The Captain's Stand

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The Captain's Stand Page 45

by Kat Mandu

  “Hey sis,” said what she thought was a bum

  “Is that you?” Madison asked,

  “I have to admit the Pirate is a bit odd but how do you know, this vagabond?” David question.

  “Oh come now everything is not as it seems, besides,” he said standing up. “You would not believe the money I make in handouts.” He grinned as he pulled out a rag to clean up his very dirty face. He was sporting a similar sleeveless coat but unlike his normal one it was brown patched and had what looked like burn holes scattered along the bottom of it.

  He pulled the coat showing an athletic form as he pulled out his normal more clean coat as he rapped the raggedy one up and tossed in a bag. “I have heard word that Richard managed to make an escape today, may I walk with you?” he asked as Madison nodded. “I also heard rumblings of ever more disappearances. Despite the hit they seem to be even more active, the vacancy of the streets can attest to that.” He explained filling them in with information as he jogged along.

  “We found bodies being dropped within the harbor, Richard is cleaning them up, we also have a location as well. We are going to scatter the guards and check the city for more issues.” Madison said catching the man up.

  “I can start now, I can move much faster and hit all the main traffic areas in the city, and meet you back at the Eagle in time to finish this group off.” Stehano declared clenching his fist before throwing it the side.

  “Why so fired up?” Madison asked raising an eyebrow.

  “They evaded me once, they will not do so again,” He said darkly before he suddenly leaped away from them heading up a parked cart onto a street sign and then onto the rooftops and out of sight.

  “How the fuck did he do that?” David asked in awe as he looked at Madison than back to where Stehano had vanished from sight.

  “Not sure I thought It might be magic or any number of things but all I have are possible theories and nothing more. Keep time David we can’t slow down we need the city checked before Daybreak and we need just as much to try and contain this issue before it goes anymore out of hand.

  “You are a very laid back group, that’s dangerous to leave things to the unknown,” David advised,

  “I am a Dame I doubt my father or family would be all that keen on me being active on the Golden Eagle so you’re telling the wrong person.” She returned as once again she was heading past the main gates of the castle.

  “You didn’t say you would be opposed,” David said as they were waved in by the guard who didn’t even bother stopping them.

  “Well do you see the Navy able to do much? Most of the nations are busy glaring at each other while a single Pirate has created an empire, of super powered captains we all but lost the archipelago ocean.”

  “With Britania and Frankia both staring down at each other the moment one of them makes a move to deal with the Pirates they fear the other nation will attack.” David reminded.

  “I don’t need a history lesson, I know the state of current politics, Hispin, and Denlands all have carved our Empires across the plant, I know all this,” Madison glared back shaking her head. “But nobody wants to be the one who moves for fear of a war to break out on Ervon, they don’t want to be caught with their pants down. I get it but this is getting outrageous, and something needs to be done.” Madison ranted,

  “I didn’t mean to insult just letting you know the stakes are much higher than you think.” David reminded playing the voice of reason.

  “Yeah you never know when the stakes may be much higher than you realize,” Morgan interrupted, as the two froze to see the man “Oh don’t mind me, I heard captain Richard is back up on his feet, that’s good to hear, I don’t think you would be getting much work, David, if such a high profile failure besmirched your good name.”

  “I can assure you with the recent events, I am more than confident. Why are you here?” David asked crossing his arms and frowning at the man.

  “I could ask the same, after all, we were told to work together,” He reminded

  “Oh boy, okay here we go, we just got settled in when suddenly … So we have a final location but we want to keep panic to a minimal and we are expecting a fight. However, Richard lacks the manpower.” Madison quickly summed up.

  “Why not come find me first?” Lord Morgan asked,

  “I have no idea where you are staying in the castle,” Madison admitted, “Well let’s be honest you being here has just been a mass of surprises. Speaking of which why are you hanging around out in front of the guard’s barracks?” She asked raising an eyebrow.

  “I had word that you were in the area, and figured you were heading here,” he admitted with a shrug, Madison glanced up at the ramparts and spotted a shadowy figure who waved at her, Madison hesitantly waved back before looking back at Morgan.

  “If you watched me like you watched this city we wouldn’t be running around like chickens with our heads cut off,” Madison commented looking back.

  “I’ll scramble the guard,” Morgan said ignoring the comment. “now then what’s the address?” he asked, looking at David.

  “Here,” David said handing it over,

  “At least one of you is able to cooperate, anyway after this is all handled I would like to request a one to one meeting with Richard at least when he’s recovered enough after his three months,” Morgan said,

  “I’ll pass that along but I have no idea what you expect will come of it, Richard’s pretty stubborn,” Madison informed with a shrug, but before you go to this address, do a quick run of the city see if you can find any bodies, the city is in enough of a panic as it is,” Madison advised,

  “Noted, you know I am a very lucky man,” Morgan said with a grin, “If you were the older sibling I don’t think I could have lodged myself so firmly in this city or your family,” he said with a wicked grin.

  Madison just looked at him with a cold dead expression. The seconds seemed to tick by as David eyed Madison, eyeing her sword and her body language as if expecting some kind of movement. “Davina hasn’t really been trying has she?” Madison suddenly asked.

