Passion Of Sleepy Hollow

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Passion Of Sleepy Hollow Page 19

by Lexi Post


  He ignored her and entered her room. Reaching her armoire in three strides, he threw both doors open, hard. One cracked.

  “Braeden, what are you doing?”

  The scent of brownies flooded his senses and he paused for a moment. Her scent. The woman he had thought he—the woman who couldn’t see beyond a ghost. With anger spurring him on, he pulled clothes out and threw them to the floor.

  “Braeden!” Kat grabbed at his arm and he shook her off, but even in his anger he was careful not to hurt her. With her it was instinct.

  He growled, “Don’t touch me.” He continued to pull material and clothes, cloaks, shawls, even blankets out of the armoire.

  There it was. White material with delicate embroidery along the neckline and shoulders that declared it a wedding dress. He pulled it from its home and held it before her.

  Her eyes grew round.

  “Were you hoping to wear this again?” His fingers dug into the material. “Perhaps you wanted to wear it for me so we could recreate your long-lost love story?”

  Kat stepped back and shook her head. “No. I kept it as a memory, nothing more. It was all I had left of the happiest time of my life…until I met you.”

  He stepped toward her. “You mean until you met the man who could be Brom for you. I thought you were different. I thought you liked me for me.” He gave a hopeless chuckle. “You were different. You liked me for the ghost I could be.”

  Emotions played across her face like a movie, so when her brows furrowed and her hands found her hips again, he had fair warning.

  “Now let me tell you what I think. I think you want me to imagine you’re Brom because then you don’t have to figure out how you feel about me. I know how I feel, but do you? Yes, in the beginning I had a hard time separating you from Brom because when I love, I love with my whole heart and you reminded me of having lost my heart forever.”

  He opened his mouth to argue, but she raised her hand. “No, it’s time you listened. As we spent more time together, I learned how different you were from Brom, not just in looks, but in your personality. You are a gentleman while Brom was a wild man. You’re considerate and caring of my needs while Brom was mostly about himself. Oh yes, he loved me in his way and did think of me, but not with the focus you have.”

  “If I’m so different, why didn’t you tell me about your relationship with Brom? You hid it.” He sounded like a little boy and he hated it, but he couldn’t take it back.

  “I didn’t tell you at first because I needed to figure out who it was I loved. If I was still in love with Brom, then I would have to tell you. But I realized when we stood in the town circle yesterday, that it was you I loved.”

  He lowered the wedding dress. “You love me?”

  She bit at her lip and nodded. “Yes.”

  Shit. What was he supposed to think now? He ran his free hand through his hair. She loved him. So she said. He looked shrewdly at her. “You’re sure you have the right man?”

  Her eyes watered as she gave him a tentative smile. “Yes.”

  She loved him. Him. A warmth settled around his heart and he took a calming breath. “You’re absolutely sure it is me?”


  A joy he’d never felt before blanketed his brain. He dropped the dress and took the step to reach her. Cupping her face between his palms, he stared into her eyes. “You love me.”

  “I love you.”

  Gently, he brushed her lips with his, her softness his undoing. Deepening the kiss, he clasped her hard against him, tilting her head to enjoy her taste. When he lifted his lips from hers, her eyes remained closed.

  “You have to tell me everything.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Kat stopped at the edge of the small clearing deep in the woods behind the church. She loved this spot. It was just beyond the village boundaries, but it was safe for the day. She and Braeden would return to the house to make love long before midnight.

  He squeezed her hand. “You’re right. This is the perfect place for lunch and dessert.”

  “I didn’t bring any dessert. Do you want me to go back to get some?”

  He pulled her into his embrace. “No. You will have to be my dessert.”

  She frowned, not sure what he meant until his tongue licked the side of her neck. The heat of understanding filled her, making her flush. She pushed him away. “Can your brain only focus on one thing?”

  He chuckled even as he spread the quilt on the ground. “No, but I like focusing on you.”

