The Captain's Stand

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The Captain's Stand Page 25

by Kat Mandu

  “Can I help you?” Richard asked,

  “David Smith, Doctor David Smith. You are Dame Madison of Gaslight Cast and Daughter of Basil Stronglance,” Dr. Smith said pushing past Richard.

  “I can get to the castle if you care to join me,” The Dr. Smith said calmly as Richard felt a spike of irritation.

  “Well, I am afraid I am not all that familiar who are you, Dr. Smith?” Madison replied,

  “I am part of the local, special forces if you will I work loosely with the Guard to help solve crimes and work for the public on occasion. I have regular interaction with the ruling class.” He replied, “Interesting move with the boat, I am rather interested in how you did it,”

  “We all have our secrets,” Richard replied as he placed both his hands behind his back. “And I am sure his Lordship would be interested in getting the full story of his daughters escape and rescue. You may need me to help fill in a few blanks.”

  “You better not be wasting my time,” Dr. Smith replied coldly, “But do as you wish,” and with that, he turned on a heel and walked forward.

  “How much do you want him to know?” Madison said in a low whisper.

  “Just that we found a ship in a hidden cove and used it, it seems magical in nature and for some weird reason only listens to me other than that go nuts,” Richard replied as he strode forward.

  “Ah don’t want to tell him you dilly dallied?” She asked,

  “I would say yes, but I would rather the detail of Spark stays low,” Richard replied, “No need to lie to him just try to avoid that detail at all costs.”

  “Fair enough, wait, is Spark with us I didn’t see her leave the ship,” Madison said as she started to look over the brickwork expecting to spot the fair flying in between the alleys that split up the city.

  “She’s closer than you think,” Richard said with a smirk as he watched Dr. Smith glance back at him through the corner of his eye.

  “Do try not to irritate him too much he is a public servant,” Madison replied,

  “Nothing is more fickle than the public, I see your point, you take the lead on this you outrank me now that we are within your father’s walls,” Richard conceded.

  “That’s the smartest think I have heard you say yet,” Dr. Smith replied, as Richard glared forward at the coated figure.

  “There is something off about our friend,” Richard said as he glanced over at Madison, Richard suddenly felt a tug on his coat tail as he glanced back. “Sam, what are you doing?” Richard asked as he flicked his head forward. “Just stay close,” Richard said as he realized the child couldn’t respond.

  “The hell,” Madison shouted as she noticed Sam was standing next to her, he gave her a goofy grin as even Dr. Smith was startled at the child’s sudden appearance.

  “Yours?” Dr. Smith asked as he looked at him, Richard felt his neck pull back something about the man seemed to give him pause.

  “No, as a matter of fact, I found him and hired him on as my cabin boy. He’s a good kid but doesn’t listen much,” Richard said as he glanced down at him. The boy kicked at the ground having the decency to look sheepish.

  “Ah,” the man softened up as he looked back at Richard.

  “Don’t get any ideas, I am a bad person I just have moments of kindness, most of those benefit me in the long run anyway,” Richard said as he frowned at the lead figure.

  “Of course,” Dr. Smith replied as his face went neutral. Richard released a huff as he looked down at Sam and put a hand on his shoulder.

  “Stay close, and don’t wonder off,” Richard warned his voice very grave. Sam nodded as the group slowly walked on as the road as the inner wall rose up ahead of them, the city cause of it’s rebuilding was set up perfectly to deal with invasion as the building got taller as they head to the inner wall before a sudden drop leaving a wide birth around the wall.

  Dr. Smith held out a hand as a taxi road over to the side a pair of brown horses. They snickered before coming to a stop. “Ladies first,” Dr. Smith replied as he opened up the door. Madison entered in and sat down as the two glanced at each other. It was a second, but Richard could swear the man felt uneasy at the captain didn’t respond or move. Sam leaped up after Pheobe sitting down next to her as he looked out the carriage window.

