Intense Daddy

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Intense Daddy Page 5

by Bailey Rock

  I give up. I come, shattering around his hand and almost falling to the floor.

  He grabs me by one up, supporting me and shoving me up against the counter and then holding me there until I stop gasping for air.

  My ass is stinging and my clit throbs, but finally I feel like my mind is clear and I can think again.

  “Pull yourself together and come downstairs.” Christopher’s voice is dark, and I have to focus on what he’s telling me to do.

  I open my mouth to answer but nothing comes out, and by the time I think that I’ve pulled myself together enough to form a coherent thought, he’s already left the bathroom.


  “You were filming me.”

  It took Penny almost ten minutes to pull herself together enough to come downstairs to talk to me and the first words out of her mouth are an accusation.

  I raise one eyebrow and look at her as she walks into the living room. She hesitates by a chair across from me and I smile when I realize that she can’t sit down.

  “Why don’t you relax for a moment? Take a load off?” I gesture at the chair, but she just glares at me.

  God, she’s perfect, even when she’s angry.

  Especially when she’s angry.

  “I think I’ll stand.” She crosses her arms and glares at me. “Was there anything else that you want me to do for you today? Or am I free to go?”

  “Where would you go?” I reach over to the table by the sofa and pick up my glass of water, taking a sip while I watch her eyes.

  She’s about to go crazy trying to figure out what I’m talking about.

  “Home, obviously. I can come back tomorrow after classes, though. Like we agreed.”

  “No, I don’t think that that will work. You were late, remember, and I told you that I don’t allow that.”

  “I apologized.” Her face grows pale and I realize that she thinks I’m going to fire her. Good. Let her stew a little and stress out about having to go back to nannying.

  “You did, but I took matters into my own hands.” I think about the red welts crisscrossing on her ass and I grin.

  “How, Daddy?” She takes a step forward and drops her arms, trying to look repentant.

  “I moved you in.”

  “You…what?” There’s a look of fear on her face, but it’s mingled with something else. Excitement? I don’t know her well enough to tell yet, but I like it.

  She’s not bold enough to stand up for herself yet, but I can see that there’s something more to her than there is to some of the other girls I’ve hired in the past.

  Jenny may have a way to go yet, but she has potential.

  And I can work with potential.

  “While you were getting your punishment upstairs I had a crew bring over all of your things from your apartment. It’s not like there was a lot there to bring over, but congratulations. You’ve upgraded.”

  “You can’t do that.”

  I shrug. “I can do anything, Penny, don’t you see that? And I did. Aren’t you glad that you’re going to be living in a nicer place now?” I put the glass of water back down and stand up, walking so that I’m right in front of her. “Besides, you won’t have to worry about cleaning your own toilets any longer. I have a housekeeper who takes care of all of that for me.”

  Her eyes grow wide. “You have a housekeeper?”

  I grin. “Of course I do. You think that I actually clean this house on my own? I don’t have time for that?”

  “Then why did you tell me that I needed to do it?”

  Before I answer, I brush a bit of hair back behind her ear. She shivers, but she doesn’t move from her spot. Good.

  “Because you needed to know that I’m in control. Fully, one hundred percent in control. Do you understand that now?”

  She nods and I feel a thrill run though my body.

  She’s mine.

  “Where are my things?”

  I gesture out the door and to the right. “They’re in the wing by the kitchen. Everything is there and the crew unpacked for you so you don’t have to, but feel free to go and check to make sure that nothing got left behind.”

  She nods. “Thank you, Daddy.”

  The words sound stilted coming out of her mouth, and I raise an eyebrow.

  Well, she was just spanked. Hard. Harder than she deserved, probably, but when I saw that sweet little ass and her dripping pussy, I knew that I wasn’t going to be able to control myself.

  “I’m going to go look.”

  She walks out of the room and I sit back down, watching her ass as she goes.

  Soon she’ll be mine. I’m very patient and I can wait a long time, but seeing those red marks on her ass and the way she moaned and pushed against me as I rubbed her clit makes me know that I won’t be able to wait much longer.

  She’ll find the present I left her on her bed. That will help to smooth over our interaction in the bathroom today and hopefully help her calm down.

  She’s got some fight in her. I like it, but she needs to have it tempered. She can’t use it against me or this won’t work.

  Chapter 9


  I’m seething when I walk into my wing of the house. Sure, all of my things are here, and mostly put away, but this means that someone else was touching my stuff. Someone had their hands in my clothes and decided where they should go in my space.

  I don’t like it.

  I don’t like Christopher.

  How could I think that he could be a nice guy or that I could handle working for him? The man is evil, pure and simple, and has desires that I don’t think I can ever fill for him.

  He wants more from me than I’m willing to give him, plain and simple. I slam the door behind me and throw myself onto my bed, not even seeing the small box that’s in the center.

