Beth Kery

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Beth Kery Page 8

by Sweet Restraint

  “Because I said so,” he explained almost casually before he reached out and delved his fingers deeply into her upswept hair.

  He leaned down and seized her mouth in a kiss so ravenous that Laura couldn’t help but wonder how long his hunger had been building. Had he been thinking about kissing her even while he stared straight ahead at the highway, his profile so cold and unmoving?

  His lips molded and shaped her own, his tongue demanded entrance. His taste suffused her senses—both a new experience and a hauntingly familiar one at once. She groaned when he twisted his hand in her hair, turning her head so that he could penetrate her mouth deeper.

  Why is he doing this? Laura wondered distantly even as she pressed closer to his hard body, drawn to his heat. But even as she asked herself, she knew the answer.

  Tears leaked out of the corners of her eyelids as he continued to fuck her mouth boldly, branding her . . . staking his claim on her. Such a powerful wave of lust and longing surged through her at that moment that it seemed to obliterate all else in its wake. She kissed him back hungrily, obeying the law of her body and spirit for those brief moments instead of bowing down to harsh rules set by greedy men.

  It took her a full five seconds to realize that he’d stopped kissing her. She opened her eyelids heavily.

  Something flickered into his blue eyes as he uncurled his fingers from her hair and softly stroked her neck. Then he dropped his hand, his features settling once again into impassivity.

  “If you choose not to use the toilet, that’s your business. But you will take off your panties.”

  “Shane . . . don’t do this,” she entreated.

  He stepped back. Despite the outrageousness of his actions, Laura found herself hating the absence of his weight against her. For a second she thought he’d relent, but then he merely cocked an eyebrow and glanced pointedly at the toilet.

  Her hand shook slightly as she pulled toilet paper off the roll and placed it on the seat of the toilet. She forced herself to maintain eye contact with him while she lifted her skirt and bunched her panties around her knees.

  “It’s not going to work,” she told him bitterly before she sat. Despite her bravado she found that she couldn’t release her bladder while he watched her with his steady, blue-eyed stare.

  She closed her eyes in temporary defeat.

  “Take the panties off,” he said succinctly once she’d finally finished.

  “There’s no way in hell,” Laura hissed with a glare. Her heartbeat thundered in her ears while she waited to see what he’d do when she jerked up her panties and let her skirt drop. Would he rip them off her? She knew Shane would never really hurt her, but she kept thinking about his crazy allegation that he planned to dominate her sexually. He was wrong to assume she preferred her sex that way.

  So she couldn’t figure out why the thought of Shane restraining her, removing at least temporarily the necessity for keeping him at a distance . . . of him forcing her to feel caused a forbidden vein of excitement to throb to life inside of her.

  He merely watched her with a stony stare, however, while she washed and dried her hands before opening the door for her.

  “Where are we going, anyway?” Laura asked thirty seconds later when Shane got into the driver’s seat. He’d immediately re-locked the doors once he’d seated her in the passenger seat, unlocking only the driver’s-side door when he went around the car.

  “To a cabin in the country, twenty miles or so from Galena, Illinois.”

  She snorted and settled in her seat, desperate to put up some emotional barriers after she’d once again succumbed to him so easily. “I see you haven’t lost all your marbles. Still enough of an FBI agent not to take me across state lines.”

  She might as well not have spoken for all the effect her bitter words had on him.

  “Lean forward. I’m going to cuff you again.”

  Despite everything that had come before, his words shocked her. “No! You have me locked in here. I’m not going anywhere.”

  “If I don’t cuff you, you might try to hinder me while I’m driving. We could wreck.”

  “It’s so nice to know you have my safety and well-being in mind,” she said, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

  It happened so quickly that she released her gasp of surprise with her forehead pressed against the leather surface of the driver’s door armrest. She tried to move but Shane held her so firmly down in his lap with a forearm at her lower back that felt like it was a band of steel. While she still struggled in disoriented confusion, he efficiently recuffed her wrists behind her back.

