The Captain's Stand

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The Captain's Stand Page 7

by Kat Mandu

  Richard glanced over at Sam, who was curled up using Jill as a Pillow, “I should wake them up and keep marching,” Richard thought glancing back at Spark. He glanced back at the kid and felt himself sigh releasing the pent up stress into the air.

  “Don’t want to stay still?” Boss asked as Richard returned his attention to him.

  “No, even under less pressure I can’t stand still,” Richard frowned tapping his foot, “But knowing this whole thing could blow up at any second is not good for my nerves.”

  “Ever try meditation?” Boss asked casually,

  “How do you know about meditation?” Richard asked,

  “Not sure, I didn’t remember it a day ago, but I think at least something is coming back, perhaps that creature had done something,” Boss theorized,

  “Well let me know when you remember your name,” Richard snaked but the bearded man ignored him.

  Richard crossed his legs and rested his hands on his knees as he intentionally slowed and controlled his breathing.

  “So any wars currently going on?” Boss asked as Richard cracked open an eye.

  “None that I know off, not that Britannia and Frank isn’t eyeing each other up, if there isn’t a war yet, give it a month,” Richard joked, but he didn’t get a response, so Richard closed his eye.

  “We have company,” Boss said as Richard stood up, sliding his blade out, Boss did the same, as a Series of needles came showering down at them. Richard hopped out of the way as Boss frowned.

  “What a time to not have armor,” Richard companied, as he eyed the needles.

  “Stay behind me if I keep my eyes opened my shield can handle these little needles,” Boss said slamming his fist on the leather gear that was resting over his shoulders. Richard frowned but silently complied as he moved the orb over with Sam and Jill both who were still sleeping.

  Sam blinked as he sat up looking at the orb before he got to his feet. “Sam stay low to the ball and start moving,” Richard scanned the area, before pointing towards the coast. Sam nodded and started rolling the ball along.

  “Still here?” Richard asked,

  “Not sure I think whoever it was pulled back; the bastard was incredibly light I almost didn’t hear them.

  “Some kind of assassin, perhaps, they had hoped to at least drop one of us and with the element of surprise gone decided to wait, come one Sam is getting away,” Richard said turning his sword and sheathing it, as he headed off after. Boss frowned as he raced off as well failing to notice a figure silently watching from the trees before vanishing after them.

  The next day finally rolled around after a long sleepless night. Sam was handing over Richard’s good shoulder as Boss held up his hand, “I see something a head, would you give me a second?” Boss asked Richard frowned as he moved some foliage out of the way to see what looked like some kind of pit before them.

  “Looks like a pit,” Richard said,

  “I think there might be more we may want to head around, just to be safe I am going to go tap around,” Boss said, “Would you mind?” He asked pointing at the rope. Richard nodded wrapping the rope loosely around the tree firmly grabbing onto it.

  “Ready?” Richard asked his suspicion dying after seeing what Boss had spotted in the distance.

  “Yep,” Boss nodded,

  “Shouldn’t I head forward, I got a feeling I would be lighter,” Richard pointed,

  “Yeah but the last time we needed the rope you were tied up this seems to be the better option, besides its more of a safety line I don’t plan on needing you to pull me back up,” Boss explained as Richard just shrugged, Boss frowned before he shrugged as well as headed forward. Richard, sighed as he waited he hated waiting everything took so damn long and he wasn’t in the mood to wait for any more than he had to.

  Richard watched as Boss slowed his walk gently prodding dirt and inspecting the ground gingerly advancing towards the hole in the ground. Boss paused at the Edge, “Seems safe enough,” he exclaimed as he made his way around the hole checking, “Its filled with vines so I think it’s been here a while it should be safe to head threw!”

  Richard nodded as he released the grip on the rope, “What the” Richard suddenly watched a blur suddenly catch his eye as the ground gave in. “Boss!” Richard warned but it was too late as Cheif was knocked into the sudden hole by an unknown figure. Richard grabbed the rope as it burned into Richard’s palm as He planted his Foot on the tree to stop the fall. The rope went taunt as Richard started scanning for an inevitable attack.

