The Captain's Stand

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The Captain's Stand Page 37

by Kat Mandu

  “It’s true not a place I can’t get into,” he admitted with a confident smirk. Laurella rolled her eyes, as the ally got very crowded.

  “So who was the chick in the armor she was hot.” Tobi piped up

  “Well let’s get cleaned off.” James said, “Walking around the city smelling like shit is not my idea of fun,” Tray said as everyone pretty solidly agreed.

  “There is a public bath off Fredric St,” Tobi informed,

  “Good, who knows what we may catch if we don’t get this filth cleaned,” Laurella informed, “And make sure you get your clothes cleaned as well!”

  A resounding, “Yes ma’am was heard from everyone as she leads the way, Boss shook his head as he slides the lid back into the place looking at it for a second. “Really should have killed him and damned the consequences he admitted, as he headed down the street keep his nose in the air looking for the smell as he walked along the streets as the group was given a wide birth.

  Cheif was thankful it was mid-day so getting a bath set up wasn’t too much of an issue as He chatted up woman. “…Right so that should cover it,” He had just finished counting out the costs.

  “Thank you,” she said forcing a smile as she pinched her nose giving her and odd voice. Boss took off his shield pulling it over his head,

  “So who do I talk to about getting all the clothing cleaned?” he asked a bit concerned and thankful his leather shield was not dunked in the water thinking it would probably ruin it.

  “Normally it would cost extra,” she said in her silly voice still pinching her nose, “But since your clearly been taking care of something in the sewers we will take care of all the gear for you employees,”

  “Thanks,” Boss said not bothering to correct her as he headed over to the men’s side the area was wide open with a mass of chest high dividers to give everyone some privacy. Steam filled the air as the smell of soap lingered.

  He looked out for other members of the crew even if they made up the majority, seeing some groups already forming overall. Not bothering to worry too much on the matter just yet he found an open area as he opened up the door. He got his gear set aside just in time for a woman in a cart to come by to grab his gear. “The blades stay with me,” he informed she nodded as she turned her head away with his clothing. He got the water going as he kept his eye on her. She moved along collecting the gear from Nathan and Stefano both of which had worn long coats as their go to so they were quick to want those cleaned. He got into the bathtub as the mental went over his theory. The smell he had found sticking out was odd but glancing over what he could remember it was a smell that seemed to linger on magic and magic users, he never bothered to question it on the ship but when Spark had a similar smell when she used her magical blasts combined with lingering smell in the sweat itself. It pointed him into the direction of a connection worth looking into. “It’s my only connection, trouble it is something only I can do which is problematic for one man to look into the city on my own,” he thought to himself. “There has to be an easy way to do this,”

  “Boss you okay?” asked a voice as Nathan walked past him,

  “Yeah,” he admitted looking over at him, “Why?” he asked,

  “You had the hundred yard stare going on. Just making sure your soul wasn’t stolen or something, you never know were a Kappa might be,”

  “Right,” Boss replied not really sure what a Kappa was. “What would be the fastest way to get around the city for one man?”

  “Hmm I would say carriage of course, but depending on what you’re up to that can get pricey,” Nathan said figuring what Boss was up to.

  “So horseback would be best, do we know anyone who knows about horses?” Boss asked not knowing much on the subject.

  “Not sure I’ll ask around since I usually just use my feet,” Nathan chuckled, “But I will ask around and get back to you,” he said and with a nodded he walked off.

  Boss tapped away at the tub his mind going over the situation with the nagging at him. “The only way to do this is not only risky but time-consuming. It’s going to require a lot of late nights and Luck.” He sighed closing his eyes. He got up and using the bath houses clothing he pulled on a white tunic with a pair of brown pants.

  “I’ll be back I need to confirm something, keep an eye on my gear,” He replied as he made a grab for his weapons, he stopped when he spotted that he was buried.

  “Take whatever you need,” Tobi called out, as Boss frowned wondering why someone needed so many weapons. He grabbed a short sword that had a sheath and belt set all ready. He quickly belted it. He frowned not seeing a shield to go with it but he wasn’t planning on using the sword anyway. He headed out of the bath house and headed back to the Golden Eagle at a purposely slow and steady pace.

  Moving closer he could see the Golden Eagle still in its position, as he closed in before the same smell that Spark and those spots in the swear all shared. “Well that’s the confirmation I needed, He quietly eyeballed the distances when he was barked at. He glanced over to see Jill whimpering at his feet. He scratched her behind her ears.

  “Now all I need is a map, a horse, and Some time to plan,” He said glancing at Golden Eagle with Jill sitting next to him on the stone of the streets.

  Chapter 39 Little In The Way Of Luck

  “Boss!” came out a repeated cry as the man in question, Boss shook his head as he pressed his hand into the back of the horse for support. A hand hit his shoulder, he shook his head as he glanced over to see Eagle Eye. “I think it’s time to return, it’s almost sun rise and you have not slept since last night. Not mention you spent most of that night partying.” He reminded.

  “No, We need,” Boss tried to wave him off, but Eagle eye was a bit more rested and slowly but firmly pulled the reigns out of chiefs hands.

