Bride Wanted

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Bride Wanted Page 5

by Eva Luxe

  As a matter of fact. I sniffed around and didn’t smell the usual hint of alcohol that was usually in the air.

  “It’s okay, Dad. I understand what you’re going through… I’m here. I’m old enough to help out now.”

  My father slowly dragged his gaze back to mine. Then his eyes went wide.

  “Wendy, get over here!” he stood from his seat and waved his hand for me to come over by him.

  I scampered over to him and turned around to see wisps of smoke coming through the edges of the door frame.

  “Dad? Is it a fire?”

  He stepped around me and went to the door, feeling over it.

  When he opened it though, a huge plume of smoke billowed inside. Dad slammed the door shut, coughing from the small inhalation of smoke.

  “Why aren’t the alarms going off?”

  I ran back into my room and gathered a few important things of mine.

  “Wendy, call 911—” my father called out, but the fire alarms finally started blaring loud.

  “Dad!” I shouted, running into the hallway. “We got to go!”

  We huddled up and locked arms so we wouldn’t lose each other. The smoke was getting thick, and as we made our way down the hallway, the ceiling fell in, blocking the only exit we had.

  “Fire!” I cried, watching the parts of the ceiling burn on the ground in front of us.

  “The fire’s coming from above us!” my father pointed out. “We have to go back to the apartment,” he said, pulling me along with him.

  Parts of the ceiling fell again, almost falling on me. Dad opened the door and pulled me inside.

  “Let’s go to a window and hang our heads out of it for air, okay?”

  It’d been a while since I had seen Dad aware like this.

  “Yeah,” I said, coughing from the smoke.

  We moved into his bedroom and opened the window. Pushing the screen out, we were able to hang our heads out and get some fresh air.

  “Breathe slowly, big gulps of air, okay, dear?” he instructed.

  “Yes, Dad.” I smiled and he patted my shoulder.

  “We’ll be fine.”

  In the distance I heard the fire trucks blaring their horns. Above our heads, we saw the smoke, now black, coming from the higher floors.

  There was no way the fire department was going to allow us to stay here.

  That meant one thing…

  I took out my phone and began to dial.

  “Who’re you calling, angel?”

  “My future husband.”

  Chapter 11


  I pulled into the parking lot with Wendy still on my mind. She was still that delicate, yet feisty person I loved. But now there were a couple of upgrades, like her hips and her breasts.

  She was going to be my wife, and naturally, we were going to do what all married couples did; fuck. It was inevitable, especially considering my appetite for her.

  “Sam!” Benson called, running over to my car. I was just reaching my silver cane to pull myself out of this short car.

  “Sam, there you are! We have the Morgans here to review over some paper work. I think we potentially have some Japanese clients coming too,” Benson informed me, his eye sparkling. Anything that had to do with money made him giddy.

  “Good. The more the better. Any word on Gallock?”

  “Not yet. But if he so much sneezes our names, we’ll know.”

  I begun to walk back to the building with Benson when my phone rang and buzzed in my pocket.

  I dug it out on a whim, and realized it was Wendy calling me.

  “Plus, I need to see this wife of yours soon. Don’t hold go holding out on me—”

  “Sorry, Benson. Let me take this real quick.” I answered the call. “Hello, Wendy?”

  “Sam, I need your,” she broke into a barrage of coughs, “I need your help.”

  “Are you okay?” I griped the phone tighter. “Why are you coughing like that?”

  “Fire, we had a fire just now,” she said, couhging after her sentence. “I need your help.”

  “Are you safe? Did you get out?”

  “Yeah, we’re out. But our apartment is gone.”

  “Wendy. Hang on, I’ll be there in fifteen minutes!” I hung up the phone and spun around on my heels to jump back into my car.

  “Wait, the office is this way!” Benson said, following me.

  “I can’t go right now. I have an emergency.”

  My stride was strong to the point that I almost didn’t need my cane.

  “But, what are we going to do about the Morgans?”

