The Captain's Stand

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The Captain's Stand Page 70

by Kat Mandu

  “Madison I was hoping for Lagertha she is out hunting for this gentleman’s chair.” He smiled,

  “Dame Madison what a surprise,” He seemed to struggle to move more than a little Madison felt uncomfortable as the man slowly moved his hand to give a shake. He looked at the shield she had on with a fondness before he turned back to Richard.

  “I appreciate the company but I don’t want to bother you two.” He waved them off.

  “You sure?” Richard frowned in concern for the man.

  “Yes I am expected and I doubt my old friend will be leaving for long.” He admitted with a smile far larger than one would think of such a man.

  Richard stood up as he passed some coins to the bar man despite not having a cup in front of him. “So what was that all about?” Madison asked as Richard spotted Lagertha as he waved at her.

  “No luck I couldn’t find anything,” She admitted her blonde wig bouncing as she came to a stop.

  “Bummer what an odd man,” lee glanced back,

  “I would say so he screamed when he first saw you,” Lagertha agreed as she glanced back. Jill padded along in front of them as they walked slowly.

  “Odd fellow, something about him seems off,” Richard agreed.

  “Think it might be the Mage in disguise?” Madison teased.

  “Possibly, the Mage has been known to do it, taking on appearances is a common folk story.”

  “How weird,” Lagertha frowned as they walked along.

  “Not really, if you can’t do something to help you empower others to help. If you can’t give time you give money,” Richard shrugged

  “I don’t like this idea kidnaping person,” Lagertha spoke up as they hit the docks.

  “Me either, but it’s part of the deal, for now, we will keep going, see if this is worth the effort. Or until I can justify this,” Richard frowned

  “We are simply doing what is best for our the home land,” Madison frowned at the pair,

  “What’s good for the country is not always good for the individuals inside the country itself,” Richard shrugged as Madison studied the shorter man.

  “That doesn’t sound very patriotic,” She chided as Richard turned walking backward as he returned her expression.

  “I never told you how close you were to being rescued. It had been about five mounts in I had been sent into the Kitchen when we spotted a Britannia flag on a distant ship. Brendan struck colors and we attacked we where bored and I tried to surrender as soon as we clashed I was called a liar and was almost run through.” Richard glanced behind himself to avoid a pot hole.

  “One bad event hardly makes it no longer worth being patriotic,” Madison raised an eyebrow at him.

  “You know what this is right?” Richard whipped out the letter. “This is to lock me in, first it will be this nation then Frankia, then Forge, each time I strike against another flag it limits my options and your father knows it,” Richard explained before he slipped it back in.

  “So why do it?” Madison shot back, you don’t have to play the game, heck you came her asking for a job.” She reminded,

  “Just on the off chance this is true. Do you know how many lives could be saved if we prevent one war?” Richard grinned, “hundreds of thousands. That’s reason enough to inconvenience one princess wouldn’t you say?” He looked at Spark as she blinked at the sudden turn.

  “Makes sense, still don’t like it.” Spark frowned, as Richard nodded in agreement.

  “Me either, to be honest, I am not sure but if I back out Madison I’ll at least bring you back here. You have my word on that.” He stopped before the gangplank of the Golden Eagle.

  “Who could ask for more?” Madison shrugged as she walked past him.

  “Do you really think one person could stop a war.” Spark asked Richard as Madison paused to look at them

  “Yes, not that it makes much difference women don’t have to many opinions to a princess we are more or less taking her from one golden cage to another.” Richard shrugged

  “How morbid,” Spark commented,

  “Beats the alternative, we live in a man’s world sadly were any dumb bastard can make a life but only the best and the brightest of woman have a prayer, unless your the queen.” He added the last exception. “Also couple words of advice Quartermaster…” he hooked an arm around her shoulder.

  “Do they really think that would work?” Spark glanced at Richard,

  “Look I am just covering all my bases we may have brave men we don’t necessarily have the brightest.” Richard chuckled as Madison lingered on the deck. She watched the two part ways as she decided to look for Audwine.

