Burning Desire

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Burning Desire Page 43

by Ami Snow

  The question wasn’t whether she felt love for him or not, it was whether she wanted to be with him Dayshia Fayth just was not sure about anything.

  As she sighed hard, she looked up and saw Cameron coming her way. He nestled his hands around her cheeks and kissed her. Then he said,

  “Baby, I know that you’re scared. I am too. You don’t have to hide that from me. Share your struggle with me, don’t just walk away from it. Our lives together will be hard, we know that. But probably not any more or less than anyone else’s. Marriage is hard. But I can’t imagine my life without you in it.”

  One single tear rolled down her dark cheek. Those were the perfect words that she needed to hear. As long as he was committed to her, she would be as well.

  There was obviously more than one way to look at it and she could clearly see the bigger picture. The question was whether she voluntarily would enlist in the fight. Only time would tell their future.

  The End

  Gold Digger’s Discipline

  BDSM Romance

  By: Amanda Bolton

  Gold Digger’s Discipline

  “Will that all for today Mr. Andrews?” The debonair billionaire looked up from his desk and across at his pretty private secretary, remarking to himself again how lucky he was she had come to work for him three years ago. He had head hunted her from another oil company and doubled her salary and she was worth every dollar. “Yes thank you Miss Scott you scoot on home to that boyfriend of yours. See you in the morning.” Returning to his debtor’s ledger he once again got lost in the contents, she had brought the ledger to his notice that afternoon and he was dismayed to see the very large figure his clients were in arrears with collectively. Some he knew were struggling and had kept him in the loop and he had extended their credit to assist them to stay afloat in the hope business would improve for them. He did not mind when they let him know what was happening, but some of his manager’s heads were going to roll for neglecting to stay on top of the deliberately slow payers who had drifted from sixty days into the red line area of ninety days. All credit was thirty days, but some of his larger clients had a different roll over procedure than the one he operated with and crept over into the sixty day margin. He understood and allowed it rather than put pressure on their bean counters and risk losing a large portion of his income if they went elsewhere. But these were in the minority in the ledger, the slow payers and first time customers headed the list and this was inexcusable. Making a note for himself to read in the morning he decided to call it a night and castigate the managers in a meeting the following morning. He didn’t build this billion dollar empire with sweat and man hours so that lazy staff could tear it down underneath him. It was some time since anyone had been fired and they had become lethargic and lazy enjoying the good times, he had made some excellent finds with wild-caters over the last year and the veteran maverick drillers had opened eleven new wells for his company when many larger Oil Conglomerates were really feeling the pinch. He had laid-off the majority of drillers on his own payroll and sold off the aging equipment in favor of backing the loners with small companies and just the one drill. It had been a huge gamble and against the opinion of all his colleagues in the business but it had paid off handsomely. Not only had he offset the massive wage bill for his own drill team and curbed the equally large machinery maintenance and repair bills but he had scored more lucrative wells in the last year than he had managed in the previous decade. He hadn’t even had to prospect or fight tooth and nail to secure the leases, that had all been done by the smaller companies he had done deals with to purchase all the oil the produced at market pricing. It was a remarkable achievement and for the first time since he started his company twenty five years earlier he was up there in the top five of the nation’s producers. Now he just had to stay there. Leaning back in his comfortable new leather armchair he swiveled it around and placed his black leather cowboy boots on the big French polished Mahogany antique desk and let his mind wander over the last two and a half decades. He had started out as a fifteen year old laborer working for a small maverick driller much like the ones he had done business with in the last twelve months. He had sweated in the boiling hot deserts almost expired in the frozen arctic wastelands working fifteen and eighteen hour days working his way up the ladder for ten years. He had always turned up for work earlier than everyone else and had many a fight with hardened roughnecks who called him a boss’s boy and a toady to the administration. He soon learned to take care of himself in a free for all and the long hours and good food built his young black frame into a formidable opponent. He never socialized with the drilling crews on their nights drinking, gambling or whoring, he was on a mission and he saved every cent of his salary for ten years. Investing wisely with well informed and leading brokers at twenty five years of age he was the youngest person to own an oil company and the only black man. He had