The Air I Breathe

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The Air I Breathe Page 10

by K. Renee

  “Fuck man,” G says looking around the place. “If I was a single man, I’d be all over these women. It’s like I died and went to pussy heaven.”

  Ryker nods his head as he scans the room and when a few women in barely-there dresses come toward us, he bites his fist and groans. “Fuck me.”

  “I’d love to,” one of the women says as she runs her hand down his chest, right to his dick.

  “If I were single I wouldn’t think twice,” he says, looking at the girl with regret. Even after the shit that happened with West and her family, he’s still stuck on her.

  “What about you?” She moves her attention to me, and I shake my head no. She comes closer to me and her hand cups my dick through my jeans and fuck if I don’t think twice about it.

  “Got my girl back at home.”

  She rolls her eyes at me, and I think it might be a record for me to piss this many women off in one day. “Your loss then,” she states, turning and walking away from us.

  “You all fucking suck. I could have had the other one if you would have just let that one fuck you.”

  Walking over to the bar, I wave down the bartender and order a drink. When she comes back with it, she slips me her number too, and I pass it along to Jenner. He needs it more than me.

  He looks at me with a questioning look and I motion to the bartender, and he grins.

  We spend most of the night drinking and talking shit to each other about everything under the sun. They continue to give me shit about Cameo, and then we give shit to Ryker about West and her fucking insane family of bikers that want to kill him.

  “What ever happened with that shit?” I ask, taking a swig of the Jack and Coke that the bartender brought me a few minutes ago.

  “Her brother and I got into it again after that, and I told him to go fuck himself. That I wasn’t giving her up that easy. We had it out in the middle of their clubhouse, and since then, it hasn’t been as bad. I can pick her up there now without a gun pointed at my head.” He laughs and takes a swig of his beer.

  “She really worth all that fucking shit?” Jenner asks.

  “Fuck yeah. I love that girl more than life itself. Her family is just trying to protect her. I get it.” I take another drink and set the glass on the table in front of me.

  “What about you G? How is shit with Mandy and her crazy ass?” He takes a swig of his drink and sighs.

  “She wants a family and all that shit, but I’m not ready. I want to still have fun and shit without the worry of kids and a house and whatnot.”

  “So what are you going to do?” Jenner asks. We all think of Mandy like a little sister, and when she and G started dating, we warned him to not break her heart.

  “I don’t know. All we’ve been doing lately is fighting, and I’m tired of going home into a damn warzone over that shit. She won’t listen to a thing I say, and when I said that I was coming out here with you guys, she blew the fuck up on me. She swore that I was only coming out here to Vegas with you assholes to cheat on her and all that bullshit.” He takes a long drink from his glass this time, and I don’t feel bad for him at all.

  “Is Cameo pissed you’re here?” G asks.

  “She asked me to stay since he was going out of town too, but here I am.”

  “So you gave up pussy for us. You really love us!” I take a piece of ice from my cup and toss it at Ryker.

  “You should feel fucking special. I gave up a week of having her all to myself, getting all the pussy I wanted to hang out with you.”



  The weeks after the mixer are just like before, only Alec doesn’t go on business as much except the week Sager went away.

  It’s almost like he knows that something is going on and the looks he gives me are strange sometimes. It’s like he’s waiting for something to happen.

  Walking through the house, I make my way to the kitchen to make lunch. Alec is currently holed up in his office doing whatever it is he does for work while I make his food and fold his laundry.

  Grabbing the ingredients I need to make sandwiches, I set it all on the counter before starting to put them together one by one. Just as I’m about to cut the sandwich into two my phone vibrates on the counter.

  Peeking at the screen, I see Sager’s contact, and I sigh in relief.

  He makes it so I can finally breathe again when I feel like I’m starting to suffocate in this place.

  He doesn’t make me feel like someone’s personal chef or slave, he makes me feel, I don’t know… loved.

  S: Are you coming by today?

