Vampire Interrupted (Wicked Good Witches Book 8)

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Vampire Interrupted (Wicked Good Witches Book 8) Page 2

by Starla Silver

  That’s right. She was currently asleep in the hospital. Hard to hold onto that reality when you’re nearly burned alive or sucked dry by a vampire in a dream reality.

  “Why haven’t you come to visit me?” She changed the subject, supposing she might be wrong as she had been asleep much of the last few days with all the sedating type drugs the doctor had injected into her.

  He hadn’t let her go home yet and had kept her for observation since the end of the battle with the Feyk. Her physical injuries were healing fine, and she would bet her life that observation meant making sure she wasn’t going to have another breakdown, like after her parents had died (the first time, four years ago). Her brothers probably thought that losing her father a second time, topped with all the other horrors of what happened, would send her spiraling downward.

  She was determined for this not to happen.

  Yeah, as determined as she was to control herself around William, and that had already failed. And if measuring progress by her dreams, they’d probably lock her in a padded cell.

  Oh, willpower, where art thou?

  Her chin lifted, William’s fingers bringing her gaze upward.

  “Don’t be so hard on yourself. It’s not like I minded.”

  “That’s kind of the point.”

  His hand dropped, a sad expression on his face. “I suppose it is.” His gaze apologized, at the same time giving away the truth that he had not visited her in the hospital, until right now. And this wasn’t even for real, only through the connection they had in their minds. Which for all intents and purposes, was real, if not actually in person.

  “I apologize that I have not come before now,” William told her, taking on a more formal tone. “There are few things in this world that could keep me from doing so. I’m afraid it’s complicated. You see, I’m not actually on The Demon Isle at this moment.”

  “Um. Okay.” It took her brain a few seconds to comprehend what he was saying.

  “I have to leave, Melinda.”

  “What? Why? And what do you mean, leave? You can’t really mean to leave the Isle?”

  He did not answer her questions, his vampiric, controlled composure failing a little.

  “I needed to tell you my departure is not because of what happened between us. I have no regrets.”

  That didn’t look true at all. She saw pure regret written all over him.

  Her brain refused to think straight. William wouldn’t leave. He couldn’t.

  “I’m sorry I have to do this, Melinda. But I must.”

  “But…” she didn’t know what to say. “You can’t,” she stammered. “When are you coming back?” Tears welled. She refused to believe it. This was all still a dream. He was pretending to be real. She had needed him to save her inside the nightmare as he had in real life. As he always did in real life. And she was making all of this up. William would never leave. Period.

  He reached up and wiped away the tears in a gentle sweeping motion. His touch sure felt real. But so did everything in this damn dream.

  He appeared to struggle with letting her go, his hands cupped around her face.

  “After this moment, I’ll be too far away to reach out to you in this manner again.”

  The way he said it sounded so… final.

  An ending she didn’t want and had no time to adjust to, or attempt to undo.

  “Melinda, tell your brothers. Tell them everything,” he instructed her. “Do not permit fear to hold you back any longer. I believe you can do this, and…” his hands dropped. His already strained smile fading into a forced attempt at one. “You should forgive Riley, Melinda. I see from your dreams that it might be difficult for you. But all things are possible with time.”

  “Not all things…” she replied in hushed swiftness.

  He grinned weakly. “No, you are correct. I said that wrong. Not all things are possible…” He leaned in with a purposeful movement and kissed her forehead softly. His lips were ice but his touch burned into her skin.

  “William…” by the time his name rolled off her tongue, he was gone.

  And Melinda was staring up at the ceiling of the hospital room, awakened from slumber. She took a sharp intake of breath, her eyes adjusting to the dim lighting. It might not have been a prophetic dream of someone about to die but it had been equally depressing nonetheless.

  William had come to her, to say goodbye.

  Why did he have to leave? If not because of them.

  Cut down the middle. Again. A fresh slice reopening the wound barely starting to heal.

  Was the dream of him even real?

  Her gut told her it was. His words genuine. His fingers left a sting against her cheek. His lips, a soft buzz against her forehead. It was exactly the same as when he’d come to her after the battle and they’d finally admitted they loved each other. A love neither could act on in the real world. And she feared was the true reason he had left so abruptly, even with him claiming otherwise.

  Melinda looked around the room. No William. Just her brother, Charlie, asleep in the chair. He must have returned to the hospital in the middle of the night.

  She sat up, drew her legs out of the covers, and planted her feet onto the tiled floor. She had to make it home and stop William if it wasn’t already too late. He claimed he was already gone, but perhaps she could catch him. And stop him.

  Why would he leave, if it wasn’t because of what had happened between them? What other reason would there be? And where would he go? This was his home. He lived on The Demon Isle.

  Her heart pounded so hard she feared the sound of it would wake the entire hospital.

  He can’t leave.

  He can’t. He can’t. He can’t.

  She’d just lost her dad, without even seeing him before he’d been killed by Eva Jordan.

  And Riley… forgive him? She wanted to, so badly, but wasn’t even close to that. Besides, he’d left the Isle too. She had overheard Charlie telling Mack the day before.