  “Handle it for me Benson. You are my partner, right?”

  I smiled and opened my car door.

  “Okay. I got you then. Hope everything works out okay.”


  I got in and closed my door. In only a few seconds, I found myself flying down the freeway. I was actually keeping up with traffic this time. If anything, I thought I was speeding.

  I checked my speedometer and sure enough, I was hitting seventy.

  Not speeding technically, but it was the fastest I’d ever driven since the accident.

  I told Wendy fifteen. But I sped over to her place in less than ten minutes. The smoke could be seen all the way from the freeway.

  The closer I approached her building, the more the firetrucks and ambulances got in the way. Not wanting to get in their way, I threw my car to the side, parked it, and jumped out the car… leaving my cane behind.

  A small ache raidated in my hip. But now wasn’t the time to think about myself. Wendy needed me.

  And I was going to be there.

  A police officer saw me walking toward the building and ran over to stop me. “Sir, you can’t get too close. There are still active flames.”

  “I’m looking for my wife!”

  “Check over there. Anyone we pulled out will be in that area of ambulances.”

  I dragged my body over there faster than my legs willed. Looking around, I couldn’t find Wendy.

  I pulled my phone out, ready to call her again until I heard her small pixy voice over the rush of water and sirens.


  I turned around a few times, but finally saw her waving. She was sitting at the back of an ambulance with her father. They both had on oxygen masks.

  Taking hers off one more time, she called my name again to make sure I had a stable visual on her. “Sam!”

  “Wendy! I’m coming.”

  I ranover to her and she stood up to hug me.

  “What happened?” I asked her.

  “Someone fell asleep while frying something in oil,” Mr. Monroe said, frowning. He shook his head in annoyance and placed his mask back on.

  “Ugh. Idiots. You two can stay with me,” I offered.

  “Not me,” Mr. Monroe said.

  Wendy perked up and sat down by her father. “Why, Dad?”

  He looked up at me then back at her. “Wendy, I’m a mess. I need help. It’s not fair for me to hold you back. Look at him. Sam’s got it all together. That’s who you deserve. Me? I’m going to put myself in the city center rehab for my alcohol problem. I hurt this family enough.”

  Tears welled up in Wendy’s eyes. “Dad—”

  Mr. Monroe held his hand up and stopped her from arguing against his decision. “Sam,” he said, looking up at me, “take good care of her.”

  It’d be shitty of me to not help him too. No wonder Wendy didn’t want to leave her dad.

  “I will. I’ll help you too. The city center rehab isn’t the best palce to go to. I know a great place that will help. They helped me walk again and they have a good rehab program too that I’ve heard about. It’s on me. Take it.”

  Mr. Monroe gave it a good thought.

  I pulled Wendy by the hip to my side. “Please, take it. After all, I have your daughter.” I winked.

  He laughed with a few coughs thrown in.

  “Fine. You’re right. Thank you, Sam.” />
  Chapter 12


  Tears wouldn’t stop welling up in my eyes, stining the lower lids and making my vision blurry.

  Sam had us stashed in his car and drove us to the facility that helped him walk again. When all the paper work was done, a nurse came out to get my father.

  He disappeared through two wooden double doors after waving goodbye.

  “It’s going to be okay, Wendy. He’s fine here. They work miracles here,” Sam hushed into my ear. The soothing warmth from his breath tickling my ear made me feel a bit more at ease.

  He held me by the shoulders and we slowly began to walk out of the facility. The doctors said it was going to be a four month journey. And hopefully my Dad would be back. The Dad I used to know.

  The Dad that I saw glimpses of every so often under the pain and sorrow. He prided on being the head of the family, well, what small family we had. Loosing his job after doing so well and watching as his savings dwinlded away was painful for him.

  But now, I was grown. I could help.

  And one point two million was going to make sure that this didn’t happen again.

  Dad was getting the help he needed, and I was given the chance of a lifetime.

  We got into his car and I rested my head back while I pulled around my seat belt.