  “Ahhhh, about time,” James yawned out as Kareem had to shake his head to stay awake himself. The four of them had been riding around the city fallowing Boss in hope of finding Richard, but it was near six in the morning and to no one’s great surprise had no luck or hints. Eagle Eye glanced down to see Jill was limping a bit before dropping off his horse and setting the dog on its back before remounting.

  “So what your saying is you are going to be traveling all the city slowly taking each road. Relying on the hope that you run into something that has eluded the guard? What part of this sounds like a good idea?” Laurella pointed out; about mid afternoon yesterday.

  “The alternative is giving up. Without trying, and as far as the odds go we have been informed of a name Amaro has been listed as wanted by the authorities. He has a business location. A place to start which is more than most can say.”

  “Having a place to start is good,” Stefano agreed, “Besides if this ship goes when Richard dies in, a month?” He paused expecting to be corrected but carried on. “A lot of people are going to be out of a job, and any chance any of us have of getting some payback shrinks like,” he fished

  “A man’s balls in the dead of winter?” Laurella asked,

  “Something like that,” Stefano agreed as he rubbed his neck.

  “Still we may as well have few groups moving over the city,” Nathan said adding in his two cents. “if we are counting on lady luck we may as well give her as many chances to grace us as possible.”

  “I am not relying on luck,” Boss thought as he glanced over at the map, “James how good are you at measuring distances?” he asked, While the other talked on best places to look Boss and James used a pencil and paper to create a walk that would allow Boss to have the best chance at sniffing out magic.

  “So what’s the point of this?” James asked rolling the paper up and handing it to Boss.

  “You’re better off not knowing,” Boss admitted, as he rejoined the conversation. “You can make whatever plans you want, I need to get a horse,” he interrupted everyone paused looking at him.

  “You have something in mind?” Laurella asked,

  “Something that works, I
am going to brag about, and if it doesn’t I want to keep it to myself,” he admitted,

  “Okay,” Laurella said raising an eyebrow at him but Boss was not forthcoming with an answer.

  Boss shook his head as he pulled out the map and made sure to leave a mark where he had left off. He would need to check off the area he and Eagle eye had walked to rent the horses for the next few days. He felt a sigh escape his nostrils,

  “Why am I doing this, in this shape I am not able to fight effectively?” he questioned himself, “His mind had been trying to figure out a few things why the smell of magic suddenly became apparent, how this talent was his alone, and answering his first question was cause he doubted he would get much sleep dwelling on the other worrisome questions in his mind.”

  After the horses were tied up he glanced back at the city, he frowned knowing he had another day of looking ahead of him and while he needed sleep to function he doubted it would come easy.

  “I am telling you we should focus on searching warehouses, this area is almost abandoned most nights and every death has been placed in this area. ” Tobi pointed out

  “I am not arguing that point but every death came after a month of time, I say we take the noble area, with less traffic it’s the easiest place to hide a captive without someone stumbling across them, not to mention the guard would never search in these areas,” Laurella argued.

  “I doubt it with as many people we run into this is the work of the lower class, even if there is one Noble involved with this much fear going around they would take as little risk as possible and keep to areas the guards would be too scared to roam, the docks and these areas with high crime rates.” James tossed in.

  Boss grabbed his pillow pulling it over his head and groaning. He was trying to get some sleep and these three wouldn’t tone it down, it was bad enough the local shipping was noisy enough with all the shouting and loading and unloading in the area.

  “Who do you think you are New guy?!” Laurella shouted, “you can’t just come in here and act like you own the places!”

  “Excuse me? I am telling you how to get your captain back without needing to run around like an idiot, you want to go tramping about you be my guest!” he argued back,

  “Oh do shut up!” James called back, “We got a month to work with we should do everything we can to nip this in the bud.”

  “Don’t shut up, it’s called laying out a trap, but I guess losing your hand wasn’t enough to teach you for thought.”

  “Oh, now you done fucked up!” James shouted back as Boss’s eyes cracked open.

  “Now come on we got people we don’t need, James put your damn hook down,” Nathan tried to bring in some peace as Boss threw his pillow to the floor and stormed around the corner to the captain’s room where the four people were arguing.

  “Can this wait?” he snarled effectively ending the argument as everyone went silent and looked at him.

  “Yes,” Tobi said frowning at the other two. Laurella joined in giving both men a hard glare as Boss glanced over to see Kareem sitting in the corner looking at the map.

  “You option?” Boss, asked,

  “Your all a bunch of armholes.” Kareem snapped back not even bothering to look up from his musical instrument.

  “Fair enough now then I am going to get some sleep, now the lot of you can keep quiet or stop arguing. Before I find something for all of you to do, now then if you don’t mind while all of your ideas are sound I am going to sleep and we will go over all of this afterward.” He slammed the door shut behind him as he heard something fall of the wall before returning to his room.

  “So words getting out Captain Richard was captured,” Said a voice as Boss shook his head.

