No Such Thing as Dragons : Complete Series Box Set (Books 1 - 5)

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No Such Thing as Dragons : Complete Series Box Set (Books 1 - 5) Page 85

by Lauren Lively

  “You shouldn’t have teased her.”

  “Yeah well, she’s never been violent towards me, and she’s still sick. I want to test her blood again. What if this is her way of rejecting the change?”

  Pyra paled. He hadn’t thought of that. “I’ll get her.” He stormed down the hall and slammed the door open. What he saw stopped him in his tracks. She was asleep on the cold, hard floor. Without thinking he scooped her up and carried her shivering body out of the bathroom. She reeked of vomit, but he didn’t care. He laid her on the table. “I’ll be back.”

  Then he disappeared. He went to the main house and found his mother. “Mother.”

  She looked up from her breakfast and her smile fell from her face as soon as she saw him.

  “Is she okay?”

  He ran his hands over his Mohawk. “She healed one of the other warriors today. Ciyrs said something triggering her temper and she nearly choked him out. After she realized she hurt him, she freaked out and was in the bathroom throwing up again.”

  He didn’t notice his mother’s eyes light up. She wiped her face and pushed her plate up and stood. She was always so poised. “Go back and wait for me.”

  He nodded knowing not to question her.

  When he came back, Eden was awake and her puffy eyes shined with tears. “I’m horrible. How could I have hurt him?”

  “It’s okay love, I’m sure he’s over it by now.”

  “I know you didn’t mean it, sweetie,” he said and kissed her forehead.

  She sniffled. “I’m so fucking emotional, it’s ridiculous. I’m never like this, and I never have been.”

  “That’s because you are carrying my son’s child—my grandchild,” his mother said as she walked into the infirmary. Silence followed his mother’s announcement.

  Ciyrs smacked his head. “Why the hell didn’t I think of that?”

  “Simply because you’re not a woman.”

  He hurried away to use some of the blood to test her for pregnancy.

  “That’s why I’m so sick—and mean?”

  His mother laughed. “Honey I hate to say this but you’re usually mean. It’s the teary, sappy emotions that are new.”

  Eden laughed and shook her head. “Thanks for that.”

  “Anytime. You fit in well here. You were made to be one of us. We simply didn’t know it was possible, and who knows maybe it isn’t.”

  “So I’m probably a fluke?”

  “It’s quite possible you are. But we are blessed and thrilled to have you here with us. You’re a wonderful daughter.”

  Eden burst into tears again and Pyra cringed. He didn’t know what to do with tears. Anger, sure was easy, but her being upset riled him up. Made him want to hit something to fix it, but it wouldn’t work with the sad stuff.

  They waited impatiently for the test to be done. A pregnancy test by blood took a bit longer, but when Ciyrs came back he beamed. “By god we got it. Congratulations, you’re going to be parents.”

  Eden paled. “Of what though?”

  “Who knows, but Denynso is apparently quite dominant, and since you’re one of us now, I would assume your baby will take after our genes. We won’t’ know until birth though.”

  Eden looked towards the Queen, “What’s pregnancy like for you?”

  “Much like yours really. Only seven months instead of nearly ten.”

  “That could be a blessing,” Eden replied and rubbed her belly. He stared at her hand and she froze. “Are you okay?”

  He shook his head and gazed at his mate. She was carrying his child, and she was more Denynso than human now. He never imagined his life would turn out like this, and now he was going to be a dad. Was he ready to take on a baby that could very possible be more temperamental than the both of them combined? Probably not, but he sure as hell wouldn’t change it. She smiled at him and his heart melted further, she was perfect.

  “I’m good love,” He lifted her hand and laced their fingers. “Let’s go home.”

  She nodded and yawned. “I am tired.”

  Instead of waiting for her to stand he lifted her and carried her out of the infirmary.

  When he got home she walked in and stopped looking around. “I’ve actually finally begun to think of this place as home. I don’t know if I would ever want to go back to Earth now. I wasn’t happy there, and even though I loved my job, I hated my boss. I didn’t have any friends, and my family left much to be desired. I’m more at home here than I ever have been anywhere. I think it was fate.”

