite sex.

  Me: Think what you want babe, but I already told you I’m not one for giving up. I want you, and you’ll keep coming back for more. You’ll crave me like I’m craving you.

  I wait for her response, and it doesn’t take her long.

  Cameo: I’m getting married.

  Me: And I still don’t give a fuck.

  I can picture her nose wrinkling with distaste of my use of the word fuck. She doesn’t say many bad words, but I’m going to change that. I want to hear her say the words dick and cock, as well as her telling me how badly she wants me to fuck her pussy.

  I’m going to corrupt that sweet little thing, and I’ll enjoy every minute of it.

  Cameo: It’s wrong. What we did was so wrong…

  Me: It can be wrong as shit, but I don’t regret a single moment. Are you thinking of me right now?

  She doesn’t answer for a long time, and I know it’s because she doesn’t want to admit it. That’s fine; I’ll get her to admit it soon or later, preferably while she’s riding my cock.

  Me: I know you are. You probably still have my cum between your thighs. Play with yourself while you think of me.

  Even if this conversation is only one-sided, I’ll continue to send her messages.

  Me: Send me a picture of you with your fingers in your pussy.

  This time her response is quick.

  Cameo: No.

nbsp; Me: No to you playing with yourself or no to the picture?

  Cameo: Both.

  I grin at the defiance there. She doesn’t want to feel anything for me, I already knew that. I could see it written all over her face that first day in the gym, but she keeps coming back for more. She can’t stay away, just like I can’t.

  Me: He already misses you. Come over.

  I hit send on my message and then grin to myself. She was fascinated with my dick the moment she saw it, and I know that she still will be even now.

  Closing my eyes, I lie back against my pillows and wait for her to say something, anything to that.

  When my phone finally dings again with a new message, I hit the read button not even paying attention to who it’s from.

  Kelsey: Need a little company tonight?

  When I realize that it’s not Cameo, I groan and wait for her to answer to come through, ignoring Kelsey’s message.

  “Come on, Cameo,” I mutter to myself. I roll onto my side, and it’s almost like I can see her laying right here beside me. She’s fucking beautiful, and she doesn’t even know it, which makes her even sexier.

  When the ding happens again, I check the screen and see Cameo’s name this time. Clicking open the message, I can’t help but grin. She sent me a picture just like I asked. Staring at the photo, I see every inch of her pussy on display. Her fingers are rubbing her clit and fuck, it’s the best fucking sight I’ve ever seen before.

  Me: Fuck babe. I can’t wait to be the one with my fingers inside of you again.

  Looking around the room, I try to push out all thoughts of Cameo and me fucking her again. I know that she will be upset after what we did, and the more I push her; the more she’s going to freeze up.

  When she doesn’t respond for thirty minutes, I send her one more message for the night.

  Me: Tomorrow same place, same time.

  Instead of waiting on her to answer, I put my phone on the nightstand and lay back against the pillows. As the minutes tick by, I try to force myself to sleep, but it’s no use. The only thing I can think of is Cameo and how fucking much I want her. All waking thoughts involve her, and once she is in my presence, I don’t want her to leave again.

  Picking up my phone from the nightstand, I check the time and see it’s a little after midnight and there is a single message from the only thing on my mind.

  Cameo: I can’t sleep. This is your fault.

  I check the time on her message, and it was sent only a few minutes ago. Grinning, I hit the info button next to her name and press the call button. As I put the phone to my ear and wait to hear her voice.

  “Hello?” Her voice is barely a whisper and I’m just fucking glad she even answered it in the first place.

  “You can come over, and I’ll put you right to bed after a little workout.”

  The sound of a cute snort fills my ears, and I smile to myself.

  “Oh please, like I’d really fall for that again. You never meant for us to workout.”

  “Sweetheart, I will make sure you get the best workout of your life when you get that sweet little ass over here.”

  “You are crazy.” I can imagine her shaking her head at me like she did at the gym earlier.

  “Let me show you how good I can be. Or we can just lay here in my bed and get to know each other.” I change tactics, hoping that she will give in to me. I don’t even care if it’s only for a few minutes as long as she says yes.

  “You promise to just talk? No sex, no funny things?”

  I can’t help but chuckle at her this time. “Scout’s honor.”

  “Well, since I don’t really believe you, we are going to talk over the phone. Maybe then I’ll trust your word since it didn’t work out to my benefit tonight.”

  “I’m pretty fucking sure it worked to your benefit tonight.” I grin to myself as I run my hand down my chest. Talking I can do even if I want like hell to have her in my bed right now instead.



  Laying in Alec and my bed while talking to another man is something that I never imagined myself doing, yet here I am. When I couldn’t sleep after his text messages, I tossed and turned for far too long before getting brave enough to send him a message.

  Every little thing that comes from his mouth is dirty.