struggled to hold his own and stay afloat for more than twenty of those years, now his acumen and astute knowledge of his industry had paid off and he was at the peak of his career finally. Deciding to give himself a reward for his success he closed the file and placed it back in the vault and locked up his office. Riding the elevator down from the fifty second floor of his office building he whistled an old driller’s ditty as he pondered where he would go to celebrate that evening after he had showered and eaten. Never having time to date as he was earning his nest egg, and even later as his workload increased with the continuous expansion of his company he had no little black book to refer to when he felt his need arise. Additionally, since his mid to late forties he had acquired specialized tastes for his sexual appetites and they were not mainstream, so picking up a date in a singles bar or from an introduction agency was not an avenue that was conducive to finding someone with drives and needs to match his own. He had found a private club where people with similar requirements went regularly, and while enjoying a modicum of success there he was still not completely satisfied and not all of his fantasies and desires were being met. He has spoken to the club’s manager last time he had visited and admitted to her what it really was that he wanted and hinted that cost was not an object if he was properly taken care of. The middle aged woman had listened quietly and assured him she would do all that she could to see to his special needs, she asked for a mobile phone number and although it was against his sensibilities and nature to divulge this he was so taken with her sincerity he had given her his private number. He did not insult her intelligence by insisting on discretion when she called, her business by its very nature was secretive and discrete. He had almost forgotten their discussion when she had called to say she believed she had found someone who met his criteria on every level they had discussed and would await his conformation to make him a booking. That had been three days ago and tonight he thought he would avail himself of the woman’s discovery and see for himself how well she had chosen for him. He had reasonably high hopes because he had guaranteed her a substantial finder’s fee if her quest was successful. The handsome black fifty year old was under no illusion about the power of the dollar in these tawdry and back room dealings where every depravity and deranged obsession was catered to. As he exited the building his town car slid to a halt immediately outside the magnificent entrance foyer and the doorman opened the rear door for him as he approached. “Goodnight Mr. Andrews,” said the doorman. Acknowledging his greeting and answering him in the same vein he stepped into the plush interior where his chauffeur also greeted him and waited patiently to be given instructions as to where they were going. “Home Parker,” he instructed, you can wait for me there because after I have cleaned up I want to return to the city for dinner tonight. “Very well Sir,” the driver replied, and steered the luxury limousine out onto the busy street and headed uptown to the expensive suburbs labeled Knob’s Hill by the locals, who could only dream of residing there. In the ten city block square there wasn’t a property that would sell for less than twenty million dollars. But it was the only address to have for the u
p and coming entrepreneur who wanted to be taken seriously in the cut and thrust of big business in this city. Oliver Andrews had first brought a small clapboard mansion on the fringes of Knob’s Hill twenty years earlier, but had recently purchased a multi storied building on the very crest of the highest brow and knocked it down to build in its place a modern multi-tiered dedication to hi-tech design and architecture that was still the talk of the town. It was pure luxury and decadence and had cost the billionaire his last three years income. He didn’t begrudge one cent of it, when he entertained there even the old money families were impressed with his view over the city and the way the entire structure blended into the hillside perfectly and lent a certain charm to the older and more stately homes in the immediate vicinity. He was proud of his home and enjoyed showing it off. Arriving at his estate the mighty steel gates rolled silently back as the driver touched the remote on the dashboard and slid quietly to a stop at the impressive portico over the main entrance. Not waiting for his door to be opened, Oliver bounded out of the car and into the house, eager now to begin his adventurous evening. Turning under the twin jets of his shower he relaxed as the piping hot water worked its magic on his stressed body. As he shaved and bathed at the same time he let his mind wander around what sort of creature he was going to meet later that evening. Given his list of requirements it was doubtful she would be either young or beautiful, but hope springs eternal. He caught himself laughing at his lyrical wit; he really was in a marvelous and expansive mood tonight. Hopefully it would not be bought to0 harshly into reality when he met his seductress later. Cleansed and clean shaven he dressed comfortably in a silk shirt and cashmere sweater with sports trousers and black leather shoes. He