No Such Thing as Dragons : Complete Series Box Set (Books 1 - 5)

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No Such Thing as Dragons : Complete Series Box Set (Books 1 - 5) Page 80

by Lauren Lively

  The little woman brought her knee up a second time when the first wasn’t enough. She kneed him hard and shoved him back. Dammit she was tough. He buckled over and groaned. When he lifted his eyes he knew there was fire in them because she backed away fearfully.

  “That fuckin’ hurt!”

  “Well don’t touch me asshole!”

  Oh yes, she was his. As much as his nuts hurt, his dick was still harder. Her hands were fisted in defense and her chest heaved. More strands of her hair fell from the tie and surrounded her face. Her pouty lips puckered up and her nose scrunched adorably.

  When he could stand normally again, because he wasn’t lying, it had hurt like a bitch. She was one tough human. “You are amazing,” he breathed.

  She froze and he could see her body shaking in rage. Someone had hurt her because she learned very quickly that she did not like to be touched.

  She stood tall and waited, for what he wasn’t sure, but he knew she wasn’t going to be easy. His mate would challenge him. He smiled thinking his life just got a hell of a lot more interesting. “I won’t touch you, but this time I was trying to keep you from getting hurt.”

  She glared. “Fine, but let’s get a move on please. I need to talk to your King and Queen.”

  “Very well.” He wasn’t happy that she didn’t seem to like him; not even a little bit. He was the type that grew on others over time. Yeah that was it. He led the way and met his parents. They’d heard the commotion and were about to send his brothers for him. He shook his head.

  “It’s okay she doesn’t like being touched.” He told them with a shrug. She was behind him so she didn’t see the look that passed between him and his parents. His father smirked and his mother, though leery, smiled wide. That was all they needed to know, and no harm would come of her. Ever.

  She stood beside him after she had composed herself and gasped. His parents made an impression. Father with his foot tall Mohawk, much like his own with his pure orange eyes signifying his mating. He was even taller than Pyra at seven and a half feet tall. He had jagged scars from the battles he had survived. They were a badge of honor for their kind. His mother had knee length white hair and her eyes were also orange but lighter. She was tall, thin, and at nearly seven feet her frame was willowy.

  “Dr. Baines meet Queen Thiea and King Criea.”

  She bowed and stepped in front of him. “It’s very nice to meet you. Sorry about the—commotion.”

  His father chuckled. “That’s nothing dear. It’s common for stifles here. You are Eden correct? I do not like all these—formalities you humans use.”

  “Yes, I’m Eden.”

  “Very well, come in dear.”

  She seemed surprised by how accepting their kind could be. As long as the humans followed their damn rules, and there weren’t many. Don’t hurt any of them. Don’t lie to them, and don’t try to steal their blood. Simple, yet so many humans broke those rules. Pyra hoped his human would be the exception. He’d hate to have to protect someone he didn’t trust.

  Chapter 4

  I followed the King, who looked very much like the warrior following behind me and gasped. No wonder he was so well known. He had a temper, was a cocky son of a bitch, and he was the King and Queen’s son. It all made sense now. There was no way in hell I’d get a sample of his blood. Ryan was out of his god damn mind if he thought I’d even try. The man was huge, and I had a feeling it wouldn’t be hard for him to snap me in two.

  I felt the warrior behind me. My back stayed tense as he stared at me. He kept a good distance between us, but the heat coming from him was outrageous. I looked over my shoulder to see a strange flicker of orange in his eyes. It looked like the King’s but it didn’t last before they shifted back to blue. I blinked and faced in front of me so I didn’t keep making an ass out of myself. There was something about the giant that brought out the worst in me. I didn’t like how my heart raced or my pulse fluttered deep inside.

  The King led me into a huge room with a huge table. It was filled with all sorts of food I had never seen before and my stomach dropped. Trying new things wasn’t really my thing. I brought food for myself that would last a year so I wouldn’t starve. Pyra seemed to sense my discomfort and he huddled close behind me.