  He stood behind the love of his life and wrapped his arms around her. He thought so too. Things were about to change, and he needed to work with the others to secure their compound. In seven short months the start of the new Denynso generation would be born. He didn’t want his child living the way he and his brothers did. It was time for a change, and he was going to make sure it happened or he would die trying. Noting else mattered now. Just his new family.

  (To be continued in Part III… )

  Book 3 – Wanted by Gentle Alien

  Chapter 1

  He swung his fist against the bag and it broke apart. The sand spilled to the ground in a cloudy pile of dust. He bent at the knees and braced his hands on his knees breathing heavily. For the past several days he felt like he was going crazy. Never before had his emotions been so palpable, and he found he didn’t like it.

  He always gave the brothers a hard time about their temper and had prided himself on being in control of his own. Now though, he felt no better than Pyra when he was pissed that Eden spent time with him. Hell, he understood how hard it was for him, but it wasn’t something he could control.

  Now Pyra was even more protective. Eden was carrying his child and no one really knew what that entailed. She was the first human turned Denynso, and she was also about ten weeks pregnant now. He had been running tests, and so far everything seemed normal. He refused to lose her. She was his sister. It was almost like she was the other half of his soul, like a twin, only closer.

  He spun and slammed his fist into the other bag and that’s all it took for the seams to split. Sweat poured from his skin and his palms were sweaty. Violence wasn’t his thing.

  “Ciyrs, what the hell brother?” Pyra asked and looked at him curiously.

  His body shook and for a second he swore he saw everything in orange, but that was impossible, none of the females here were his mate. Shaking his head his vision went back to normal and he focused on his friend’s words.

  “I felt angry.”

  Pyra laughed and looked between both ruined bags. “I’d fucking say you did. What happened? You never get mad.” Then his eyes widened and he panicked. “Is everything okay with Eden?”

  “Yeah, she’s not why I’m pissed. In fact she’s doing great, though be careful she’s getting emotional.”


  “Pregnancy hormones I guess. Our kind only gets mean. Apparently humans cry—a lot.”

  He chuckled. “Eden doesn’t cry.”

  Ciyrs cringed. “She does now. Seriously be careful. Don’t be mean or too sweet. She’ll cry.”

  Pyra shook his head still not believing him. “Okay so if it isn’t Eden, why the hell are you so emotional?”

  “I don’t know. I’ve been having strange dreams, and then I’m not really sleeping. I’ve been on edge all week, and I don’t know why. I do know I don’t like it. I’m not a warrior, I’m a healer. It’s important I stay centered. But my power is on the fritz too. Ero, of course came in today after another fight with a Klimnu and I healed him, but then my temper flared, and here I am.”

  Pyra smiled. “And it feels like you want to kill everything?”

  Ciyrs frowned. “Yes.”

  “You’re mate is either here or coming. I swear that’s how I felt before Eden showed up. For a few days before, and then when she was here I got a hard on that wouldn’t go away, no matter what I fucking did. That’s how you’ll know she’s here brother, and it sucks now. The built
up anger rages uncontrollably. You remember all the fights I got into? Even it scared me, and I’m probably the most temperamental of us all.”

  He shook his head. “That’s not real reassuring Pyra, but I don’t think I’m feeling the same thing you did. I don’t know if I will have a mate, ever.”

  “Why not?”

  “I don’t know how my connection to Eden has changed that either. I thought it was maybe because of our bond, but I don’t get angry after seeing her. I actually feel a lot more at peace.”

  “You’ll figure it out. You’re the brains around here.”

  “I hope so and soon; I can’t keep doing this. I don’t like how it makes me feel afterwards.”

  “Well let me know when you start feeling the way I did. And I guess my work out is pointless now. You’ve ruined my favorite equipment.” He chuckled and sped from the room leaving Ciyrs alone.