  “I think we should concentrate on having our lunch.” She stepped onto the quilt and sat. “Are you going to join me?”

  “In a minute.”

  Curious, she watched him as she emptied the contents of the basket.

  He walked the perimeter of the little meadow, facing the trees beyond. When he returned, he joined her on the ground.

  “What were you doing?”

  “I was listening for a horse.”

  “A horse?”

  He chose an apple and bit into it. “Yes. I had a horse nearly run me over yesterday. I think it was on purpose. Being here on the ground would make me an easy target, so I thought it best to be sure we were alone.”

  Kat dropped her plate. “Was it black with a black-hooded rider?”

  “Yes. Have you seen it?”

  “Yes, it knocked me over last week when I walked home from Dame Van Brunt’s. She told me a horse like that trampled through Jurgen’s garden. This isn’t good.”

  “No, it isn’t.” His brows lowered. “I thought the person was after me, but if he is harming others, then we need to find out who it is and why he’s doing this.”

  Kat picked up the plate again and sliced into the cheese. “I think we should bring it to the next town meeting.”

  Braeden took another bite of his apple. She couldn’t help watching his neck muscles as he chewed. Everything about the man was strong.

  “Why are you so muscular? I thought you typed on a computer all day.”

  He took another bite and swallowed before answering. “I have no choice. I grew up like this. I have to work out or my muscles burn. It’s a curse that keeps my body hard and my strength difficult to manage.”

  With any other man she would have considered his statement a joke, but Braeden was serious. “I wonder if that has anything to do with the time curse of Sleepy Hollow. Dame Vandend said we were cursed. I think that woman knows a lot more than she has told us.”

  Braeden tossed his apple core into the woods. “I agree. We need to pay her a visit. But first, I want to know what happened with you and Brom.”

  The bread and cheese in her mouth suddenly tasted like a mud bog. Swallowing as best she could, she followed it with the water she’d brought. “Don’t you want to eat?”

  “Not until you tell me what I want to know.”

  She placed her plate on the quilt and clasped her hands. “Brom was my intended. The day of our wedding, he disappeared.”

  “He jilted you?”

  “No! He disappeared. He was on his way, according to his father, but as usual he’d forgotten something. This time it was his hat, and he wanted to be perfect for me.” She gazed down at her hands. “He ran back and his father continued to the church. When Brom didn’t arrive, everyone looked for him. At first people thought as you did, but after weeks, we grew concerned. It wasn’t until we realized we were in a different time than the rest of the world that we understood Brom was gone forever.”

  He lifted her chin to study her. Did he see the pain she had endured? Did he see her broken dreams? “You loved him.” His thumb stroked her cheek.

  She looked away. “Yes.”

  “Then how can you be sure you love me?”

  She snapped her gaze back to his. Doubt was clear in his eyes. “Because you are not like him. You don’t even have the same eye color. To be honest, the only similarity you have is your body. It’s as tall and broad as his, but otherwise you�
�re a completely different person.”

  It was clear he wasn’t convinced.

  “You’re the only other man I have ever given myself to since then.”

  His eyes widened at that. “How long ago did Brom disappear?”

  “Over four years.”

  “And you haven’t had sex all that time?”

  Her cheeks heated. “No.”

  “Well aren’t we the pair?” He chuckled. “I guess we need to make up for that.”

  “I guess.” Excitement flitted along her skin at the look he gave her.

  “Stand up.”

  Confused by his request, but curious, she did as he asked.

  Braeden rose and walked behind her. “I want to get you out of that dress and see your beauty in the sunlight.”

  “Here? In the open?”

  He put his hands on her shoulders and squeezed. “Why not? There’s no one here.”

  She spun around. “But someone might come.”

  “So? The whole village already knows we make love. Otherwise it wouldn’t still be in Newtime.”

  A strange thrill raced to her core and she wondered at her wantonness. “But knowing and seeing are different.”

