Echo (The Butterfly Series Book 3)

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Echo (The Butterfly Series Book 3) Page 19

by Isabella Redwood

  ‘Me too.’ I tugged his arm and opened the door for JC to run to the dock and watch the plane land, something he would never tire of seeing.

  I could see Sophia waving as the door opened and the twins ran out with Cross.

  ‘Here he is, your nephew.’ Sophia handed me the baby and we all gasped at how unbelievably gorgeous he was and so much like Cross.

  ‘Thanks, Lexi. Can’t say I mind being considered gorgeous,’ Cross teased as Nicholi piped up.

  ‘Hey, mine.’ He pointed at me and winked as we all went inside to eat lunch together.

  ‘Anything you need me to help you with for tomorrow?’ Sophia asked as I began opening all the parcels and boxes that had arrived.

  ‘I have a ton of decorations to start putting up, but only if you are feeling well enough.’ Remembering the newborn stage was exhausting and having toddler twins too, you would need an intravenous drip of caffeine to stay awake.

  ‘Of course, this is your big day. I’m so excited,’ she clapped her hands as I handed her a box of tulle to start assembling in the tent that had arrived earlier.

  Finally deciding on a bike for JC for his birthday, my mind wandered to the letter I had received concerning Larissa’s will. Checking I was completely alone, I picked up the phone and dialled.

  The receptionist answered and redirected my call as I paced, not knowing what to expect.

  ‘Ah, Miss. Thomas, I was beginning to think I would have to come looking for you,’ the lawyer joked as I shivered with nerves.

  ‘I just want to know what it is I need to do to make you stop writing to me.’ Trying not to sound like a complete bitch, but having to dispose of the numerous letters I was being sent felt like an endless stream of paper attacking every time the mail was delivered.

  ‘Mrs. Veneto left you a letter and some items of jewellery. Once you have collected them, I will not darken your door any longer.’ Again with the jokes and it was even less amusing this time.

  ‘I don’t want it, any of it. Throw it away, burn it, I don’t care. Just get rid of it.’ I was about to hang up when he interrupted.

  ‘Miss. Thomas, this is your mother’s jewellery. Are you sure you don’t want it?’ This caused me to stand still and pay attention.

  ‘Oh, yes. I want it. Can you please just send it to me? I can’t come to the office to collect it and to be honest, I am horrified at the reasons she may have had it.’

  I wondered if my father had given it to her as a gift. When? Before or after she was dead? The nausea building and the desire to exterminate the images of her out of my head forever felt like a never-ending challenge.

  ‘Of course, Miss. Thomas. Where should I send them too?’

  Knowing we would be moving around for the next few months and not knowing where we would be, this was just getting more and more torturous.

  ‘Can you read me the letter?’ Not believing I had to deal with this the day before my wedding shower. When would the nightmare of Larissa end?

  ‘Of course. Dear Lexi, these belong to you and your sister. I cannot explain the reason I have them now, as you need to remember. Larissa. That is all she said, Miss. Thomas, and there is a ring and bracelet.’

  Knowing immediately, they were the ones that were stolen from our house in Seattle I could not believe this was happening again.

  ‘Can you send them to my offices in Seattle, 2274 Silver City, Seattle SW567. Thank you.’ Hanging up the phone, I knew I could not let myself get caught up on the, I need to remember, game. It was just her having the power beyond the grave and I had to let it go, once and for all.

  Shredding the final letter I would receive from the lawyer, I could now do that.

  ‘Hey, baby. Everything okay?’ Nicholi joined me perching on the edge of my desk as I rose to fall into his arms.

  ‘Yes, you’re here and JC that is all I need.’ I wrapped myself around him and had to remind myself we had company.

  ‘Later.’ Nicholi’s voice was husky with desire as I nodded and reluctantly left him to continue decorating for tomorrow.

  The morning of my wedding shower was finally here and after getting hardly any sleep last night primping and prepping it was only the sheer excitement that was keeping me going.

  The guests started arriving shortly before lunch as Sophia and Cross escorted them in and the servers I had hired handed out pink champagne and canapes.