  I look at the time on the microwave and then back at my phone.

  Me: Alec is working from home today. I can’t.

  S: Of course he is. Just tell him you have plans with your girlfriends for lunch and I’ll feed you my dick.

  I roll my eyes at his message, and part of me gets excited at just the thought of being with Sager right now. I haven’t seen him since before he went on some guys trip with his friends and I’ve been stuck here at home with Alec since they both came back into town.

  S: Come on babe. I miss you. I need to feel your tight cunt wrapped around me right now.

  Although I hate the words he uses most of the time, I want to go to him.

  Me: I’ll try.

  S: I’m at the house. Come over and fuck me.

  S: I haven’t had your pussy on my mouth in a week. I need you.

  Me: I’ll try. I need to finish lunch.

  I can picture him rolling his eyes at me for even writing that. When I finally see him again, he’ll tell me that I’m not made to be some dickhead’s wife; that I deserve someone doting on me and not the other way around.

  S: Tell that dickhead to make his own lunch, so I can have mine.

  I can’t help but giggle at that.

  Me: I’m not a meal.

  S: No, you are so much better than that. Now come sit on my face.

  I shake my head as I clear out our messages. Once I finish making lunch, I start to walk toward Alec’s office. Before I can even open the door, he’s pulling it open, and I stumble slightly, knocking my head into the doorframe.

  I wince at the pain of my head connecting with the casing, and he doesn’t say a word. He just motions me to set his food down before turning his attention away from me. He takes a seat in his chair, not one word said to me as I set the tray on the desk.

  My head is now throbbing, and I know that I’ll have a headache in just a few minutes.

  “Is there anything else I can get you?” I ask, moving back toward the door.

  “No, that is all.” He dismisses me, and I slowly turn to walk away, but I stop when I think about Sager.

  I turn back toward him, and he looks up at me for a second. “Would it be okay if I meet up with a few of the girls at the country club?”

  “Fine. Just be back in time to make dinner. We have a party to host.” I nod my head and walk over to him, pressing a kiss to his cheek.

  “I love you.” I don’t even know why I say it anymore when my feelings for him have changed so drastically since meeting Sager. Maybe I do still love him deep down inside, or maybe I’m just too afraid to make any changes in my life.

  “I love you too, Cameo.”

  Once I leave his office, I practically rush around to get ready. Knowing that I’ll be seeing Sager soon has every nerve ending tingling, and I get this rush. I’ll get to be back in his arms again very soon.

  The drive to Sager’s isn’t super long, but it is way out of the way, just like his gym is. That is partly the reason that I decided on signing up there. I wanted to be able to get away from my life for an hour or two when I went there, but I never expected to find myself craving Sager the way I do.

  Sure I liked the attention he gave me, and I even gave in to the temptation because he was hot and the things he said had me craving more. Now, I just can’t seem to stay away even though I know how badly this is all going to end. I shouldn’t want him, I know
that. I shouldn’t even be going to see him right now, but it’s been a week and that is too long.

  When I pull into his driveway, I send him a text.

  Me: What are you doing?

  Looking at myself in the rearview mirror, I see the bruise that is already forming on my eye. Sager is going to think the worst. I should have put more cover-up on before I left.

  S: Waiting for you to get your ass here so I can fuck you.

  Me: Who said I was coming?

  S: I always have you coming. You don’t have to worry about that.

  I can’t help but giggle as I get out of the car. Walking up to the front door, I use the key he gave me and let myself in. Walking down the hallway toward his room, I see him on his phone, a grin plastered to his face.

  S: Baby, stop making me wait. I’m hard and you’re the only one that can help me out.

  “I’m the only one that can help you?” His eyes meet mine, and he moves off the bed, heading right for me.

  “Fuck, you are a sight for sore eyes.” His eyes scan over every inch of me and when I think he won’t notice my eye, he does. “What the fuck happened? Did he hit you, Cam?” He grabs my face and moves it so he can get a better look.