  Richard let a bit of amusement escape his lip’s at the kid’s excitement as he got up inside and sat down. The interior felt a bit cramped as Dr. Smith sat down next to Richard as the two brushed shoulders. Richard glanced over at the man he seemed off as if something rubbed him the wrong way. Dr. Smith looked at him as well as Richard concluded the man didn’t much care for him for whatever reason.

  “Where to sir?” came a calm voice,

  “To the castle, we have a knight returning,” Dr. Smith replied as Madison smiled at the comment.

  “Thanks few actually use that title,” Madison replied as Dr. Smith looked at me,

  “What?” Richard asked as he looked back at him. “I couldn’t have done it without her, her navigation skills and sword fighting abilities are second to none, well maybe chief but that guy isn’t human,” Richard replied.

  “How would you get that?” Madison asked calmly,

  “Well he took me down and I was armed,” Richard replied, “I am no slouch,” he admitted as Madison nodded in agreement.

  “Boss I take it that is a nickname?” Dr. Smith asked,

  “Yes,” Richard said rather slowly. “He doesn’t remember much the island was not exactly kind to most on it especially him.” Dr. Smith nodded,

  “If you want I can take a look at him, see if there is anything I can do,” Dr. Smith replied,

  “If it were only that easy physically he is fine it’s his memories that are the problem, and magic was involved.” Pheobe pointed out, “I think you never really went over the details.

  “Details are not important,” Richard replied as Dr. Smith gave him an ugly look.

  “Details are everything it can take a simple act of manslaughter into an act of first-degree murder.” Dr. Smith said as he frowned at Richard.

  “And sometimes they can slow you down,” Richard replied calmly but he could feel his anger boiling underneath his calm façade. The carriage reached as they stopped, Dr. Smith looked at him with something Richard hated more than anything else pity. The door opened up as a knight in full armor waited for them to exit.

  “We have the return of the Dame of Gaslight castle to welcome in from Lord Lancestrong.” Dr. Smith replied the knight pushed up his visor as Madison walked out. He slammed his fist against his chest.

  “At once, it is good to see you, Great Dame,” and with that, his visor clanged shut as he marched off. Sam leaped off as a large row of lightly armored men saluted as Madison took the lead with a massive smile on her face.

  “It’s good to be home,” She replied as a window crashed. Richard felt his hand go for his pistol but the guards around him each drew. Richard froze solid as Madison quickly drew her own blade and pulled her shield of her back before stopping.

  “Right window shutters, at easy everyone, sorry our two friends are just a bit jumpy is all,” Dr. Smith said as he raised his hands slowly lowering them in a calming town.

  “You have the no idea,” Richard said as he relaxed his shoulders a bit he suddenly felt very sluggish as he eyed the busted cabin window, he could have sworn.

  “Well straighten up her comes my dad,” Madison warned as a man in red with a short cape strode out of the castle he had a long sword at his waist and on his chest was a very familiar lion reminiscent of the one on Madison’s shield.

  The group bowed as the man swooped and gripped Madison in a hug, despite being about the same size he had very little issue picking her up of her feet before setting her down. Her arms weight down by her arms didn’t move as he grabbed her face.

  “Oh thank god you are still alive, I was so worried everyone I sent out was either missing or had little to report. Oh it is so good to see you,” he said but his
face was free of tears Richard doubted he would see any more emotion out of the man, in such a public place.

  “This My lord is my companion who was instrumental in my return to you,” She replied as Richard stepped forward and bowed again. The man frowned at him, as Richard felt a tingling sensation on his neck.

  “I have no interest in anything too, valuable to yourself, I am actually looking for a job,” Richard said cheerfully as even Dr. Smith was caught off guard.

  “Anything in mind?” The Lord asked,

  “I think it can wait,” Richard said with a shrug, “I got some things I need to run by you, but it’s trivial in light of other things.”

  “Thank you, I would like to open up my doors, If um Simons one of my guards. He will escort you to one of my Drawing room, where we can talk later. Dr. Smith if you could join him, I would appreciate it.”

