Intense Daddy

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by Bailey Rock

  Intense Daddy

  Demanding Daddy 2

  Bailey Rock

  This is a work of art/fiction. Names, places, businesses, characters, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, actual events, or places is purely coincidental. Any persons appearing on the cover image for this book are models and do not have any connection to the contents of this story.

  All characters depicted in this work are unrelated consenting adults. This author assumes no responsibility for the use/misuse of this material.

  © 2020 Bailey Rock

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  Chapter 1


  “Become a nanny, they said. It will be easy,” I scoff. I’m just leaving my employers house and I know that if I were to turn around I’d see the two kids I’m supposed to be taking care of making faces at me in the windows.

  They’re probably not terrible kids, but they sure act like it. That’s what happens when both parents work long hours and don’t discipline their kids when they get home.

  If I ever have kids, which is unlikely, I’ll make sure to tan their hides from time to time to ensure that they know to respect me. There’s nothing worse than a mouthy kid.

  Except two mouthy kids.

  Except this job.

  I’d quit the job in a second if I had a chance, but there’s something too appealing about the steady income coming in, even if it’s not as much as I’d like it to be.

  Sighing, I shoulder my purse and turn onto the sidewalk. It’s not a long walk home, and I’ve thought about driving, but by the time I get out of there in the afternoon, I feel so cramped up that I just want to move.

  At least the weather is cooperating and it’s nice out, which means that I’ll have an enjoyable walk home.

  But before I can even make it one block, I notice that there’s a long dark car pulling up next to me. I pull my purse tighter to my body and try to ignore it, but it slows down so that it’s pacing me.

  What the hell? This is a nice neighborhood.

  I know that my dad would kill me if he knew that I ever looked at a strange car, so I keep my eyes firmly ahead, ignoring the fact that now I can hear the window rolling down.

  This is how people get abducted, and even though it would mean I wouldn’t have to work with those brats anymore, I’m really not game for this.

  I’m only 22, for goodness sakes. I have a whole life ahead of me to live.

  Without thinking about what I’m doing, I glance over at the car to see what my attacker looks like.

  Holy shit.

  I don’t know this man and have never seen him before in my life, but if he’s an attacker then…well, sign me up.

  His face is half in shadows, but the part that I can see? Damn. He looks good. He’s got a strong jaw with a bit of stubble on it and really impressive clothes.

  I can see that he’s lightly gripping the steering wheel as he paces me but he won’t take his eyes off of me. I try to look harder to see if I can see what color his eyes are, but the inside of his car is just too dark.

  If I stopped and leaned in…

  What the hell am I thinking?

  Quickly I stand back up straight and look forward again, doing my best to ignore the sex god driving next to me.

  I mean…I assume he’s a sex god.

  It would be some kind of cruel sense of humor to have a man look like that and then make it so that he can’t perform.

  I’m blushing, hard, and even though I haven’t said anything, I clear my throat. There’s a heat wave coursing though my body and I try to pretend that nothing out of the ordinary is happening.

  Just walking home from another day at work. A boring day at work with two snotty kids. Nothing to see here.

  Yeah, right.

  If I keep up this pace, I’ll be home in about fifteen minutes, but that’s only if I don’t spontaneously combust from the way this guy is looking at me.

  Or get abducted.

  Which, judging by the way he’s looking at me, may not be such torture after all.


  You know the real problem with running your own business? The fact that everything falls on your shoulders and when things go south, everyone looks to you.

  Normally I don’t mind being in control or being on top, but today’s been a hell of a day.

  I’m not really sure what can salvage it, which is why I’m taking the long way home. Sometimes just doing something small and out of the ordinary is the best way to work through a long day.

  Well, it’s always worked for me.

  Today, though, there’s nothing good to look at on my drive.

  That’s what I think, until I see her.

  There’s a woman walking down the sidewalk, clutching her purse close to her body and practically running, like she can’t wait to get away from what she’s leaving behind.

  We’re in the middle of the suburbs, so I have no idea what could be that bad.

  Instead of zipping past her, I slow down to really get a look at her. From behind I like what I can see, even though I could do without the baggy jeans and the oversized hoodie, but I can usually tell what a girl’s got going on from the side.

  I slow down, not even worrying about spooking her, to get a better look. She’s got shoulder-length blonde hair that bobs when she walks and a great figure.

  I can already see how she would be able to improve my day.

  When I roll down the window to get a better look, she slows and glances at me, but she doesn’t stop.

  Damn, she’s hot. She’s hiding some great curves under those clothes and has a pouty little mouth that I find irresistible.

  I’m sure that she could make my shitty day a lot better.

  She’d just have to be willing to play.

  When she glances over at me and locks eyes with me for a moment, I feel my heart stop.

  Fuck, I want her.

