Bride Wanted

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Bride Wanted Page 22

by Eva Luxe

  I squeezed my father’s hand as I began to make my way down the aisle and toward the cliff's edge where Darien stood waiting in a glorious dark grey suit, poised gracefully. I locked eyes with Darien and his smile widened instantaneously. He took me in, in pure wonder and astonishment.

  I pulled my eyes away from Darien and looked to my father, who lifted my veil and gave me a sweet kiss on the cheek before letting me go. I knew he was doing so in more ways than one.

  “Take care of my girl,” my father said, leaning toward Darien. Darien smiled at his soon-to-be father-in-law.

  “Yes, sir,” Darien said, taking my hands in his.

  The two of us stood before each other, our eyes shining in excitement and anticipation. We had chosen a friend of ours, Lindsey, to officiate the ceremony. She was a friend of Stacy’s with whom I had become friends as well.

  Not being particularly religious, we thought it would be funny if a stripper officiated our wedding. It turned out the requirements to become an officiant to make a wedding legal in our state—when we got back home we would file the marriage certificate that Lindsey signed today—were quite easy. Therefore, we’d carried out the plan and Lindsey had become an officiant who was marrying us today.

  Now, Darien and I turned towards her and prepared ourselves for the journey ahead.

  “Welcome family and friends, for you are about to witness the joining of Darien and Willow. These two people have chosen to share their lives together and have chosen all of you to share that with them. And now Darien and Willow will share their vows to each other.”

  “Willow,” Darien placed a hand gently on my cheek and I closed my eyes against his touch. “For a time, it seemed like this day would never come. And I would never get to stand here with you at the edge of the world. But here we are. We made it. And I know for a fact that I cannot imagine a world without you in it. I would do anything in the world for you, go anywhere in the world for you. I think I’ve proven that by coming here to Ireland with you, the spot you chose for us to get married in.”

  Our guests laughed, and so did I. My sweet, handsome, funny husband. I was so happy to be marrying him.

  “And I don’t know what I did to deserve someone like you,” he continued, bringing my mood back to somber and serious on the surface, but still happy bubbles nearly burst up from underneath. “But I will spend every day of the rest of my life trying to prove that to you. I promise to be your advocate and your champion and above all, I promise to be your family. I love you.”

  I wiped a tear from my eye at Darien’s words, trying to work myself up to saying everything I wanted to say to him in return. I squeezed his hand for support.

  “Darien,” I took a deep breath before continuing. “You came into my life at a time when I was desperately seeking something. Something that I didn’t know I needed. Something that I felt empty without. And you filled the emptiness. You shined a light on me that was so bright it blinded everything else out. There is no one that I’d rather stand at the edge of the world with than you. I love you.”

  “There’s only one thing left to do,” Lindsey said, with a smile on his face. “Darien, you may kiss your bride.”

  Darien grabbed ahold of my waist and pulled me toward him. He bent me gracefully backward and, with the cheers of our family and friends in the background, he kissed me passionately on the lips.

  Darien pulled me back toward him and held me close to him, not wanting to take his eyes off me. I gazed back at him, feeling happier than I’d ever been.

  We walked back down the aisle to the cheers and tears of our family and friends, holding each other tightly.


  Later, back at the B&B, Darien and I sat at the head table surrounded by our wedding party and looking out at all the tables in front of us filled with the people we love. After several touching and slightly drunken speeches and a delicious five-course dinner, Darien and I began to make our rounds.

  After several minutes of handshaking and hugs and congratulations, I spotted my brother Sam, one of Darien’s Groomsmen, sitting by himself at the head table. I walked over to him and sat down beside him. Sam was fiddling around with his cane, his brow furrowed deeply.

  “How you doing?” I asked, a concerned look on my face. I placed a hand over top of his, stopping his movements. Sam turned toward me after a moment. “I’m really glad you’re here. Darien and I wanted to make sure that you were well enough to be here. It wouldn’t have been the same without you.”

