The Terror of the Bigfoot Beast

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The Terror of the Bigfoot Beast Page 2

by Laurie S. Sutton

  “Like, this has got to be the shortest vacation ever!” Shaggy suggests.

  “Rank roodness!” Scooby agrees.


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  Fred runs through the woods. He can hear Bigfoot crashing through the brush behind him, but he doesn’t dare look backward. He can barely see anything in front of him.


  Fred splashes into a stream. He almost falls in the mud. He runs along the stream, hoping it will lead him to the bridge the gang drove over to get to the cabin. It’s a landmark he can use. But the stream doesn’t lead him to the bridge; it takes him to the edge of a steep waterfall.

  “Uh-oh! It’s the end of the road,” Fred says.

  SPLOOSH! SPLOOSH! He hears Bigfoot splashing through the water behind him.

  There’s nowhere left to run!

  “Geronimo!” Fred shouts as he jumps over the waterfall. He lands with a splash in the lake.

  Fred swims underwater as far as he can. When he comes up for breath, he sees a light in the distance.

  The light is coming from a large building.

  Fred reaches the shore and crawls up the muddy bank. He wishes he had stayed in the lake as soon as he sees that the building is patrolled by armed guards!

  “If I thought being chased by Bigfoot was bad, this is worse,” Fred realizes.

  Suddenly, he sees a large, shambling shape walk out of the woods. It’s Bigfoot!

  Fred is startled to see the creature stroll right up to the guards and give them high-fives. Then Bigfoot walks into the building.

  If Fred decides to go get help, press here.

  If Fred investigates himself, press here.

  “We’ve got to get out of here. But how do we get past big and hairy out there?” Shaggy wonders. He looks at the furry winter coats hanging by the stairs. Then he picks up the old Halloween mask. “I’ve got an idea.”

  Shaggy grabs a couple of the winter coats and climbs onto Scooby’s shoulders. He wraps the coats around them and puts on the mask.

  “Like, we make a pretty scary monster!” Shaggy says. “Let’s see how brave this Bigfoot really is.”

  The Scooby monster stumbles up the stairs.

  The two monsters meet face to face in the living room. With Shaggy riding on Scooby’s shoulders, the Scooby monster is taller than Bigfoot. Scooby can’t see under the coats and lumbers toward Bigfoot like a zombie. Shaggy raises his arms and shakes his fists at Bigfoot. Scooby-Doo growls his best growl. GRRRR!

  “Yaaa!” Bigfoot shouts, then faints and falls to the floor. The impact makes Bigfoot’s mask fall off.

  “Like, it’s a man, not a monster!” Shaggy exclaims. “Bigfoot is a big fake!”

  Scooby peeks out from under the disguise.

  “Rig rake!” Scooby says.

  When Bigfoot wakes up, he is tied with a rope. Shaggy and Scooby stand nearby. So do Fred, Daphne, and Velma.

  “You have a lot of explaining to do,” Fred says to the man who was Bigfoot.

  “You meddling kids!” the man grumbles. “I was trying to scare away campers like you.”

  “You’re using the wrong monster,” Velma points out. “Most people want to see Bigfoot. A sighting would bring people here, not chase them away.”

  “My boss wanted Bigfoot. That’s all I know,” the man shrugs.

  “Who is your boss, and what’s he up to?” Daphne asks.

  “I’m not saying.” The man frowns.

  “We’ll take him to the authorities in town,” Fred decides.

  “Like, civilization! We can finally get some food!” Shaggy says.


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  “This is very strange. I’m going to take a closer look myself,” Fred decides.

  He creeps on his hands and knees toward the building. He is covered in mud and weeds from the lake. It’s perfect camouflage.

  Fred peeks into the nearest window. He sees a man sitting at a desk, working on a computer. There are maps and charts on the walls.

  Then, Bigfoot bursts into the room!

  The creature waves its arms in the air and stamps its feet. The man at the desk barely notices. Suddenly, Bigfoot pulls off its head!

