Charming Jane_A Reverse Harem Romance

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Charming Jane_A Reverse Harem Romance Page 29

by Kristin Coley

  I collapsed on the table, boneless, and he lifted me, cradling me in his arms as he carried me to bed.

  “Thank you,” he whispered, and I curled my head into his neck, unable to answer.


  Ten months later.

  “There’s still time,” I said anxiously, bouncing on my heels as I watched the people coming and going.

  “No,” he replied, impatience in his voice.

  “Michael,” I wheedled, giving him a pleading look. “You can hire a wife and kids for the few days my parents will be here. They won’t know the difference.”

  He rolled his eyes at me as Ian rubbed my arms comfortingly. “It’ll be fine, love. They’ll understand.”

  “Of course, they will. It went over so well when Michael introduced you to them.” I shuddered at the memory of that video chat. It had come months after telling them I’d be going to school in New Orleans. My parents had taken that news rather well, considering it was completely out of character and last minute. It had helped that Michael had been the one to tell them, and that they thought he had a family I would be working for, while I lived in the dorms.

  We’d finally introduced Ian to them two months ago, and it had gone as expected. Michael had told them his brother was going to be attending Tulane and staying with him. My father had taken one look at Ian and told me to stay as far away from him as I could.

  “I think they’re warming up to me,” Ian said confidently, and Buster raised his eyebrows while Michael only tilted his head. I groaned. They were not warming up to him. We’d all agreed not to mention the fact that I was with all three of them. My conservative parents wouldn’t be able to handle that information. Luckily, most people didn’t seem to care or notice, but I chalked that up the inhabitants of New Orleans. They were open to just about anything.

  “Maybe we should wait to tell them,” I said brightly, and Ian wrapped his fingers around mine, stopping me.

  “No.” His reply was forceful as he stroked my cheek. “Where’s that fierce Jane we know and love? Hmm?”

  “But Ian … it’s too much. The house, the living together, Michael’s nonexistent wife and kids, and this.” I wiggled my hand at the four of us before he captured my hand. I was terrified they’d figure it out, or at least question me about my relationships with them.

  “They’ll love me; just like they love Michael. They’ll forgive our small omissions.”

  “Small?” I sputtered, closing my eyes against the power of his charming grin and the dimples that could persuade me to go skinny dipping at midnight. “You’re a father’s worst nightmare, Ian.”

  My eyes snapped open in time to catch his offended glare, and I reached up to cup his cheeks.

  “It’s a compliment, because you’re every girl’s dream guy. But let’s be honest. You exude a certain bad boy vibe that any father in his right mind would want his daughter to avoid. You’re a charming rogue, Ian Wright, and I couldn’t love you more. But my parents … well … let’s say you’re not what they pictured for me.”

  “You mean I’m not Michael,” he said dryly as we glanced over at the man in question.

  “You only wish,” he drawled, glancing down at his watch. “Their flight is late. I knew we should have had hired a private jet.”

  I sighed, dropping my head on to Ian’s chest.

  “It might have impressed them, love. Make them a little more willing to overlook the tiny misconceptions we may have caused them to form.”

  I groaned again, something I’d seemed to do frequently the last couple of weeks, since I’d found out my parents had decided to come straight to New Orleans after their year-long mission trip to Africa.

  Michael, Buster, and Ian seemed to think everything would be just fine, but I’d attended enough of my father’s sermons to know this was going to be an incredibly long few days. The lies, combined with the omissions, promised several uncomfortable conversations with my parents, plus, the fact that their daughter was living with three men. I shuddered at the thought of their reaction.

  “Ah, here they come.” Michael’s words had me spinning around, and I gripped Ian’s hand tightly. Buster held a sign above his head with my parent’s name, and as I stood on my tiptoes I could just see the tops of their heads moving toward us.

  “Oh dear God,” I moaned, biting my nail. Michael and Ian exchanged a glance above my head, but I couldn’t focus on anything but the sight of my mother breaking through the crowd.



  We seized each other in a tight hug, and all of my worries melted away as her familiar scent filled my nose. Tears slipped down my face as a year’s worth of missing her overwhelmed me. I immediately blubbered to her, “I missed you.” She clung to me and then kissed my cheeks.

  “You’re happy,” she stated before continuing, “So, which one are you with?” I stared at her in shock, and she laughed at me. “It may take you by surprise, but I was young once.” She leaned toward me and whispered, “And your father was a bit of a rascal himself, back in the day.”

  Dad stood next to us awkwardly, and I reached over to give him a one-armed hug. He patted my back, frowning ferociously at Ian over my shoulder. Mom poked him in the stomach and his mouth twitched before forming the fakest smile I’d ever seen.

  “Nice to meet you,” he said, holding out his hand.

  “And you, sir,” Ian responded politely, his use of sir thawing my father slightly.

  “Now, Jane. Tell us all about your year.” Mom chirped next to me. “We want to know everything!”

  I clamped my lips together and managed a nod as we all exchanged glances.

  “Well ….”




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