Terranus: Origins: Book one of the 'Terranus' series.

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Terranus: Origins: Book one of the 'Terranus' series. Page 9

by Joe Crouch

  The alien’s head exploded in every direction, pieces of flesh landed at Fez’s feet as the corpse was thrown backwards. Rattled, the remaining Xuron ceased firing and looked down at its comrade’s decapitated corpse that was surrounded in a pool of its own mucus and liquids. Not needing a second chance, he held his breath and let out another bolt, this time blowing the being’s arm clean off with a wild shot. Stumbling around, the Xuron clutched at the remaining stump and crashed into the wall, eventually siding onto its knees leaving a trail of liquids down the glossy surface while gasping for breath. Fez advanced forwards with little care of what was around him, he gripped tightly around the being’s wings and with a gruelling tearing sound, he ripped them out from their sockets. If this alien could scream, it just did, a howl emanated from one of the fractures on its face, sending a chill down Sean’s spine.

  Sean could only watch on as the captain laid into its face, slamming it against the now mucus splattered wall, punching out every last molecule of life – it was thoroughly dead and defeated. The team strolled over to a heavily panting Fez, “That,” he said between breaths, “That was a Xuron.” Sean could only stare on in amazement, a cold hatred washed over his body in a sudden rush of emotion, lashing out, he stamped on the alien’s head repeatedly until it was nothing but a misshapen pancake on the floor. “Better?” Fez asked.

  “Better,” he nodded. Someone was sure to have heard the fracas they had caused, so time was now at a premium if they had any hope of finding survivors or recovering research. Forming up on Fez once again they continued down the dark hallway. No lights switched on as they passed, leaving the entire area as black as night, with only a single, dim light active in the distance swaying to and fro. Fez activated everyone’s night vision, at least the Ioution form of it, which bathed everything in a subtle green, but attempted to layer over the objects predicted actual colour, for the most part, it was quite accurate. The hallway was like the others they had walked through, but this one had a large glass that stretched from where they entered to the exit. Peering through, he saw a clean, white room, machinery was laid out methodically on a scattering of tables with spare parts strewn around the protected environment. There were suits hanging up on the wall and helmets dangling below them. “Do we need to recover any of this?” he asked, motioning to the objects.

  “I doubt it, if we can access the mainframe and acquire the schematics we will be fine,” Farel responded. The weather hadn’t affected this area, signs of struggle were clear, but apart from that, it was relatively untouched. The walls had multiple coloured lines leading off down multiple hallways, these must for directions Sean thought.

  Slowing their pace as they approached a T-junction, Fez motioned for two to stick to the opposite wall and move in tandem with him. Peering around the two corners, their vision was unobstructed down both corridors. The team formed back up and snaked around the corner, turning right. The situation here was no different, the lighting was out and only the cold breeze coming from their rear reminded them of where they had been. Moving with zero resistance, the squad crept towards their tentative target – The buildings mainframe. It was located two floors up and on the other side of the facility.

  Fez cracked open a door, a rush of freezing air wrapped around his face as the biting cold passed through, signalling that environmental systems must have failed across this section of the facility. Peering around, the room was empty apart from the set of stairs which snaked both up multiple floors and down. They had two options, take the direct route up the stairs two floors and make their way from there, or go down a few floors and take a tram to the other end of the facility. Mulling it over, Fez pointed up. The Ioutions gathered around the outside of slippery metallic stairs, looking over confused, Sean waved for them to come and move towards him. “Don’t move around the outside,” Sean barked, “Team up and stick to the inside run of the stairs, it’s safer.”

  “No, it isn’t,” Fez replied, “We can see more when we’re on the outside, you obviously have less tactical knowledge than I imagined.” Sean looked at Fez, raging.

