Willing Sacrifice (Willing Surrender Book 2)

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Willing Sacrifice (Willing Surrender Book 2) Page 4

by Hole, Carrie

  “Now...I want you now,” she whispered to him.

  His hand tangled in her hair and he bit her lip lightly.

  “Please,” she murmured.

  His hand tightened, the other hand squeezing her thigh.

  “Please,” she pleaded.

  He entered her slowly. She wrapped her legs around him, asking for more, but he maintained a slow and steady pace while looking into her eyes. With her hands on his biceps her body bowed as pleasure spread through her. He continued the slow pace, prolonging her orgasm until she was whimpering uncontrollably. As her body started building toward another orgasm he thrust fast and hard, bringing them both over the edge.

  He buried his face in her neck and she wrapped her arms around him, both breathing through the high.

  “I love you,” she told him quietly.

  He looked at her, brushing a hand across her face, and kissed her gently.

  “I’m not letting you go,” he said, voice serious.

  “I don’t want you to,” she replied.

  He kissed her again, more deeply, like a promise.

  Chapter 9

  Reina was putting the finishing touches on her make-up. She wasn’t wearing much, a light glittery shadow around the corners of her eyes, a touch of eyeliner, and a few coats of mascara on her naturally long, thick eyelashes. Red wine lip stain with a touch of cherry flavored gloss completed the look. Amy had come over with the dress and helped her pin her curly hair up in a loose Grecian goddess style, a few stray curly wisps trailing her skin. With her toenails painted, strappy black heels on, and chiffon whispering around her legs, Reina was ready to begin her seductive game. She imagined James was pacing around downstairs, bristling about being shut out of the bedroom and wondering what she was up to. Usually low-maintenance, she decided to keep him waiting a few more minutes, savoring the anticipation.

  As she finally descended the stairs, giving the barest glimpse of thigh through the material as she walked, back bare from neck to waist, James was stalking around the foyer as predicted. In black jeans, charcoal shirt and light gray blazer, he was sexy as always. He turned to watch her descent, his gaze hungry, predatory. She smiled at him, devilish intent clear in her eyes. He met her at the bottom of the stairs, fingers grazing the column of her throat, down to her necklace, and across her collarbone sending sparks of awareness over her skin.

  “You look stunning,” he murmured.

  “Thank you,” she licked her lips, “I taste like cherries too.”

  He leaned down giving her lips a light flick of his tongue. His hand caressed her neck and down her back, her body automatically responded with heat. She sighed.

  “We could stay home,” he whispered in her ear.

  She pulled back and rubbed her thumb across his lips.

  “Not a chance,” she replied.

  His hand came up and gently circled her wrist. She could see him fighting the urge to slip her dress off now, so she bit her lip and smiled.

  “Trouble,” he said quietly.

  She shrugged, “We’re going to be late.”

  “It can wait,” he almost growled.

  “You don’t want to take me out,” she batted her eyelashes.

  The muscle ticked in his jaw, and she smiled again.

  He nodded, taking her hand, “We’ll play it your way.”

  “If you say so,” she replied flippantly as they walked toward the waiting car. His eyes were ablaze as she slid into the car. She just smiled, already having a blast.

  On the outside the hotel was large but unassuming with beautiful manicured grounds and a winding driveway. The inside was a different story, with multiple buildings and countless floors, it was massive and amazing. The main dining area was an indoor city with an atrium ceiling. Pathways led to various restaurants and bars all surrounded by waterfalls, rock formations, tropical flowers, a miniature river offering gondola rides, and European inspired architecture. Guest rooms were on the outside walls, each with their own wrought iron encased balcony. The floor below was set up like an old-fashioned town complete with cobblestone walkways and lamp post lighting, with boutiques, unique sweets stores and a coffee shop.