  “No. I went to take him his lunch and he pulled the door open when I went to open it and I hit the doorframe.” He looks me in the eye, like he’s trying to figure if I’m lying or not. “I swear he didn’t hit me. It was an accident. Now kiss me.”

  He sighs and runs his finger along the bruise causing me to wince. His arm wraps around me, and he pulls me into his body. He tips my chin up with his other hand and he kisses me softly.

  “I need you,” I whisper against his lips when he doesn’t do anything other than kiss me.

  He picks me up and I wrap my legs around his waist as he carries me to his bed. Laying me down on the mattress, I let my legs lower to the side of the bed, and he surprises me when he pulls back and flips me over to my stomach. He grabs my hands and puts them over my head on the mattress and whispers “Don’t move them from right here.”

  I nod my head in acknowledgment, and he kisses his way down my back, seeking out every inch of skin that is uncovered. His hands slide up my dress, and when they come to my ass, he growls.

  “My bad, bad girl.” He nips along my shoulder before I hear him undo his jeans and push them down his hips.

  He pushes the head of his erection into me, and I bite down on my bottom lip, stifling the moan that tries to escape.

  “If I knew you had no panties on, I would have had you crawl up to straddle my face first.” He sucks on my neck and just when I’m about to tell him not to leave a mark, he pulls back slightly and slams back into me.

  “Oh God,” I whimper.

  “Fuck babe, it feels like coming home.” He continues to slam in and out of me at a rougher pace than normal. My hands grip the blankets, and I arch my back when he hits that good spot. It doesn’t take long for me to see stars as he thrusts in and out of me. One of his hands slaps my ass and I yelp out in surprise.

  His body drapes over mine, and he doesn’t let up. He continues to pound into me, teeth grazing my skin as he kisses along my neck and shoulder. I already know he’s going to leave a mark on me, he always does. It’s like he marks me to see if Alec will ever notice them even though I try like hell to hide them.

  I’m terrified that if Alec finds out about Sager and me that he’ll do something terrible. I still don’t know what he’s capable of and I don’t want to find out.

  “Sager,” I moan when he reaches around to rub my little nub.

  “I want to hear you say something dirty, Cameo. Say something dirty to me.” I close my eyes as he continues to slide in and out of me.

  “I don’t know anything.”

  “Say you like my dick inside of you. That you like when I fuck your pussy just like this,” he grunts out.

  “I like when you…” I stop talking because I hate using those words.

  “Say it Cam, or I won’t let you come.” His hand comes down on my ass again and I yelp.

  “I like, when you fuck me just like this. Harder, please fuck me harder.” He bites my earlobe and picks up his pace. He slams into me so hard that his bed frame hits the wall with each thrust of his hips.

  “Fuck, that’s so hot when you say those things.” He rubs me faster, and I break apart around him. I moan out his name as I come, burying my face into the blankets to quiet myself.

  His body goes stiff, and he digs his fingers into my hips as he grunts out his release. He collapses on top of me, and I sigh in contentment. Seven days without him were torture, especially since Alec was out of town most of the time and I was at home, alone.

  “Can you never go on a guy’s trip again?” I ask.

  He chuckles as he pulls out of me and stands us both up. Spinning me around, he wraps his arms around me and kisses my lips.

  “It happens every year. Next time I’ll send you naked selfies or maybe have one of the replication dildos made of my cock for you to use while I’m gone.”

  “I don’t want a fake you, I want the real you.”

  He kisses my neck, picking me up and laying back on the bed with me. “Then leave him. You can have me every night.”

  I frown, and he shrugs.

  “It’s the only way you’ll get all of me, Cameo. You know I want you, and I know you want me. What’s so fucking hard about this decision?”

  This same fight happens almost every time. He wants more from me, and I’m still engaged to Alec.