  “I appreciate that but I’m afraid I probably won’t be much fun,” Sam said with a sigh.

  He went back to twirling the cane that helps him walk. His feelings of resentment toward the instrument were all too clear on his face.

  “I know many people have said this before but it’s a miracle that you’re even here right now,” I said, leaning toward my brother. “We could have been gathered together for a very different reason. And I’m so thankful that it’s for something happy. You have no idea how much this family needs you, Sam. How much I need you.”

  Sam didn’t respond and instead looked down at his hands. He turned away from me, not wanting to bear another burden heavier than the one he was currently carrying.

  “You’re at my wedding for crying out loud. Can’t you at least pretend to be happy for me?” I asked, searching my brother’s eyes for a glimpse of the man I used to know.

  “I am happy for you. I’m really happy you, little sister,” Sam said, forcing a smile. “It may not seem like it but I am. I’m just…” He stopped and hanged his head, thinking. “I’m in a place that I can’t shake. I don’t know how to move on when the thing that comes easiest to us has now become so hard. I can’t even walk without help. How am I supposed to do anything else?”

  “You’ll get there,” I said and put a hand on his shoulder. He placed his hand over top of mine and squeezed it gently. “I know you will. It just takes time.”

  “How much time? I can’t stand living like this.” Sam turned away from me again, not wanting me to see his desperation.

  “You have no idea how lucky you are, Sam. You…”

  “I know, I know,” Sam said, irritation apparent in his voice. “Plenty of people have it much worse than I do. I know. But my mind doesn’t see it like that when my body feels broken down. I no longer feel like seeing my friends or even doing the things I used to love. All I feel is nothing.”

  Sam attempted to get up from his seat in frustration but his legs betray him and he fell back down into his seat with a heavy and resentful sigh.

  I helped him back into his seat, Sam carefully tried not to throw off my touch, even though he desperately wanted to shower me with his anger.

  “It’s perfectly natural to feel depressed after an accident like that,” I said, while I took my brother’s hand in mine. “You were in a coma for God’s sake. You literally woke up and the world was different. I know you don’t even remember a lot of things. You lost parts of your memory along with parts of your physical mobility. It’s not something that’s easy to adjust to or to accept. But you have to. It’s the only thing you can do.”

  “How?” Sam asked, his voice pleading. “How do I do that?”

  “You get back out there and you act like nothing has changed. You see your friends. You have fun. You spend time with your family. Meet someone wonderful…”

  “Do not try and set me up with another one of your friends,” Sam said, managing a genuine laugh. I couldn’t help but laugh in response.

  “Okay, so maybe pushing you to date wasn’t the best idea. I just thought that it would help somewhat. They all really liked you.” I smiled at him, lying right through my teeth, of course.

  “No, they didn’t!” Sam said, incredulous, unable to believe a single thing that I say. “They all thought I was depressed and moody and they’d be right because that’s exactly what I am. And besides, I
don’t need anyone feeling sorry for me.”

  “No one feels sorry for you, Sam,” I said, adjusting my dress.

  “Yes, they do,” Sam said, turning toward me. “Why do you think you’re the first person here to come over and talk to me? Huh? No one willingly wants to talk to the depressed guy who used to be in a coma.”

  The bitterness in Sam’s voice was palpable. It left me feeling helpless.

  “But Sam, you don’t have to be that guy,” I said simply.

  I put my hand on Sam’s shoulder and turned my brother towards me. He allowed me to do so, reluctantly.

  “Oh really?” Sam said, pulling away from my grasp. “I can turn it off just like that? That’s not how depression works, Willow.”

  “No, I know that,” I said, desperately needing Sam to understand my meaning. “I just mean that you don’t have to feel like this forever. You should really talk to someone.”

  “Aren’t we talking right now?” Sam asked, bitterly.

  The thought of telling a stranger his feelings clearly made him feel queasy.

  “Not your sister,” I said, gently. “Talking to me obviously isn’t the right way to go. But talking to a professional just might. It would at least give you a routine. It might not fix everything but it would probably fix some things.”