  Ciyrs left the gym and sped to the infirmary. It was basically his home, and he’d been spending more and more time there trying to figure out how he had turned Eden. The baby she carried would be his godchild, and he wanted to make sure she was alright. And, that there wouldn’t be any more surprises.

  After calming down he decided to call it a night and go home for a change. It had been nearly a week since he last saw his own bed. The Klimnu attacks were getting more violent. They were more organized, and the warriors were doing their best to keep them at bay, and getting injured in the process. No one could figure out how they were getting onto the compound.

  There had to be an access somewhere they weren’t seeing, but King Criea wasn’t having any luck with the others of their kind. Ciyrs knew there were other clans of Denynso, different races so to speak, but they had always stayed segregated from each other. They were all very territorial, and there were boundaries no one would cross. The leaders were talking about alliances but nothing had been set in stone. Apparently, it was only his compound that had been breached so far, and the others didn’t want to take the chance of the Klimnu finding their compounds. It was understandable, but still didn’t make sense for them not to work together.

  Ciyrs sighed and rubbed his tired eyes. Suddenly his eyes flared orange and he hardened painfully. He gasped and instinctively gripped his cock and sucked in a breath. He hadn’t had an erection like this for—longer than he liked to think about. He gripped himself and moaned. Yep he was definitely going home. But Pyra’s words ran through his minds. If his warrior friend was right, he’d stay this way until he mated.

  For the first time in weeks Ciyrs smiled. If Pyra was right, he’d be meeting his mate. He’d finally have the one thing he craved more than anything in the world.

  Chapter 2

  I sat with my shoulders hunched over. As much as I wanted to do my articles, meeting the famous Denynso was still nerve wracking. I’d heard so much about them, and now I was going to their home… Uoria. On a normal basis I was the type of woman who stayed to myself. I had firm control over all of my emotions and wasn’t a people person, unless it was for the job.

  I rode the ship and my knee bounced nervously. I couldn’t shake the feeling that something bad was going to happen. I sighed and pushed my hair from my face and adjusted my glasses. Soon I’d meet the King and Queen of the compound.

  The pilot came back and smiled. “It’s about landing time Miss Eliana.”

  “Thanks,” I replied keeping my eyes lowered. Then I held on tight to the arm rests as the ship descended to the ground faster than I would have liked. My heart raced and I felt it in my throat. The flying part was okay, the landing not so much. I broke out in a sweat and swore.

  When the ship hit the ground softly and shuddered to a stop I let out the breath I had been holding.

  I stood and braced my hand on the chair as I regained my equilibrium. My latest email let me know I would be escorted by the warrior named Pyra. Everyone back home had heard of him. He was sort of legendary everywhere. I knew he was huge, and that he was newly mated to a scientist named Eden.

  I jumped when the ship door slid open and chuckled. I clearly needed to get my nerves under control. Taking a deep breath I stepped down carrying my travel bags. It was dark and the sky was an amazing shade of blue with a mix of violet. Stars filled the sky and the scent of fresh grass filled my senses. The air was so clean, not like back at home where every corner carried a different stench.

  Naturally, I wasn’t paying attention and ran into a hard wall of muscle. I looked up and up some more until my head tilted back painfully. Orange eyes stared down at me with a smirk. “Crap you're freakin’ huge,” I said without thinking.

  The man’s mouth crooked up into a smirk. “And you’re tiny as can be, woman. You must be Eliana?”

  I would have been offended, but I couldn’t deny how small I looked. Compared to him I was like an infant. “Yeah, and you must be the famous Pyra.”


  “Yep, you’re a legend back home.”

  He shrugged. “Well, I guess that’s a compliment then. The king and queen have been anxious about your arrival. You’re doing a story about us? To make us more appealing to your kind?”

  I giggled. “A series of stories, articles about what it’s like here. Your King and Queen seem very determined to mix our species and helping each other out. It’s a win-win really. I am a damn good writer so this will be a success.”

  “Well let’s go.” He gripped my bags and smiled. “My mate has been complaining I’m not a gentleman. If only she could see me now.”

