Book of Immortality

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Book of Immortality Page 49

by Adam Leith Gollner

  History of Magic, The (Lévi), 181

  Hitchcock, Alfred, 65

  Hiyoyoa, 219

  Ho Chi Minh, 2

  Holosync meditation, 326

  homeopathy, 17, 105–06

  Homer, 19, 121, 214, 215, 317

  Hope, Ed, 303

  Horace, 15

  Hornung, Erik, 180

  hot springs, 106, 106n, 149, 151, 378

  Houdini, Bess, 186

  Houdini, Harry, 15, 167–68, 182, 186, 186n, 194

  hsien Taoism, 240–41

  Hubbard, L. Ron, 307n

  Hughes, Charles Evans, 353

  human growth hormone (HGH), 252–53

  Human Personality and Its Survival of Bodily Death (Myers), 40

  Human Potential Movement, 150

  Hume, David, 263

  Huxley, Aldous, 150, 161

  Huxley, Thomas Henry, 13

  hyaluronic acid, 251

  hydroxy acids, 100, 251

  Hyperboreans, 121

  Hyparchus river, 120–21

  hyphamacains, 292

  Ignatius of Loyola, Saint, 54–55, 64, 69–70, 77, 79

  iliaster, 231–32

  imagination, 29, 71, 158, 159, 166–67

  Immortality Institute, 9, 267, 271, 272, 278–79, 283

  Immortality: Scientifically, Physically, Now (Cooper), 302

  Implied Spider, The (Doniger), 213

  India, 21, 101–02, 115, 116, 119–20, 121–22, 122n, 123, 228n, 245–47

  Indica (Ctesias), 120

  Indus River, 118, 119n

  INDY longevity gene, 255

  Inferno (Dante), 303

  Infiniti brand automobile, 18–19

  infinitude, 158

  Ingmar Bergman (Gervais), 65, 68, 74–75

  initiation rituals, 101, 153–57, 161, 193–94, 246

  injections, in longevity treatments, 1, 3, 282, 284, 303, 348–49

  Innocent VIII, Pope, 1

  InR longevity gene, 255

  International Association for Near-Death Studies, 35–36

  International Congress of Surgeons, 276

  intuition, 70–71

  Investigation of Perfection (Jaābir ibn Hayyaān), 228

  Iroquois tribe, 99, 181

  Isabella I, queen of Castile and León, 138

  Isagenix, 285

  Iskandar Naāma (Nizami), 117–18

  Islam, 48–51, 98, 117, 118, 119n, 313, 357

  Jaābir ibn Hayyaān, 228

  Jackson, Janet, 160

  Jackson, Michael, 113

  Jahannam, 98

  Jainism, 38, 99

  Jamaica, 1

  James, William, 40–41, 362

  Jannah (al-Jannah), 98

  Jefferies, Richard, 159

  Jeffers, Robinson, 157

  jellyfish genes, 3, 258, 308, 355

  Jesuits, 57, 59, 60, 61, 62, 64, 67, 69, 70, 78, 362

  Jesus, 49, 72, 79, 84, 101, 116, 291

  Jesus complex, 194

  Jind Pir (also known as Khizr), 118–19

  Jin dynasty, China, 244

  Jobs, Steve, 356

  John II, king of England, 115

  John Dee Memorial Theater of the Mind, 42

  John Paul II, Pope, 38

  Johns, Emmett (“Pops”), 33, 34

  Jolie, Angelina, 90–91, 92–93

  Jones, Leanne, 339

  Judaism, 81–84, 86, 87–89, 93, 99, 377

  Judeo-Christian, 99, 357

  Jung, Carl Gustav, 13–14, 20, 117, 231, 232

  Juster, Norton, 125

  Juvenon, 254

  ka, 181

  Kabbalistic traditions, 90, 99

  kaddish, 89–90

  Kalanchoe daigremontiana bryophyllum, 298

  kami, 99

  Kandel, Eric, 262

  Kant, Immanuel, 147

  karaoke, 175, 196–97, 202

  karma theory, 99, 102

  katharsis, 155

  Katha Upanishad, 237

  Katigbak, Rafael (“Raf”), 175–77, 184–85, 187, 189, 191–92, 193, 194, 196–98, 200–202, 207, 210, 222