  “Thanks, Sam.” I opened my eyes and looked at him. Reaching out, I placed my hand on his knee. My arm bumped into his cane. That was when it hit me…

  “Hey… your cane. You weren’t using it when you came over to the ambulance. And… you didn’t use it to walk when we came here either. Are you feeling better?”

  I moved my hand from his knee to his cane and held it up, examining the carvings on the handle part.

  It was a heavy-ish cane. Definitely expensive. It was probably solid silver.

  “Oh, yeah. I thought you and your father were really hurt. I was worried,” Sam said in a hushed tone.

  I eyes locked onto each other’s and my face began to heat up. I broke away and looked down at my feet.

  “I see. Thanks for worrying. It’s nice to have someone looking over you every once in a while.”

  Sam grabbed my hand and placed it on a button.

  “Huh?” I looked down at my hand then back up at him.

  “Push it. Start the car.”

  I perked up and pushed the button. The car revved to life and we were off.

  “So, where are we going now?” I asked Sam. His profile looked manly from where I was sitting. Damn, he grew up fine.

  “Your new home,” he said, a sly smile on his face.

  He got what he wanted too.


  “No way! This is your home,” I exclaimed, looking at the mini mansion we were pulling up on. It sat on a small hill, had beautiful big windows and pillars at the entrance.

  Sam parked his car right at the front door and we got out. I was almost afraid to move.

  “Come on. Get comfortable. You are my wife, now,” Sam said, taking out his keys to unlock the door.

  I followed behind him and had to catch my jaw from hitting the floor once I entered the inside.

  Marble, gold trimming, the works.

  “Wow, you’re… God, you’re set for life, aren’t you, Sam?”

  Sam folded his arms and smirked. “I will be if this all goes to plan.”

  “You mean this marriage deal thing?”

  “Yes. Here, let me show you your room.”

  Sam held his hand out and I took it. His long strong fingers wrapped around my hand, sending a jolt through my body.

  “Your home is beautiful.”

  “It’s even more beautiful with you here in it,” Sam said, squeezing my hand.

  A jolt ran down to my core. Yep, my panties were wet now.

  Sam took me through his home, showing me his garden, gourmet kitchen, indoor and outdoor pool, and finally my bedroom doors.

  We stopped outside what would be my room and Sam paused for a second.

  “You’re going to love this,” he said, gripping the gold handles and pushing them open.

  I leaned in as the doors were pushed open.

  When they were all the way open, I stumbled back.

  “Oh my god,” I stammered, placing my hand over my mouth.

  “Well don’t run away. This is your room.” Sam inched over to me, a slight limp to his walk. Personally, I thought it was kind of sexy. “Unless, you’d rather stay in mine.”

  That tingle in my pussy got a level up now.

  “You’re something else, Sam,” I stuttered, taking a few steps around him.

  I waltzed into the room and turned around to the door.

  “Time for me to get comfortable. I’ll be out in a hour or so.”

  “Okay, I’ll bring in your bags from the car and set them outside your door.”


  With that, I closed the door and took in the view of my room. The lighting was customizable; I could make it lighter or dimmer with the turn of a dial. The ceiling was pure art, and the bathroom? It was bigger than my old bedroom.

  After messing around with the shower, I slipped into a spare robe that was in the bathroom closet and went into the bedroom.

  This was a perfect time to relax.

  Throwing myself on the bed, I bounced up and down and grabbed my phone.

  Molly hadn’t heard from me in a while, and it was time I began getting back in touch with being a normal person instead of a number crunching worry wort that didn’t socialize with anyone.

  *Knock, knock*

  The door creaked open and Sam peaked his head in.

  “Hey, I didn’t say come in yet,” I huffed, pulling my robe down my exposed leg.

  “You’re my wife. I shouldn’t have to,” Sam said, bringing in my bags.

  “Wendy, I need to ask you something to clear the air.”

  Sam placed my bags close to my bed, his eyes beaming at me.