  “It seems my reasoning is a bit off,” Dr. Smith replied as a guard nodded at them to follow around the castle passing by bushes and flowers trimmed and other decor with a steady hand.

  “If you’re going off intent, a man can do one thing for many reasons,” Richard replied. “well, most some people can just be that easy to predict.”

  “True most people who take to the seas fit into that category,” Dr. Smith replied, “But I have found there is always an exception to any given generalization. You just so happen to be the first one today.”

  “Probably in more ways than one,” Richard said as he smirked at Dr. Smith. Richard watched as the doors were pushed open, Richard was blinded by the sun as he took out his sword. The Doctor twitched at the action, but Richard paid it now mind as he sat down on the couch and set his sword to the side.

  “So, any historical crimes we should know about?” Dr. Smith asked as Richard raised an eyebrow at the interrogator. However, Richard picked up the sound of footsteps as The Doctor’s face was suddenly obscured when a deerstalker cap was suddenly dropped over his eyes.

  “So I am hoping and who might you be?” came a rather deep voice. Richard glanced behind the Doctor to see a rather tall man who’s back was far too straight for its own good. He sported a blue and gold vest with a ruffled shirt underneath it with long puffy sleeves. His pants were pressed and he had a pair of casual slippers on his pants.

  “Captain Richard, I have recently found myself in a position to be a civil servant if you will, and I hope to make a career out of it.” The man wrinkled his nose as he seemed intent on keeping it as high as possible. The rest of the man was only slightly less striking with long black hair that curled at the end and a very thin mustache.

  “Another man, wishing to make himself useful, why does then not surprise me?” he said as he glanced away as another person entered the room.

  “Morgan who is using this room, I didn’t think the father was expecting anyone,” said a rather bird-like voice.

  “A new, helping Hand I believe,” Morgan replied as He glanced back at the woman who’s voice seemed to come from around the corner of the door.

  “Morgan?” Richard repeated as he felt the smile move from his face. The room was gone not that Richard bothered to look at it at all. The name was familiar, but he couldn’t think of it in the slightest, his own memory only keeping what he loved and what he considered relevant to living. But something about the name brought up a painful sensation in his chest.

  Richard’s mind when into overdrive, two sofa’s and a chair, a single rug in the middle of the room, with two end tables and a table in front of the sofa he was sitting on. There were five portraits of men in powdered wigs with three massive stain glass windows. Other decorations included to suits of armor on both sides of the doors with broadswords, as well as the coat of arms and a fireplace inactive with all the tools of maintenance. Nothing was in his hand’s read but he still had his sword which was set to the side as to not cut the couch.

  “His Name is Richard,” the man drew his name out as if it was contaminated. “He seems to be looking for a job. And with that a brown haired woman walked in with hair all done up as well as a corset pulled up around a pink dress, that looked very hard to walk around in for how much space it seemed to take up. But not nearly as bad as past generations that used some kind of metal netting, Richard shook his head not bothering to distract his mind.

  “Captain, of a good sized ship, called the Golden Eagle, I don’t need you selling me short, When the truth is much grander,” Richard said with a smile, Morgan frowned at him as he looked at his cutlass. He stood over and picked it up as the woman looked nervous.

  “Nice blade, the craftsmen ship is amazing for a man with only one name and title. Who did you kill to get it?” Morgan asked as Richard had to suppress a laugh at the man’s clumsy attempts to get under his skin.

  “What are you doing hit him,” Spark whispered up at him from his coat. Richard smirked at her comment.

  “I do think we have company,” Richard said calmly as the sound of footsteps echoed in the hall as both Morgan and the woman turned to see Lord Basil walk in with a bit of quiet surprise to see that there were two extra people in the room.

  And it seemed Lord Basil himself was not alone as Madison walked in wearing full gear and was very proud of her fresh armor with both her sword and shield on her side and back respectively. However, there was a third person who entered the room and she was by far the most unusual.