wasn’t dining where a tie would be necessary this evening, he was famished and he knew a great Italian restaurant where he was on first name basis with the elderly couple who owned it and he knew he would be fed extremely well by mama Maria. Almost skipping down the circular internal staircase he walked out the door and steeped back into the car. “Mama Marias Joe and step on it, I could eat a horse and part of the cowboy riding it tonight.” Laughing the driver started the car and eased around onto the driveway again. “Ok boss, stepping it.” They both knew he would do no such thing, he was a proficient and capable driver who loved his boss and the vehicle, and not necessarily in that order. Joe had been with Oliver for ten years, and every year was the only person to drive the new limousines his boss ordered especially. Always delivery was on the same day, December twenty fourth. Always a Lincoln and always the bullet proof hi-tech high security vehicle was fitted with the largest motor to propel its three ton weight briskly in an emergency. Joe’s wife Mabel was Oliver’s cook, and he could not imagine his life without them taking care of him. Mabel was twenty years his junior but mothered him as if he were her own son, truthfully she spoiled him rotten and he loved her for it. The same woman could whip up a banquet in the mansion’s huge dining room for fifty people at a moment’s notice and each and every dish would be succulent and superb. And Joe was to the vehicle what Mabel was to her kitchen, they were both master’s at the top of their trades, capable and confident and never flustered no matter what the Boss threw their way. “Boss,” the intercom from the driver’s cabin interjected into his reverie, “A dark SUV has been tailing us from the house. Anything I should know about?” Joe’s quiet calm voice questioned. Clicking the remote to lower the plate glass window between them Oliver replied, “I haven’t ordered any increase in security Joe, do a couple of loops and get onto Jackson and ask if he knows anything about it.” Jerald Jackson was the company security chief and if anything had been laid on then he would have been the one to sanction it. As Joe tooled the big vehicle around a couple of city blocks still tailed by the SUV he called Jackson on the voice activated car phone. Jackson’s strong Scots brogue denied any knowledge and in a no nonsense professional manner instructed Joe to head toward the city and he would meet them and deal with whatever was happening. Joe did another slow circuit of the block and exited onto the city toll road and increased his speed, the SUV remained the same distance behind. As they passed under an intersecting flyover another dark SUV entered the toll road and slipped in behind the original vehicle. Without consulting Oliver Joe called up Jackson again to give him an update. “Three miles from your present position there is an off-ramp Joe, stay in the outside lane and slow down until they are closer then swing hard across the toll road and exit there. I have two vehicles at the bottom and they will cut off the SUVs if they follow you, then you proceed into the city and I will take care of the rest.” Joe did exactly what was asked of him and as the big car flashed down the ramp he saw two heavy Chevrolet pickup trucks close off the ramp behind him after they passed by. For a brief moment he almost felt sorry for whoever was tailing them in those SUVs, he sure wouldn’t like to be in their shoes when the big Scotsman started asking questions. The man was Ex British SAS and Special Forces and his attitude and size when riled was deathly intimidating. He had come to work for the Boss fifteen years earlier and was as loyal and dependable as Joe and Mabel were. This wasn’t the first time he had bailed them out of a potential bind, he was ever the professional and thought fast and accurately on his feet. Easing off the throttle he drove sedately into town and parked in Mama Maria’s underground parking bays. “I was going to send you home Joe but given the high jinx back up the road I’d like you to stick around a while longer if you don’t mind,” requested Oliver. “Sure thing Boss, I agree,” answered the chauffeur. “I would have suggested the same thing myself if you hadn’t.” Stepping from the vehicle Oliver asked his driver, “I take it Betsy is riding with us Joe,” tapping the glove compartment Joe answered, “As always Boss.” Satisfied the big black man walked to the elevator and rode up to the restaurant on the second floor. Betsy was what the men called Joe’s Colt 45 revolver with which he was deadly proficient and had needed to be on several occasions. “Oliverrrr,” Maria’s Italian drawl echoed loudly around her busy restaurant. “You come sit down right herrre and let Mama feed you up, you look so skinny,” The big woman admonished. Laughingly he did as she instructed and endured her finger poking his ribs and wailing that he was all skin and bone. All the women in his life seemed to want to mother him, he grinned to himself as he let her choose his favorite dishes from her extensive menu. “Bringing him a massive platter of Italian crusty bread and some sachets of imported New Zealand butter she told him, “I send the same meal down to Joe, if he is skinny like you he need Mama to feed him up too.” He was laughing even more loudly now at the Woman’s thoughtfulness