  “Listen,” he ordered, “I’ve done this…” he was cut off as Farel shushed them both, motioning that he could hear something above. The team crouched, trying to heighten their senses to listen off into the distance. The slam of a door closing startled everyone which was followed by footsteps that pounded on the floor above them. Fez gazed around the inside run of the stairs. He saw a large, but pale Xuron wandering aimlessly. He smiled at Sean as he crept up the staircase, pulling out his blade trying not to make any noise. His footsteps were light and his breathing shallow as he neared the being. Stepping up a tread, one of the loose bolts squeaked, alerting the bored Xuron to his presence. Spinning on its heels, its oval shaped eyes glowed in the low light of the stairwell. Letting out a loud hiss that vibrated the metal beneath their feet, the Xuron locked eyes with Fez, but before it could act, the Ioution lunged forwards off the step, his blade cracking with energy that coursed along its edge. With a single swipe, the alien was split in two, the now disjointed halves fell to either side and crashed to the ground with a fleshy thud.

  Stepping over the corpse, the team gathered beside the doorway after ascending the short flight of stairs. Everyone remained silent, listening out for any activity beyond the door, but there was nothing, the only audible sound was the dripping of the Xuron’s blood through the grated floor. Taking a chance, Sean pulled his sleeve over his hand and opened the door, avoiding the mucus the Xuron had left there. He poked his head through the slight gap. The area was massive, offices and cubicles were constructed in every inch of available space, giving them, and the enemy, ample hiding spots. Ventilation roared above their heads, warming the air and bathing the entire space in a scorching heat. It also let off enough sound to allow them to sneak through and position behind one of the nearest booths. “Sean, look it over and check for signatures,” Fez ordered. Nodding, he stood and poked his rifle over the compartment, sweeping the area hoping any movement would be picked up by his sensors – Three contacts appeared on his and everyone else’s HUD.

  “Alright, we can either sneak around or go right for them, what does everyone think?” Fez asked the group.

  “I say we fucking light the bastards up,” Sean roared, the hatred obvious in his voice.

  “I know you want revenge, believe me, we’ve all lost someone to them, but we must not jump into an ill-conceived action.” Sean knew Fez was right, but he wanted nothing more than to pop up, blasting off rounds in all directions and causing mayhem, but he knew he must resist. Instead, he took a deep breath, slowly exhaling, and stored his anger up for another time when maybe it was only his life at stake. “We move around and trap them in, picking them off one by one.” Fez broke away from the group, staying below the cubicles he kept his head low and darted between each hiding spot. He could see the red outlines of his targets through the walls as they patrolled the area. His teammates were drawn into the real world, too, he watched as they fanned out and attempted to move around and behind the pacing Xuron. Sean placed his back squarely against the flat wall near him, feeling the dull chill coming from its surface. Shuffling along, he stopped, the footsteps were getting louder. He controlled his breathing, getting into a slow, regular pattern, suppressing the nerves he felt as the alien stomped towards him. He knew he should wait until they were all in position, but there was an urge to jump out and pelt the enemy with as much energy as he could, closing his eyes and conquering his urges, he stood still, waiting for the call.

  His thoughts were interrupted by a piercing scream that came across the room, popping up, he saw Yumie, he also saw the Xuron that was holding him around his neck trying to strangle the unprepared Ioution. Yumie flailed about, kicking and punching out at the strong alien, gasping for breath as he did. His view was obscured by the commotion, but it came as a surprise as Yumie broke free and fell to the ground to reveal a motionless Xuron, turning slowly towards its allies he saw what ended it –
An arrow was firmly lodged into the alien’s back, a viscous liquid poured out from the wound. The two remaining enemies caught sight of their friend falling to the floor, they let out a loud screech as they readied their weapons, scanning the room they had no idea where the team was hiding. Darting in between the cubicles and moving with a clear purpose, they were clearing the area piece by piece. An eerie silence fell over the space as the air seemed to grow colder. Peering around the corner he saw nothing apart from his squad mates who seemed to be equally confused. What’s this? he thought as a wet liquid smeared down his cheek. Looking up, he saw a Xuron leap from the ceiling with force and wrap its arms around him, dragging the unsuspecting Human to the floor in a single vicious motion. The two struggled against each other, rolling around as they slammed one another into the cubicle walls. Weapons fire rang out as the other remaining Xuron got the drop on the team.