  “It’s okay. The food is actually a lot better than it looks,” he whispered.

  He was too close. I could smell his scent. It was a bit spicy and my mouth watered. Suddenly I was hungry for something other than food. “I’m not hungry.” I was going to be stubborn as hell. No way would I admit anything going on inside of me right now. I couldn’t allow it to happen. It didn’t matter that he was the sexiest man I’d ever met, or that I couldn’t remember the last time I’d been with a man. No part of his body would touch any part of mine. I was here to study their land. Maybe I would be able to convince myself of that eventually.

  He chuckled and I felt his breath whisper across the back of my neck. I clenched my teeth holding back my building anger. Anger was good. I could deal with being pissed. That was normal.

  “Please get out of my space,” I hissed.

  He didn’t move back. Instead he placed one of his giant fucking hands on my hip. If I didn’t want to look like a complete asshole I had to deal with it, but he would pay. I smiled at the thought of kneeing him in his groin again. This time I wouldn’t go easy on him. “If you want to keep that hand, I suggest you remove it from my body,” I whispered sweetly.

  He leaned into my space even more. Damn he was arrogant. It didn’t seem to matter what the species was, apparently males were all alike.

  “Make me.”, he taunted. He wanted me to lose my temper. I couldn’t—no I wouldn’t give him the satisfaction.

  “You’re gonna regret this, warrior.” I officially hated him. I couldn’t see why the women all wanted him. Sure I bet his body was unbelievable, but his attitude sucked. I didn’t appreciate men who thought they were god’s gift to women. He didn’t respect boundaries and that was a big thing for me. I couldn’t stand someone who thought they didn’t have to stay out of my personal space.

  “Oh yeah?” He rubbed his finger across my hip bone, slow and intimate, too intimately. I was going to murder him. “I look forward to anything you dish out, angel.”

  I chuckled. No one had ever accused me of that before. “We’ll see.”

  Every word that slipped from my lips was met with a touch that threatened to bring me to my knees. I wouldn’t let him win. It was physical, that was it.

  The King cleared his throat and his smirk in my direction was unsettling. It was as though he was waiting us out.

  “Sit please dear.”

  I gulped and pulled away from the hulking man behind me, but he stepped around me and pulled out the chair. My eyes widened in surprise. I didn’t think he had a gentle bone in his body.

  He shrugged. “What? My mother raised me too.”

  I nodded and sat down waiting for the King to tell me the rules. I knew he’d tell me, and I had planned to talk to him about my boss, but I didn’t want to do it in front of the warrior.

  “I’m sure you know that we are graceful in letting humans invade our lands to run tests, and learn more about our species…”

  I nodded.

  “There are a few things we do not allow however, and under no circumstances are those rules to be broken. The paper you signed gives us the right to punish you within our laws if you break them in any way.”

  Again I nodded. I hadn’t known that, but then again I should have read the fine print. If I made it home I was going to make Ryan sing soprano. He was going to wish he was dead by the time I was done with him.

  The King’s eyes slanted. “Do you speak, Eden?”

  I shrugged. “I’m not much of a talker, or a socialite for that matter. I speak when I have something important to add to the conversation.”

  “I see,” he replied. He was curious about me.

  “So I assume you won’t be causing problems. Other than the tempe
r I’ve already witnessed.” With that he smiled.

  I blushed. “I do have a temper. Usually it’s easier to control.”

  “Ah, Pyra brings out the worst in you then, or maybe the best yes?”

  I laughed I couldn’t help it. “I highly doubt my temper is to be considered my best, no offense.”

  Pyra stiffened and when I glanced at him he was looking at me strangely. I wasn’t sure what he was thinking but he was focused on something. I looked down to see if I had gotten something on my clothes but there wasn’t anything there so I shrugged. He was strange. The fact that I was so aware of the giant man sitting silently at the table didn’t sit well with me. I didn’t like it, not even a little bit.