  Morgan’s neck pulled back in surprise for the briefest of seconds, before answering. “What gives you that idea?”

  “I can’t hear her anymore,” Madison admitted,

  “Honestly I want him dead but Davina and Darcy are not part of my crew and there for have some wiggle room when it comes to fallowing orders. I suspect Davina is bidding her time in hopes of bringing in the Golden Eagle, I personally think it’s impossible but I expect that Blackbeard while requiring an honest attempt. With him killing of Brendan that leaves an opening,”

  “Fair enough, but I think you’re wasting your time as well,” Madison said with a sardonic smile. Morgan frowned at the smile as his brow wrinkled in confusion. “Anyway good luck with the guard, give the captain my regards.” With that, Madison headed back.

  “What was that all about?” David asked,

  “What part?” Madison replied glancing over at David,

  “I don’t much care being left in the dark, I feel like I am missing some critical information from both of you.”

  “Well try to piece together I am not saying anything out loud with that crazy twin running around,” Madison waited after the comment expecting a comedic response but nothing was forthcoming.

  “So I see, so what now exactly?” David asked,

  “We get to work preparing, we clean up the harbor and maybe even the city hopefully we can use the lack of a times table to get some prep work up and working, I am not sure exactly what anyone has in mind but I will be damned if I don’t at least try to stop it. It may even be best for us to get as much sleep as possible.”

  “I can see that as a good option I would like to head home and get some of my tea then, I have a hard time sleeping with this many questions running around in my head and I wouldn’t mind having it since it helps me sleep,” David admitted.

  “Not a bad idea, but I would rather inform someone befo
re running off,” Madison said letting David know that she didn’t not fully trust him either, he didn’t seem to react all that much to the implication.

  “Fair enough,” David said “Hey Kid!” he called out as he drew attention to a street urchin. “You want a simple well paying job?” he asked as the dirty kid glanced up and nodded. “Take this note to this address, and Deliver it to the man who answers the door. He will pay you for your time, and will be more than enough for a week’s worth of food you in?”

  Madison sighed as the kid all but snatched the note David had written up. “Now is not the time,” she muttered to herself as David nodded, “Well that’s one way of dealing with it,”

  “It’s fast and reliable,” David said as he put away his writing utensils. “Now then we really should find a faster means of travel, running back and forth from the castle may be good but we are on a bit of a time crunch.” David reminded,

  “Not yet,” Madison interrupted, “Come on the castle only has one entrance he should know about and we are not leaving until the guard is moving.”

  “You are not very trusting,”

  “Yeah even if you have held your tongue, on sensitive matters trusting the wrong people got me stuck on that ship.” Madison reminded

  “Look I can understand that but the fact is Spark isn’t ousted and I am keeping Morgan’s true nature under my hat why the sudden change.

  “Do you see Richard here?” Madison asked “The Golden Eagle is the only place where I know were the people stand and while I do appreciate your discretion on the matter, I wish we had time to go over everything but sadly like you said time,”

  “Well we got time know, I take it the fairy is the reason Richard has the Golden Eagle?”

  “The long and short of it, yes. Brendan was killed off and Richard has made sure no more Lords will be popping up any time soon. So where do you stand on all that,”

  “Were any good Britannia citizen would they need to be put down. But my arena is in the more obscure so when this is all over I will wish Richard luck and send him on his way.” David said with a chuckle, “I do think I hear the guard rumbling come on we got work to do,” David advised as Madison nodded notably a bit more relaxed.

  Chapter 48 Stake Out

  “So how much supplies do you think they can stash in this old factory?” Richard asked as he sat on the roof of a nearby building.

  “Not sure, but looking at the size, I would say at least three months,” Eagle Eye admitted, as he glanced.

  Richard frowned, Eagle eye had joined him on a bit of scouting, checking the location in question not too long after Madison and David had left. “I don’t see any movement you?”

  “Not even any light, If I was passerby I wouldn’t suspect this place to be any different than any other. No signs of forced entry not even the flicker of a shadow. If I were a betting man I would say this place is empty and booby-trapped,”

  “It’s what I would do, so think you can fire off a few arrows into a window and see if we set anything off?” Richard asked,

  “Hmm wouldn’t be a bad idea, but I thought the idea of fishing those bodies out of the water was to keep people from panicking?” Eagle eye reminded

  “Well it’s either we test our limits or we risk a life, I would let the city panic if it means me and you get back to the ship in one piece,” Richard said.

  “If that the case I say we move back a building or so, that way we won’t have as much a risk in case they have booby-trapped the windows,”

  “I hate this dealing with someone who knows magic means you can never be too careful,” Richard grumbled, as he stood up he felt his body protest for a second but crushed it.

  “Still not fully recovered?” Eagle Eye asked glancing over at him.

  “Enough to scout,” Richard insisted as he took the lead making his way back.

  “You don’t have to be out here I don’t need a guiding hand,” Eagle Eye replied neutrally.