  Breaking free, he jumped to his feet and reached around for his repeater, but before he could lay a hand on his weapon the Xuron slashed across his chest, sending sparks flying as it impacted against his armour, the force was still enough to shove him to the floor and send him careering through the weak cubicle wall. The alien leapt on top of him, holding his arms down as he swiped a claw across his arm, the pain was audible for everyone to hear as the Xuron tore through surface flesh. Fighting for survival, he pushed with all his might, rolling the alien onto its side he threw a punch, impacting the being square on its sectioned mandible. Scrambling to his feet, he grabbed his repeater off the floor and turned sharply to see the alien charging him down, he closed his eyes and as he pulled the trigger he prayed to God that his wild fire would make a connection. Several loud rips came from the Xuron as the energy tore scales off its chest with the following projectiles shredding a hole right through the beast’s body. The lifeless corpse crashed into Sean, knocking him back to the floor, the weight of the alien kept him pinned in place. Sean tried his best to roll the body off, but it was no use, eventually Fez strolled over, grinning like a maniac at the helpless Human.

  “Need a hand?” he asked.

  “No, I’ve got it…” Sean snapped as he struggled side to side trying to dislodge the body with little success. The others ambled away, laughing out loud and left him trapped below the leaking body. “Alright, alright, I very graciously request your assistance,” Sean groaned. Laughing, the team pulled the corpse to the side, letting him stand and wipe the goop from his face. Regrouping, they carried on across the large room, ensuring the threat was gone.

  As they moved closer to the mainframe, nerves increased and tensions heightened, the resistance they had met so far was light, but a small team would have been expected for a covert mission, much like their own. Sean was surprised the aliens wore no visible armour, their scales seemed to provide some basic kinetic protection, but against anything more, such as their energy weapons, it didn’t stand a chance. The war between the Xuron, the Ioution, and her allies had been going on long enough for each other to learn the others weaknesses and strengths, so it was odd the aliens hadn’t addressed their biggest one. Turning a corner, the door to their destination came into view. It was a massive impenetrable sheet of metal, reinforced with a secondary layer of metallic bars that crisscrossed across its surface. Nothing will even dent that he thought. They moved closer, checking their corners and staying alert. Farel got to work on the access panel, popping off its front to expose its innards, it was a complete mess to anyone without his specialist knowledge.

  The team stayed in position, patiently waiting for the engineer to complete his work. It was a few more moments before the door let out a loud hiss allowing the freezing air to escape from the temperature controlled room. The mainframe was in view, it stood directly in the centre of the large hexagonal compartment, clouds of condensed cold air swirled around, looking for their escape. Thick cables ran from the bulky terminal and climbed the walls, whoever had built this facility had no intention of even attempting to make it look neat. “There,” Fez nodded to the only object in the room, “Farel, get to work, download anything you can.” The team milled around as the specialist worked, Sean had to wonder why they hadn’t seen any Assirians yet, from the information he saw, and the vastness of the facility, it had to have been well populated. Shrugging it off, he strolled over to the door, looking down each hallway, fantasising about what strange technologies could be kept here. He knew one of the downed enemies must have gotten a signal away to anyone in the area, so reinforcements were likely, but the whole compound was incredibly empty.

  “I’m in,” Farel shouted across the room, his voice echoed around the empty compartment, “Give me a bit, I’m copying everything over to my machine.” It wasn’t long before the work was complete, tucking the portable terminal into a satchel, the team moved out, moving deeper into the complex. As they crept down the barren but clean hallway, a whimpering coming from a room up ahead caught their attention. Fez cautiously turned the handle, ensuring no excess noise was produced and let the door slowly swing open. Inside were at least twenty bodies, each with appendages missing, blood soaked the fabric covered floor. Heaving and with his eyes watering, Sean turned around with a hand covering his mouth.

  “What the fuck is that,” he asked, “Why would they do such a thing?” Fez knew it didn’t have to need a meaning, the people laying in front of them were butchered indiscriminately, something that was all too common when the Xuron were involved. Searching around the dingy room, they searched for the source of the whimpering, giving each body a tap on its side as they walked by. Out the corner of his eye, Sean saw movement, a female Ioution was crawling across the floor, struggling to pull her slight frame along.