  He reached for her but she stepped back. His look turned predatory. “True. If they see, they have a choice. To turn around and leave us our privacy or to watch. Either way, it doesn’t affect us.”

  She swallowed hard and glanced behind him at the trees. Someone might watch?

  He moved toward her again and she stepped back a few more paces, shaking her head. “I don’t think this is a good idea.”

  His grin widened. “Oh, but I do.” He walked forward, his long strides closing the distance.

  Panicked yet excited, she turned and ran for the trees. She’d just made them when he caught her. “Oh no. You’re not getting away from me.” He pinned her against a large pine. “I want you. Now.”

  “But what if—”

  His mouth against hers stopped her protest while his hand cupping her breast caused her lips to open in pleasure. His tongue plunged in, ravishing her mouth as his hand kneaded her breast and his body pinned her against the tree, making escape impossible.

  When his lips left hers, his breaths were as short as hers, and she could feel his pounding heart.

  “I’m not waiting until the last moment to come with you. If making love to you will keep you here, then I want to do it now. I don’t want to lose you.”

  Her heart pounded at his words and her body surrendered. She wrapped her arms around his neck. “Please, Braeden, make love to me.”

  He groaned. “I promise I will make slow, leisurely love to you, but right now I need to be inside you. Let me in?”

  His need fueled her own and she nodded, knowing she was ready. He unzipped his pants and his hard cock sprang forth. Her pussy contracted at the sight.

  “I swear, I am going to see all of you in bright light soon, just not now.”

  She smiled even as she lifted her skirt to bare her naked pussy to his gaze.

  Another groan followed before he positioned himself at her entrance and slowly speared her. “Wrap your legs around me.”


  “Do it.” The harshness of his voice belayed his need and she lifted one leg around his waist. He caught it with his hand and he slipped inside her farther, causing her to squeeze him.

  “Don’t. Not yet.” His breathing was rough. “Your other leg.”

  She held on to his neck and pulled her other leg up around his waist. His cock slid to the hilt and then he pushed his hips farther, pinning her between him and the tree once again. The shocks of pleasure sped from her core to every extremity.

  As he rocked his hips out and in, excitement built, tightening her pussy around him.

  “God, you’re so tight.”

  “You’re so big.”

  “Good point.” His smugness did nothing to lessen her enjoyment. In fact, it made her hotter, tighter as he pumped into her, filling her with every stroke.

  His strength excited her even as his hardness pressed deep within her. His hips increased the rhythm, driving into her steadily, her pleasure building into a tight ball.

  “Oh God, Brom.”

  Braeden stilled.

  She pressed against him. When he didn’t continue, she opened her eyes. “Braeden? Why did you stop?”

  His eyes were hard. His face unreadable. He pulled from her and dropped her legs.

  Her cry of loss was soft. She stumbled before grabbing on to the tree, her legs weak, her body crying for satisfaction. “Braeden? Is someone here?” Her gaze swept the little clearing.

  “Yes. Brom is here.”

  She snapped her head back to him. “What?”

  “You called Brom’s name.”

  No. She couldn’t have. But in his eyes was the truth. Oh Lord. “Braeden, if I did, it was only because we were just talking about him. You are nothing like him. I swear.”

  His eyes held no softening. “You said I’m built like him. I guess I must feel like him too.”

  “No.” God in de Hemel, she could see what he felt, what he thought. “No. Brom never did this with me. He wasn’t as strong as you. Or as patient. It was nothing more than our last conversation. I swear.”

  He studied her face before looking down to push his soft cock into his jeans and zip them up. “Maybe your body knows more about what it loves than you do.”

  He turned and stalked across the clearing, away from her.

  She ran after him and grabbed his arm. He stopped and she felt his muscles shake beneath her hands.

  “Let go.” His tone brooked no disobedience, but she held on anyway.

  “No. I won’t let you go in this state.”

