Echo (The Butterfly Series Book 3)

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Echo (The Butterfly Series Book 3) Page 15

by Isabella Redwood

Sophia had removed the train section of her dress and was holding Alexa as they entered. Daisy was perched on Cross’s shoulders and everyone clapped to welcome them.

  It was speeches first and Nicholi being the best man took to the stage.

  ‘When I look at you two together, I can truly say the stars aligned. You were destined to be together and I am honoured to be a part of this special day.’ He raised his glass to toast the happy couple.

  Next was my turn and I stared at the speech I had prepared, but looking at Sophia and Cross there was only one thing I needed to say.

  ‘I am beyond thrilled to be here and celebrate this perfect day with the two people I adore. I wish you every happiness in the world and promise you there will always be strawberry pancakes ready for your arrival.

  ‘Sophia, you are my soul sister, my other half and I am so proud every day of the person you are and will always be. To the happy couple.’ I raised my glass as Nicholi beamed from the audience.

  We were supposed to start the first course, but as I was walking off stage, our dad ran up and took the microphone.

  My eyes met Sophia’s and she was just as shocked turning to Cross as I re-joined Nicholi and JC.

  ‘Ladies and gentlemen. We are so thankful to have you all here to witness this simply wondrous event. I could not be prouder of my daughter and despite our differences, her open heart and eagerness to forgive, no matter what.’ His eyes wandered over to me as Nicholi gave him a vehemence look.

  ‘I know if her mother were here right now, she would know the perfect sentiment to say, but sadly you are just stuck with me.’

  I cringed at his attempt to joke and Nicholi moved closer whispering soothing and calming words into my ear.

  ‘I just hope they can be as happy as I was with her mother. To Caitlan and Cross,’ he toasted as people stared on with confused faces. Raising to toast as the waiters lined up with the first course.

  I peeked at Sophia who smiled tentatively back, eating her food, as Cross had a reassuring arm around her.

  ‘Did you hear anything more about Larissa?’ whispering into Nicholi’s ear and hoping there were no more surprises today.

  ‘No, but that is good.’ He took a bite of his soufflé as JC was eyeing the wedding cake with his mouth watering.

  We had all been stuffed to the brim with the delicious menu Sophia had planned and the first dance had been completed. Mia was sat with JC and the twins while I danced with Nicholi. Cross and Sophia were on the floor as well as our grandparents.

  I looked around at all the people I loved and clung onto Nicholi as he twirled me around the floor effortlessly.

  ‘Wow, you can sure move.’ I flushed red at the wicked grin he presented me with and the promise of, later, spinning around my mind filling it with delicious tantalising memories.

  My grandfather had requested to dance with Mia and Nicholi had joined Cross to chat while I sat with Sophia, the first time we had been alone all day.

  ‘Was it everything you dreamed of?’ I asked, clutching her hand, anxious she was going to be boarding a plane in a few hours.

  ‘It was, Lex, and so much more. I cannot thank you enough for the dress. It was the most perfect thing you could ever have made me.’ She handed me a pink satin box. ‘I hope you like it,’ she smiled as I opened the box and found a crystal heart necklace with matching earrings.

  ‘They are beautiful, thank you so much,’ hugging her tightly and showing Nicholi the box at the opposite table.

  ‘You too are so perfect together,’ she smiled at us both as Cross and Nicholi returned to join us.

  ‘So, are you two ready for the twin explosion?’ Cross joked as Nicholi bounced Daisy on his knee.

  ‘Absolutely,’ he grinned, throwing her into the air as she squealed with delight.

  ‘Do you know anything more about the honeymoon?’ I asked Sophia, shaking her head as Cross winked at me.

  ‘Top secret,’ he nodded as their car pulled outside and it was time to say goodbye.

  ‘Have the best time, and don’t worry. We are going to have so much fun together.’ I kissed Alexa as Daisy reached to pull Nicholi’s nose.

  ‘I know they are in the most capable hands.’ Sophia kissed my cheek as she hugged her daughters tightly.

  ‘I will text you as soon as we get to the airport.’