  “It’s a mask! Bigfoot is a man, not a monster!” Fred gasps.

  “Those meddling kids! They could ruin the whole operation,” the fake Bigfoot complains. Fred can hear his muffled words through the window.

  What operation? What’s going on? Fred wonders. He watches Bigfoot jam his mask back on and stomp out of the room.

  “Hmm. What could these two be up to? I think I’ll take a look around,” Fred decides.

  Fred sneaks around the side of the building and discovers an open warehouse. It is filled with stacks of knockoff designer shoes, handbags, and other name-brand products.

  “They’re smugglers!” Fred realizes.

  Press here.

  Scooby and Shaggy decide to keep the door closed. Then someone, or something, bangs on the front door. They jump in surprise.

  “Like, we sure are jumpy,” Shaggy says.

  WHAM! Suddenly the door bursts open. A tall, shadowy shape stands outside.

  Shaggy is so frightened that his hair stands on end. Scooby-Doo starts to run in the opposite direction, but his nose sniffs something yummy.

  “Food!” Scooby exclaims.

  “Hi, guys. It’s Bruce,” the shadowy shape says. “I brought groceries.”

  Bruce walks into the cabin with two bags of food in his arms. Shaggy and Scooby are so glad to see him that they hug him. Then they grab the groceries and rush into the kitchen.

  Why is it so dark in here? Bruce wonders. He goes to the fuse box and flips the breakers. The lights go on. Then he goes into the kitchen. Shaggy and Scooby are busy making huge sandwiches.

  “Where’s the rest of the gang?” Bruce asks.

  “Like, they heard a noise outside and went to investigate,” Shaggy replies through a mouth full of sandwich.

  “That’s never a good idea. I’ve seen those movies,” Bruce shudders.

  THUMP! Suddenly, there’s a loud sound from the basement. Everyone jumps in alarm.

  “Yaaa! What was that?!” they say in unison.

  “Sh-should someone go look?” Shaggy asks.

  Bruce goes over to the basement door.

  “Nope,” Bruce says as he locks the door and shoves the back of a chair under the doorknob. “If the movies have taught me anything, it’s to never go into the basement of a old cabin in the woods.”

  CRASH! There’s another loud sound from the basement. The friends cling to each other and tremble. After a while, there are no more noises, and the friends relax.

  “It was probably a raccoon,” Bruce says.

  “Like, d-does a raccoon l-look like that?” Shaggy stutters in terror. He points to a face in the kitchen window.

  “Yaaa!” the three friends scream.

  Press here.

  “We’ve got to find Fred and get out of here,” Daphne says as she puts the Mystery Machine into drive.

  “I’m sure this fake Bigfoot is part of a bigger scheme,” Velma notes.

  “We’ll get him to confess,” Shaggy promises. He and Scooby sit on top of the man in the hairy costume.

  “Reah! Ralk, mister!” Scooby growls.

  “M-my boss wants to keep people away from this area,” the man reveals. “He’s part of a big crime family. What can I say? The pay is good!”

  Suddenly, Daphne hits the brakes. SCREEECH!

  Something blocks the road and their escape!

  Press here.

  “It’s not smart to take on Bigfoot and armed guards all by myself,” Fred decides. “I’m going to get help.”

  Fred crawls along the edge
of the lake toward the trees. He is covered in mud and weeds. It’s damp and squishy, but he thinks it’s great camouflage. Unfortunately, a territorial muskrat thinks he’s a rival! The animal chatters a loud challenge.

  “Shhh! I’m not going to hurt you, little fella,” Fred assures the muskrat. “I’m just passing through.”

  The animal doesn’t understand a word Fred says. It rushes toward the intruder. Fred jumps to his feet and runs. A spotlight zooms in on him.

  “Freeze!” a voice booms over a loudspeaker. The guards have seen him.

  “I’m doomed,” Fred gulps.


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  Velma and Daphne decide to investigate on their own. They slowly begin moving toward the mysterious building. They can’t be spotted by the armed guards in the distance.