  “Richard?” Boss called out as Richard spotted Sam who was grouped up with Spark and Jill.

  “Yeah?” Richard responded,

  “I think I can climb my way up, tie the rope off and give me a hand if you are feeling inclined. Richard didn’t answer as he tied the rope off making sure it wasn’t going to sent chief to the bottom of the bit.

  Richard moved causally to the pit watching as Sam slowly rolled Spark keeping close as Richard approached the edge. “holy shit,” Richard cursed as he glanced down to see a massive plant at the center of the hole with a mass of vines. The plant was a dark green bulb of some kind that looked like some kind of cushion, ready for anything to fall in.

  “Yeah it’s clingy as well,” Boss complained as Richard spotted the vines wrapping around his legs trying to drag him farther down. He kicked at desperately trying to free his legs.

  “Don’t move,” said a voice as Richard felt something sharp prick his neck.

  “I knew things were working on to well,” Richard sighed as he went ridged.

  “Sorry but I have been here too long, enjoy your stay,” Richard heard from behind as a foot planted itself on his back. Richard panicked trying to grab onto anything to keep him from dropping onto the plant. Only to stop, looking up at the plant,

  “This is not fun,” Boss complained as Richard looked at his feet to realize he was dangling upside down with Boss holding onto his ankles.

  “This is not going to be easy, to get out off, Just drop me,” Richard said looking at his destination.

  “Your kidding,” Boss responded,

  “Well this is going to get weird if not safer,” Richard frowned as he bent forward reaching to grab onto the harness. His fingers just made it. As Boss let go with Richard hanging onto the rope harness, “Like I said weird,” Richard repeated clearly uncomfortable with the position.

  Richard frowned as He and Boss dug into the Dirt with Richard going first, “Oh come on kid, give me the orb already,” said a man covered in an old hooded coat that ended at his knees. Sam was holding the man back swing a bowie knife. Richard grabbed onto Boss as the two leaned on the ground.

  “What is going on he dealt with us why not the kid as well?” Boss asked,

  “I have an idea, but that means we need to be careful, I need you to work around, I’ll draw his attention sneak up and grab him but not too tightly if he is what I think he is too much pressure would kill him.” Boss let the rope fall as Richard hooked his foot into a noose to keep himself from falling in. Once Boss had vanished into the foliage Richard spoke up.

  “Having a bit of trouble?” Richard called at him resting his head on his left hand as if striking up a causal conversation.

  “Tell your kid to back off, I don’t want to hurt him,” The man barked back as Sam frowned in concentration.

  “I don’t know I wanna see how this plays out assassin,” Richard said casually.

  “How the hell do you figure me for an assassin?” the man paused glancing back at Richard.

  “Well, your speed for one, you move from tree to tree like a blur, and you knocked chief in by jumping and using your full weight, while at the same time you seem to be having trouble with a child, The Assassin ritual grants insane levels of speed and jumping ability but it kills the muscle power and bone density making prolonged slugfests, infeasible,”

  Why don’t you come out of that pit and find out,” the man threatened as he turned his full attention to

  “All things have a price, let’s find out if I am right,” Richard said calling his bluff, “Even with just my weak hand if I am right you won’t be able to handle me on your own.“Richard drew out Talon and slowly brandished it as the cloaked figure turned to look at Sam. Jill raised her hairs and growled at the man making her presence known.

  Richard slowly walked forward as the man shifted as if weighting his options when suddenly a massive blur broke through the foliage grabbing the man in a massive bear hug.

  “Ah!” the man cried out as Richard aimed his sword point at the man’s neck as everyone froze.

  “Okay under normal circumstances this would be threw your neck, for trying to steal, and attempted murder,” Richard glanced over at Sam, “But seeing as how you didn’t hurt the kid I am will to over look this, but seeing as how we can’t let you try again just yet, Richard brought the rope forward.