  We waved them both off and everyone started leaving.

  ‘Did you see my dad go?’ I asked Nicholi, looking around, but not seeing him anywhere.

  ‘Yes, he left a few minutes ago. Ready to go?’ Nicholi took my hand and seemed to check the area before we moved to our car.

  ‘Everything okay?’ I asked, finding myself mirroring his actions and not knowing why.

  ‘Yes, just being cautious. I have the most precious gifts here. Can’t be too careful.’ He climbed into the car and secured the twins into their seats.

  It had been such an emotion rollercoaster of a day and I was completely exhausted. Mia had stayed to help bathe the twins and settle them into bed and JC was flat out before I had finished the first story.

  Nicholi was in the office making some calls and after getting a text from Sophia confirming they were flying to Paris, I was ready for a shower and bed. Turning the taps on I heard the door open behind me and Nicholi placing the baby monitor on the cabinet pulled me into his arms.

  ‘The next wedding we go to will be ours.’ He swept me off my feet and jumped into the shower with me.

  ‘I can’t wait,’ I whispered as he stroked and teased me until we were both restless and wanting.

  Lay on the bed wrapped in each other’s arms I checked the baby monitor.

  ‘You put the alarm on, didn’t you?’ I asked, not sure why as Nicholi would never forget.

  ‘Of course. Are you okay?’ he eyed me suspiciously, as I watched the monitor closely.

  ‘I just feel a little uneasy. I’m going to check on the kids.’ I climbed out of the bed and crossed the hall.

  ‘See, sleeping like angels.’ Nicholi wrapped his arms around me as I stared at the twins and JC. ‘Let’s go back to bed,’ he whispered pulling me towards our room.

  Falling asleep in his arms, I again had the same feeling. Shaking my head and blocking out the ridiculous thoughts that were trying to infiltrate, I closed my eyes and let dreams take me.



  Checking my watch I yawned as Nicholi moved. The twins were stirring and bringing them into our room, I lay down on the bed.

  ‘Early risers for sure,’ he noted making a mountain for the twins to try to climb on as I woke Jacob.

  ‘Hey, sleepy head. We are going to be leaving for Alaska soon. What would you like for breakfast?’ I asked as he snuggled up next to me, desperate to return to dream land.

  ‘Eggs,’ his muffled voice confirmed under the duvet as I laughed and scooped him up to join Nicholi and the twins.

  ‘Okay, the flight is in two hours. I will start breakfast and if you can entertain everyone, hopefully, we will be on time.’ I was rushing around trying to organise everything as limbs were flying through the air and raucous screams echoed throughout the mansion house.

  We barely made the flight, I was completely exhausted slumping in my seat as the twins, and JC watched through the window our flight departing.

  ‘Going from one to three is an enlightening experience,’ I thought aloud as Nicholi faked falling asleep, nodding in agreement.

  Landing at the dock in Alaska I was beyond relieved, the twins ready to take a nap and I secretly was too.

  Sophia had checked in and they sounded like they were having the best time in Paris as I made us a smoothie and fell onto the sofa as JC and Nicholi were playing with his racetrack.

  ‘You okay, baby?’ Nicholi asked, stroking my arm, as I wanted desperately to close my eyes. My throat was red raw and this was beyond the worst time to be getting sick.

  ‘I think I’m coming down with something,’ my voice husky as Nicholi immediat
ely switched to doctor mode getting me Tylenol and throat lozenges from the medicine cabinet.

  ‘Here, I have the seaplane on standby in case we need to head back to the mainland and see a doctor.’ He looked visibly concerned as one of the twins woke up.

  ‘They both have a fever,’ I sighed with worry, giving them some medicine and checking JC’s temperature too.

  ‘Am I sick too?’ he asked eager to have some of the strawberry medicine the girls had been given.

  ‘So far so good. You don’t need any.’ His face dropped, but quickly got over it, tucking into ice cream instead.

  Checking the twin’s temperature again later, it thankfully had fallen and they seemed well in themselves so we decided to just all get an early night and I made a start on dinner with JC’s help.