  Chapter 5

  Eden’s emotions were so strong that Pyra could nearly taste her nerves. He wasn’t sure what triggered it, but he noticed her eyes widened and the scent of her fear coated his skin. He watched her, waiting for another sign as to what could have scared her but she was tough and almost as fast as he felt it, it disappeared. Her posture was still stiff and her jaw was clenched tight.

  “Is there anything you would like to ask?” his father asked.

  Pyra didn’t miss her gaze shift to his uneasily then back to his father.

  “I’d like to talk to you,” she said and licked her lips. “I’d like for him to leave the room first if you don’t mind.”

  The King’s brows rose as did his. He didn’t want to be away from her, but at his father’s nod he fumed. “Very well,” he said to her. He gestured for Pyra to leave. What the hell?


  His father shook his head warning him with a flare to his orange eyes. “No, it’s fine. You may wait for her outside so you can take her to her home while she is here.”

  He growled and need surged through him. He didn’t want her anywhere but with him or with anyone but him. It was outrageous how he was feeling. “Fine,” he replied and then he shoved the chair knocking it back. Before leaving he leaned against the back of Eden’s chair. His face was right next to hers and he smiled when she shuddered. She wasn’t as unaffected as she appeared. “I’ll be waiting for you, and then we will talk.” It was a promise as much as it was a threat. She’d better not try to sneak off without him.

  He could feel her glare. “Don’t hold your breath.”

  He loved her temper. Their relationship was going to be volatile, but for some reason he had a feeling she was going to temper him down. Already he was feeling softer, gentler. He wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or not, hopefully it didn’t interfere with anything outside of the home. With her he could be different, but with everything else in his life, his temper and rage was a necessity.

  He chuckled and took a chance kissing her cheek. He knew she’d hold it together in front of his father. Her body went rigid and he felt her breath stopped for a second before she breathed heavily. Pyra groaned as soon as his lips met her flesh. Her skin was so soft and her scent was so sweet. He couldn’t wait to have her. His cock hardened thinking about how soft she’d feel when she submitted to him. He could imagine her sprawled out on his bed and kissed her cheek once more before tearing himself away from her. His eyes shifted to orange and in a rough voice he said, “I’ll be outside waiting for you.”

  She didn’t even look at him, but he could feel her rage. She wanted to hit him—badly. He’d be prepared for her anger, but hopefully talking with his father would give her time to cool down. He’d pay for kissing her—twice, but with a smile he realized he didn’t care. It was worth it.

  He glanced at his father and frowned. His dad was watching her body language. He noticed something Pyra didn’t and that meant he needed to talk to his dad.

  “Pyra if you would please step out while Eden and I speak, and then and I’d like to have a word with you afterwards.” His tone was low and brooked no argument. She wouldn’t have noticed the tenseness, but a lump formed in his throat. Something was off with his mate, it was the only explanation.

  He nodded and strode outside wondering what his father sensed that he hadn’t.

  Chapter 6

  As soon as the door shut and Pyra was away from me my body relaxed. His touch and taunts were going to drive me mad. I hated them, but worst of all it was because I hated how much I enjoyed his banter, enjoyed his touch. I’d never liked a man’s touch before, and that was the worst part of this. My own personal demons would try to suck me in and I’d fall into the nightmare that used to be my life.

  Things I hated to think about normally to the surface invaded all thoughts and feeling, but with him, my past was almost a distant memory. Only my body instinctively reacted as if I was reliving every horrid thing that happened back then. I shuddered. I would never be normal.

  “My dear, you look as though you’ve seen a ghost.” He leaned back in his chair and his kind eyes calmed me. There was something about this male that put me at ease. I didn’t get it.

  “Are you unwell? I know my son can be overwhelming, and I would apologize for his behavior, but I can’t because I understand it.”

  If that wasn’t vague or anything.