  “You son of a bitch,” The man frowned, as Boss dropped him into the pit hanging upside-down by the rope, Richard grabbed the bowie knife and dropped it down as the man grabbed it in his hands behind his back.

  “Look I am just being careful okay, nothing personal,” Richard apologized, “I plan on getting a ship out of this wish if you still want to get off the island,” Richard tipped his skull with two fingers saluting the man as they head forward again.

  The Orb was heading forward first as Richard felt his attention starting to wane despite assassins intervention. ‘Crack’ Richard and Boss froze as they both glanced down to see the ground beneath them.

  “Son of a bitch,” Boss cursed,

  “Rush to the tree,” Richard ordered at Sam as the boy rushed forward Boss and Richard threw caution to the wind rolling the ball along as Sam got to the base of the tree as the two rolled along as quickly as Possible, Richard glanced back to find a new sink hole as a something sounding close whip snapping could be heard as a mass torrent of vines started to grow out of the new hole and seemed to weave across the ground after them.

  “More of those Damn plants,” Richard cursed as he kept moving vines stringing along the trees trying to box them in as the group rushed forward breaking through the trees as the spotted open blue skies and the Shimmering water. Richard spun on his heels as a massive dark-green mouth like creature bending the trees back with insanely think vines.

  “We need to jump,” Boss shouted looking over the cliff uncertainly but that second was all it took for a series of vines to start wrapping around Sam, who Richard only noticed out of the corner of his eye. Richard drew out his blade hacking the vines away from the kid as Richard glanced around trying to find some safe way out besides jumping off the edge.

  “Richard we don’t have time,” Boss shouted before a series of vines grabbing at his leg, it seemed that every time he turned his neck around something was trying to grab onto something.

  “Fine!” Richard shouted as he turned Boss rolled the orb off the edge as Boss jumped off as Well, Richard grabbed Sam hefting the kid up. As Jill yelped Richard turned his head to see the dog being dragged away, as Richard couldn’t draw his blade since he was holding Sam.

  “Jill!” Richard shouted when the dog suddenly started rushing forward as Richard noticed a series of needles digging into the vines as he spotted the cloaked figure high in threes. Taking no more chances, Richard fell from the edge.

  “Shit can you swim,” Richard asked looking at Sam in panic just before they hit the water. Richard kicked his feet as he fought the pain of impact in his right wrist as well as the rest of his body. Breaking the surface he spotted Sam already heading along the cliffs.

  “Richard, you okay?” Boss asked as Sam nodded, as the dog paddled along past them whimpering a bit seemingly okay.

  “Yeah thankfully I know how to swim,” Richard struggled to keep his neck above water but his feet kept moving to keep him afloat.

  “You’re a sailor right, why wouldn’t you know how to swim,” Boss commented as the two started towards the cliffs.

  “Well, employers are not that picky besides most don’t plan on finding themselves in the middle of the ocean cause no matter how good you are at swimming. You’re not making it home if you need to swim an ocean to make it home.” Richard admitted, “Wait where is the fairy?” he asked looking around trying to spot the magical creature.

  “No idea,” Boss admitted as Richard cut his swimming long enough to break the surface of the ocean with a hard swing.

  Richard growled as he stripped of his jacket that was sticking to his back, the salty water uncomfortable as it dried, as his mood soured at the resent turn events, as they walked along the sand in silence as Richard spotted a what looked like the back half of a ship beached on the sandy shores, as Richard recalled what Tray, James, and Laurella had said, it was something.

  Chapter 10 The Navigator

  Richard listened silently to the slight creak of the rope grinding against wood as the hammock swung from side to side. His coat was slowly drying in the sun while he rested near the bottom of the boat, a shaft of sunlight warming his feet. He felt a light bump on his elbow and cracked open his left eye.

  “Boss?” he asked, glancing down to instead see the boy that had been attached to him. He held a bottle in one hand. Richard snatched it, causing the boy to flinch back while he opened it up. Spiced rum dripped on his chin as his chugged the liquor. The bottle empty, he tossed it against the wall, the boy jumping at the sound of shattering glass.