  Their party was in one of the stunning ballrooms. The carpet was navy blue and gold damask, the walls a golden beige with intricate white moldings and columns. There was live music playing unobtrusively from a stage at the end of the room. Tables were covered with hors d’oeuvres and decadent desserts, while drinks of all types flowed. There were people everywhere mingling, smiling and laughing. Reina opted for a glass of champagne while they breezed through meeting people. James introduced her to some, while others introduced themselves. Reina subtly teased James at every opportunity with gentle touches and sly smiles.

  James watched Reina light up the night. He stayed close enough that there was no mistaking who she was with, yet gave her enough space to shine. Her conversations were easy going, her shy blushing moments were honest and charming, her smile was enchanting, and she was completely unaware of the affect she had on everyone in the room. There were a few times when she looked up at him, clearly needing a break from social interaction, so he would step in and shield her until the moment passed. They shared secret touches, silent looks and quiet whispers; James couldn’t wait to get her alone and touch every inch of skin taunting him.

  Reina excused herself to the restroom, not only to pee and refresh her lipgloss, but also to have a few minutes of breathing room. She was having fun, but there were enough people to be slightly overwhelming. She stepped out just in time to see bitch extraordinaire Alexis closing in on James. His body tensed, obviously wishing he had escaped her notice. Reina walked towards them casually, much more prepared to hold her own. As she neared, Alexis reached a hand towards James’ chest. Reina’s inner she-wolf wanted to take her down by the throat, but outwardly she kept her cool. She quietly stepped up next to James, reached across his body, and laid her hand on the side of his neck, his eyes immediately meeting hers.

  “I thought you were going to feed me,” she said suggestively.

  His gaze smoldered, “Are you hungry?”

  “Always,” she replied seductively.

  He took her hand and led her away, leaving Alexis standing alone and seething with fury. Reina wondered where they were going as he guided her through the hotel and into a smaller side hallway. Here the sounds of the hotel were hushed creating an illusion of privacy. His hand came to the side of her neck as his lips met hers. He kissed her deeply and passionately, without preamble. The fire she’d been stoking all night flared wildly to life scorching through her body, ready to burn out of control and engulf them both.

  “Still hungry,” James asked.

  “Yes,” she answered.

  He led her further down side hallways until he found what he was looking for, a door marked “Employees Only.” Inside was ceiling to floor white shelving with various supplies, a few maid carts to the side, and a small metal desk tucked in the corner. He headed straight for the desk, urging her to sit. The next moments were surreal flashes of sensation, his hands sliding her dress up her legs, fingers grazing across her wet panties, panties pushed to the side, warm fingers against her skin, and the sound of his zipper. She wrapped her legs around him as he entered her swiftly, burying her face in his neck as his hands held the bare skin of her back. Their pace was fast and hard, almost as frantic as her beating heart. She pressed her mouth firmly into his neck trying to stifle her cries as pleasure momentarily blocked out the world.

  Just as they finished reorganizing themselves a maid walked in. Reina blushed hotly, but James took it in stride. He grabbed her hand and walked to the door.

  “What are you guys doing in here?”

  “We were just leaving,” he replied nonchalantly.

  They laughed on their way back to the party, happy and light hearted.

  It all changed in an instant when they were approached by Alexis and Eric. James stepped halfway in front of Reina, and she could
feel every muscle in his body coiled tight.

  “James. It’s good to see you,” Eric said semi-formally.

  “I can’t say the same for you. What are you doing here,” James’ tone was guarded and angry.

  Alexis chose that moment to pipe up, “This is my date. I certainly couldn’t pass on such a fine specimen.”

  There was an undercurrent of anger and violence between James and Eric, both of them acted as if Alexis hadn’t spoken.

  “Why are you here Eric,” James asked sternly.

  Eric maintained his cover of cordialness, “I read someplace that you had a new romantic interest. I decided to see for myself. It would seem that you’re quite fond of her.”

  “I fail to see why that would concern you,” James replied.

  “Ah well, you know what they say about curiosity,” Eric smiled.

  Reina could feel the tension rolling off of James, as if his control was about to snap.