  The marquee was filled with flowers and decorated to match my, Alice in Wonderland theme. Each guest had an eat me, drink me place setting with a huge Alice in Wonderland cake that occupied three tiers and had the Cheshire cat serving as the fourth layer, his tail hanging over the side which JC thought was hilarious and deemed that was his piece.

  We all had teacups and china and each table had the queen of hearts covering flowers as the centrepiece.

  I was just finishing getting dressed when Nicholi opened the door with a bouquet of sunflowers in his arms.

  ‘Wow, they are beautiful.’ I beamed at the unexpected gift as his eyes trailed over my dress and I had to bite my lip to distract me.

  ‘You look absolutely stunning.’ He kissed my hand and led me down to the party. JC and the twins were waiting at the bottom of the stairs and I quickly immersed myself in the party, loving seeing my friends and colleagues and introducing them to my dream man.

  The food was delicious and JC was ecstatic as we cut the cake and he had a huge tail on his plate, grinning with pink icing all over his face.

  Sitting down with Nicholi to open our gifts, he was in his element with the lingerie and we had been so blessed with the weather, the sun graced us with its presence the whole day.

  Saying goodbye to all our guests, I fell into bed, completely exhausted, but thrilled with how perfect everything had gone.

  ‘Three days and then you will be officially Mrs. Veneto,’ Nicholi grinned waking me up in the best possible way as I felt my body respond, desperate to be one.

  The days passed so quickly and landing in Seattle, I marvelled at the fact that we would be getting married in the morning.

  Sophia would be meeting me at the rental house we were staying in until the new house was ready and I was anxious that Nicholi would be leaving me overnight.

  ‘Just for one night and then we will never spend another one alone again.’ He kissed my hand as I pouted and he laughed.

  ‘You are seriously making me not want to leave, but traditions and all that. Plus you and Sophia can have the girl’s day you planned.’

  He paused as my crestfallen face had him pulling me into his arms.

  ‘I’m just being silly, ignore me.’ I felt embarrassed, but the desire to be with him twenty-four seven never dulled.

  ‘Not silly and I will never ignore you. I don’t want to go either. Maybe we should just throw traditions out the window and stay together?’

  Nodding dramatically, that was what I wanted. To spend the day with Nicholi, there was nothing I would rather be doing.

  Sophia was fine with the change in plans and scooting into the limo, I was ecstatic that I would be spending this special time with Nicholi alone.

  ‘Hmm, now do I want to be exfoliated or just masked?’ perusing the spa programme as I giggled, handing him a cocktail.

  Arriving at the spa, Nicholi was certainly causing a stir with the women ogling him. He was completely oblivious, and swimming into his arms and wrapping my legs around him, I could not have loved him more.

  ‘Time for a couples massage,’ he grinned sheepishly as we exited the pool and he dried me off leaving my heart pounding and my body craving him no end.

  Nicholi had his pedicure, as I chose my nail colour, in awe of the man who was taking this completely in his stride.

  ‘So, what next?’ Nicholi asked putting on his obligatory flip-flops as we headed back to the limo and I paused.

  ‘We were supposed to go to the dance studio, but...’

  Nicholi put his finger over my mouth and took my hand.

  ‘That i
s exactly where I want to go.’ He pulled me into the car and gave the driver instructions.

  I had warmed up and walking out to see Nicholi watching me, I suddenly felt self-conscious. Would I disappoint him? As though he read my mind, he took my hand and led me out onto the floor.

  ‘I have been dreaming of seeing you dance. Please?’ He sat down crossed legged as I closed my eyes and lost myself in the music. Feeling it like never before, I was gliding and floating on air, pirouetting and finished with echappé sauté to a crescendo end.

  ‘Thank you. That was extraordinary and I cannot believe you’re all mine.’ He wiped the tear that had fallen from his eyes. I kissed him longingly and our next destination was confirmed.

  Needing to eat after our extensive energy burning, Nicholi had the driver take us to get some food and we drove back to the rental house to devour our supplies.

  ‘I can’t imagine having a better day than this. It was perfect, thank you for staying with me,’ I proclaimed as Nicholi moved closer and pulled me into his arms.