  “Maybe you’re right,” Sam said softly.

  “You’re my brother and I will support you no matter what. You know that, right?”

  “Yeah, I do. Now stop talking to your angsty brother and get back to your new husband and your guests. You’re probably holding up the dance floor or something,” Sam said with a genuine smile. “I really am happy for you, you know. Good work.”

  I leaned over and gave my brother a tight hug.

  “I love you, Sam,” I said into his ear, still holding him tightly. “I just want you find happiness too. And I know one day you’ll get there.” I pulled back and looked into his eyes. “I know that you’ll find someone who lifts you up the way Darien does for me.”

  “I hope you’re right,” Sam said.

  “I am,” I said as I gave him a smile. “I’m sure of it.”

  I squeezed his hand one more time before walking back toward my guests.

  I weaved my way through the tables, getting more hugs and congratulations. I spotted Darien from across the room and made a beeline directly for him. He stood near the dance floor and held his hand out to me. I took it gladly and we stepped out onto the floor together.

  We danced our first dance together as husband and wife as Darien whispered sweet nothings into my ear. I held Darien close to my body, taking in the feel of him. After several minutes as the only couple on the dance floor, the DJ invited others to join us.

  Stacy showed up beside us, holding Ariel’s hand. Ariel reached out toward me and I gathered her up in my arms, swinging her back and forth to the music. Darien put his arms around his precious girls and swayed back and forth with us, touching his forehead to mine, wrapping his free hand around my stomach where our baby resided, taking in his new life.

  After an hour and half drive through the Irish countryside, Darien, Ariel and I arrived at the Shannon Airport. My parents arrived a few minutes after us. I stood on the tarmac near Darien’s private jet and held Ariel in my arms. Now that Darien and I were married, we could officially start the process to adopt her. So, soon, I would have two children.

  Ariel was about to cry, as if she sensed that she was about to be separated from her parents for the first time. I rocked her back and forth, trying to soothe her. Darien patted her on the back and said, “It’s okay, Sweetheart, we’ll be back soon.”

  “But I might grow up too big before then, and you won’t even know me,” Ariel said, her lip pouting and her voice crackling as if she was about to cry again.

  Darien and I burst out into laughter, which made Ariel laugh too.

  My mother walked up to us and gave Darien a hug.

  “Enjoy Morocco,” Bonnie said, pulling away. “I’ve always wanted to go there. You’re going to have so much fun.”

  “Thank you,” Darien said, shaking Gregory’s hand. “It’s going to be quite the adventure. First stop: Casablanca.”

  “Thanks, Mom and Dad for taking her,” I gently lead Ariel over to my parents. I patted her on the head and gave her a kiss. Then Darien scooped her up in his arms to say his goodbyes. “I can’t believe we have to leave her. But it’ll be good for all of us to get away.”

  “Yes, it will,” Gregory said. “You two deserve this vacation. We’ll take good care of this little nugget.”

  He gently squeezed his soon to be granddaughter’s cheeks and she started giggling.

  “Bye, sweetheart,” Darien said, giving her a kiss.

  She reached her hands out towards us and began to cry as we walked away from her. That sight broke my heart. But I knew she would be all right. She loved my parents, and they were happy be getting two granddaughters and loved spending time with her.

  In any event, we had to leave if we were ever going to start our honeymoon. Darien and I waved goodbye and stepped onto the private jet.

  I stepped inside the jet and behind the cockpit were three rows of large and comfy seats, with two bench seats lining each side. I put my bags down and slid down into one of the chairs, exhausted. Darien took the seat beside me and we prepared for takeoff.

  Darien reached across the aisle for my hand. I smiled at him and took a breath. Darien watched me carefully, knowing that planes aren’t my preferred mode of transportation. He had told me a million times that I was more likely to be involved in a car crash than a plane crash, but a plane crash still seemed a lot scarier to me.

  “You’re good, hon?” Darien asked, gently. I nodded my head and smiled.