  “Why would a building in the middle of the woods need armed guards?” Velma wonders aloud.

  “I wonder who they are,” Daphne replies. “Maybe this isn’t such a good idea.”

  Suddenly, Daphne feels a tap on her shoulder. She jumps in surprise!

  “What are you girls doing here?” Fred asks. “I thought I was alone out here.”

  “We were looking for you when a Bigfoot monster chased us into the woods,” Daphne says. “Did you see it?”

  “Yes, I saw that monster too, and it disappeared into that building,” Fred explains to the others.

  “Why do you think that building needs armed guards?” Velma asks.

  “Let’s come back tomorrow when it’s light out and look for clues,” Fred suggests.

  Fred, Daphne, and Velma are about to leave when they hear the sound of a familiar engine.


  “It’s the Mystery Machine!” Fred says. “What’s it doing here?”

  “What is Bigfoot doing driving it?” Velma wonders.

  “Look! They have Shaggy and Scooby!” Daphne exclaims.

  Their friends climb out of the back of the van and are taken into the building.

  “C’mon gang. We have to rescue Shaggy and Scooby,” Fred declares. “I’ve got a plan.”

  Fred creeps through the woods toward the power generator at the back of the building. He is covered in mud and twigs and leaves so that he looks like a shrub.

  None of the guards see him.

  Fred goes to the master switch and shuts off the generator. The whole place goes dark.

  “It’s your turn, girls,” Fred whispers as he sneaks back into the woods.

  All the guards run around in confusion.

  Daphne and Velma quickly slip into the building. They find Shaggy and Scooby in a room that looks like an office. There are maps and charts on the walls and a big desk with a computer on it.

  “Like, are we ever glad to see you!” Shaggy says. “What do you think this place is?”

  “That’s a good question,” Velma says. She studies the maps while Daphne cuts the ropes around Shaggy and Scooby.

  “Let’s go!” Daphne says as soon as their friends are free.

  “I want a quick look at this computer. Maybe I can find a clue,” Velma says.

  “Make it fast! I hear someone coming down the hall,” Daphne says urgently.


  Suddenly, the door bursts open and a guard rushes in.

  “We’re doomed!” Shaggy moans.

  Press here.


  Suddenly, Fred hears the sound of a familiar engine. It’s the Mystery Machine!

  He is surprised to see it driving up to the building. He is even more surprised to see that Bigfoot is at the wheel.

  “Hey! Bigfoot took my van!” Fred says. Then he sees Daphne, Velma, Shaggy, and Scooby climb out of the back. Armed guards march them into the building. “Hey! Bigfoot took my friends!”

  Fred knows that he has to rescue his pals. He needs a plan. Fred sees a couple of smuggling trucks parked nearby and decides they will make the perfect diversion. He sneaks up to the trucks and rigs the accelerator pedals and steering wheels to drive off into the woods. Fred starts the ignitions and away they go.

  “That will keep them busy,” Fred says as the guards chase the runaway trucks. He sneaks into the building to look for his friends. It doesn’t take him long to find them.

  Fred bursts into the room where Bigfoot and his boss were talking earlier. He hears a THUD as he opens the door.

  It’s Bigfoot! He’s sprawled out on the floor.

  “Like, perfect timing!” Shaggy says.

  “Are we ever glad to see you,” Daphne adds.

  “We don’t have much time. Let’s get out of here,” Fred says as he ties up Bigfoot with a roll of packing tape.

  The gang runs from the building to the Mystery Machine. The guards are still chasing the runaway trucks. No one sees them climb into the van and drive away.

  “What was going on back there?” Daphne asks.

  “It’s a smuggling operation,” Fred and Velma say at the same time.

  “I saw the maps and charts on the wall,” Velma explains. “They were tracking shipments all over the world. Everything is linked to something called Yeti Gomba Chatang in Tibet.”

  “Bigfoot was a man disguised as a monster to keep people away,” Fred says. “But I wonder from what?”