  “I do have your safety and well-being in mind.”

  “Goddamn you straight to hell, Shane Dominic,” she cried out shakily. “You have no right—”

  “If I have no right to cuff you then I certainly have no right to do this. But guess what, Laura?” he breathed out ominously from above her. “I’m going to do it anyway.”

  Laura stared blankly at the crevice between the leather seat and the car door when she felt him yank up her skirt. The air inside the car felt cool against the bare skin just above her thigh-highs. Despite her struggling, Shane managed to successfully yank her underpants down to her knees. She yelped in surprise when he cracked the exposed flesh of her bottom with his palm once, then twice. It didn’t hurt as much as it shocked her.

  “Stop struggling or I’m gonna give you twice as many,” she heard him say.

  She clenched her teeth and determinedly twisted in his lap, but he held her down with an ease that infuriated her. When she shifted her pelvis off him, nearly tipping her body onto the floor of the car he grabbed her hip, his fingers sinking deeply into her right buttock. Her muscles tensed when he cursed and released her, knowing what was to come. He landed a blistering spank on her right ass cheek, the crack of flesh against flesh sounding like gunfire in the confined space of the car.

  “Stop it,” she howled.

  “I’ll stop when you stop struggling and take your punishment. I’m tired of sitting here while you hurl insults at me. And the next time I tell you to take off an item of clothing I expect that you’ll do it. Understood?”

  Laura moaned uncontrollably. While he spoke he palmed her bare, stinging ass cheek and squeezed possessively.

  “All right, fine,” she said quickly. She would have said anything at that moment to stop him from touching her. “Just let me up.”

  “I told you I would. Once you take your punishment for being obstinate just for the sake of being obstinate.”

  “What? You . . . you already spanked me.” She went still when his squeezing of her ass segued to a caress. He transferred his hand to the sensitive skin at the base of her spine just above the crevice of her bottom, caressing her with callused, gentle fingertips. Her mouth gaped open as she trailed that intimate caress with her mind.

  “Lesson one, Laura. Any stroke you get on your ass while you’re struggling doesn’t count. I’m going to give you ten and if you don’t keep completely still while I do it, you’ll get one more for each time you resist. Do you understand?”

  One long finger skimmed down the crevice of her ass in the silence that followed, lightly skimming the sensitive ring of her asshole. She shivered uncontrollably despite the heat that flooded her body.

  “And then you’ll let me up?” she clarified uneasily.

  “If you promise to stop insulting me during the rest of the drive to Galena, yes.”

  She bit off a small moan when he rubbed her left ass cheek lightly with his fingertips and then palmed the tingling flesh greedily as if it were his to do with as he pleased. Laura pinched her eyelids closed in response to the rush of liquid warmth between her thighs. It felt shameful to be lying here, handcuffed and helpless in the lap of a man she had barely spoken to in thirteen years as he played with her bare ass—a bare ass that was still hot and tingling from his spankings.

  Shameful and almost unbearably exciting, because Shane was that man.

  “All right
. Do it then,” she ground out. Anything to get him to stop touching her.

  But if she’d thought it was bad struggling against his touch, it was far worse to lie completely still and anticipate his cracking palm. He made her count as he spanked her, which humiliated her even further. By the time he smacked her burning, undoubtedly bright pink ass the last time, she was trembling in anger, shame, and arousal.

  “I’ll never forgive you for this,” she informed him when he’d helped her back into a sitting position in the passenger seat and she’d winced at the stinging pain from putting weight on her bottom. She frowned when he slid her panties down over her boots and pocketed the black silk inside his jacket.

  “Yes, you will,” he countered calmly. She merely stared at him in impotent fury as he untied her wool coat before he refastened her seat belt.