  “I know, it’s not for your sake but my own, that I am out here,” Richard said. “Second-hand information sucks,” Richard said with a sigh, as He headed down the fire exit attached to the outside. Eagle Eye paused waiting for Richard as he made his way down the stairs.

  Richard dropped down to the ground as he waited for Eagle Eye to lead the way. “So when are you going to give me your real name?” Richard asked

  “What difference does it make?” Eagle Eye asked glancing back at him as he seemed to take in distances scanning the other buildings in the area.

  “Well for one if I say Eagle, I can already hear Tobi asking if I am talking about you are the ship,” Richard admitted with a mild chuckle.

  “How is that my problem?” he asked, Richard glanced up as if thinking for a second.

  “It’s really not but I doubt your name is actually Eagle Eye,” Richard admitted with a shrug,

  “And how would you know what is and is not a proper name?” Eagle Eye asked,

  “I know as much as any outsider could know, which is more than you would expect, but less than I should,” Richard said

  “If you are trying to instigate me it will not work I have dealt with far worse,” Eagle Eye said stopping as he looked at Richard. Richard glanced back with a board expression of mild interest.

  “I don’t doubt it,” Richard said letting the silence close back over them, Richard grabbed onto the latter and followed Eagle Eye up another flight of stairs to a roof a bit farther back. Eagle notched and drew out the bow as Richard slide his hands into his pocket and watched quietly eyeing the building in question.

  The wind seemed to pick up as the pair waited in silence. Richard didn’t move as he waited to let the man make his shot in peace, before finally after a long while the arrow was sent flying and went crashing into the window shattering it. The two stood waiting and listening but getting nothing more than normal city background noise.

  “Well that’s enough for tonight with everyone rested up tomorrow nights when the really stake out starts,” Richard said as he turned away.

  “We came all this way just to shot an arrow?” Eagle Eye asked raising an eyebrow at Richard.

  “You are more than welcome to check it out if you feel up for it, however, I am not at my best tonight, it’s enough for me to know the location, the arrow was just to test the defenses,” Richard admitted,

  “We did make the trip I would think we would take full advantage of it,” Eagle Eye advised, Richard, frowned he bounced on the balls of his feet testing himself.

  “I am not sure, this could be a bit more risk than I am willing to take,” Richard admitted, not denying the desire but his body was still not responding as well as he would like especially if risking a chase.

  “Just stay in the shadows of the building, and hide, there isn’t a white man in this city that can outrun me,” Eagle Eye said as if simply stating a fact.

  “Fine,” Richard lamented, “But I am lucky they want me alive you don’t have the same luxury,” he reminded, Eagle didn’t respond to the comment as they headed back down to streets. Richard keeping back as Eagle Eye doubled back on their trek.

  Richard and Eagle Eye slowly moved around the factory in question, both frowning as they kept a solid distance just in case. “I ah,” Richard pointed to an empty wall. Eagle Eye had to squint but he could see the outline of rust the wall had its metal escape stairs removed.

  “This may take a bit more time, but not impossible,” Eagle Eye admitted as he glanced over at the metal pool, as he planned his means of getting to the roof. Richard watched the man plot as he kicked off his shoes and adjusted his bow and Quiver making sure everything was in place.

  He clung to the metal street lamp and managed to climb up to the top he leaped up his fingers digging into the window pane. Richard watched as he slowly stood up and glanced in. “It’s just dark, I beginning to think this may have been a goose chase.” He admitted.

  “Don’t mess with that window, if you can head up to the one you broke an
d clear out the glass,” Richard advised, Eagle Eye nodded leaping a bit and clinging onto the next window pane above him. Replicating it to the second window he was now about three stories above ground and with one last leap, he was on the roof. He stood up as he glanced down at Richard.

  “I really should have some rope,” Richard mused to himself as he glanced around for some kind of substitute but found nothing. “I need to make a note of that,” he was cut out of his musings as the sound of glass cracking and shattering. Richard sighed as he lost sight of Eagle.

  “Empty,” echoed out of the building as Richard frowned turning his back to the building. “I am going to,” he cut off, Richard spun back around eyeing the window from the street, Richard pulled out tooth and claw and started to take in every inch of the area around him as his ears zoned in on even the slightest of movements.

  Richard frowned as he heard something maybe movement inside the building. He glanced up fuck all the windows were too high to use. “Damn ass backward business owners, how can people escape if they can’t reach the windows. He rushed with the only option being the front door.

  He turned a corner and spotted the door he felt his hand’s hesitate for that brief second before he made his way for the door. When the sound of glass shattered behind him; “Music to my ears,” Richard skidded before doubling back.

  Richard spotted Eagle standing over another figure delivering some hard body blows, as Richard moved in as fast as his legs could carry him. Eagle nodded and the two headed out with a few more figures jumped out behind them from the broken window.

  “What happened in there?” Richard wheezed out as he tried to keep pace.

  “I got jumped I think they have some kind of basement since the inside seemed pretty empty. I am at a loss as to what they are up to but they had a few people waiting fro me, they didn’t seem to expect me from the window I broke into.

  “Did you at least get your arrow back?” Richard asked as Richard glanced back. Firing off tooth dropping one of the men chasing him.


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