  “Fez, over here,” Sean shouted. The captain ran over and knelt inspecting the female for wounds, but none were apparent. He got the women on her feet but she stumbled about, putting her weight on anything but her joints as she wobbled around, looking as if she would fall at any moment.

  “We’ve got to…” she started saying, before cramping over holding her stomach, “We’ve got to get out of here… QUICKLY.” Not needing a second invitation, Fez put an arm around her and they walked towards the rooms exit, but before they could leave sirens began to blare out as emergency lighting came online, filling every room and corridor in a blood red light. A message came over the tannoy system in a language Sean’s translator hadn’t been equipped for.

  “What’s it saying?” he asked, attempting to shout over the deafening noise.

  “It says if any Humans keep asking stupid questions we’re going to get killed,” Fez thundered as he waddled out the room “Oh… no…” he cried. Following suit, Sean saw what was awaiting them at the end of the hallway, a large Xuron blocked their path, it stood there alone, holding two weapons, staring at the escaping team. Without hesitation, Sean raised his repeater and let off a burst of rounds, the projectiles impacted against the enemies’ scales, dissipating immediately. “It’s a Queen!” Fez shouted, “We have to run.” Sean took no notice of the experienced Ioution and swung the rifle over his shoulder.

  “Go, now, I’ll cover you,” he barked. The Xuron Queen sprinted down the hallway towards the group, raising her weapon, she let off a single round, it impacted in between the group and separated them in a loud explosion that kicked up dust and debris everywhere, leaving a large hole between him and the rest of the team. Knowing he couldn’t panic, Sean knelt and aimed his rifle at the oncoming Queen and let off a round, there was little damage, but it did knock her to one side, slamming her into a wall.

  “Sean, take this,” Fez shouted while throwing over his energy blade, “Your bullets won’t hurt it, look for an opening between her scales,” the blade clanged as it crashed beside him. Reaching over to grab the weapon, the Queen grabbed him by his arms and threw him into the ceiling, his protected back slammed against the hard surface cracking the solid material. Dropping to the floor winded, he looked around and could only watch on as the Queen snapped his rifle into pieces, thro
wing it over her spiked shoulder. Turning to face him they locked eyes, neither making any visible movements, he watched as the she tapped a device on her neck.

  “Move out of my way, I only want the Ioution girl,” she said in a raspy voice, stunned, he replied.

  “You’ll never get her, filth, I’m going to tear your fucking arms off for what you did to my world,” he pushed himself forwards, charging into the Queen with a shoulder, knocking them both to the floor. Struggling around, he felt a claw scrape down his armour. He struggled away and got to his feet but the Xuron landed a powerful kick to his side, sending him rolling across the floor and pushing Fez’s sword through the large hole that came from her initial volley. Lurching over him as he struggled around on the floor, she raised her clawed foot, ready to crash down and end the fight. He saw the danger coming and managed to roll away down into the large pit and crashed down onto the floor below. The Queen looked over the edge and leapt down, she landed on the Human, pinning him in place.

  “Your race is pathetic,” she remarked, staring coldly into his eyes, “Everything on Earth is not as it seems on the surface,” she hissed. Not as it seems on the surface he mused, what’s that supposed to mean? Ignoring the thought, he flailed about to his side, searching for the weapon that had fallen. His hands touched the cold metal of the handle and swinging wildly, he felt the sword impact something fleshy. Opening his eyes, he saw the pulsating edge sticking out from the Xuron’s chest. With all his energy, he pushed the now lifeless corpse to the side, digging the weapon out from the alien’s body and cleared his mind.

  “Not all is as it seems on Earth,” he repeated out loud, “I wonder what she meant by that…”

  Chapter 9

  Running towards the exit, the words were still ringing through Sean’s head not is all as it seems on Earth. He had no time to think too deeply about it as the facility was still drowned in deafening alarms. The voice blaring over the tannoy was quite obviously counting down to something, but with little to no understanding of the language, and his translator provided little help, he had no idea how urgent his situation was. Armed with only the melee weapon he picked up from Fez, he darted around corners, sprinting as hard as he could towards their meeting point, hoping they hadn’t left without him.


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