  I didn’t understand his son’s behavior. It wasn’t appropriate, but who was I to tell the King his son needed a lesson in human boundaries. “I’m fine.” Leaning forward in my chair and resting my hands on the table I took a deep breath. “My boss sent me here to do the testing.”

  “Yes, I’m aware of Dr. Austin. I find him to be quite—disturbed.”

  I chuckled. “That’s an understatement, but I’m not here to tell you how much of a creep he is. I need to come clean before you found out somehow—most likely by him.”

  Now the King straightened in his seat. Not as relaxed as he was. “Come clean? For what?”

  I licked my lip and smiled. “He didn’t send me here to study plant and animal life.”

  “Go on.”

  “He sent me here to try to sneak the blood of your most powerful warrior.” I gulped. “I didn’t plan to come, and in fact I refused at first, but Ryan hates me. He threatened me so I agreed, but I swear I have no intention of trying to steal any of your blood. I’m an honest person, and I generally don’t let others control me, but my work is the only thing I have. If he fired me it would ruin me. I needed to get him off of my back long enough to go over his head. If I get transferred to another company during the time I’m here then I won’t have to worry about him any longer.”

  The whole time the King watched me as if assessing me for any signs of a lie. “And why would he do such a drastic thing to you, knowing the possibility of you being killed?”

  I shuddered. “Two reasons. The first is because I’m up for the same promotion he wants. I’ll probably get it because unlike him I have morals and I’m more qualified. And two, he’s been trying to get me to date him for years and has sexually harassed me on more than one occasion. I’ve rejected him more times than I can count.”

  I hoped that my honesty paid off. I didn’t tell people my personal issues, and Ryan’s persistence was quite the problem.

  “Do you have proof?” I didn’t miss the strange look in his eye.

  I sighed. “I have surveillance video, but on the video it shows me agreeing to do it, but I swear I won’t go anywhere near your warriors, especially the one Ryan requested the blood from. I’ll stick to animals and plants like I originally planned.”

  He nodded and his frown deepened. “Don’t make a promise you can’t keep, my dear. Staying away from that particular warrior isn’t’ going to be an easy task.”

  “It will if he leaves me alone. If he won’t then I promise not to go near him with a needle.”

  He chuckled and nodded. “Very well, I believe you. I don’t sense any lies, but I still want to see this surveillance you speak of. I don’t like knowing that someone is actively trying to steal our blood. I think he isn’t much of a man to send you to do the dirty work and that angers me very much. We won’t be working with this Dr. Austin again. If you’re tell
ing the truth, you can stay as long as you’d like to complete your tests of our lands.”

  I nodded and my shoulders fell. A weight had been lifted. “I need my bag.”

  “Very well, I will also need my son to see this video. He needs to be briefed in case Dr. Austin sends someone else when he realizes you won’t do his dirty work.”

  I gulped, but shrugged. “Okay my bag is outside.”

  “Wait here.”

  I sat back as the King disappeared to get his son. That man was going to be the end of my self-control. I could feel my temper as it mixed with desire. Dammit I needed to cool the hell down, and I certainly didn’t need a man to help me in any way.

  Pyra came back with the King carrying my bags. He smiled at me, and I nearly lost my breath. It was such an unrefined looked. All of the tough, ‘I am man, hear me roar’ persona was gone. It was the most real I’d seen him, and I wasn’t sure how I felt about seeing his ‘human’ side. I didn’t want to like him. As long as he pissed me off I would be okay.

  He handed me my bag and sat in the same chair he had vacated and leaned back in a relaxed position, but I wasn’t fooled. He was tensed back like a Cobra waiting to strike. I’d be lying if I didn’t find it completely and utterly sexy.

  “So we have a stupid doctor on our hands, yeah?”

  The king must have filled him in. I didn’t miss the anger in his tone. I knew it was horrible to learn because they’d been working with Ryan for several years now, and I was taking that trust away. I pulled my laptop bag onto the table and slipped my small notebook out. I booted it up and tapped my fingers on the table. “I don’t know how well it will work here, or how long my battery will last.”


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