  “You know what they say about uninvited guests,” James replied with menace.

  Eric spoke to Reina, “I’m sorry. It seems we haven’t been properly introduced. You are?”

  Thankfully James answered, “She’s above your concern.”

  “I see.” Eric said. Something about his tone sent a shiver down her back.

  Alexis, quiet to this point, was bursting with feminine outrage. She kept her tone cool as she spoke to Eric, as though even she knew better.

  “Eric, I’m bored with this game. Let’s find new entertainment.”

  “Yes, of course,” he replied. As they walked away he looked over his shoulder. “I’ll be seeing you Reina.”

  James immediately had hotel security escort them to their car, and they were flying home. He was quiet and brooding; Reina laid a soothing hand on his arm. If she didn’t know better she’d have sworn when he looked at her there was a hint of fear in his eyes, and that scared her more than anything. She became lost in her own swirling thoughts. The night had been perfect, almost magical, and now it was tainted with shadows.

  Chapter 10

  James felt a small measure of relief when they were home. It was marginally easier to keep Reina safe there. He was tempted to pack her up and whisk her away to an island somewhere, but for a sadistic bastard like Eric with almost an endless supply of resources, that was a temporary solution at best. Whether Eric simply wanted to fuck with him, or was genuinely curious about Reina was unknown, but he’d obviously decided to target her. Maybe he should have let her run. The thought flashed through his head, but he knew it was a lie. He’d carefully laid out his seduction, and had become ensnared himself. By the time she’d ran it was too late, they’d both been securely intertwined. Letting her go would be like tearing out a part of himself and living without it forever. Eric had already narrowed in on her so it would just leave her vulnerable.

  Eric was calculating, patient, merciless, and James had no idea how far Eric would take his game. Reina looked at him with worried eyes and he wanted to reassure her, but she was in danger; the barbed wire was tightening around his ribs. If he had left her alone she wouldn’t be in this situation, he should’ve known better. He’d told her he’d protect her, and now felt like all he could do was wait. His instincts were screaming, but it was hard to fight an enemy lying in wait in an unidentified location. Unfortunately, most of James’ tracking resources could also be tracked by Eric, and that left him with limited options.

  James followed Reina upstairs, watching her dress caress her legs. She stopped in front of the dresser, glancing at him in the mirror as she pulled a pin out of her hair. He reached out and touched the skin of her back and she shuddered under his touch, triggering his need to love and protect her. She was so strong and still so fragile. as he helped her take out all of the pins. Curls falling down her back one by one, creating a wildness that reflected her spirit. He automatically wanted to put his hand in it and rub the texture between his fingers.

  She turned to face him with concern in her eyes. She was in danger and was concerned for him, the barbed wire squeezed a little tighter. She pressed her body into his, her lips brushing his neck sparking the need to please her. She whispered, “I love you,” in his ear. He not only wanted to give her everything, he wanted to take everything she had to give and call it his own.

  She looked back up at him; brown eyes so full of trust the barbed wire nicked his heart. He brushed his thumb across her full bottom lip, trying to replace everything else with passion. For a moment, this is what he could give her. He’d love her until the fire consumed them both, and slowly burned the rest of the world away.

  Chapter 11

  Reina felt that things had mostly returned to normal. Over the next couple of weeks there had been no word of Eric, her work was coming along nicely, and James seemed more himself. There still seemed to be a hint of tension, as if he was waiting for something, but the general atmosphere had faded back to comfortable.

  Reina was sitting on the couch with her laptop, coffee close at hand, and one of her random playlists playing quietly through the house. James was heading out to sign some paperwork, so it was the perfect time for her to delve into her creative world. Or it seemed to be, until James came through the foyer with his worried look.

  “Reina, why don’t you come with me?”

  “James, I’m working.”

  “We both know you can bring it with you.”

  “No. I don’t want to disrupt the creative flow,” she pouted.

  He looked like he was trying to decide the best way to convince her.