  “Oh . . . no, Shane,” she cried out miserably when he lifted her skirt to her waist. She rested her head on the seat and turned her face away from him when he matter-of-factly pushed a finger between her labia. But she couldn’t shut out the divine pleasure of his finger sliding against her clit . . . or the shameful, undisguised sound of him moving in the tight, wet crevice. Much to her chagrin, she ground her hips against him.

  His chuckle sounded triumphant to her ears.

  “Juicy,” he murmured, his voice sounding a little awed. “You liked that, didn’t you? It turns you on to have a man punish you.”


  Something in her tone must have made him pause. Laura bit her bottom lip in agony when he removed his finger from her burning, needy clit.

  Neither of them spoke as he drove down the ramp and merged once again onto the interstate. Laura moved away from him, pressing the side of her forehead against the window. The cool surface felt good against her overheated body.

  “There’s nothing to be ashamed of, you know. You’re a natural submissive. I knew it, even back when we were dating so many years ago,” she heard him say after several minutes of silence. His familiar deep voice washed over her in the dim silence, awakening so many memories . . . so many feelings she’d thought long dead.

  “Shut up.”

  She sensed him bristle next to her despite the fact that she couldn’t see him from her hunkered down position. She sat bolt upright when he placed his hand on her knee and opened her legs.

  “Keep them spread,” he insisted when she instinctively began to close them again. The only light in the car came from the dim dashboard lights, but it was still sufficient enough for him to easily see between her thighs.

  She made the mistake of looking into Shane’s bold, handsome face as he stared into her lap. Her muscles locked into place, as though his desire commanded them and not her own will. For a moment he’d looked so intent, so hungry she’d been stunned.

  His gaze flickered to the road and then back to her. He held her stare as he reached for her.

  “There,” he soothed softly as he stimulated her clit with a thick thumb. “Just give in to it, baby. Give me your trust.”

  Laura gasped raggedly at the intensity of the pleasure that flooded through her. It was like a volcano of emotion had brewed just beneath the surface for the past two weeks and Shane’s touch supplied the outlet for an explosive eruption.

  She tried to buck her hips against his hand, but he held her thigh firmly down on the seat as his thumb worked her. The dam broke loose. She sobbed uncontrollably as she came.

  She sagged back into the seat a few seconds later, moaning when Shane shifted his hand and slicked his forefinger against her clit, eliciting several delicious post-orgasmic tremors from her. She’d never known that something could feel so incredibly good and intensely terrible all at once.

  “How could that ever be something you’d be ashamed of?” he asked her after he’d finished strumming all the tremors from her flesh and removed his hand.

  Laura slid her head back to the window and stared out into the impenetrable black night. His suggestion that she would have responded in such a fashion to any man was what had made her protest so vehemently before. But she couldn’t tell him that he was dead wrong about his assumptions. Better he thought she responded so wholly with almost any man. If he ever discovered what he meant to her, he would use the knowledge to wrangle the truth from her.

  And with her body being such a wicked betrayer, her secrets were the only weapons she possessed now.


  Shane noticed fifteen minutes later when Laura closed her legs and shifted her hips toward the door . . . away from him.

  “I told you to keep your legs spread.”

  “Fuck you” was her quiet, furious response.

  “We’ll get to that whenever I’m ready,” he muttered grimly at the same time that he spread his hand across the stocking-covered thigh nearest to him and pulled it in his direction. His already erect cock throbbed painfully at the sensation of her shapely leg encased in cool silk. She jerked her leg away from him, denying him access.

  “Do you want me to pull over and punish you again?” he asked. He’d rather not when he’d already turned her beautiful ass such a fetching shade of pink, but he accepted that it may be necessary in these early stages while she still resisted him.

  She’d submit to him soon enough. He’d heard those tapes. It was in Laura’s nature to submit. He’d never really doubted it. The juices running amply around his finger when he’d probed her pussy following her spanking certainly proved it. It made his gut boil with anger to consider it, but Huey had trained Laura’s body well.

  Instead of fighting with her he removed his hand from her thigh.