  She made a pass on the upper decks only for a loud noise to break her concentration. “I think that’s everything,” Tin glanced over as Madison noticed a small group with a large cart filled with supplies pulled by a donkey.

  “What’s all this stuff?” She asked,

  “Personal stuff we just locked up the safe house and get this all the work that was done on some of the old places we gave away to those who got displaced in the fire. Nobody laid claim to them so we technically owned them.” Tin grinned, “everything left at the safe house was generic gear so all we had to worry about personal stuff.”

  “I wonder who owns some of this stuff?” Nashton frowned as he tossed a flat cap into the air only for York to nab it out the air and put it back on his head.

  “So saying goodbye?” Boss commented as he walked forward,

  “Nope, I got another job that requires me to go along for at least one more adventure with you Rouges,” she smiled,

  “So another job already good,” James appeared on deck. “Me and my brother are going to take are leave after this next one.” He announced,

  “One more willing than the other,” James muttered but his older brother didn’t seem to here him.

  “Well that’s a bummer,” Boss frowned as they started to pass the supplies up on deck.

  Pleasantries were passed as two sailors walked past them Madison paused mid-conversation. Boss makes bed close by as the pair headed towards the door towards the Captain and Mates quarters. The two glanced at each other. As Boss moved after them matched by Madison and followed by the rest followed,

  The two were not in the best disguises as the twins tried to wrench the door open. “I don’t get it the picks broke, why won’t this door open,” muttered one as the tried to force the door open. “This is just sad, I mean come on,” Boss startled the pair.

  “Parlay,” they both said, “we got business with the Captain.” One pulled out a small black glass ball.

  “Is that supposed to me mean something?” Tin raised an eyebrow as he looked at the orb then back at the holder.

  “Right, these usually don’t get brought to people who are not pirate Lords. It only works if the designated recipient holds it.” She sighed, “Look I am just the messenger,” Davina sighed,

  “Go get Laurella just to be safe,” Boss pushes passed the pair and with a thumb on his weapon as he knocked on the door. “Richard I know your awake open the door,” Boss insisted.

  “Well, I guess I can open the door,” Richard headed around the corner,

  “Your not in your quarters?” Tin observed,

  “I was contemplating getting a secretary I had to pass out the mount ha paychecks.” Richard shrugged as he spotted the twins. “I wondered when you to would show up.” Richard frowned with a deep sigh.

  The door sprung open, he walked in as Richard sat down at his desk as everyone kept standing as they waited.

  “Here,” Davina set the black orb on his table.

  “Okay, What is it?” Richard glanced at her, then at the orb.

  “Oh do this where the insanely in-depth information ends, of course,” Davina looked even more annoyed as she grabbed Richard’s wrist and shoved the ball into his hand.

  “Oh shit!” Richard dropped the orb as Boss grabbed Darcy ready to kill as Madison pulled Davina back a knife at her neck as th
e orb disintegrated and took on the form of a man with a big bearded and seemed to glow as if the man was made of ash. The figure dropped off the table and grew to the full imposing height of Blackbeard.

  “Huh, well I think this is pretty scary,” Richard chuckled, “Well, Ed it’s nice to see you again what’s it been fourteen years?” Richard asked who visibly and slowly relaxed.

  “So we have met but I don’t remember you,” Blackbeard stroked his ash beard.

  “Well, much smaller and I was about ten,” Richard admitted.

  “Haha, if it was a snake it would have bit me,” he laughed as his voice filled the room but everyone was confused except the twins.

  “Little Richard the one that walked away. The coward finally grew some balls.” The mocking words seemed to not bother Richard.

  “I had forgotten about that, feels like a lifetime ago,” Darcy admitted,

  “What did you think I didn’t kill you out of the goodness of my heart?” Richard frowned at the younger twin.

  “This missing children,” Madison snapped her fingers in realization.