  I hate it, but I also do nothing to change it. I can’t give him what he wants. Maybe I’m naive to think that things between us might one day be something more, but I can’t just jump without knowing that I’ll have a place to land.

  Sager Stone can ruin me, and he doesn’t even know it.



  The months tick by and I still don’t have her all to myself.

  He goes out of town, and she spends all those nights in my bed. During the days that he is around, she comes to the gym, and I fuck her there in my office.

  This morning, I had a wakeup call that I wish I had every damn morning. She snuck into my bed first thing after he left on a flight to Chicago and I spent all morning relishing in the fact that I had her.

  It’s been five months since the mixer and having only a part of her is slowly killing me. Seven months of being her dirty little secret and I want so badly to get her all to myself, but she still hasn’t left that tool Alec.

  “What are you thinking about?” she asks, rolling over to lie on top of me.

  “That you are the most beautiful thing ever.” She still hates when I compliment her, but I still do it every damn day.

  “Well, I was thinking about something else…” Cameo gives me a shy smile and I roll to my back, and then pull away so I can look into her eyes.

  “And what is that? You finally going to be mine?” She frowns and shakes her head no. We stopped talking about him because it always starts a fight between us and whenever I bring it up, she goes silent on me.

  “Tell me, Cam.” I sigh when she stops talking just like every other time.

  “It’s not important.”

  “Cam, don’t.”

  “Don’t what, Sager? Don’t shut down because you want me to leave my fiancé? Don’t act like this doesn’t kill me just like it does you? I don’t know what you want from me.”

  “I want you, Cameo! I want you all to myself because I’m tired of sharing you with a bastard who doesn’t give two shits about you.” I shake my head because she’ll never understand. “I’m falling in love with you.”

  Her eyes widen, and her mouth drops open.

  “Take it back, Sager. Please don’t say those words.”

  “Even if I said I take them back, they are still fucking true. I am falling in love with you whether you want me to or not. I told you you’d only break my heart.”

  Cameo doesn’t say anything else as she ge
ts out of my bed and pulls on one of my shirts and her pair of jeans. I watch as she moves around my room, collecting her things all because I said I was falling in love with her.

  “You told me you fell out of love with him. Why do you continue to go home to him? Why can’t you just be with me?”

  “Because Sager. I promised myself to him. I keep my promises.” She doesn’t turn around to look at me.

  “And the promise to me doesn’t mean shit? All because I wasn’t the one to put a ring on your finger?”

  I move to sit on the edge of the bed, and I stare at her back. Her shoulders sag, and she hangs her head.

  “Cameo, I’m not going to apologize.” I put my head in my hands and try like hell not to say something to piss her off so badly that she’ll walk out forever.

  Cameo doesn’t say anything, and I know she won’t. She’ll run just like she always does when I push her for more.

  She’s afraid that if she jumps, I won’t catch her.

  All I’ve ever be is a dirty little secret for her, something for her to play with when he’s not around.

  I watch her walk out of my room without a second glance. “Cameo.” She pauses right outside my bedroom door, never turning to actually look at me. I’m going to break her heart and mine in the process. “I’m done. You can go between us, and I haven’t once slept with another woman. If I’m not the only one for you, then I won’t show the same courtesy.”

  She finally turns to look at me, and I see her tear filled eyes. “I can’t force you to be faithful when I’m not.”

  “You can be if you wanted. But don’t worry, I get it. You want to marry that bastard that has money. The one that can continue to provide that life you live while you just fuck the help.” She stomps over to me, and she slaps me. My head snaps to the side, and when I look up at her, her emotions are written all over her face.

  “You’re a bastard, Sager. You know I don’t think of you that way.”

  “Then how the fuck do you see me?” I yell at her.

  When she doesn’t give me an answer, I walk away. Being second best to him is getting old.

  I walk past her in just a pair of boxer briefs I grabbed off the floor. She doesn’t try to stop me, and I guess I don’t really expect any less.


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