  ‘There is nowhere else I would ever rather be.’ He hugged me close as we picked our movies and I made us ice cream sundaes, just like we did every weekend as kids.

  Waking up suddenly, I felt the intense urge I had forgotten something and untangling myself gently and quietly from Nicholi, I examined my dress and accessories.

  Picking up the phone, I dialled Sophia hoping she was up feeding the baby.

  ‘Hey, how are you feeling? I cannot wait to see you tomorrow. I will be there as soon as I can,’ she confirmed, as I paced the room in a panic.

  ‘I can’t find the necklace you gave me.’ I started panicking as the bile slowly rose and I was fighting the urge to throw up.

  ‘Lexi, deep breath. Look in the mirror.’

  Following her instructions, I closed my eyes and took a cleansing breath. Walking to the mirror, I felt my breath catch.

  ‘I am wearing it.’ I giggled quietly until we were both unable to hold in the hysterical laughs.

  ‘Everything will be perfect,’ she reassured as I lay on the guest bed and closed my eyes again.

  ‘I am so glad you are here.’ Fighting back the tears, my voice ragged as I thought of my mom and Seth. They should have been here.

  ‘I know what you are thinking and they are here, all around us, always.’ Her voice was soft as she too was desperately trying not to cry and I sat up shaking my head.

  ‘Happy tears only.’ I took off the necklace and placed it in the box ready for tomorrow.

  Returning to Nicholi, I curled up next to him as his arm instantly wrapped around me. Closing my eyes to the sound of our hearts beating, as one, forever.

  We had eaten breakfast together and reluctantly I had to let him go to change while I started the onslaught of preening that was customary and apparently essential for every bride to undertake.

  Having been shaved and waxed within an inch of my life, I sat down with Sophia to have orange juice as we both were about to have our makeup started.

  ‘I can’t wait to see your dress.’ She was bouncing in her chair and marvelling at my ability to keep it a secret for so long.

  ‘I can’t wait to see JC and the twins in their outfits.’ My eyes were filling at the prospect. JC was going to be the ring bearer and the twins were my flower girls now old enough to walk down the aisle under my bridesmaid’s instruction.

  ‘Lex, there is something I wanted to talk to you about. We got a letter from Larissa’s attorney about Cross’s inheritance. They made reference to you too and I was wondering if you had received a letter to?’

  Having not told her, I felt instantly guilty and flushed the same shade of red as my newly painted toenails.

  ‘Yes, I got a letter too. Sorry, I just didn’t want to think about it before the wedding, but I should have told you. The lawyer said she left the jewellery that was stolen from our house and a letter again telling me I needed to remember something. Soph, it is driving me crazy, so I am purposely trying to forget it for now.’ Hoping she would understand my reluctance to bring it up.

  ‘I understand, of course. The feeling of wanting it all to end is mutual. Have you heard from dad?’ Knowing I had not invited him, she had kept quiet about his no doubt vocal displeasure and I shook my head.

  ‘No. But I never expected to. I’m sorry if he has been awful to you because of this.’ I closed my eyes as the makeup artist applied my foundation layer.

  ‘Actually, he has been really nice just lately. It is as though he is a different man and maybe the illness has re-focused his attitude, I don’t know. But he wanted me to give you this.’ She handed me a turquoise bracelet that I knew my mother had adored. Immediately the tears started and ended with everyone in the room requiring copious amounts of Kleenex.

  Our makeup was done and Sophia was helping me get into my dress, desperately trying to not cry again.

  ‘You look like an angel, Lexi, it is just perfect.’ She wiped a tear away that escaped her Kleenex dabbing as I turned to the mirror.

  The V-shaped bodice, intricately sewn with hundreds of crystals and sapphires sparkling and reflecting the happiness this moment was bringing. The lace sleeves with a sapphire lace trim caressed my skin like a silk web of unadulterated love. The dress edged outwards with the same crystals and sapphires around the trim encasing the satin fabric like a halo of Nicholi’s eyes. Ending with a small train and a lace back, caressing my skin like an ocean wave lapping against the shore.

  Applying my tiara and fixing the white roses and blue fuchsias into my hair, I was done and as the door opened and Mia saw me for the first time, I turned to greet her.