  “Bigfoot! Smugglers! Let’s get out of here while we can!” Shaggy says.

  “Not yet, guys. We’ve got a mystery to solve.” Fred declares.

  Press here.

  The face in the window disappears. Shaggy, Scooby, and Bruce hug each other and shake. The front door opens with a bang.

  “Rit’s coming to ret us!” Scooby-Doo whimpers.

  “Quick! Find something to defend yourself with!” Bruce yells. He grabs a spatula. Shaggy picks up a jar of mayonnaise. Scooby-Doo bravely shields the sandwiches with his body.

  They see a human-shaped . . . thing . . . shuffle into the cabin. It is covered in mud and twigs and leaves.

  “Zoinks! It’s a wild man of the woods!” Shaggy shrieks.

  “Hi, guys! It’s me, Fred!” he says. He wipes muck from his face. “I fell down a hill and into a pond. It took a while to find my way back here. It’s a good thing the lights were on.”

  “Hey, the lights are on!” Velma says as she and Daphne return.

  “Where have you been? It’s not safe out in the woods in the dark,” Bruce says.

  “We were looking for Fred,” Daphne replies. “And it looks like we found him!”

  “Mission accomplished,” Shaggy says as he carries a tray of sandwiches. “Let’s start this vacation with a feast.”

  Suddenly, there is a loud crash on the roof.

  “Yaaa! What’s that?!” the friends cry.


  To follow another path, press here.

  Daphne and Velma scramble toward a nearby path. Bigfoot chases closely after them.

  Suddenly, they encounter a deep ditch that blocks their path.

  “We can’t get over that,” Daphne cries.

  Velma points at some thick vines. “We can if we imitate Tarzan,” she says.

  Daphne grabs one of the long, twisting vines from the trees above. She holds on tight, takes a step back from the ledge, and starts counting. “One . . . two . . . three!” Daphne leaps from the cliff, letting out a Tarzan-like scream, “Ahhhhh!”

  Velma watches her swing safely across the ditch. Then she steps up and takes her turn. “Ahhhh!” she screams, soaring to the other side.

  The girls quickly hide behind a clump of bushes just as Bigfoot lands on the other side of the ditch as well. The creature paces back and forth and then takes off its head!

  “Look,” Daphne whispers to Velma.

  “That monster is a man!” Velma concludes.


nbsp; A loud ringing suddenly echoes through the forest. Daphne and Velma watch the man reach into a pocket of the fake Bigfoot suit. He pulls out a cell phone and begins talking.

  “I wonder who he’s talking to,” Daphne says.

  “There’s a mystery here,” Velma declares. “Look at that flower over there.” Velma points to a beautiful flower. “That type of orchid doesn’t grow in this part of the country. It must be some kind of clue.”

  Soon, the Bigfoot hangs up the phone and disappears back into the woods.

  “Let’s see where he goes,” Velma says. “It won’t be hard to follow his footprints.”

  Daphne and Velma follow Bigfoot through the woods. The large man crashes through branches and stomps through leaves, but the girls are as quiet as possible. They are surprised when he leads them back to the cabin.

  “At least we’re not lost anymore,” Daphne says with crooked smile.


  Bigfoot suddenly breaks down the door of the cabin. The girls hear screaming and barking coming from inside.

  “That’s Shaggy and Scooby. They’re in danger!” Velma exclaims. “We’ve got to help them.”

  Daphne and Velma sprint toward the cabin’s front door, ignoring any danger. They burst inside. The fake monster is looming over Shaggy and Scooby.

  “Get away from our friends, you Bigfoot bully!” Daphne shouts.

  With all their might, she and Velma tackle the furry fake. The impact knocks off the man’s mask. The hairy head goes flying through the air.

  “Yaaaa!” Shaggy and Scooby shriek at the sight. Then Bigfoot lands on top of them. “Yaaaaa!”

  “What’s happening? What’s going on?” Fred shouts as he runs into the cabin. “Yikes! Bigfoot!”


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