Infiltration (Katieran Prime Series Book 11)

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Infiltration (Katieran Prime Series Book 11) Page 1

by KD Jones


  Katieran Prime Series Book 11

  KD Jones

  Copyright 2016 KD Jones

  This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return it and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1:

  Chapter 2:

  Chapter 3:

  Chapter 4:

  Chapter 5:

  Chapter 6:

  Chapter 7:

  Chapter 8:

  Chapter 9:

  Chapter 10:

  Chapter 11:

  Chapter 12:

  Chapter 13:

  Chapter 14:

  Chapter 15:

  Chapter 16:

  Chapter 17:

  Chapter 18:

  Chapter 19:

  Chapter 20:

  Chapter 21:


  About the Author


  Kiljorn Interrogator StrykER must infiltrate the Purist rebellion in order to discover what kind of threat is posed to the Katieran and Kiljorn nations. His unique abilities make him the perfect candidate. He knows it will be dangerous, that he might not make it back alive. What he doesn’t expect is to find a female who needs his survival skills to save her.

  Melody Song had always wanted to be a singer, ever since she was a little girl back on Earth. Her career was starting to take a dive when the opportunity of a lifetime arrived in the form of an alien relocation program. She signed up to travel with the aliens to their home world of Katiera. She expected to see new solar systems, strange and different cultures, and hot alien men. What she didn’t plan on was being kidnapped and threatened just for being human.

  Two strangers are thrust together in a hostile environment and must learn to trust one another if they want to survive the...Infiltration.

  Chapter 1

  3 Months Earlier on Kiljor

  StrykER was careful not to let his guard down. He couldn’t let the Purist rebels see him show any kind of weakness. It was imperative that they believed he is turning traitor against the Kiljorns.

  The leader HarvEY was furious. “We’ve lost the female. We have to kill the guards and leave now.”

  “I’ll take care of this one.” StrykER knocked the security guard out, careful not to kill him. He knew if he left it up to the rebels, there would be another dead body. He glanced over quickly to make sure that Medic JadEN had gotten his mate Rose to safety. JadEN looked at him in return but didn’t acknowledge him.

  “Come on! We have to get out of here before reinforcements arrive!”

  He followed HarvEY and the other Purist rebel, LemAN, inside the cave where they had a shuttle partially hidden. How this could have been here the whole time without anyone knowing was bothersome. This was why he had been approached about infiltrating the Purist group. Prime Leaders KadEN and RendEL needed to know how deeply entrenched the Purists were in the nations.

  “Stop them! They’re going to get away!” He heard JadEN yell. It was too late for anyone to stop them; the shuttle was lifting off and somehow evaded being shot down. He suspected they had a sympathizer working for them in the security and defense department. It was unacceptable that their security would be at risk. He would check into who was involved at the first chance he got and make the perpetrators see justice for betraying their own people.

  Months prior, he had been asked to interrogate Purist rebels who had tried to kidnap and hurt the Kiljorn Commander TylOR’s mate. StrykER had abilities that allowed him to get images and words from those he interrogated. He could always detect liars.

  He found a disturbing revelation that a group of rebels believed that Katierans, Kiljorns, and Colonists should not breed with humans because it weakened the bloodlines. They liked to refer to themselves as Purists.

  The followers of this group were all throughout the three nations. It fact, the Colony suffered an attack that killed a few of its people. He interrogated three people: a brother and sister and the male named HarvEY. The brother was no good if his sister was around; she was the strong-willed one. The other male, HarvEY, had been more open to his persuasion.

  He spent time with Harvey, talking to him, making him think that he sympathized with him. Then he staged an escape, leading HarvEY out of the main holding facility on Kiljor, telling him that he too believed in the Purist movement.

  Now, he found himself sitting next to HarvEY in the second-row seating on the small shuttle while the other Purist rebel acted as pilot. They left the planet’s surface and continued until they were out of orbit and on the route to Kiljor.

  “You did well for being a traitor,” Harvey commented.

  “I’m a loyalist, loyal to the true leaders of Katiera.” He knew from interrogating the brother and sister that Purists in general didn’t think that Kiljor or the Colony had a right to their own nations. The true nation was Katiera.

  “So, you believe in our cause.”

  “I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t.”

  “You will have to prove yourself. Until then, you won’t be exposed to our main supporters or taken to meet our Prime Leader.”

  He expected that and was prepared to offer something they could not refuse. “I can prove my intentions. I know where the Katierans are storing an arsenal of laser weapons.”

  Harvey suddenly became alert. “How did you come across this information?”

  “I have been the lead interrogator for years. Prime Leader KadEN has had me attend many of his private meetings with the other leaders, using me to gain knowledge of what the others might be hiding.”

  “Tell me what you know.”

  StrykER shook his head. “I will only give this information to our leader.”