and her ‘take charge of the starving boys’ persona. He always enjoyed eating here and her wonderful down to earth manner was very refreshing after a day’s cut and thrust in the corporate world, not to mention the wonderful food her husband produced from the kitchen. As he munched his way through numerous pasta dishes with attendant side salads and rack of lamb that would have fed the entire 7th fleet he held up his hands in mock surrender as she tried to force a plate of her husband Roberto’s fried ice-cream on him. “But Oliverrr, you no hurt my Roberto’s feelings now. Come on; eat up like a good boy.” Obviously the kindly woman wasn’t go to take no for an answer and he manfully attacked the delicious dessert and found himself enjoying it thoroughly. Leaning back he undid his belt a notch and relaxed over a cup of rich Italian coffee as he watched the dynamics of the room. Maria’s patrons were as diverse as her menu and he could see they all loved the kindly woman just as he did. In all the years he had been coming here, and even Oliver couldn’t remember exactly when he first ate here, he had never seen her angry or forget a regular’s name. There was not an ounce of subterfuge in the big woman’s body, she genuinely loved her customers and it was of supreme importance they were well fed and happy while they are in her restaurant. She was a natural master at PR because her entire being was sincerely dedicated to serving them and asking questions about their loved ones and any family member not present tonight. He was astounded again at the amazing
woman’s memory as she rattled off the names of another group just arriving. He could see them bloom and blush delightedly as each one of them was remembered and some comment made about their children or spouse or even the way they were dressed. Yes Mama Maria was the very epitome of an expert PR liaison and what tickled Oliver to death was the fact she probably didn’t even know what PR was, she just loved everybody and they loved her, “Including me,” he smiled happily to himself. Standing up and stretching he made his way to the kitchen behind the well-stocked bar and leaned on the doorway observing Roberto’s dexterity as he managed five gas burners at once, each one with a different dish or entrée knowing instinctively the exact moment to whisk them off with a flourish and tip them delicately onto one of the restaurants autographed oval plates. Presentation was his trademark, and if it was not presented perfectly on the plate the pedantic man had been known to dump the entire meal into the trash bucket and start over. Straightening up he caught the busy chef’s eye and called, “Perfect as ever Roberto, I have gained about ten pounds in here tonight.” Beaming as he whisked another meal perfectly onto a plate the Italian replied, “You come back soon Mr. Oliver, Roberto make you special surprise.” Waving goodbye he made his way back to the elevator, thanking his large motherly hostess as he passed her in the restaurant. Down in the basement car park he was surprised to see Jackson and one of his security staff leaning on the limo talking quietly with Joe. Seeing him approach the broad-shouldered Scotsman turned to greet him and explained, “I had a quiet yarn with the wee heathens in yon SUVs Boss and it seems they aren’t on the up and up.” Looking over at the other side of the car park he saw the two SUVs and the Chevy pick-ups parked side by side. Wandering over he could see the passengers in the SUVs were a little battered and disheveled, “Not too steady on their feet eh Jackson,” he quipped. “It seems they took a bit of a tumble exiting their vehicles.” Winking broadly back at his boss the security chief responded, “That they did Sir, never seen anything like it in me life, the little muckers fell all over the place, like toddlers they were.” Turning back to the town car Oliver waited patiently waited for Jackson to explain what they were all doing in Mama Maria’s basement. “Anywho Mr. Andrews, albeit slightly reluctantly at first they divulged some information you might be interested to hear firsthand from the horse’s mouth itself so to speak.” Simultaneously as he was talking the Scot signaled to a member of his staff who frog marched a man over to Oliver and held him easily as he slithered and squirmed in front of him. “Now then ya wee heathen, tell Mr. Andrews what you told me and be smart about it,” he commanded. Walking closer in an extremely threatening manner he added, “Perhaps ya be needin’ a little more encouragement me bucko.” With a petrified glance at the advancing Scot he whined, “It weren’t my idea Mr. Andrews. Bradley Simons paid us grand to see you had a little accident on the freeway. Times are hard and I have three kids and a wife at home. That’s a lot of money to me. We weren’t going to hurt you, just sort of bang your car around a bit then drive off again, honestly that’s all. I didn’t want to see anything serious happen to you.” The sniveling weasel in front of me was perfectly transparent; he was intending to ensure I had had been severely hurt or worse, that’s why the second vehicle turned up. I was gob-smacked that Brad had sanctioned this; we had been friendly adversaries for years and even dined in each other’s houses. Signaling the man to be removed again Jackson continued, “I ran a check on the license plates and they are