  ‘Lexi, oh you’re absolutely stunning. I can’t believe it, you’re a vision.’ She was clutching the obligatory Kleenex as I saw JC for the first time and needed a box myself.

  ‘You look so handsome.’ I hugged my son tightly and could not believe this was really happening. It felt like a dream and I was floating on air.

  ‘Okay, ready to go?’ My sister took my hand and we descended the stairs as my bridal party assembled in the cars ready to go.

  We arrived at the venue twenty minutes later and the butterflies that were churning in my stomach were thankful we were finally there.

  The forest venue was lined with flowers, white and blue petals were lay on the ground, a floral carpet ready to receive us. I could see ahead everyone sat down and I strained my eyes to see Nicholi, my heart not able to pump properly until I knew he was waiting for me. I could not find him underneath the floral canopy that was shielding half of the guests and I bit my lip, the nerves overtaking.

  ‘He is here, don’t worry.’ Sophia fluffed my dress as I waved to JC and watched him disappear into the forest floor.

  ‘Ready when you are.’ My grandfather stepped forward, taking my hand as my grandmother and Mia were escorted down the aisle.

  Next were the twins and my bridesmaids and finally it was Sophia’s turn.

  ‘I love you, he is the luckiest man alive,’ she gushed, turning around to blow me a kiss before she too disappeared into the forest.

  I could hear the music beginning, and I closed my eyes. Seeing my mother smiling and Seth winking as I opened them and felt my legs moving without my instruction. It was though I was under a magnetic force and my opposite pole was calling me forwards.

  As we edged around the canopy, I could smell the roses and fuchsias penetrating my nostrils with their blissful vibes and I closed my eyes.

  Opening them, I could see heads turning and people gasping as I walked on, desperate to see his eyes. I felt myself holding my breath until he was finally there.

  I watched as he saw me for the first time and his lip quivered. Taking a deep breath in tune with him, our eyes locked and all I saw was his eyes radiating out love as my legs moved in time to the rhythm.

  My grandfather gave him my hand and I finally felt at ease as he led me forward and we said our vows.

  As the minister pronounced us husband and
wife, I stared in utter disbelief at the man before me, my husband. Our lips met and I felt the electricity fluid my body, the desire for more, never diminishing as the guests clapped and cheered.

  ‘Shall we, Mrs. Veneto?’ Nicholi moved us forward and we walked up the aisle together with JC in front, holding the lead of his new best friend. My wedding gift to him, a chocolate Labrador puppy.

  We had arrived at the reception, JC had gone to sit with Sophia and Cross as Nicholi helped me fix my dress.

  ‘I cannot wait to get you out of this,’ his voice husky as he slipped his hands underneath to stroke the inside of my thigh, driving me crazy.

  ‘Can’t wait either.’ I took his hand as he kissed me and I forgot any kind of thoughts other than him and that moment.

  Sitting down at our table, Nicholi held my hand in his as we listened to our family and friends give their speeches.

  I was trying desperately to concentrate, but his hand caressing my arm and his eyes wandering over me whenever I turned around, had my face constantly flushed and my skin burning for more.

  Cross took to the stage, I watched Sophia follow him completely besotted, and I knew exactly how she felt.

  ‘Nicholi and Lexi, you were destined to be together and despite the many challenges you have faced, throughout it all, you always managed to find your way back together. To say my wife is blessed to have you, as a sister is an understatement. I know your love and sacrifice for your family holds no bounds and I know Nicholi is the luckiest man alive to have you in his life.

  ‘Nic, you are the best brother a guy could ask for and I am so thankfully to have you as my family. God bless you all.’

  The tears were flowing copiously and as Nicholi stood up to take the stage, I turned in shock.

  ‘Thank you all so much for coming today and sharing this moment that I always longed for, never thought I would have and could only dream of.’

  The tears were flowing down my face endlessly.

  ‘My darling wife, every hour minute and second of the day I will love and cherish you for the blessing and utter joy you bring to my life. You are my soul mate and I am the luckiest man alive. Please enjoy everyone and I hope you have half the love I have been honoured with, for there is nothing that can compare. Cheers.’


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