  He yanked his arm from her grip but caught her as she started to fall backward. “Leave me.”

  She shook her head, tears gathering in her eyes. “I can’t. I love you.”

  His eyes held no warmth. “Not smart. I should have told you. I hurt those who love me.” He spun on his heel and stalked off into the woods.

  Her heart hurt so much, she pressed her fist against it to try to stop the pain. “Braeden! Please!”

  She watched as he disappeared into the depths of the forest, his unique scent still clinging to her clothes. He couldn’t be gone. He had to come back. He had to.

  But the pain in her heart said otherwise, and she crumpled to the ground as sobs racked her body.

  * * * * *

  Braeden slowed his pace and surveyed the forest. Where the hell was he? He turned in a circle and examined each object. He’d seen this area before but not from this angle. He cocked his head and listened. No sounds but the chickadee and the rustle of a light breeze in the air.

  What did it matter if he found his way back? What would he do when he arrived there? He couldn’t compete with a ghost. No one could. A live man he could deal with. A dead man he couldn’t fight.

  He ran his hand through his hair. He’d believed her when she said she loved him. Maybe she believed it herself. Just his luck to find the one woman who could look beyond his body, but couldn’t see past her own dead lover.

  He fisted his hands at the reminder. She’d said she’d only been with Brom besides him. He wished she’d had others, but instead he was compared to her first and only. He should walk away.

  A noise in the wood brought his attention back to his surroundings. In the distance, he could see the black horse approaching. This time he’d be ready for him. If he stayed—

  Pain shot through his head at the same time a loud crack sounded in his ear. He struggled to remain upright as the trees spun around him.

  “Idiot. Can’t you even knock a man out properly? Give me that.”

  Braeden turned toward the voice, but a second blow caught him on the side of the head and the world went black.

  * * * * *

  Braeden moaned as he became aware of a throbbing pain in his head. Touching his hair, he felt leaves tangled in it. He gen
tly pulled at them and opened his eyes to find dried blood on his fingers. Shit, how long had he been out? He’d bet Jurgen had something to do with the large bump he now sported.

  He sat up. The earth whirled and tilted and he closed his eyes again, fighting nausea. He focused on the darkness behind his lids until his stomach settled. Once more, he opened his eyes, thankful the world had righted itself. Scanning the area around him, it was clear he’d been dragged. He was near the road into Sleepy Hollow, but hidden from it by bushes. Grabbing on to the tree next to him, he slowly lifted to a standing position. The ground didn’t move much this time, and he breathed easier. He might very well have a concussion.

  He focused his sights on the road. The question was, which way led into the village and which way out? He didn’t like how unsteady he felt. Breaking a dried branch off the pine tree he leaned against, he used it as a walking stick and gingerly made his way to the roadside.

  The sun shone brightly, but was positioned in the west, which meant it was late afternoon. He must not have been out that long. Moving west toward the village, he was surprised by how quiet the area was. Only the chatter of birds broke the silence.

  As he made the bend in the road, his car came into view. That was a welcome sight. At least he was headed in the right direction. He hoped Kat had… Damn, Kat. His chest tightened, his thoughts running riot in his brain, causing the pounding in his head to grow louder, deafening.

  He stopped walking and closed his eyes again. He needed to relax, think about something pleasant. Kat’s full lips formed in his mind. Their soft lushness beckoned him. He snapped his eyes open. Not exactly what he’d wanted to think about, but the pounding was a bit more bearable. Continuing toward his car, he focused on the road beyond it. It seemed deserted. His breath caught in his lungs.

  The village was gone.

  “No.” He threw down the stick and ran, ignoring the pain in his head.

  It couldn’t be.

  He slowed to a stop in front of what should have been the Sleepy Hollow Inn and stared at the empty space. The field swayed with dried grass and dizziness overwhelmed him. He fell to his knees. “Kat.” The word tore from his throat in an anguished whisper.


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