both registered to small airport shuttle company, a further search turned up Simons name again as managing director.” Jackson’s thoroughness as usual had confirmed the sniveling driver’s story and put Brad perfectly in the frame as the instigator of this entire fiasco. “Jacko can you put these thugs on ice for a while and dispose of the SUVs, I will go pay a visit to Brad myself and get this squared away?” My capable security chief assured me he would do as I asked, I instructed him I would be in touch after I had attended to some personal business of my own and then paid the unsuspecting Brad Simons a very early morning visit. “Jacko,” I called him back over. “Do you think you can get me past Simon’s house security and into his bedroom without his knowing?” Scowling he answered, “As surely as yon wee laddie’s going to need his jocks changed before morning Boss, when will you need me to take of that then?” Again saying I would contact him when I was finished taking care of my personal business he departed with the vehicles and miscreants in tow and I had Joe drive me to my destination in the seedier part of town. I instructed him to wait for me two blocks from the house I was visiting and with a heightened awareness and expectation I pushed opened the door and entered the dimly lit foyer. “Ah there you are Sir, welcome. Step right this way; your visitor awaits you upstairs.” The matronly hostess had seen me arrive and was obviously eager to show me her discovery. Opening the second floor door she ushered me inside then before closing it and leaving me alone added, “I will be just downstairs if you need anything further Sir.” The well lit room was a revelation in hooks and chains and other dungeon equipment. Seated on the chair with her back to me was a well-shaped woman in black leather calf high boots and mini skirt. At first I mistakenly assumed she was topless but as she turned I saw the two leather straps that just criss-crossed over her nipples. As I looked up at her face I was shaken to my core by the venom in her way too bright emerald green eyes. She stood then and her six inch boot heels made her almost as tall as my own six feet two frame. “On your knees dog,” she spat. “Right now!” Brandishing a short horse crop she swaggered toward me and slashed it across my chest. The multiple leather thongs bit through my clothing and stung my chest brutally. Sinking to my knees in front of the violent dominatrix I remained stiff and still as she buckled a studded black leather collar around my neck too tightly and attached a chain to it. Hauling on the chain viciously made my masculine pride resist, but it also cut off my air supply, so I had to crawl after her on all fours. She led me on two complete circuits of the large room, stopping at set intervals and ordering me to heel, just as if she was training an actual canine. At the completion of the second circuit she forced a dry dog biscuit into my mouth as a reward. I spat it onto the floor and received another brutal slash of the whip across my buttocks and felt both cheeks welt from the force of it. Picking up the discarded biscuit she forced it into my mouth again, this time I didn’t spit it out. Hauling savagely on the chain again she pulled my head between her spread-eagled legs as she sat back down on the wooden stool. “Lick Madam clean you filthy beast,” she ordered. Discovering she was naked and also shaved down there, which I like very much, I proceeded to lick her vigorously. Placing my big black hands on her lubra lips I parted them wide and sank my tongue all the way inside. “Crack.” The whip fell again, in another forceful and painful blow across my shoulders. “Madam did not say you can use your hands dog.” This bitch was the real deal; my cock was grinding across my lower abdomen, severely needing to be unrestrained. Keeping my hands on the floor as instructed I strained to tilt my head back enough to penetrate her with my tongue. She started to bump and grind on my face, using her own hands she opened her flaps wide and forced her groin painfully onto my face. Her pelvic bones were grating painfully on my chin as I manfully continued to lap at her now wet pussy. I was getting to the bitch; she is not as cold and unfeeling as she thinks. Forcing my head back until the straining neck muscles caught fire and burnt all the way into my brain I licked and lapped furiously, hearing her low almost inaudible moans and gasps as she ground harder onto my chin. As she pulled back quickly I felt her orgasmic fluids spay my chin before she turned away. Unclipping the dog collar she ordered me onto the bed and blind folded me. Lying there unseeing and unknowing was a more lasting torment that the painful slash of her whip. Suddenly I bucked and my back arched as she dripped hot candle wax on my left nipple, and then just as it cooled and I felt my body begin to relax she simultaneously dripped more on my right nipple and on the soft tender skin of my lower stomach. The sharp burning pain was exquisit