  “What is it?”

  “The prom.”

  Oh God, was he really going to bring this up?

  “What about it?”

  He sat down on my bed and stared me down.

  “I know it was a long time ago. But I want to know. Why Bruer? Why didn’t you want to go with me?” his voice wasn’t as… mean as I thought it’d be. Sam sounded more hurt than anything.

  “Me? Go with Bruer?” I pointed at myself, shocked at what he just said. “Woah, wait. I didn’t go with Bruer! You’re the one who dropped me for Alice, remember?”

  Sam’s brows lowered. “Alice? She went to the prom with Bruer. I was told you didn’t want to see me or anything…”

  “What? Who told you—”


  “Huh. Alice’s sister… Okay, now I see.” I slapped my forehead and fell back on my bed. “I feel so stupid.”

  Sam cupped my cheek and pulled me in by the neck for a kiss.

  “I’m sorry,” I mumbled. “How could I be so stupid.”

  “We were young,” Sam explained.

  “That’s not a good enough excuse.”

  Sam crawled on top of me and untied my robe, opening it to run his eyes over my perky breasts.

  I shivered at his gaze. Even though he was now my fiance, his gaze was hungry and intense. I had never had a man look at me the way Sam was right now.

  I quivered as he brushed his fingers lightly against my nipples. I ran my hands all over his back and neck, feeling his hard, manly skin under my fingers.

  His chest and back felt so good to my touch. I just wanted to hold him in my arms forever. The way Sam maneuvered his hands over my breasts made me moan out in pleasure.

  He knew exactly what he was doing and I liked that about him. His fingers caressed my nipples, causing them to stiffen under his ministrations. He leaned down and popped one in his mouth, making me cry out and arch my back. Good thing I was flexible.

  I loved the feel of Roland's hot rough mouth upon my small breast, the way he flicked his tongue o
ver my nipple and how he worked his warm rough hand on my belly. It had to be gripping that cane. But lately he hadn’t been using it.

  What had I been missing?

  I squirmed under his hot body as he worked from one nipple to the other. He then kissed my neck, leaving hot wet kiss trails all over my skin.

  That just made me want him more. He was everything I remembered and more. Our eyes locked and when he placed his lips on mine, my pussy quivered with lust.

  We kissed with all the passion of lost lovers and I dug my fingernails into his back. I could feel his hard cock pressing against my thigh and I wanted it like nothing I have ever wanted before. But I wanted to savor the moment first.

  "Hmm..." He hummed into my mouth. "You're a great kisser. I could get used to this."

  I smiled and kissed him on the nose. "Good, because you're going to get as much as you can handle,” I purred.

  "Oh, you think you can dish it out? Let's see you try." He smiled.

  I slipped out from underneath his muscular body. My pussy was positively thrumming and I didn't want to wait one more minute for my prize. Putting him on his back, I tore open his shirt as I kissed my way down his strong abs to his stomach and even further.

  I smiled up at him as I unbuckled his belt, and pulled down his pants and boxers, exposing his large, veiny cock to my greedy eyes. The moment I saw its size and girth, I whistled. It was big. Really big.

  "Holy shit!" I said, tracing my fingers up and down his sensitive cock. "Where have you been hiding this?" I licked my lips. I had always been a glutton for punishment and was never the type to shy away from a challenge.

  And Sam’s cock was most definitely a challenge.

  He laughed and put his hands on my head. I licked every inch of his thick shaft and fondled his nice, smooth balls. Before taking his long, thick shaft down my throat, I tickled his head, teasing him until he was bucking his hips and practically begging for mercy.

  After teasing the poor guy, I took pity on him and his beautiful cock and slowly descended down on his dick. His cries of pleasure echoed throughout the room and I smiled.

  "Damn, Wendy!" He said as I slowly inched my way down his fat cock. It was so large that for a moment I thought it wouldn't fit. I was bound and determined to get it in no matter what. I could feel every twitch and tremor my mouth was causing his cock to make.


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