  “I’ll be sure to tell her.” I said deadpanned. Here was this big giant of a man and he was worried about what a woman thought of him. It surprised me. I’d heard of his reputation, and it wasn’t how he seemed to me. He seemed like a happy man who wanted his mate’s approval.

  “Thanks, it’s important that she knows I’m sweet right now. She’s carrying my child.” He beamed and I was taken back. This was the first I’d heard of a pregnancy.

  “Whoa, that’s—uh great. Congratulations.”

  He frowned. “I shouldn’t have told a complete stranger that. I’m just happy, and you’re a reporter no less. Shit.”

  “I won’t tell, and let’s just say that was off the record until you want to go public Earth-bound?” I smiled trying to reassure him.


  Something in his eyes pleaded with me. “Yes, my lips are sealed.”

  He nodded and led me down a long path to a giant house. It was beautiful and grand. Better than any house I’d ever seen in my life. I’d grown up in the ghetto and now the crummy apartment. Journalism didn’t pay well, not yet. I had no regrets though. I would starve just to be able to write every day of my life.

  Suddenly my escort was thrown back and another man tackled him slamming his fist into Pyra’s face. Pyra didn’t stay down long and he held the other man close with his arm around his neck.

  “Ciyrs, what the fuck?”

  His eyes glowed orange, but only for a second as he locked gazes with me. I gasped and felt my panties dampen. What the hell?

  The man literally growled. “Mine,” he roared and tried to break free.

  Pyra laughed and held him tighter. “Calm the fuck down. Do you even need to freak out right now? Think of Eden you douchebag.”

  The other man named Ciyrs, instantly calmed and nodded, his eyes changed from orange to a color I couldn’t make out in the dark.

  “Sorry,” he muttered and then he looked away from me. Pyra let him go and he sped off, so fast I didn’t really see him go. He was nothing but an amazingly fast blur.

  Pyra rubbed his jaw and frowned. “Well that was unnecessary, but fucking funny. I called it.”

  I stared at him confused and he shook his head. “You’ll understand soon. Very soon indeed.”

  He continued walking to the house slowly. As he said that, the other man came back looking a lot calmer than he was and glared at Pyra. “Go back to Eden, I got this.”

  Pyra smiled and nodded. “It�
�s nice to meet you shorty, and remember your lips are sealed.” His smiled widened when the other man’s eyes flared with anger and he fisted his hands. “See ya around.”

  “Thanks,” I replied and cocked my head to the side to look at the heaving chest of the other man.

  His hand gripped my chin tipping it back to meet my eyes. His touch was electrifying and I shivered.

  “You’re lips are sealed for what?”

  I figured he knew so I shrugged. “The new generation. He slipped. I promised I wouldn’t write about it.”

  “I see.” He stared at me with such intensity I gasped. There was something about him. He was perfect. His voice vibrated along my skin, sending shivers down my spine to the front of my body and settling in the space between my legs.

  Chapter 3

  So the fucker was right. Ciyrs was on his way home when he passed Pyra walking with the smallest woman he’d ever laid eyes on. She was at least a foot and a half shorter than him, and his eyes flared orange and a rage so deep and strong, one he’d never felt before took over when he heard her speak. She was with Pyra and even though rationally he knew Pyra was with Eden, a beast inside of him snapped. She wasn’t supposed to be around any other males.

  Before he knew what he was doing he attacked the cocky warrior and slammed him to the ground, but even in a rage Pyra still out maneuvered him.

  He kept his finger on her chin but she still couldn’t meet his eyes. “What’s your name beautiful?”

  Her eyes widened and she licked her lips. His eyes followed the movement and he raged harder wanting her so badly.


  Her voice came out as a mere whisper, and she stared at him in confusion.

  He rubbed his thumb gently along her jaw before letting go. “I’m Ciyrs, and I apologize about that. I’m usually not so—violent.”

  She laughed. “Isn’t that kind of a Denynso trait?”

  “I have more control.” He let go of her chin and scrubbed his hand down his face and sighed. “Normally.”


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