e and my lunging rearing cock threatened to burst my zipper. Undoing my belt she used it to tie my hands to the bed head and proceeded to lower my trousers and shorts. With profound relief my huge black cock sprang forth, and then deflated immediately as she lashed the whip across the knob. Writhing and twisting I tried to ease the agony which was almost overpowering, and just as I was going to protest that it was too extreme she licked it and at the same time stroked her nails gently across my balls. The sensation of excruciating pain and then intense sensual pleasure had my balls expand and I very nearly orgasmed right there and then. But this woman was the consummate professional. She lashed the whip savagely across my stomach and quelled the desire to cum instantly. The sharp stinging pain aroused me and fearful I tried to control my swelling cock. In a quick acrobatic movement she sprang across my hips and started to lower her swollen wet pussy down onto my still growing erection. She had me a hundred percent in her control, first borderline agony with the whip then extraordinarily sensual pleasure which intermingled in my brain and sent amazingly mixed messages all over my confused body. This female was a savage and a temptress, but most all a consummate dominatrix. Slipping deeper onto my fully aroused ten inch black python she gave that soft guttural moan again and I thrust my hips up hard. Let’s see if the bitch can take what she gives, subsiding back down onto the bed again I felt her start to follow me down and I reversed my direction and rammed my powerful hips up fast and forcefully and ripped more than three quarters of my cock deep into her stomach. As she screamed and I felt her arm move to whip me again I wrenched my hands free from the bed head and ripping the blindfold off was just able to prevent her slashing it across my chest. I tore it from her hand and threw it across the room, then gripping her thighs tightly in my huge hands I drove up into her again. She threw her head back and screamed and it galvanized me into more savage action. Rolling her onto her hands and Knees I drilled my cock deeper and deeper and more and more brutally. Sobbing and gasping she suddenly rammed her hips back into my groin, completely impaling herself on my thrusting black shaft. Grabbing handfuls of her hair I lost all control as we bucked and heaved against each other in total abandon and out of control frenzy. Reaching between her legs she grabbed my balls and squeezed as I reached around and brutally twisted her nipples. We both screamed and redoubled our savage animalistic pounding. Feeling her spasm and grip my cock with her strong internal muscles I erupted and together we fountained and jetted our seminal fluids at the same time. As I ejected wave after wave of hot thick white cum deep into her stomach she fountained stream after stream of love juice all over my cock and down my shaft to splash onto the bed. Pushing her down onto the bed I collapsed on top of her, hurting and stinging and panting and exquisitely satisfied and content. I was totally spent and satiated, for the very first time in my life I had orgasmed so totally and completely I was absolutely drained. We both lay unmoving for a very long time. Remembering that I had an appointment with Jackson to arrange I rolled painfully onto my side and looked into the amazing girls eyes. I was staggered to notice huge tears rolling down her cheeks as she silently sobbed. Instantly aggrieved at my wanton brutality I wrapped my arms around her and began to apologize. Quickly reaching up and kissing me she murmured, “Stop lover, you’ve got it all wrong. They are tears of happiness, I have never felt so shaken and moved in my life. You have just given me the greatest fuck I have ever experienced. I never cum with a client, you gave me multiple and multiple orgasms. That’s why I am crying. When you walk out that door I know I might never see you again.” As she finished she sank into my arms again sobbing as if her heart would break. I had never had a girl cry over me before, it made me want to protect and reassure her. I told her exactly what I had felt too, and that I didn’t want to lose contact either. I said she was exactly what I had been looking for all my life. Arranging to meet her the following evening I suggested we go on a real date. Holding me tightly and kissing me she cried again and said she didn’t know what all these feelings were. I understood completely, I didn’t know what I was feeling either. Shyly she focused those bright green eyes on my and sobbed, “I don’t have anything to wear. I have never been on a real date in my life.” She clung to me and sobbed hysterically. “Pulling a big wad of notes from my bill fold in my trousers I thrust them into her hand. “Darling please don’t cry, it’s tearing me up inside. Take this and buy something nice and I will meet you here at eight tomorrow night. I have a meeting to go to and I am already extremely late. “She looked at the handful of large bills I had given her and her face lit up like a Christmas tree, “Oh you wonderful, wonderful man, I will wear something very special. You’ll see.” The childlike pleasure made my heart melt and I kissed her again for a long time. Then hurriedly dressing I bolted downstairs and gave another handful of big bills to the madam. I explained hurriedly that I was late for a meeting and ran for the car. “Thought you had got drunk and shipped out on a tramp steamer Boss,” My laconic driver observed. I told him to step on it with a sheepish grin. “Yes Boss,” he obeyed, and we drove sedately over to Simon’s place to meet Jacko.


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