  I’m used to getting everything in my life that I want, and she’s not going to be any different. Just as I’m about to speak, however, she starts walking faster, pulling her purse in to her body and lowering her head.

  Fine. She doesn’t want to talk? I know how to play that game.

  I speed up, my heart pounding and my cock throbbing as I zip past her, heedless of the speed limit in the neighborhood. She’s close to the next intersection, and I’m going to beat her there.

  Slamming on the brakes before my turn, I whip the wheel to the right and slide onto the side road, stopping right at the sidewalk. She’ll have to walk around my car now if she doesn’t want to talk to me, but I have a feeling that she’ll stop.

  She has to, or I’ll make her.

  She slows down a little, uncertain when she sees what I’ve done. I still have the window down and I’m enjoying the view as she walks closer to me.



  I’d get out of my car to greet her if I wasn’t worried about her trying to run when she saw how turned on I am. She’ll come close enough, and then she’ll be mine.

  I’m right.

  She slows down and stops about ten feet from the car, leaning over to peer in my window. From here I can see her perfect pout and the way she tilts her head while she looks at me.

  She likes what she sees.

  “Hello? Do I know you?” Her voice is soft, and I grin at her.

  “Not yet. You need a ride?”

  She hesitates. “Well, I was going to finish my walk. I just had a long day at work, so…”

  She trails off and I wait a beat before answering. “I just had a long day, too. Let’s get
together and see what we can do about it.”

  She probably thinks that I’m hitting her up for sex, but I want more than that from her.

  A sense of relief courses through my body when she gives a slight nod and walks up to the car.

  “I’m Penny. Are you sure?” Her hand hesitates near my handle.

  “Penny. Get in. I’m Christopher Reever.”

  She nods again and opens the door. Sliding in and shutting it before she looks at me.

  Good girl. I was worried that she may not be a good listener, but it looks like everything’s going to work out the way I want it to.

  Chapter 2


  I don’t know what the hell I just did. It’s like I watched my body in slow-motion open the car door and hop in with a complete stranger.

  The sexiest stranger I’ve ever seen, but still.

  A stranger.

  My parents would kill me, if they were still alive.

  I’m almost afraid to look at him. Not because he’s so sexy, but because I don’t want him to see that I’m scared.

  Scared of what he may do to me once he gets me alone.

  Scared of what I want him to do to me.

  “So, you want to tell me about your bad day? And how to get to your house?”

  I rattle off the address of my apartment and think for a moment. Serial killers don’t normally ask friendly questions like this, right?


  “Well, I’m a nanny, and the kids I’m taking care of are…nightmares. Is it okay to say that about kids? I’m not sure, but they’re really bad, and today was spectacularly awful, even for them.” I pause and look at him, but he waits for me to continue. “What…what about you? You said that you had a bad day?”

  “Yeah, the problem with being the boss is that when shit hits the fan, you’re always in front. You know?”

  I nod even though I don’t know. I’ve never been the boss of anything, and the chances of me becoming one are pretty slim. Nannying to pay for college? Definitely not boss material.

  “Sounds about right. The guy I work for, David, is a banker, and he’s always coming home stressed.”

  “Nice guy? Sounds like you don’t like working for him. Have you considered another job?”

  I laugh to myself and shake my head. “Sure, I’d love another job, but it can be really tricky to find one that works with my school schedule. At least David is willing to let me come between classes, but I still feel like I’m pulled in too many directions.”

  Christopher drums his fingers on his steering wheel and nods. “Yeah, that’s hard when you’re not feeling like you’re in control of anything. What about a new job?”

  “A new job? It’d have to pay enough for me to stay in school, pay for university housing, and still have money for food. I had to start late in college because my parents…were in an accident, so I’m behind on everything.”

  “And you’re all alone.”

  It was a statement, not a question, but I nod anyway.

  “All alone makes it sound pretty dire, but yeah, I guess I am. I mean, I have friends, and a roommate, Jessica, but it’s still hard when you don’t have someone to really rely on, you know? I bet your wife is a good listener.”

  He looks at me, hard, and I shiver, wondering what I did wrong.

  At the same time, though, I feel a low pulse and tugging deep in my stomach. There’s something about the way he looks at me that is both scary and addictive. I want him to keep looking at me like that, but I’m afraid of how hard I would have to push him.

  “I’m sorry, did I…” I begin, but he cuts me off.

  “I don’t have a wife.” He pulls into a parking space in front of my apartment. University housing is all the same: drab, run-down, and lifeless. The other cars in the parking lot are all beaters with dings and marks, and his Benz looks ridiculously out of place.

  “But I do have an offer for you.”

  Letting out the breath I didn’t know I was holding, I look up at him. “An offer? For what?”

  “A new job. You can work for me, make my life easier at home. Maybe in the office, I haven’t decided. Either way, though, you won’t have to work with kids. I don’t have any.”