  Melinda imagined Riley might never return, unable to face anyone after what he’d done, unable to forgive himself. God, part of her had already forgiven him; it was the forgetting and accepting part she was struggling with. Riley came with horrible memories now. How could she get beyond that?

  She needed to act fast if there would be any chance of finding and stopping William. The I.V. in her arm needed to come out. She reached to yank the needle currently stabbing her arm but a rugged hand got in the way and stopped her.

  “What the hell are you doing?”

  “I have to get out of here, Charlie.” The panic was obvious in her tone and movements.

  “No. Not until the doctor says it’s okay. You have to stay here.”

  “No. You don’t understand.”

  “What don’t I understand?”

  She held his gaze, her entire being ready to break, but said nothing.

  If she told her brother William had spoken to her, through her mind, she’d have to explain exactly how that was possible. She’d have to tell him everything. The vampire had told her to do this, but how could she?

  Bravery died fast and her head dropped, ashamed.

  “Hey,” Charlie lifted her chin. “What’s going on in there?” He nodded at her head.

  “I’m fine, Charlie. I want to go home.”

  He forced out a thick breath. “I’m not sure that’s a good idea. You’re still healing and…” he stopped and dropped his hand.

  “You’re afraid I’m going to go crazy again, aren’t you?”

  He sighed, this time frustration strong on his breath.

  “I’m not in my bad place, Charlie. I promise.”

  “You went through a lot, Melinda. You don’t miraculously get over that in a few days.”

  Especially when the last time took me four years… she scolded silently.

  “Have you even been home in the last few days, Charlie?”

  “Just for a short while. To check on Michael and Emily. And get some supplies. Sh

  “How is she? And supplies for what?”

  “Um…” what could he answer? Emily was a wreck. “Michael’s taking care of her the best he can. And I had to work up some temporary protections for the perimeter of the power source until we can deal with the situation properly. I refuse to chance the Feyk returning while we’re all…”

  “Dealing…” Melinda finished for him.


  Her brother, picking up the pieces like always. Keeping everyone and everything from falling apart. She hung her head, begging deep into her core for it not to, but the events of her recent bondage swirled around her mind like a freshly made wound. One that refused to seal up and heal.

  She’d been in and out of consciousness for three days since the battle had ended. Since her father had died. Since the Feyk and Eva Jordan had attacked them, and tortured William… since Riley had been cursed by the rage spell and done all those despicable things. Not unforgivable, but not easily forgettable.

  Her breaths came out heavy. It was too much.

  She didn’t want it to be. But it was, and her brother knew it.

  And now William was leaving, or had already. She bit the sides of her cheeks to keep the tears and panic inside.

  “Melinda, it will be all right. It does not feel like it right now…” There was so much distress in her brother’s voice. Weighted, like lead, almost like it was too heavy and took great effort to speak.

  She laid back down and rolled over, afraid to look into Charlie’s eyes; afraid to see the fear, sadness, and worry or disappointment. She stared through the window at the backside of the room. The night sky was a little lighter. Dawn was coming soon.


  Please don’t leave… please…

  I can pretend nothing happened.

  Pretend we’re the same as we used to be.

  Just stay…

  She pleaded over and over in her mind, praying he might hear her, and stay. Or explain why he was leaving, and most importantly, when he’d return. He could not have meant forever. That thought stole her breath and she chewed on her lips to keep the whimper from escaping.

  There was a light rapping at the door. Charlie tore his gaze away from Melinda to see Mack standing there.

  “Hi,” he greeted weakly.

  She gave him a short nod and motioned for him to come into the hallway.

  He did, but Melinda still heard them talking. Another hushed conversation. There had been more than one over the last few days.

  “How are ya?” asked the sheriff.

  Charlie took a few seconds to answer. “Um, Melinda’s healing, at least physically, and Michael is with Emily. He won’t leave her side. I haven’t actually seen William yet.”

  “I meant you.”

  “Oh. Um… I don’t have an answer for that.”

  “Well my advice is to find one, Charlie. You can’t just look out for everyone else. You have to take care of yourself, too.”

  “Yeah, you know. After…”

  “After what? Life calms down? If that ever happens, you let me know. Meanin’, it don’t, Charlie. There might be a calm before the next storm but it never lasts long.” There was a hint in her tone that sent dread through him.

  “What do you mean, Mack? Has something happened?” The very thought of having to take care of any supernatural business was almost more than he could handle. He was working alone at the moment, exhausted beyond measure.

  She huffed, inquisitively. “You say you haven’t seen William?”

  “No. He hasn’t been by the hospital, and I’ve only been home once and he wasn’t there. I expected he’d be locked in his cell getting the bloodlust out of him, but he wasn’t.”

  Melinda turned over, listening to the conversation taking place inches outside her door.

  “Does it worry you at all? That you haven’t seen him, and he hasn’t been here? That he was not locked up. Isn’t that odd for the vampire?” Mack went on.

  “William usually manages himself fine, and I guess, under normal circumstances it might be odd for him not to make an appearance, but he went through hell, Mack. Literal fucking hell. We almost lost him.”