  “Once we land, I’ll relay that to Prime Leader Orin. It will be his choice whether he meets with you. I’m surprised you would betray KadEN so easily.”

  “He’s used many of his people’s abilities for his own gain or advantage. He made sure he found his own mate without thought to how his people suffer. I have grown sick of being used.”

  HarvEY nodded. “KadEN thinks he is so much better than everyone else, acts like he has a right to be the leader of our people. All he has done is stand by while the Katieran Nation is being destroyed by its current rulers and these aliens that are breeding and diluting our DNA. It doesn’t say much when the leader cannot protect his own planet from being nearly destroyed by the Morins, of all people. It was too convenient that he wasn’t even in the prime city when the attack happened.”

  StrykER stared at HarvEY without showing any kind of emotion. “You sound almost like you think that KadEN knew something was going to happen and didn’t do anything about it.”

  “He allowed a pure blood Katieran female Prime to be taken by the Morins. He lost his right to rule his people!”

  “I agree. What happened with Prima AriELa was a travesty. Thank the Goddess that she was rescued and is safe now.”

  “No thanks to KadEN or his Commander.”

  Not long ago, Prima AriELa from Katiera had come to Kiljor to see if a prime mating would occur between her and Prime Leader KadEN. The Morins, using a new technology to camouflage their ships, bounced a signal from the orbiting lunas. It kept them hidden until it was too late. Morin ships landed on the surface of Kiljor and they killed and murdered people in the streets. They kidnapped AriELa
and a human woman. Thankfully both women and a few others were safely recovered, but that incident almost caused an end to the treaty between Katiera and Kiljor.

  The pilot interrupted them. “Sir, we are about to approach the first landing location. You might want to take care of—our guest.”

  HarvEY got up and moved over to a built-in wall cabinet. He opened it up and pulled out a medical scope. He made adjustments on it then turned to StrykER. “You will have to be knocked out before leaving the shuttle.”

  “I don’t like that idea. Is there another option that doesn’t leave me completely defenseless?”

  HarvEY frowned, clearly not prepared to argue the point. It was the pilot who offered another solution, but it was only slightly better than the first.

  “Sir, if you adjust the medical scope, you could temporarily blind him. I trained as a medic for a few years and we would sometimes do this to warriors so that they couldn’t see the extent of their injuries; it prevented them from panicking.”

  “How long will it last?”

  “Only about an hour, enough time to make the necessary shuttle changes and reach…our final destination.”

  HarvEY looked at StrykER, “Which do you choose—to be completely knocked out or to be temporarily blinded?”

  “Blinded. It will also make it easier to move me around if I am able to stay conscious and directed instead of carried.”

  HarvEY nodded his agreement. “True. Okay then, you do the adjustment since you are familiar.” He handed the medical scope to the pilot.

  The pilot motioned for StrykER to sit. “It’s best we do this while you’re sitting down. Then I can help you unload off of the shuttle.”

  “Great.” He took a mental note of his surroundings. He felt pressure in the back of his neck. Then, slowly everything began to get darker and darker.

  “Well, can you see anything?” HarvEY asked him.

  “No.” It was the strangest feeling to lose one of his senses. He gripped the arms of the seat.

  “He’s telling the truth. I’m using my light to shine into his eyes and there’s no change in his pupils.”

  “Bring him.” HarvEY ordered, walking away.

  StrykER felt a tug on his coat and stood up. He stumbled a little but the pilot was there helping him get down from the shuttle. He heard a crunch under his boot. He lifted his nose and took in the scents around him. Oddly, it smelled almost like one of their mining communities, but it had been a while since he had visited one.

  As he was led further away from the shuttle, he could hear people around him and loud machinery. It felt cool out. The twin suns had probably already set.

  “We’re going to be going down stairs, so be careful, I’ll put your hand on the railing.”

  StrykER nodded his head. So they were going below ground. That really did sound more and more like the mining community. There were five located on a luna not far from Kiljor. He assumed since they hadn’t traveled more than a day that they were still in the solar system.

  He gripped the railing and began his descent. Someone shoved him to the side but he kept moving.

  “You’re almost to the bottom now, five more steps.”

  He counted them out and was glad to reach the bottom. “Now where to?”

  “We’ll wait here for a self-powered mini-cart. Usually only takes a few minutes to arrive. We’ve gotten quite busy since the last season—”

  “Watch what you are telling him. He hasn’t gotten clearance yet,” HarvEY reminded the pilot.

  “Sorry.” There was a pause. “Good, the mini-cart is here. Watch your step, slide up.”

  StrykER knew that the mini-carts were four-person small transports usually used on the ground. He now knew for sure they were on one of the mining communities located on a luna. The carts were only used underground like this for mining purposes.

  He squeezed into the second-row seating. The mini-cart took off as soon as his feet were inside. He fumbled to find something to hold onto. A few minutes later, they were climbing back out.