  The twins were seated in their highchairs helping with stirring the cupcake mixture and Nicholi was just in the office when I heard him yelling over the phone.

  ‘What happened?’ I asked as he paced back and forth. I had never seen him this angry before.

  ‘This is not happening, it can’t be,’ shaking his head as the twins crawled to his legs wanting to be picked up.


  I reached for JC’s hand and pulled him close to me as Nicholi composed himself hugging the twins and looking like his mind was running through a million possibilities.

  ‘Okay, let’s go finish making dinner and I will talk to you in a minute after I make another call, okay?’ I nodded in agreement, my stomach churning; this was bad.

  Trying to distract JC I set him the task of icing the cakes we had already baked, telling the twins stories as I dished up their spaghetti bolognese and served us all.

  Nicholi returned to sit with us and I tried to get a gauge of the problem unsuccessfully. He chatted to JC, the twins, avoiding eye contact with me at all times, and the longer it carried on the worse I knew it was.

  My voice was barely audible now, and taking some more Tylenol as the twins were splashing in the bath with JC playing boats I sat watching them, desperately trying to be normal while the fear was eating me alive.

  Nicholi helped me settle everyone in bed and as soon as we were alone, I followed him downstairs bracing myself for the news he was about to drop.

  ‘Firstly I want you to know there is nothing to worry about. I promise you, we are completely safe.’ He took my hand as the colour drained from my face.

  ‘Please, just say it,’ I begged, my voice so strained it was barely a whisper.

  ‘We need to get you checked out tomorrow,’ he shook his head and gently stroked my throat, as I pushed his hand away in anger.

  ‘What happened?’ trying to yell and managed a squeal, but it was enough to make him get to the point quickly.

  ‘Larissa has escaped from the hospital.’

  Of all the things I had prepared for, sitting upstairs watching the kids play, that possibility had never entered my head. Placing my hand over my mouth in utter shock, I felt paralysed inside.

  ‘Do they know?’ trying to run through every safety and security feature I had installed in the house. This place came out the safest on all fronts and I wanted us all here together.

  ‘Yes and that was an impossible conversation to have. Oh by the way, while you’re on your honeymoon your psychopath mother has escaped from custody,’ his tone incredulous, reaching to pull me into his arms.

  ‘We are safe here and they are on their way back. Let’s just focus on that and know that everything is being done to find her. I swear on my life she will never hurt you again.’

  I instinctively wrapped my arms around his neck.

  Nicholi had tucked me up in bed and got me an extra fan out of the basement. Even though the air conditioning was fully on in my room, I still felt like my skin was burning up. Taking a sip of water, my head was spinning just lifting it up off the pillow and I reached for my phone.

  Grabbing the box of tissues and blowing my nose, the congestion driving me crazy I opened my unread messages. Four from Sophia giving me updates where they were at, and one from my father. I pondered just deleting it, but a part of me had to open it and I held my breath.

  This is what happens when you do not listen to me. She would have been on death row had it not been for you putting doubts in their minds. Congrats on putting your sister in danger again.

  I felt like throwing the phone across the room, but that would require energy and I was completely flat. Exhausted beyond belief, every bone in my body was aching and I could not even scream in temper because my voice had completely gone. Feeling helpless, I wanted Nicholi and he was still downstairs making calls.

  Edging my way out of the bed, I clung onto the video monitor. All three kids were flat out asleep, the twins seeming to be settled with the medicine I had given them.

  Descending the stairs, I held onto the handrail tightly, feeling my legs like marshmallows with pins sticking in them underneath me. Sneezing my arrival, Nicholi turned quickly and ushered me to the sofa.

  ‘That is the most ridiculous idea you have ever suggested. Yes, they are your kids, but they are just getting over a fever and I highly doubt waking them up to board a flight is the most sensible thing to do. No, I won’t. I already told you she has the flu, for fuck sake, Cross, you are making this a million times worse than it already is. Go to hell.’ Nicholi threw the phone across the floor; it ricocheted against the table and landed looking a little worse for wear.