  “What the hell?” I roll over and reach behind me to pull out a small box. It’s a jewelry box, and my first thought is to hurl it across the room, but I’m too curious to do that.

  I need to know what’s in there.

  Carefully, I lift the lid. There’s a small velvet bag inside and I grab it, dropping the box to the bed. Before I open the bag, I weigh it in my hand, trying to guess what’s inside.

  Not a ring, that’s for sure.

  I wouldn’t wear a ring from that bastard if it meant I could have the world.

  A necklace?

  I open the bag and tilt it so that the contents tip out into my hand.

  It’s gorgeous. I hate to admit it, but the guy has great taste.

  There’s a huge diamond on the necklace with an intricately woven chain. I want to put it on but I’m afraid of what that may mean.

  What it does mean.

  Why in the hell would Christopher buy me this piece of jewelry? It doesn’t make any sense.

  Not after the spanking with the crop.

  Not after moving all my things into his house without asking my permission.

  I stand up and drop the necklace into my skirt pocket and then grab my purse from by the door.

  He may think that he can simply move all of my things into his house and think that I’ll stay, but that’s not the way it works.

  I need the money, sure, but I don’t know that I can handle being treated the way I have been.

  Pausing with indecision at the door to my room, I consider my options.

  Stay and deal with Christopher or run away.

  I shoulder my purse and push open the bedroom door, wondering if Christopher is still where I left him in the living room.

  He has to be. There’s not a sound in the house. I decide to do what I know I need to do.

  Slipping down the hall, I reach the front doors without any problems and unlock one to slip outside. It’s heavy and squeaks a little, but I manage to get it open and slip out onto the front porch without Christopher stopping me.

  I’m halfway down the driveway and running before I consider the fact that he may have cameras in the house. If he does, then he kn
ows what I’m doing.

  Hesitation is only going to cost me time.

  I run faster.


  I’m getting myself something to eat in the kitchen when Penny pokes her head out of her room, so I don’t know that she’s considering a jailbreak until I go back into my office and check my computer screens.

  At first, I think that I’m simply missing her on the screen. A quick click through the cameras in the house, though, tell me what I fear, so I rewind the tape to watch.

  Well, she grew some balls.

  Briefly, I consider letting her make a run for it.

  Letting her think that she’s gotten away.

  But what she doesn’t realize is that I know something about her. She doesn’t want to get away from me. I know that she may be running right now, but deep down in her heart, she knows that this is where she belongs.

  I saw it in the way she pushed back up against me when I was spanking her.

  How she moaned when I slipped my fingers into her.

  I sigh and stand up from my desk, stretching before grabbing my keys.

  I’m going after Penny and I’m going to bring her back home where she belongs, if it’s the last thing I do.

  Luckily, it doesn’t take me very long to find her.

  She made the epic mistake of not slipping on a pair of running shoes before she left the house. I see her just a few blocks from my house, jogging on the sidewalk.

  It’s easy to tell that it’s her. I’ve spent enough time staring at her ass and thinking about her ass to pick it out of any lineup, so I’m confident when I pull up next to her.

  She slows down when she hears the rumble of my engine but she doesn’t stop. I slow so I’m pacing her, just like the first time we met.

  Rolling down the window, I wait until she turns to look at me. I know that she will, and she does, a guilty look on her face.

  “Penny. Get in the car and come home.” It’s not an offer. It’s a command, and I can tell that she hears the power in my voice. She slows to a stop and turns to face me, shaking her head.

  “I can’t. I didn’t know what I was getting into. I just…I don’t think that I can live like this.”

  Live like this? Like a princess?

  “What’s the problem, Penny?” I’ve handled plenty of negotiations in my past and I know how to handle them when people aren’t sure what they want. Penny’s just feeling the crunch of someone actually taking care of her.

  She doesn’t know what to do when she’s faced with someone who cares.

  “Controlled, I guess?” While she thinks, she scrunches up her nose. It’s cute, endearing, but all I can think about is how I want to spank her when I get her back home.

  “Taken care of.”

  “Taken care of?” She thinks for a moment and then shifts her feet. Her heels must be killing her, but she doesn’t complain. “I guess.”

  “Get in the car and I’ll take you home.”

  She looks at me wary. “I don’t know if I want the punishment that I’m sure is going to come. I’m not going to be able to sit down for a week as it is.”

  She’s right, and I know it, even though I don’t want to admit it. “Make dinner and we’ll call it even.”

  “In my apron?”

  Damn right, in your apron. I want to see the red marks on her ass. I love the way she looks half-naked with her tight little ass on display.


  She sighs and nods. “Okay, but my ass is off-limits right now, okay?”


  Who is this bold, sassy, and gorgeous little nanny I rescued? I sure as hell didn’t expect this much personality from her when I picked her up off the side of the road. It would have driven me nuts a few years ago, but now?

  Now I kinda like it.

  Not that I would ever tell her that, though. The last thing that she needs to hear is that I like her sass and her personality. I can only imagine what a complete pain in the ass that would make her if she knew.