  “Thanks,” he grunted, closing both eyes but aware that the boy had not moved. “You need a name. Getting tired of calling you ‘boy’,” he said suddenly, leaning back. His mind began to feel a bit off. “Sam, your name is Sam. And do nae take up drinking,” he decided, turning away. With that, Sam walked off in silence.

  “I have two options, both have a lot of risk to them,” he said to the ceiling. “One: I wait here and see if both Tray and James, combined with the seemingly instant access of the castle, can build a ship. Problems with are risking lives repeatedly, thanks to the Gargoyle. Nae to mention that if one or both dies, it could bring everything down. Second: take over the ship currently docked at sea. Problem, finding at least forty trustworthy people who know what the fuck they are doing. Add to that ship damage and the fact that the only people I have run into have a hunger for human flesh and pretend to be natives. So I risk getting eaten or, well, whatever Gargoyles do – eat people?” he wondered, eyes shifting in confusion.

  “Why are you even dwelling on that? There is a third option – try and find the fairy again,” Boss replied, walking into the bottom of the ship and sitting down on an empty crate.

  “I don’t like the odds of finding something that small, that fast and that has the ability to fly. It would be the least dangerous option, but in the case of both options, and possibly the third depending on how brain dead I am, we are going to need help,” Richard admitted, climbing out of the hammock.


  “But one way or the other, we are going to need something on that ship,” Richard admitted. Boss raised a bushy eyebrow. “There is a navigator and I am nae sure if I can find another one. Luckily, she is being held captive, meaning that she will be more willing to help us if we can get her off that ship.”

  “Which we will need if we use any kind of ship,” Boss pointed out. Richard nodded while Boss picked up what he was saying. “And if we do try and take the ship, it would be a nice trial run.”

  “I would love to have Jill with us as well, she is fierce in a fight,” Richard admitted. “But we only have so much time for that ship to be here.”

  “How are we going to get out there? I don’t like the idea of swimming around in full gear,” Boss said.

  “Again, we have options,” Richard said. “One, we could hunt down a rowboat, either by attacking those that are beached on the island or by hoping to find an old one, but that’s nae something I recommend. Or two, we can head back to the castle and see if we can weasel one out of there.”

  “I think the first option would be the best one,” Boss said. “A lot less luck and immortal Gargoyles, if you ask me,” he pointed out.

  “night, we just need to try and keep everyone – including the guards on the shore and those still on the ship – in the dark, so to speak, as much as possible.”

  “Agreed,” Boss replied. “And that just leaves us with one last issue – the boy.”

  “It doesn’t feel right to ditch him. I feel a little attached after saving his life,” Richard said. “I say we give him a choice: he can come or go.”

  “Well, I am not sure,” Boss said, glancing down. “It seems risky,” he said, disliking the idea of putting the boy in danger.

  “Okay but it may be tricky getting him to listen, we got some time so we should rest up, eat up, and get ready for a long night,” Richard advised, Boss nodded as Richard reached out for his Hammock. Both hopping Sam wouldn’t give them too much trouble on the matter.

  Later that night, Richard pushed the leaves aside and glanced over the beach. The moon loomed over them and there was a shadow of a small group huddling around a fire.

  “So, you have a plan?” Boss asked. Richard let go of the leaves to look at him properly.

  “Sadly no,” he admitted. “With where they are, at best we could spook them or lure them away from one another. But outside of a full frontal attack, I’ve got nothing.”

  “Works for me,” Boss said with a shrug as he got to his feet. Richard tried to grab him but Boss was too quick and he almost fell into the sand. He reached out, grabbing his leg and stopping him dead.

  “Give me five seconds before you charge out there okay?” he asked, not to amused. But if Boss was going to bull rush them, he wanted to be in a better position. Boss nodded as Richard split away from Boss moving and keeping as low as possible. He lay down on the Sand into some tall grass on the opposite side, and with the raise of his hand signaled Boss to act. Richard knew Boss was going to move fast and wasted no time in disturbing the brush he was hiding in. The pirates were surprisingly quick on the draw.


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