  “That’s really nice, but you don’t have to…” My voice trails off when I realize how he’s looking at me.

  Like he’s hungry.

  “One thing you need to understand, Penny, is that I never do anything that I don’t want to in my personal life. Work can be different since I’m in high-demand there and pulled in many different directions, but when it comes to my personal life, I do what I want.”

  “Okay.” My voice is quiet.

  “So. Do you want a job free from little children who ruin your day? I can work around your school hours. Hell, I’ll even double your pay.”

  My eyes grow wide at that, and I’m sure he notices, since he smiles.

  God, if I thought he was sexy before, I just hadn’t seen him smile.

  My panties shouldn’t be getting wet.

  I shouldn’t be considering a job offer from a guy I don’t even know.


  “Well?” Even as I ask, I know what Penny is going to decide. Of course, she’ll take my job offer, she’d be stupid not to.

  I have no idea what kind of debt she has, or what kind of classes she’s taking, but for her to turn down twice the amount of money that she’s been making would be dumb.

  She may dress like she just crawled in off of the street, but I have a feeling she’s pretty bright.

  While she thinks, she chews her lower lip. I watch her, wanting to pop her mouth and stop that bad habit. That will be one of the first things I break her of when she decides she can handle working for me.

  It’s a gross habit, and one that I don’t approve of.

  “Time’s ticking, Penny.” I put the car in reverse and prepare to back out of the space. “Sometimes you have to be willing to make faster decisions, even if you’re scared.”

  “I’ll do it.” She looks up at me, her eyes bright and excited. “I’ll work for you.”

  “Good girl, I’m glad to hear it.”

  She looks a little surprised at that, but she doesn’t move. Her face is flushed with excitement and I can tell that she’s breathing harder than normal.

  “What time do you get out of classes tomorrow? I’ll send a car and have them here to pick you up to come to my house for your first day.”

  “I’m out at noon. But…what do I wear? And what are do you need done? Am I going to be cleaning or organizing?”

  “They’re be a car here later today with some new outfits for you to choose from. You can’t wear…that. And as for what you’ll be doing, well that will vary from day to day. Depending on how well you do at my home, I may ask you to come to my office, remember?”

  She nods. “Of course. I was just asking to see if I could have any idea of what the day would be.”

  “No two days will be the same. But I need to make sure that you’ll willing to do exactly what I tell you to do without asking any questions. Do you understand?”

  “I do, but…”

  I cut her off. “It’s a yes or no question, Penny. Are you willing to do the things that I ask you to do, or will I need to find someone else? I refuse to work with any person who won’t do exactly what I want, when I want it.”

  She hesitates and bites her lower lip again. “I’ll do it. Whatever you say.”

  “Good. First thing – stop chewing on your lower lip. If I see you do it again, you’ll be punished. You understand?”

  “Punished?” Now she looks worried, but I don’t think that I’ve pushed her too far. If anything, I haven’t shown her exactly how serious I am. I’m tired of spending time with people who don’t listen to me and don’t take what I tell them to do seriously.

  “Punished. Complete obedience, Penny, or this won’t work.”

  “You got it. I’ll do what you say, Christopher.”

“Okay then. I’ll see you tomorrow afternoon. Enjoy the new clothes and study hard. I won’t be supporting a failing college student.”

  Her eyes wide, she shakes her head. “Of course not. I’ll…see you tomorrow.”

  With that, she gets out of my car and walks up to her door. I watch her as she opens it and wait until she’s inside before backing out of the space and dialing Nate, my assistant.

  “Nate, I need you to handle a new wardrobe for my assistant.”

  “You have an assistant? When did this happen?” He does a good job keeping surprise out of his voice. It’s one of the reasons I pay him so well.

  “Just now.” I pause a moment and wait for him to interrupt me, but he doesn’t. Good. “So I need you to get her a new wardrobe and have it delivered to her…apartment today. As quickly as possible so she can get used to what she’ll be wearing. She starts tomorrow as soon as she’s done with classes.”

  “Classes? Is she a student?”

  “College student. She’s 22.” I do quick math and figure out that I’m 15 years older than her.

  “Yes, sir. Text me the details and I’ll have everything take care of for you.”

  I’ll do that as soon as I get home and can type it all out. It’s nice knowing that Nate will take care of everything I need him to. It’s good to have a reliable person working for you who will do everything you want.

  Thinking about that makes me think about Penny.

  I like the idea of her doing whatever I tell her to do.

  I can’t wait to see how far she’s willing to go.

  If she’s as malleable and happy to please as I think that she is, then she may work out perfectly for me.

  I grin and decide to change and hit the gym before getting dinner. Soon, though, I’ll have someone here to cater to my needs and whims when I get home.

  I can’t wait. Penny is perfect, even if she doesn’t realize it yet.

  Chapter 3



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