  “Looks like someone’s been snooping,” Blackbeard eyes her for the first time. “The Dame right I forgot what happened to you, we were supposed to sell you back, but I guess that got lost in the shuffle.” He turned back to Richard.

  “Missing Children?” Tin asked,

  “On a ship that was on its way back to Britannia twenty one children went missing on an island in the archipelago. Richard was the only one they found.” Madison explained,

  “Well that’s now gonna be public knowledge,” Richard grumpily commented.

  “Good times, what the hell, I was a teacher back in those days and I ended up stumbling on an old Mage base storage from the second war. I found myself with a group young kids who were all to willing to take control of there life,” Blackbeard chuckled, “to create a world were people can choice there own destiny. Rather than being born and stuck in family jobs be it King or shit slinger.” The red ember-like eyes glanced at Madison as she surprised a shiver as the odd individual stood at the edge of the desk.

  “Can you get to the point?” Richard rubbed a temple, “I would like to get some sleep.

  “Fair enough, I am here to kill you,” he said with a smile.

  “Parlay,” Richard pointed to the twins,

  “I would say it’s a fair trade,” Blackbeard shrugged as a mass off ask and ember suddenly engulfed Richard who went wide-eyed at the sudden end to pleasantries.

  “Richard!” Was the universal shout as the blonde man vanished in the smoke. Tin tried to tackle but passed through the figure slamming into the desk. Boss watch Tin fall coughing as he moved away as the cabin was filled with ash as The figure slowly diminished. As the ash and ember slowly stopped and settled Richard coughed as Tin got up sporting burns from the brief moment of contact.

  “How unpleasant,” Richard opened up the windows as he took in a breath of fresh air as he looked like he had been used to clean a chimney.

  “Well that complicates things,” Blackbeard was now shrunk down to the side of the orb. “Seems my suspicions were right you took on some ability from Brendan. I figured this was possible I had hoped you would be the next Morgan.”

  “In what way another foolish dog you can sick at your leisure?” Richard frowned as he tried to clean himself up.

  “Morgan is hardly my idea Lord, he was already one, he stole it from you but I know now such an event is impossible. Watch you back Coward,” his voice depended as the form turned into a pile of dust on Richard’s desk.

  “Well, so I am fire proof, good to know,” Richard chuckled nervously as the unshakable Captain suddenly started to giggle nervously, as he suddenly laughed.

  “Son a bitch,” Davina cursed as Richard glanced over at them.

  “Oh right, I forgot about you two, throw em out,” Richard waved them off.

  “They just delivered a good weapon and your just letting them go?” Boss all but shouted at Richard.

  “Yeah let’s start shootings messengers, they are under the agreement of Party. I am not going to cheapen my word by killing them. After they leave the ship they have five minutes, then next time we see them it’s fair game.” Richard pulled out a rag as he cleaned up his face.

  “We should clean this up this is our fault,” Davina blurted our,

  “What,” was almost simultaneously echoed by everyone. Darcy was giving her older sister a hard look but what ever the pair were trying to communicate Richard interrupted.

  “Fine, what ever!” He tossed his hands I need a bath. He headed out of the room as Madison glanced as everyone seemed stunned at Richard’s willingness to allow them there time.

  Madison chased after him. “Richard Look I am all up for some chivalry but what the hell, how many assassination attempts do they need to preform before you deal with this issue,” she criticized.

  “Especially considering they all but escorted me to the gallows,” Stephano interrupted as he frowned at the Captain.

  “Yep and on the list of people who have tied to kill me you would be on that list as well. So but out on who I decide lives and dies for past transactions.” Richard shut down.

  The man blinked as Richard headed out. “Besides I know what Davina is doing she is buying time to think and saying her options.” He found a barrel of cold water and taking a bucket full he set on the rail and started to clean himself up.

  “Look the island was a free for what happened there can’t be held against anyone. Out here it’s different they,”

  “Haven’t succeeded in killing a single person. We killed more of our own men on accident then they did intentionally.” Richard stripped of his coat.