  Keats, John, 35, 106, 270, 279–80, 358

  kefir, 2

  Kekich, Dave, 267–68, 283, 284, 287, 290, 296, 297–99, 350

  Kelly, R., 196

  Kennedy, John F. (JFK), 131

  Kent, Dora, 315

  Kenyon, Cynthia, 254, 255, 256, 260

  Kerényi, Károly, 215

  Khan, Genghis, 4, 116

  Khan, Kublai, 113, 116

  Khidr, Al- (Green Man), 117, 118, 121

  Khizr (also known as Jind Pir), 118–19

  Khosrow Anushirvan, 20–21

  kinetin, 251

  King, Larry, 306

  Kinship of the Three, The, 243

  Klatz, Ronald, 253

  Koné, Omar, 53–54, 56–57

  Koontz, Dean, 166

  Kore, 215

  Kripal, Jeffrey J., 149

  Kublai Khan, 113, 116

  Kübler-Ross, Elisabeth, 28

  Kubota, Shin, 308

  Kubrick, Stanley, 306, 308

  Kuhn, Thomas S., 351, 362

  Kurzweil, Ray, 16, 272–75, 277, 279, 286, 301, 302, 321–22, 356

  labyrinths, 14

  Lacks, Henrietta, 258

  lama urine, 2

  lamb cell injections, 1

  Land of Darkness, 19, 117, 121

  Laozi, 241

  Lautréamont, Comte de, 10

  Law of Accelerating Returns, 273

  Lawrence, D. H., 105

  Leary, Timothy, 306, 354

  Lebowitz, Cheskie, 82–84, 86

  Lee-Brenner, Lord, 287

  legacies, 29

  legal death, 315

  Lemaître, Georges-Henri, 362

  Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich, 2, 303

  Leo X, Pope, 123

  Leonardo Da Vinci, 357

  Lepore, Jill, 306

  Lessing, Doris, 51

  Lévi, Eliphas, 181

  Libet, Benjamin, 158

  Life (magazine), 303

  Life After Life (Moody), 34

  life extension escape velocity, 296

  Life Extension Society (LES), 302

  life extension strategies, 9, 17, 165, 166, 246, 249, 250, 253, 275, 278, 283, 317, 336–37, 340

  life force

  grace as, 52, 69–70, 77, 118

  people exhibiting, 377

  philosophers and poets on, 70–72

  talks with Father Gervais on, 60–61, 62, 76, 77–79, 118, 231, 366, 376, 377

  Lifespan Anti-aging Center, 283

  life spans, 8, 53–54

  Lincoln, Abraham, 29

  Lindbergh, Charles, 353, 354, 355

  Lipitor, 347

  Li Shao-chun, 241–42

  Locke, John, 359

  logic, 54, 371

  Longevinex, 342–43, 350

  longevity, 2, 8, 248–69

  longevity molecules, 3

  Long for This World (Weiner), 292


  Father Gervais on, 59, 60, 71, 80

  Sufism on, 51–52

  LSD, 152

  lower water, 232

  Luan Ta, 242

  Lubavitch movement, Judaism, 86, 88

  Luna, 215

  Maasai people, 123

  magic, 178–83

  Copperfield’s illusions and, 109–10, 147, 166–69, 174–75, 181, 182, 182n, 191, 195, 207