  “James, I’ll be fine. Ok? We have a big fancy alarm system, and I do have some experience with taking care of myself.”

  He sighed and clenched his jaw, as if he might simply drag her out by force.

  “Besides, Amy is coming over soon anyway.”

  “I’ll be an hour, hour and a half tops,” he said, kneeling down.

  “I’ll still be right here,” she replied with a touch of sarcasm.

  He kissed her and stood up, “When will Amy be here?”

  “I’m not sure, she said after work. It shouldn’t be long.”

  “I won’t be long either,” he replied, walking towards the door.

  “Still be here…” she called after him.

  “You’re pushing it Reina,” he called back as he went out.

  It was her turn to sigh. Oh I’ll push it alright, she thought. Like I need a damn babysitter or something.

  She turned up the music, refreshed her coffee, and got back to work. Within 45 minutes Amy texted her.

  Amy: Trying to get out of here. Not sure how long.

  Reina: Whenever. No worries.

  More coffee, a few grapes, a cherry sucker, and about 30 minutes later Amy texted again.

  Amy: Soon!

  Reina: I’m fine. It’s cool. Don’t worry.

  Ten minutes later, like some kind of cosmic clockwork, James texted her.

  James: Leaving now.

  Reina: Still here…

  Feeling frustrated she closed her laptop, grabbed a few more grapes, and stood looking out over the mountains. There was obviously a conspiracy to make her completely crazy. She was tempted to go out someplace just to be ornery.

  When the doorbell chimed she thought, Thank God. Amy being here meant one less person texting her and she’d be here when James got home, so her bases were covered. Defenseless Reina has someone to watch her, she mused sourly.

  But when she opened the door it wasn’t Amy, it was Eric.

  “James isn’t here,” she said.

  She tried to close the door, but he was already pushing his way inside. Heart pounding, she took a few steps back.

  “Get out of my house.”

  “No. I don’t think so,” he replied with a sneer.

  He grabbed her arm, so she used her other hand to deliver a palm strike to his nose. Her aim was slightly off, but it was enough that he let her go. She should have run, but she stopped to hit the panic button on the alarm. It wa
s just enough time for Eric to knock her down. Reina’s head smacked the floor, her heart raced, and her feet tried to find traction as she attempted to scramble backwards. She wasn’t fast enough, Eric got on top of her and pinned her arms to the floor she could only struggle.

  Breathing shallow, both angry and scared, Reina stopped fighting and waited.

  “Get off of me,” she said through gritted teeth.

  “Feisty. I can see why he likes you,” Eric replied, leaning his face in close to hers.

  When he was close enough Reina headbutted him, tears springing to her eyes and blood drops hitting her face from his already damaged nose. He released her arms, but his weight was still on top of her. James came through the door just as she was fighting to get free; eyes blazing with rage he delivered two quick kidney punches. Obviously fighting wasn’t new to them, because Eric didn’t stay down; with a groaning growl he spit blood on the floor and struggled to his feet, giving a tilt of his head as if ready for more. Head buzzing, heartbeat erratic, and with Eric’s blood on her face, Reina was up too. James was advancing and she could already hear the sirens echoing off the mountains, closing in on their drive.

  “James,” without getting too close she reached out to him.

  Clouded by his own wrath, he didn’t seem to hear her. The sirens had reached their house; if James was attacking when the police came in, all hell would break loose. There was already enough hell raining down without him getting arrested.

  She stepped closer, hand whispering across his arm, “James, please don’t.”

  He didn’t look at her, but he clenched his jaw, and she could sense the war swirling inside him. In the next moment police were coming through the door with guns drawn, shouting instructions. Thankfully James was acquainted with a few of them, after the initial chaos, things went relatively smoothly. Statements were made, pictures taken, and Eric was led away in handcuffs. He glared at Reina on his way out, and although her heart still raced with fear, she returned his glare with one of her own. The police left a card with a warning that they may be called in for further questioning if necessary, and then she was left alone with James in the echoing silence.


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