  I don’t know what it is about him, but every time he says anything dirty to me, all rational thoughts leave me and the only thing I can think of is him.

  “Tell me what your favorite thing is.” His voice is like a whisper that caresses me without him even touching me.

  “Um, I don’t know. I guess I like to read.” My eyes travel the room to the bookshelf that I have near the closet door. Alec hates it because he says I only read smut and that it doesn’t even benefit him.

  “Let me guess, you like those dirty books, huh?”

  I giggle at his tone, and I can imagine the grin on his lips.

  “Alec thinks they are worthless and that I should get rid of the ones that I have.” I frown at the last argument we had about them. I was reading a book during our last vacation, and he claimed that I was too invested in the book that I ignored him for the whole drive there.

  “He’s an idiot then. If anything he should have you showing him just what you are reading about. How about you show me?”

  My heart starts to race as I think about some of the things that I’ve only ever read about and never dared thought to try. Things like that freak me out in a weird way. Maybe it’s some of the taboo nature that I have always been taught to stay away from or maybe it’s the thought of being that intimate with another person.

  “Stop thinking so hard about it babe. I will make everything so fucking good for you.”

  The way he talks makes me think that maybe this isn’t just a one-time thing for him. He seems to genuinely want to get to know me.

  “No sex talk,” I chastise.

  “My bad. Okay, no more sex talk for the good girl. Tell me about yourself. I want to know everything.”

  “Well…” I start, not really sure where to even start. “I’m twenty-nine and from Southern California. I went to college for business management, but have never really had a job in that field. I moved here about five years ago and met Alec not too long after that.”

  He groans into the phone, and I have a feeling that it’s because of the mention of Alec again. He did it the first time I said his name.

  “And you’ve been with him since then.” It isn’t a question.

  “Yes. He and I have been together since I moved here. I met him at a party, and he was sweet and kind, nothing like you.”

  He laughs at that one.

  “So you only like men who talk to you all hoity-toity? I mean, babe, I can whisper sweet nothings into your ear all fucking night and still fuck you so hard that you’ll be screaming out my name as you come.”

  I squirm slightly, squeezing my thighs together.

  “Am I getting you wet?”

  I close my eyes and force myself not to think about that. I can’t. I need to know that I can resist whatever hold it is he has on me right now.


  “In just one word, I can tell you’re lying to me. I bet you are. Take those fingers of yours and run them through the wetness.” His voice is hoarse, and I bite my lip, trying like hell not to do what he says.

  “You said you wouldn’t talk about sex,” I whisper, trying not to let him hear how much he’s affecting me.

  Every romance book that I’ve ever read has had the same type of alpha males. Ones that make you wet with just a few words and wanting more. I want more even though I know how wrong this is.

  “Okay, fine. I’ll keep it strictly platonic if you come tomorrow.”

  I sigh and run my hand down the center of my body as I think of what answer to give him. I can just say yes and then not show up, killing two birds with one stone, or I can just give in.

  “I’ll come.”

  “Oh he
ll yeah, you will.” I can hear the humor in his voice, and I think about how bad that sounds.

  “Gosh, you are such a teenaged boy,” I groan.

  “Nope. All man, baby. Rock, hard man.” Rolling my eyes to myself, I roll over on to my stomach and put the phone on speakerphone.

  “So your turn. Tell me about you.” I slide my hand against Alec’s empty side of the bed. Maybe it’s just because I’m lonely. I spend almost every hour of every day here by myself. No real friends and a fiancé who works more than he’s home.

  “Well as you know, I own a gym. It’s practically my life, and I couldn’t imagine doing anything else.”

  “You mean you like sleeping with your clients,” I state sounding a little bitter.

  He makes a tsking noise, and I grin to myself. “Now you are talking about sex. I thought you said no sex talk. I mean unless you want to come over and let me show –”

  I cut him off. “No, I want you to keep telling me about you, Sager.”

  He laughs before he continues; the sound of it is sexy as heck. “I’m thirty-two, and I’ve lived in this town all my life. I came from money, but my parents cut me off when I turned eighteen because I wasn’t good enough of a son for them. I’ve been kinda on my own for a while.”

  “Why did they cut you off?” I know it’s probably way too personal of a thing to ask him, but I can’t help it.

  “I was somewhat of a rebel kid. I never did what they wanted and fucked all their rich friends’ daughters. They thought I did it for attention and that might have been true for the most part, but half of those daughters came to me. They wanted a piece of me just to piss off their daddies, and I didn’t care enough to stop it from happening.”

  The one thing that is running through my head is how many women he has been with. My handful of men is no comparison to the number of women he’s been with. The thought itself makes me sick.

  “How many people have you been with?” The question catches me off guard, and I roll over to my back as I think about whether I should tell him the truth or not.


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