  She buckles up and shifts her position uncomfortable.

  “Seat warmers?” I offer, pointing to the button.

  She pushes it and relaxes as the heat hits her ass.

  Penny isn’t perfect, by any means, but she’s mine, and this little drama with her escaping and then coming back to me only proves to me how much she really belongs to me.

  Even though she needed to feel like she was in control for a moment, she’s really not. She just wanted to make sure that she could still have some control over her life.

  But really, she craves it.

  I could tell from the moment I saw her.

  She had no control over her life or in her life, and that’s exactly what I’ve given her. That’s why she’s going to stay.

  Well, that and the rewards I give her.

  As long as she can handle the punishments when they come, then we’ll get along just fine.

  We pull away from the curb and I make a loop through the city before heading back home.

  Chapter 10


  Dinner was uneventful, even though I was a little self-conscious about the red marks on my ass. They stand out like tiger strips, but Christopher didn’t say anything about them.

  I could tell that he was staring at them, though, and that was pretty sexy.

  Even though I hate to admit it.

  After dinner I fell into bed, not even bothering to do my homework for the next day. It’s been exhausting, and just stretching out on my pillows in my huge bed is the only way I think that I can handle everything I just went through.

  I’m here now, propped up by some of the biggest pillows I’ve ever seen, looking around my new room, and trying to decide how to answer my latest text.

  Where the hell are you?

  It’s Jessica, and I don’t blame her for being a little worried. She was home alone today when suddenly a moving crew showed up, cleaned out all of my stuff, and then disappeared. She probably thought that I was dead in a ditch somewhere, but it sure took her long enough to reach out.

  Moved in with a new employer.

  I know for a fact that this isn’t going to please her, so I don’t even set the phone back down while I wait for her response.



  I guess? I don’t really know what to call myself. Sex servant? Shoe cleaner? Cook?

  None of it really encapsulates what it is that I do here.

  Will you be in class tomorrow?

  I tell her that I will and then I toss my phone to the side table. I don’t want to deal with any more texts from people and I don’t want to have to worry about whether or not I’m making the right choice.

  If I just go to sleep now, then I won’t have to think about my reality.

  I’ve moved in with someone I barely know.

  He’s incredibly hot and demanding.

  He wants things from me that nobody has ever tried to take before.

  I’m willing to give him everything.

  Yep, that’s the truth even though I’m a little afraid to admit it. I realized tonight, over dinner, that I would do just about anything Christopher asked.

  It doesn’t make sense that an older and more successful man like him would want anything to do with me. It doesn’t make sense that he would want to take care of me the way that he does.

  But he is taking care of me.

  And when I stood up for myself today, he let me.

  Thinking more about this is only going to make my brain hurt, so I roll over and turn off the light, willing sleep to come quickly.


  It’s been two weeks since Penny moved in and I feel like we’re finally starting to get into our rhythm. She’s a tough one, that’s for sure, so I don’t want to break her, but I do want to make sure that she knows that I’m the boss.

  It’s taken a few lessons and a lot of time with the crop, but she’s getting it.

  Now, I only have to pick up the cro
p and she turns and pulls up her skirt, exposing her ass for me. She loves the pain, and she also loves the release that comes after it when I make her come.

  She’s come more in her time here with me than she probably has in her entire life, and I want to keep it that way.

  This morning, she has a big test at school, and even though she told me that she doesn’t need me to drop her off, I don’t want her walking.

  It’s raining and she needs to be there on time. I’ve already made it clear to her that I’m not going to continue to let her live here and pay her if she doesn’t do well in school, so she knows that it’s important.

  I take some things, like education, very seriously.

  By the time I’m dressed and in the kitchen, she already has breakfast made and is pouring me a cup of coffee. Of course, she’s wearing the apron I gave her, and not much else.

  My cock twitches in my pants.

  I still haven’t had her for myself – haven’t buried myself deep in her like I want to, but I’ve been waiting for the perfect time.

  It just hasn’t presented itself yet. If I have to wait much longer, I’m going to make my own perfect time. I don’t want to wait to feel her tight little pussy around my cock.

  “Morning, Daddy,” she says, walking over and handing me my coffee. I take it and smile at the way she trails her fingers down my arm and across my chest before she turns and walks away, giving me a great view of her ass.

  She wants me just as badly as I want her.

  “You ready for your big day today at school?” I sit and pick up the paper she’s put out for me, skimming the headlines while I wait on her response.

  “I think so. You ready to reward me when I get home?”

  She has on the diamond necklace I gave her the day she tried to run away. I never said anything about it, but she put it on when she moved in and hasn’t ever taken it off. Not when she works, not when she sleeps, not when she showers.

  I know. I’ve been watching.

  “Only if you do a good job. I won’t be able to pick you up since I have a meeting, but Nate will be there waiting for you.”


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