  “All the things that have me worried,” the sheriff revealed dismally.

  “Mack, what’s going on?” Charlie didn’t have the strength to deal with the job, but it appeared it was refusing to give him a break.

  “Found a body on the beach about three in the mornin’. Tourist.”

  “What does that have to do with William?”

  “It was a very bloody scene. But there was no blood left inside the body.”

  Charlie stared blankly.

  Melinda sat up. William would never…

  “William is under control, Mack. Has been for a few hundred years,” Charlie defended. “Long before he even came to live on the Isle from what my father told me.”

  “But like you said, he went through hell. Almost died. Drank an insane amount of human blood to kill Eva Jordan, and then to heal after; he was enraged and uncontrolled at that point. You know I’d prefer not to question this, but it’s my job to.”

  “Mack…” Charlie had nothing left. Nothing to say or argue.

  She reached out and patted his shoulder. “Just felt I outta tell ya. I haven’t damned him yet either, and God knows I don’t want to. But there were puncture wounds, Charlie. The kind only a vampire would leave behind. I swore my deputy to secrecy… poor kid. Gettin’ a massive dose of reality the last few days, but it was bound to happen. Anyway, find William so we can rule him out. Okay?”

  “Yeah. I will, Mack. It’s not him.”

  She nodded, praying he was correct, and left.

  Charlie ambled back inside Melinda’s room.

  “It wasn’t William,” she stated softly.

  She could see it in his gaze. He didn’t want it to be either, but there was a seed of doubt.

  “It wasn’t William,” Melinda repeated. “I’m sure of this because…” she closed her eyes and swallowed hard. “Because he left the Isle. That’s why you haven’t seen him.”

  Charlie looked at her with a perplexed frown.

  “William told me he had to leave.”

  “Okay… let’s pretend for a minute he did leave. Why would he? He’s never left in all the years I’ve known him.” He recounted his father mentioning William leaving once, back before he was born. So that was a long time ago seeing as Charlie was a few months from twenty-seven.

  “I’m not sure. He wouldn’t say. Only told me he had to leave. He didn’t say where he was going, or for how long.”

  “Why did he tell you, and no one else? And how? He hasn’t even been here.”

  “Um…” God. She was going to have to do this.

  This is why William had told only her. To force her to admit everything to her brothers. She sat up slow and swung her legs around so she was sitting up again. She patted the mattress in a silent request for Charlie to sit next to her.

  “What’s going on, Melinda?”

  “A lot.” She shook nervously. “I’m not even sure where to start, Charlie. But whatever happened on the beach last night, it was not William.”

  “And you know this how?” He tried to clip the impatience level in his voice.

  “Because, he came to me while I was sleeping. We talked. In my mind.” She cast a side-glance in her brother’s direction. It was the look she expected. Incredulous. Concerned. But also, knowing…

  He got off the bed and paced the room.

  “I have no desire to hear everything, Melinda. Just, what I need to.”

  Her heart sank a little. Her nerves fluttering. Her brother knew. Not all of it, but enough. Somehow he’d figured out she loved William, the off limit vampire.

  “Um, well…” she stalled, fidgeting on the bed.

  “Melinda, I’m sorry,” Charlie blurted out. “I’m not good with this stuff.”

  She released a timid laugh. “Neither am I. I think it runs in the

  He pulled his chair over to the bed and sat down to face her, giving her his full attention.

  “I’m sorry you had me, and not Mom. Or Dad.”

  “It’s not so bad.”

  He lifted an eyebrow in disbelief. She shrugged.

  “You spent four years hiding inside a house filled with men. Emily came along, but I always hoped Mom had taught you enough before she died. I am uncomfortable talking about the serious stuff.”

  “No one wants to talk about the serious stuff, Charlie. You did the best you could, you know. You didn’t exactly have it easy after Mom and Dad went away, and I only made it more difficult.” She shook her head and freed a flood of anxious breath. She needed to tell him everything before she chickened out. “I guess I should start by telling you about my dream.”

  “The one you just had, talking to William. Or dreaming with William? I guess I’m confused about how that works. How do you communicate with your minds?”

  “William said it takes an intimate connection…” her brother’s face cringed at that word, so she rephrased. “It’s like the two of us having a real conversation, inside a dream that we’re both awake and present for.” It was the best way she could describe it. “But I’m not talking about this one, from just now. I’m talking about my prophetic dream about the Feyk, and Riley…” she whispered, adding hesitantly, “And me and William…”

  Charlie leaned back a little. “You didn’t tell us everything, did you?” he surmised.

  She gave her head a meek shake.

  “I suppose it doesn’t matter now,” he spoke, far too graciously.

  “Maybe not. But I’m never doing it again. Ever. I was afraid to tell everyone the truth and because of that, William suffered, so very despicably. I can’t even explain what he went through, Charlie. And even more so because…” She stopped, not ready to admit it all.

  “It’s okay, just say it,” he encouraged.

  Melinda raked her bottom lip with her teeth, getting up the courage to explain.

  “I’m not mad,” her brother told her. “And I’m not judging.”

  “You will be,” she declared certainly.


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