  After takeoff, Darien came over to me and knelt in front of me.

  “We made it, baby,” Darien said with a smile on his face.

  He ran his hands along my thighs, reaching my waist. I spread my legs wide in response and scooted my butt closer to him. I ran my hands along his arms and grabbed a hold of his shirt, pulling him towards me. I kissed him deeply on the mouth, taking in his scent and the moisture of his lips. I pulled back and looked into his eyes.

  “Our first time as husband and wife,” I said, kissing him lightly. “Do you think it will feel different?”

  “Oh, I’ll definitely make you feel something,” Darien said, jokingly.

  He pulled me close to him and kissed me again. He pulled me out of my seat and held me tightly against him. He trailed kisses down my neck in a fashion that made me tilt my head back in pleasure.

  I reached a hand along Darien’s leg and felt a stiffness growing against my palm. I teased him by trailing my fingers along the bulge in his jeans. Darien moved closer to me, a laugh on his lips, and rubbed his erection against my leg. I unhooked his belt and unzipped his jeans in one fluid movement. The material fell to the floor in an instant.

  I pulled off my sweater and guided Darien’s hands to the buttons on my blouse. He started off carefully and then fully popped my top open in an instant, my breasts revealing themselves to him in a black lace bra.

  He cupped my breasts in his hands, and rubbed his face against them, back and forth. He took in the scent coming off my skin and trailed kisses from my breasts to my neck and back up to my lips. I unhooked my bra and tossed it to the floor. And Darien took the opportunity to suck on my elongated nipples, taking each one in turn.

  I sensually took off my panties and watched Darien’s every move. I held my wet panties in my hand and dangled them above Darien like a dog begging for a treat. I tossed them into his face with a laugh and Darien caught them, holding them to his nose, taking in my scent. I nodded my head at him and he dropped the panties to the floor.

  I moved closer to Darien and pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it on the floor. I ran my hands along his broad chest, marveling at the fitness of his body. I kissed his nipples gently and trailed my hand down to his briefs again.<
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  I teased him some more by sliding a hand into his briefs and taking his erect member in my hands. Darien pulled his briefs all the way down as I knelt in front of him and took his large and pulsating cock into my mouth. I slid my tongue along his penis back and forth, taking him all the way into the back of my throat. I pulled back, his penis puckering like it would a lollypop. I stroked his penis with my hands and began pumping faster and faster with each stroke.

  Darien put his hands in my hair, his head tilted back in pleasure. When I sensed Darien reaching climax, I teasingly licked the tip of his cock and vigorously pushed him back onto the chair. In one fluid movement, I was on top of Darien and I slid my dripping wet pussy onto his hard cock. I moaned in pleasure as Darien filled me up. I pulled Darien’s head toward me and kissed him deeply.

  “So that’s what it feels like,” I said, with a smile on my face. “To be with a married man.”

  Darien laughed at my joke and kissed me again, his tongue sliding into my mouth.

  I pulled back and began bouncing on top of Darien’s dick, picking up the pace with each movement. Darien grabbed my ass and squeezed gently, encouraging my rhythm. I felt myself nearing climax and I picked up the pace even further. I rubbed my clit with my free hand, the other running my fingers through Darien’s hair.

  In an instant, both Darien and I let out loud moans as we both reached our destination together. I arched my back as Darien unloaded inside me.

  I began laughing uncontrollably once I started to come down from the high. Darien looked at me curiously, feeling his erection weaken against his leg.

  “What’s so funny?” Darien asked, as I pulled my body off his and maneuvered into his lap. He looked at me with a mixture of curiosity and anguish. “Was that not good for you?”

  “Oh baby, that was amazing,” I said quickly. “As it always is. I never tire of our time together. It’s just that I was thinking about how we first met, and the fact that I never gave you a lap dance. That’s ironic.”

  I managed to breathe out the rest of my statement, still tired and pumped from our amazing sex session. I ran my hands though Darien’s hair and kissed him on the temple.


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