  “We’ll be going up a set of stairs, then onto the next shuttle. We’ll be making several stops like this before we reach our destination. By the third stop, you should have your eyesight come back.”

  After forty minutes of being shuffled around blindly, StrykER was about to go insane. Finally, they reached their final stop and went underground once more. He almost didn’t realize his eyesight was returning until a mini-cart showed up and the bright light on the front hurt his eyes.

  “Good, your eyesight has returned. I’ve messaged Leader OrIN. He wants to meet with you as soon as you are settled in,” Harvey told him.

  “Great, I can’t wait.”

  Chapter 2

  Melody couldn’t see the crowd that had gathered around her at the small stage in the banquet room. She strummed her guitar and sang one of her cover songs. The Katierans didn’t really know how to dance but they swayed back and forth when she sang slow songs.

  It was strange to be pursuing her singing career on a different planet in a different galaxy. She didn’t have much choice; her career on Earth had been taking a dive for the worst. Her record company had approached her with the idea of going with the aliens to their home world recording music and producing music videos showcasing the alien world. They believed that it would revive her career. So, she signed up for the relocation program and now here she was, singing songs for aliens.

  She knew singing was not viewed as a career for these aliens; they only hummed or sung lullabies to their children. At first there was no place for her singing in this alien world, but Prima Cassie, an Earth woman who married the Prime Leader of Katiera, heard her and insisted that she perform at almost every event she hosted.

  Her audience was divided into two sections: other women from Earth who had relocated to Katiera like her, and the second half of the audience was made up of young handsome warriors, all males looking for a mate.

  It was still strange to look out and see the large warriors with their golden irises staring at her. If it weren’t for the translator implant they had given her, she wouldn’t understand what they were saying to her.

  It took about a month to travel from Earth to Katiera and while on board their large football-stadium–sized transport ship, she was taught culture classes about Katiera. It was fascinating to learn about the alien’s heightened senses and their belief in a divine pair of Gods who established their world. She knew there were more men than women but it wasn’t until she and the others arrived on Katiera that they fully understood how desperate the situation was.

  The Katieran people had once been a large, prospering nation. Then, a volatile nation known as the Morins came and war broke out. The Morins had used germ warfare and infected the Katierans with a virus. It was believed that the intention was to exterminate all of the Katierans. They had almost succeeded. Then the virus took a turn that the Morins had not planned on.

  The virus caused a mutation on the Katierans, and later they found out that it had affected the Morin nation as well. The mutations resulted in many of the Katierans getting abilities that made it difficult for them to be among those who had not mutated. The mutated Katierans split into two other nations on two different planets, one nation of Kiljor and one the Colony.

  Only recently the three nations had come together to form an alliance and offer help to one another. One reason for the alliance was because their common enemy, the Morins, had resurfaced. The other reason was the interest in the women from Earth.

  The other two nations wanted to have an opportunity to find mates and ensure the survival of their people. All three nations have had successful matings with the women from Earth and children have been born from the unions.

  Melody had performed at several joining ceremonies. Each one was kind of like a wedding but instead of a preacher or priest, a priestess performed the ceremony. It wasn’t her favorite type of gig, but that might have a lot to do with the fact that she was feeling lonely
and a tad bit jealous.

  She had been here on Katiera for months and still had no boyfriend. She was asked out on dates, some even offered to share sex with her. The men were all sexy and intense, which was good for one night stands but these Katierans weren’t really wanting one night; they wanted a full mating with children being the final outcome.

  She wasn’t sure she was ready for that kind of commitment. She had thought about it, had been real tempted by a man from the Colony who was on Katiera during the Katieran celebration. She thought back to the night she had met AshOR.


  Melody was playing her guitar and singing an Earth folk song. People were dancing or sitting and enjoying her music. One male stood out. He was hard to miss, being close to seven feet tall, with wide shoulders and a bald head. He was stunning but rather young. When her set ended, she took a small break and headed to the bar for something cold to drink.

  “Katieran juice, please.” Katieran juice was like wine; she would have to be careful not to drink too much while she was still working. She turned when she felt a warm body next to her.

  She looked to her right and smiled at the man. “Hi.”

  “Hello. I am Lieutenant Commander AshOR of the Colonial planet.”

  “I’m Melody Song, of Earth.”

  “I enjoyed your songs. Your voice is incredible. A true gift from the Goddess.”

  “Thank you.”

  “How much longer will you be singing?”

  She knew he was asking when she got off work. She could tell him to back off, but he was really attractive and she was so horny.

  “I have a short set, five more songs, then I’m free after that.”

  “May I escort you back to your suite?”

  She bit her lip; she shared the suite with four other women from Earth. “I don’t live there alone.”

  He nodded his understanding. “I could take you to my quarters. The male I am rooming with is spending time with a female in another building.”


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