  This woman was as dark skinned, she was sporting a long cloak that obscured her body so her overall size was kept hidden and Richard did not doughty she was fully armed. Richard studied her face since that was all he could see beside her shoulder width. Her left eye seemed a bit hazed as if something had damaged it but her skin gave no indication of a blade. Her hair or the lack there off was also unusual. The woman just drew his attention in however what happened next threw him for a loop.

  “Hello Captain Richard,” she said graciously, as she offered a hand, Richard stood up and shook it surprised at the firmness as she gave him a kind smile. Richard didn’t respond that was the last think he expected from such a woman.

  “Now then, um,” Basil said but as he looked at the woman, “Nora you and Morgan can stay this is not relevant, but I am not going to show you the door.”

  Morgan seemed to forget himself as he twitched before nodding, “I would like to stay if my lady love of my life desires to,” he said with a very genuine smile. Richard couldn’t help but eye the man skeptically.

  “Politics, it never sleeps, never rests, and never makes any fucking sense.” Richard thought to himself. “So Morgan what did you think of my blade?” Richard asked as he pressed both his wrists into his back as he smiled at the man.

  “Oh very good, whoever crafted it did a marvelous job.” He recovered admirably as he offered the sword back to him. Richard took it slowly before putting it back in his holster.

  “So who am I addressing? You have me at a disadvantage,” Richard said as he looked back at the woman.

  “Crystal, if you will and I am Britannia born before you ask, everyone asks, As for the unspoken question as to why I am here, I would like to test your metal. We have had recent issues with a small but growing group of people.”

  “I do not think so, I am not getting this job just so you can saddle me with some,” Dr. Smith paused a moment in his indignation before stopping. “Well could be worse, but I would like to tackle this on my own, you haven’t even given me time to look at the first attempt.

  “I think I am being tested,” Richard thought to himself.

  “For the record, this is a test, you seem sharp enough to figure that out, but I always think if you find, someone who wishes to help, it always wise to know their personality and limitations first.”

  “So I take it Dr. Smith will be my big Brother?” Richard asked casually not all that bothered by the runaround, he was use to it.

  “Well if only Dr. Smith was as cooperative,” Lord Basil replied. “Now then I have pressing matters to tend to, I fear the Mage has been up to his old
activities again,” The Lord replied but seemed less threatened and more annoyed.

  “Mage, The last Mage?” Richard gave him a dubious look.

  “Yes, but sadly his visits take up a lot of time,” Basil replied as he seemed to gain a few years. “Crystal, Nora, and Morgan, please come with me,” He summoned as the large group moved out leaving only Madison and Dr. Smith.

  “So, care to fill me in on the details of what it is exactly I will be dealing with?” Richard asked as he tried to force a smile only for Dr. Smith to watch as it slowly filtered before it feels.

  “It seems I will be upping my price for the next case if this is what I have to expect,” Dr. Smith said with a frown and a shake of his head as he ripped off the deerstalker cap. “Well then as of recently we have been dealing with a series of murders.”

  “Murders that seems a bit out of my Element” Madison admitted. Richard didn’t say anything but mentally agreed, the last thing he considered himself was a tracker of any kind.

  “Well, normally I would agree, and to be even more honest, the reason both of you are here is not because he wants to test you or even get rid of you, its is cause he wants to keep me alive as I delve into this investigation.”

  “And here I was being arrogant thinking it was all about me,” Richard said his words only partially true.

  “I am going to either hate you or have a sick kind of tolerance that some would call friendship, by the end of this week,” Dr. Smith said as he seemed to sulk each time Richard opened his mouth.

  “Well, I need to walk around the city then, it’s been a long time since I have been home,” Madison said, “And I got a feeling the rest of the crew will be needing some kind of long-term residence,”

  “Urg,” Richard groaned, “I am going to have to rebuild the crew now thanks to this,” he frowned in realization no sailor would stick around for a job if they could find work presently.

  “Sucks to be you,” Dr. Smith replied in an even tone that seemed just empty of any emotion. Richard felt a spark of annoyance.


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