  energy and, 180–81

  entertainment magic, 182–83

  need to believe and, 111

  real magic, 181–82

  religion and origins of, 178–80

  science and, 223–33

  Magic’s Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed (TV show), 181

  Magnificence, 114–15

  Mahabharata, 108, 364

  Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, 182–83

  Malevich, Kazimir, 2

  Mandeville, Sir John, 122–23

  Manichaeism, 99

  Manuel I of Constantinople,
Emperor, 114

  Mao Zedong, 2

  Marcelli, Rick, 222

  marginals, 161

  Martin, Dean, 197

  Martin, Himo, 91–92, 93, 94

  Martin, Joseph B., 344

  Martin, Steve, 197

  Maslow, Abraham, 150

  mass (liturgy), 58, 64, 72, 73, 80, 101, 375

  materialism, 360

  Matthews, Korbett, 308, 309–10

  Maugham, Somerset, 1

  Mayakovsky, Vladimir, 2, 63

  McConnell, Edward (“Easy Money”), 127

  McConnell, Louella Day (Diamond Lil), 125–28, 131, 133, 134, 135, 139, 140, 145

  Medicare, 338


  healing aspects of water and, 101–02, 105–06, 106n, 120, 121, 123, 124, 157

  mummified remains as, 2

  regeneration and, 249

  meditation, 13, 103, 149, 156, 182–83, 240, 245, 326, 364, 365, 366–70, 373

  mediums, 34, 35, 38, 39, 40–47, 181, 182, 186n

  Melville, Herman, 103, 108

  memories of people who have died, 29–30

  Menéndez de Aviles, Pedro, 131

  Mephistopheles (Goethe character), 225

  Merck, 343

  mercury (element in potions), 3, 229, 231, 232, 236, 237, 238–39, 241, 245, 246

  Mercury (god), 231

  Meropis, 120

  Mesmer, Franz Anton, 181, 229, 230

  Mesopotamia, 100

  message circles, 42–44, 377

  metaphysics and metaphysical phenomena, 70, 119, 181, 214, 215, 358, 371–72

  metempsychosis, 99

  metetherial world, 40

  metformin, 261

  Methuselah, 227

  Methuselah Foundation, 9, 289, 291

  Metz, Harry, 136–38

  Michigan State University, 355

  microbivores, 286

  Microwave Instrument Co., 4

  Middle Ages, 1, 17, 123, 228, 245, 357

  Middle Realm, 42

  Mill, John Stuart, 263

  Millay, Edna St. Vincent, 5

  Milton, John, 3

  Mind Time (Libet), 158

  mineral baths, 106, 106n, 149, 378

  Ming, Emperor, 238

  Minoan civilization, 100, 377

  Minsky, Marvin, 301

  miracles, 8, 10, 64, 101, 109, 183, 226, 229

  miraculous powers of water, 64, 73, 101, 109, 120, 149, 180, 219, 228, 229–30

  mirror gazing, 41–42

  Mission, The (film), 59

  Mongolia, 4, 99, 116

  Monograph on Broad Phenomena, 243

  Moody, Raymond, 33–34, 35–36, 37–38, 40, 41–42, 205

  moon (planet), 64–65, 91, 100, 106–07, 181, 216, 284–85, 298

  Moon Goddess, 215–16

  moon travel, 354, 356, 359

  Morano, Martha, 108–09, 111, 112, 113, 116, 148, 149, 165, 166, 170, 177, 220–21, 222, 378

  More, Max, 272, 278, 301

  Moriki, Dean, 267

  Mormonism, 99

  Moses, 85–86, 96, 99, 117

  mourning, 31, 34, 89–90

  Muhammad, 49

  Mulholland Library of Conjuring and the Allied Arts, 194

  mummies and mummified remains, 2–3, 179–80, 231

  Mu of Zhou, king, 243

  Musha Cay, Bahamas

  fountain of youth on, 108–09, 123, 148, 166, 187, 202–09, 210, 220, 221, 222, 377