  “Not for lack of trying,” Madison argued,

  “If we all got points for trying we would all be a bit richer and a lot lazier. I am not going to break my word and I am not killing anyone unless they are actively trying to kill me.” Richard held firm.

  “I might as well be talking to a brick wall.” Madison jumped as her hands flew up in frustration.

  “What’s your angle?” Laurella spoke up,

  “Some ones paying attention.” Richard smirked as the doctor made her self known. “Knowledge is power and this is game of high stakes just like every gamble so far. He smirked, as he cleaned up his coat.

  “You play a dangerous game,” Madison shook her head as Richard let out a laugh at the comment.

  “Let’s see if this pays off.” Laurella frowned at him.

  Chapter 74

  Halfway across the ocean a mass of ships slowly crossed. A massive black cloud of ash glowing with Embers. The crews of the navel vessels soon spotted this oddly long border it closed inas a massive cloud of the ash obscured the horizon in front of them. The embers slowly billowed over the salt water as small fires started to erupt around the bottom. The ships tried to turn and escape as the crew panicked trying to repair the damage and put out the fires as the ships burned and slowly sunk into the ocean. Long black chains erupted from the large cloud as a massive ship outline could be seen. The chains dig into the lead ship as the cold clicking slowly dragged the ship in. The Queen Ann’s revenge revealed itself shadowing the ship as the captain dropped down onto the shrinking ship as a poor crewmen in his panic rain into the man.

  The figure took a step back and slowly looked up into the visage a black reign of black smoke with two cruel eyes looking down at him. A thick hand grabbed the neck hoisting the man up to eye level as the man tried to break free as he swung his feet and legs desperately as the smoke slowly enveloped him. “AHHHH!” The scream picked up as the rest of the panicked crew stopped only to see a charred skeleton drop and shatter to dust on the deck. The crew jumped ship despite many not knowing How twin the figure was feared to the point that such logical concerns gave way to unbridled panic.

  “It’s odd for you to move against the navy,” a young man dropped down next to the ashy figure as the cloud slowly dissipated.

  “I had a bit of a scare, Mr. One it seems an old specter from our mutual past has decided to act against us.” Blackbeard brushed the ash of his thick black coat he inspected his stoned rings before he looked over the damage. Everything was burning or swallowed up by the ocean.

  “Every navel power on the planet, is set against your ambitions. How could anyone act against you?” One glanced at him in concern. One was a odd figure he wore a leather vest and dark pants and boots and cross between a pirate and a butler took a second to clean up the ash that lingered.

  “Well I sent an ash clone to deal with. Oddly he seemed to shake off the burning so effectively that I might as well covered him in coal dust. The ship seems as burnable as well I had to make sure my powers were not diminished.

  “Well I think a personal immunity seems more likely as you powers are no less impressive than the first day you saw fit to unleash them.” The sight before them was hard to argue as were a fleet once was the ocean was black with ash and chocked with the remains of masts and small chunks off hull that been doused is just enough water to prevent from burning.

  “I thank you my oldest companion for your praise and diligence. But this one seemed to have perfectly armed to survive any direct threats I may throw.” He stroked his beard as he grabbed the chains and headed back to his ship Mr. One close behind.

  The massive ship was more of a moving fortress and thanks to the massive additions deceptively fast. “If you want I will hunt him down and slit his throat.” Mr. One volunteered.

  “No, not this one, I have someone in mind who should be perfectly equipped to deal with him. In the mean time inform the rest of the Lords and hopefuls it be best to avoid him for the time being. The last thing we need is him getting any more experience in fighting Lords I wouldn’t look good if we started to fall apart now.”

  “As you wish, would you rather I clean up the tree?” Mr. One asked

  “Hmm, that would be unwise for now just keep an eye on the tree see if there is anything we can use to dissuade Richard in the future.” Black beard allowed as he dismissed his first mate the vested man bowed before he set off.


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