  I waved my arms to get his attention as he turned to face me, his eyes bloodshot and his temper still simmering.

  Having to whisper, I tried to console him, but it was useless.

  ‘If he wants us to fly the twins back, then we have to.’ Making him angrier by the second.

  ‘It is the middle of the night. You have built a fortress and there is no way she could get here without us knowing. I am not taking you, JC, them, anywhere tonight,’ enunciating every word and I could not help but see the sense in what he was saying.

  ‘Why does Cross want us to take them back now?’ Confused as my head felt like a school of fish were swimming through it and my nose was filled with chlorine treated water.

  ‘Because they are his kids and we have to do whatever inane plan he sees fit. It is ridiculous and he is being a complete asshole about it all.’

  My phone started ringing and I attempted to answer, having to screech virtually to get my words out.

  ‘Lexi, are the girls okay?’

  It was Sophia and she sounded completely overwrought, as we all were. But I was with my family, hers was separated and I empathised more than Cross could imagine. I could hear him muttering in the background, outraged by us refusing to respect his wishes.

  ‘I gave them some baby Tylenol and they are sleeping soundly. Their fever is subsiding and I think it is a bad cold, but moving them tonight would be silly,’ I began, regretting my choice of words as Sophia clearly had me on speakerphone and I could hear Cross flip in the background.

  ‘Here.’ Nicholi took the phone off me and began yelling back at Cross.

  Sophia and I were stuck in the middle of the feuding brothers and it was an awful position to be in.

  Nicholi had finally hung up the phone with Cross having the last word that he wanted us to leave right now and meet their arriving flight at JFK.

  Nicholi was livid as I booked the flights. Thankfully, I was able to transfer the twins into their car seats without waking them and Nicholi carried JC down to the seaplane, his temper flaring as he carried the sleeping children onto the flight and helped me onboard.

  JC awoke shortly after departure complaining he had a sore throat, which just angered Nicholi even further. I gave him some medicine taking some extra myself and was relieved immensely that the twins were still sleeping peacefully.

  By the time we had gotten on our third flight, everyone was awake and eating breakfast. My voice had returned a little, but I still felt like death warmed up and had used a forest worth of tissues onboard.<
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  ‘I cannot understand him at all. Wanting us to drag them out in the middle of the night, for what?’ Nicholi complained, shaking his head in temper.

  ‘We are all exhausted, I think he just genuinely thought this was for the best. I don’t know why, but we have to respect they are his children.’ Trying to peacemaker, but it was pointless, nothing was going to remedy this and I was dreading the drop-off.

  ‘Where do you want to stay tonight, this morning, whatever time of day it is?’ I stopped to sneeze as Nicholi pulled me closer into his arms.

  ‘We will stay at a hotel today and rest then fly back to Alaska. I really feel it is the safest place for us all and I can work from there remotely,’ he confirmed, stroking my back as I lay against him.

  Securing the twins into their stroller that had finally come through the carousel; I checked their temperatures once more and gave them some snacks. Nicholi carried JC on his back as we hunted down the arrivals lounge to meet Sophia and Cross.

  ‘Thank God,’ Sophia exclaimed, rushing over to see the twins as Nicholi and Cross stood in complete silence ignoring the other.

  ‘I just checked their temperature, all normal, but I packed the infant Tylenol in their diaper bag just in case you need it. Are you going back home?’ I asked, knowing we had a mountain of their belongings at the house.

  ‘Yes, I feel safe there and we have so many security alarms, it is the best place we can be,’ Sophia nodded and I stole a glance at Nicholi who was looking the other way clearly eager to leave.

  ‘Do you all want to come back to the house with us?’ Sophia asked, but before I could answer, Nicholi interjected.

  ‘No thanks. You just dragged my sick fiancée and our six-year-old son across the country in the middle of the night. We have travelled enough for one day, thanks,’ his tone dripping with disdain as Sophia turned to me.

  ‘You got engaged?’ The realisation dawning on me what he had said and I looked down at my hand. The ring glistening as I showed her. This was not the announcement I had planned, but when did anything go to plan for us all.


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