  proposed article on, 111, 116, 148–49, 165–66, 220–21

  visit to, 175–77, 184–211, 377

  Musha 500 (game), 186–87

  Muslim Council of Montreal, 48–49

  Muslims, see Islam

  Muzong, Emperor, 238

  Mycenae, 100

  Myers, Frederic, 39–40, 43n

  Mysterious Antidotarium, 239

  Mystery (magician and author), 194–95

  mystery, 77, 166, 231, 361

  mystery cults, 101, 216, 218

  mystery schools, 154

  mysticism, 51, 54–55, 59–60, 70–71, 117, 371

  myths and mythology, 17, 32

  fountain of youth stories in, 124

  immortality in, 119–20

  magic liquid mentioned in, 212, 214–15

  protection against death in, 102

  religion and, 74

  science and, 74

  symbolism in, 213–16

  nanobots, 271, 272, 286

  Narcissus, 215

  Naqshbandi Sufi Center, Montreal, 52–54, 56

  Nasafī, Azīz-I, 48

  Nasruddin (character, Sufi tales), 55

  National Institute on Aging, 9, 254, 259, 345

  National Institutes of Health, 253

  natural magic, 226–27

  Nature (journal), 249, 255, 341, 344

  Neanderthal period, 102

  near-death experiences (NDEs), 33–34, 35–38

  Needham, Joseph, 238–39, 238n, 241

  negative capability, 106

  Nelson, Robert F., 304

  Neolithic period, 237

  Neoplatonism, 59, 72, 214

  Nestorian sect, 116, 116n

  New England Journal of Medicine, 266, 343

  Newton, Sir Isaac, 227, 229, 373

  New York Community Trust, 29

  New York Times, 182, 276, 341, 344

  New York Times Magazine, 3, 308

  Nhat Hanh, Thich, 148

  Niagara Falls, 168, 183

  Nicole, Nicole, 317–18, 320, 321, 322, 323–24

  Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, 154, 329

  Nile River, 123, 179, 180

  Nineveh, 19–20

  Nizami, 117–18

  Nobel Prizes, 48, 248, 262, 264, 288

  Nolan, David, 126, 140, 145–46

  Norse Vikings, 134

  Nostradamus, 11

  Notch protein, 339

  Oates, Joyce Carol, 166

  Obama, Barack, 195

  objectivity, 147

  occult powers, 43–44, 180–81, 226

  ocean, mysteries in, 103–05, 215

  oceanic experience, 218

  Ode on the Intimations of Immortality (Wordsworth), 158

  Odysseus, 214

  Odyssey (Homer), 214, 317

  Okeanos, 100

  Olay brand, 252

  Old Testament, 31, 72, 83–84

  Olschki, Leonardo, 125

  Onians, Richard B., 100

  On the Cave of the Nymphs (Porphyry), 214

  oracles, 42, 122

  orgasms, 218, 224

  Orinoco River, 123

  Orphism, 99, 214

  Osirification, 180

  Osiris, 179–80

  Out of My Later Years (Einstein), 361

  Ovarium, Montreal, 377

  Oviedo y Valdés, Gonzalo Fernández de, 143

  Pacetti, Benjy, 139

  Pacific Islanders, 219

  Pacific Ocean, 2, 123–24

  Paderno brand, 15

  Padmasambhava, 367, 368

  paganism, 80, 101, 218

  Pagels, Elaine, 101

  Paleolithic period, 102

  palingenesia, 161

  Palmo, Ani Lodrö, 365, 369, 373

  pantheism, 80

  Papua New Guinea, 219

  Paracelsus, 230–31, 232

  Parade (magazine), 322

  Parks, Tim, 98

  Parmenides, 371–72

  Pasolini, Pier Paolo, 58, 58n, 66

  patents, 10, 134, 143, 229, 254, 349

  Paul, Saint, 20

  Paul F. Glenn Laboratories for the Biological Mechanisms of Aging, Harvard University, 338

  Paul F. Glenn Symposium on Aging, 336, 337–38, 344

  Pawnee tribe, 42

  Pelagius, 115

  Penner, Alden¸ 184

  People Unlimited, 267

  Persephone, 215

  Persia, 20–21, 115, 119n, 120, 178, 228

  Petrified Lake site, Musha Cay, Bahamas, 193, 196, 200–201, 206, 209 />
  Petroski, Henry, 272

  Pew Trust surveys, 39

  Pfizer, 341

  PGC-1 gene, 339

  Phaedrus (Plato), 217, 375

  Philippe de Thaun, 122

  philosopher’s stone, 228

  Photoshop, 189, 192

  Pierpont, Nicole, 317–18, 320, 321, 322, 323–24

  Pindar, 121, 248

  Pitera, 252

  Pitjantjatjara people, 154

  placebo effect, 229, 250–51, 277, 349

  Plastic Omega, 8

  Plato, 31, 178, 217–18, 223, 372

  Plotinus, 72, 217

  Plotkin, Bill, 155–57

  Plutarch, 154

  poetry, 157

  ancient Greek, 15, 121, 217

  on immortality, 3, 15

  Romantic period, 55, 72, 147, 158

  Sufi, 51, 52, 117

  visionary, 214, 216

  Pohl, Frederik, 307n

  poiesis (poetry), 217

  polls, 28, 355

  Polo, Marco, 115–16, 144, 246

  polytheism, 80

  Ponce de León, Juan

  historians on, 143–44

  stories about, 124, 126–27, 128, 130–33, 134–35, 136, 137–38, 140

  Ponce de León Fountain of Youth Water, 134

  Pop, Iggy, 300

  Porphyry of Tyre, 214, 215

  “Position Statement” [on longevity], National Institute on Aging, 9

  posterity immortality, 31

  prayers, 1, 38–39

  art and, 59, 60, 205

  Buddhist, 373

  Catholic, 67, 80

  Father Gervias on watching films as, 59, 205

  Hasidic, 82, 90

  Islamic, 49

  Sufi, 53

  water metaphor for, 105

  prayer services, Sufi, 53, 56

  Prechtel, Martín, 19

  pregnancy, 64, 105, 154, 218–19, 325–26

  preserved bodies of leaders, 2, 303

  Prester John, 114–16, 117, 121

  Priceless Prescriptions (Sun Ssu-miao), 244

  Priest and the Medium, The (Rossner), 38

  procaine hydrochloride, 2

  progress, belief in, 9–10

  Prospect of Immortality, The (Ettinger), 302, 306, 307, 314

  Prospero (character, The Tempest), 109, 167, 199, 200, 223, 224, 226

  Portestants, 31

  Psalms of Ascent, 89

  p66Shc longevity gene, 255

  psychic automatism, 43

  psychics, 34, 39–40, 43, 117, 232

  psychomanteums, 42

  Pulotu, 124

  punk music, 59, 150–51

  punters, 292–93

  Puranas, 121

  Pure Fulfillment brand cream, 294

  Pyramid of the Sun, Teotihuacán, Mexico, 112

  pyramids, 3, 112, 150, 298, 378

  Pyramid Texts, 179

  Pythagoras, 42, 372

  quacks, 17, 229, 295, 322

  Quantum Immortality (QI), 30

  Qin Shi Huang, 242–43

  Q10, 251

  Qiu Chuji, 4

  Qur’an, 49–50, 117

  Raine, Kathleen, 214, 216

  rainwater cures, 2

  Ramadan, 49

  rapamycin, 249, 345

  rap music, 197, 197n, 282

  rasa, 246

  Rasarnava, 246

  Ray and Terry’s Longevity Products, 274


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