  “They got the city guard looking for him. Besides Richard got us off the island which most thought was impossible, so what’s the improbable to a guy like that?” Tin asked casually,

  “I am just saying man that well, with everything going I have seen ships change hands for less.” Said the other voice,

  “Oh come on, No man behind most of us on that island backed each other up it’s how we survived heck even Eagle Eye knows when it’s time to stop insulting you giving you a hand.” Tin waved off, “Oh Don’t bother with that room, Boss’s trying to sleep.” Tin warned.

  “Sleeping shouldn’t be out trying to find the captain?” he complained,

  “You know there is no pleasing you, the guy was out all night, honestly what are you a house wife?” Tin called back.

  “No, it’s just Boss didn’t have a group right, I am suspicious, no past means you got nothing to base expectations on you dig, I heard a few people think that chief may try to take over as the new captain.” The voice said as Tin and his companion slowly moved back down the hall.

  “We don’t even know if the ship will still be here if Richard dies,” Tin reminded,

  “Yeah But he said as long as his dream lives, the ship does, So the question is if the man is dead what happens to the dream?” he asked,

  “You have been hanging out in the Frankish Coffee houses too much, Unless something directly impacts me, it’s not something worth worrying about it.”

  “But where you lay your head has to do with this question.” The other pointed out.

  “True, but that’s a question that requires a set event one I would rather prevent, so may look into finding a new line of work, until such a time as the Golden Eagle falls I won’t worry about it.” Tin dismissed walking away and no longer in Boss’s hearing range.

  “Captain?” Boss question to himself as Jill nosed her way into his room before heading to his bed. “Maybe but not to this ship and not today.” And with a grunt he went back to sleep, only to be reawakened.

  “Hello Boss,” said a calm voice as he noticed Jill was standing on his bed growling at his window. He spun out of the bed knocking Jill of the bed grabbing his weapons that were placed he crossed them over his chest his eyes taking in his surroundings waiting for an attack.

  “You look very tired, come now I just talking through the window. Don’t want to wake the rest of the crew do you?” she asked with a smile. Jill growled as Boss flipped himself onto his feet.

  “What do you want coming to do what your master could not?” he said in an even tone.

  “You say that like you expect it. But you know my face I am afraid I have failed too many times.” She said with a smile, Boss didn’t return it as he looked at her through window, noticing the moonlight reflecting off the ocean and into the room.

  “So how would you like to be the new captain of the Golden Eagle?” she asked casually.

  “Right, like you know shit about the ship is Richard’s I heard the wish, this ship dies with him,” Boss informed waving her off. He headed for the door walking out onto the main deck. He glanced over to see Dvina hoping back into view as he approached the bell used to raise the crew if needed.

  “Here me out I can guarantee it, stake my life on it if you will.” She said as Boss turned to her.

  “Then why not take it for yourself?” he asked,

  “I am an assassin, have the fancy ship with gold Sails seems a bit much.” She said with a smirk, “Besides I have other life goals that don’t have much need for a ship,” she purred as she stepped forward seductively swaying her hips as she moved away from him.

  Boss grabbed the rope and rang it waking the crew as she glared at him. “I am not an idiot, the offer is far too good to be true that I question why you would bother giving it to me,” he replied as she drew her blade only for an arrow to shot as her swing her blade deflecting the head shot as she looked up to see Eagle eye Watching from the mast.

  “I offer you the ship and the ability to go anywhere in the world, and you spit in my face,” she deflected another shot as lights started to appear and the sound of people running forward.

  “Who would trust me?” Boss thought as he watched her race off Stefano dropped down next to him waiting for the go ahead, but Boss shrugged, “
Do what you want to be she probably knows that city better than you,” he replied,

  “I plan to remedy that, I’ll be taking a leave of absence for the next few weeks,” He said glancing over at Boss,

  “Try to keep in contact but Leave after everything settles down it might look bad if you take off now.” Boss nodded to the bell, “We had a minor scuffle nothing to worry about it,” Boss said, he looked up at Eagle Eye giving him a wave of appreciation but the man didn’t return it returning to the crow’s nest and vanishing from sight.

  “I am going to sleep below deck for now,” Boss said heading down below deck with the majority of the crew. Finding a nice empty hammock he tossed himself in and just as he got cozy.

  “Boss you’re not hurt are you?” Laurella asked as he could hear Jill’s tail wagging under his hammock.

  “I am fine,” He groaned,

  “Are you sure she didn’t poison you, do you feel off?” she pressed.

  “You are not going to drop this are you?” he asked glancing over at her in the dark.

  “Nope,” she said as Boss could almost see the smile on her face.

  “Fine,” he breathed out and he was back on his feet.

  It didn’t take long to get back up to the top deck and to Laurella’s private room. She looked over his neck and arms checking for any puncture wounds. “A lot of bug bites I don’t see any way of telling if you got a pin prick or not,” she admitted with a sigh.

  “Bug bites?” Boss repeated looking at his arms.

  “Nothing serious but I do want you to drink this if nothing else than my piece of mind.” She said as she put on a kettle of water. He watched her brew up a cup of something letting it sit for a while before pouring it out and handing it to him.

  Boss held it for a second and not bothering to ask simply drink it he frowned at the bitter taste but set the cup down after finishing it.


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