  “Obviously I didn’t make my point earlier. I have a paddle in the trunk of the car. I’ll pull off at the next exit and get it so I can make things a little clearer to you,” he commented mildly. He watched out of the corner of his eye as she straightened in her seat and turned her outraged face toward him.

  “No,” she stated emphatically.

  “Then keep your thighs spread,” he replied just as firmly while he met her gaze.

  He waited tensely for several seconds. When she spread her thighs slowly he merely said, “And lift your skirt higher.”

  “I can’t believe you’re doing this. I can’t believe you’re acting this way,” she whispered as she lifted her skirt once again to her waist. Her incredibly smooth hips and thighs gleamed in the dim light.

  “Believe it,” he replied starkly, his eye glued to the trim thatch of dark hair between her thighs. Every time he glanced back at the road he wondered if the hairs surrounding her labia were as matted with moisture as they appeared to be. He finally gave up guessing and reached for her, slicking his forefinger against the swollen folds while he stared straight ahead at the relatively empty interstate.

  She gasped raggedly.

  It hadn’t been his imagination. She was soaked. He ground his back teeth together in feral lust at the realization. He stroked her softly while he drove, keeping his eyes on the road, eating up the small, catchy whimpers that she unsuccessfully tried to stifle. His cock swelled furiously when, after a minute or two of stimulation, she pushed her pelvis against him, trying to get more pressure on her clit so she could come.

  When he removed his hand completely she cried out in protest.

  “What are you doing?” she asked when he grabbed the wheel with his left hand and leaned across her in order to lower the back of her seat. He sat up abruptly when the car swerved slightly to the right.

  “That’s better,” he mumbled in grim satisfaction after he’d cork-screwed his forefinger in her tight, juicy channel, his action made easier by her adjusted position and her abundant cream. He continued to drive as he finger-fucked her slowly and she moaned.

  “Keep your hips still,” he ordered when she began to writhe against him, hungry for the release that he withheld from her with his slow, careful strokes. He refused to touch her swollen clit now, knowing that if he did she would detonate like a bomb.

  He kept
it up for a torturous fifteen minutes as they drove on the dark highway. Neither of them spoke as they engaged in a silent, tense battle of wills. He saw her bite down on her lower lip several times and knew that she restrained herself from begging him to allow her to come.

  The idea of her denying herself from him infuriated him just like it had for thirteen and a half years.

  Every time he sensed her nearing climax, he withdrew his finger until only the tip was buried fast in her heat and waited for her to cool. When he saw a brightly lit truck stop just off the interstate, he pulled away his hand completely from Laura’s drenched pussy. He took the exit. She leaned back against the seat, her breathing coming shallow and fast.

  “What do you want from me, Shane?” she asked in a choked voice when he parked the car in a solitary spot at the truck stop. There wasn’t much car traffic, but several of the spots were filled in the truck parking a hundred or so feet away. Shane could see several truckers sitting in their cabs but he couldn’t have cared less. He was so aroused from touching Laura’s creaming pussy and hearing her stifled whimpers that he thought his cock would burst out of the stretched skin that covered it.

  “I told you what I want,” he said as he unfastened his seat belt and his jeans. He grimaced in genuine discomfort when he lowered his boxer briefs and pulled his cock free. He felt Laura’s stare on him, the weight of it making him grit his teeth.

  He unbuckled her seat belt and met her wide eyes before he glanced down at his straining erection.

  “There’s nothing much more honest than that, is there, Laura? Suck on it.”

  Her lush lower lip fell open in shock at his harsh words but the manner in which she eyed his cock hungrily made it lurch in his hand. He’d ravaged her hair earlier. It currently surrounded her delicate face in a wild, dark cloud. Her cheeks were stained bright pink with her arousal. He held up his heavy erection and palmed the back of her skull gently.

  “Get down on it.”

  She glanced uneasily out the front window toward the line of trucks and the three figures in the seats.


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