Bride Wanted

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Bride Wanted Page 25

by Eva Luxe

  I just had to get a look at this Stacy chic in person. I couldn’t resist. So I’d agreed to hire her— not just because I wanted to do Darien and Willow a favor but also because I wanted to do my cock a favor. And now here she was, right in front of me— or more like, just a little below me, since she had just fallen down, while I had been on my way into work.

  “Um, nice to meet you… I’m—”

  “Stacy Endow, yes, I know who you are. It’s nice to meet you.”


  I reached out to shake her hand. Her soft skin graced mine. A sweet floral smell wafted off of her. It was a nice change from the obtrusive scent of hard perfume that my last assistant had worn. She just retired, and she had been a good assistant, but I couldn’t say the same about her taste in perfume.

  She smoothed out her skirt and looked around in embarrassment.

  “I can’t believe this is how I’m meeting my new boss,” she said. “I have had the craziest day and my shoe—”

  She stopped, obviously not thinking it a good idea to elaborate. Then realization spreads across her pretty face and she said, “Wait, you already knew who I was?” she asked. “How?”

  “Willow sent me a picture.” I rushed to add an explanation other than she probably knew I’d love your tits. “I never like being unprepared.”

  “Oh, I see. So, where should I follow you?”

  Anywhere and everywhere I want.

  I knew she meant in terms of how to get to the office, but I liked the sound of it nonetheless. She titled her head at me and smiled while waiting for me to answer. Her hips were amazing, and her hourglass figure had the most perfect proportions.

  I just wanted to scoop her up and throw her over my shoulder right then and there. I’d take her up the rest of these stairs and to my office where I’d fuck her silly, if half my staff weren’t around to speculate about all the ruckus we’d undoubtedly be making.

  “Right this way,” I said, my eyes scanning back over her body. “Come, follow me. We need to get upstairs and get you situated.”

  I looked behind me but Stacy was still stuck in her heels. “Ms. Endow?”

  “I’m sorry, I’ll be right up. The twentieth floor, right?”


  “I’ll be up soon. I need to… take care of something…”

  I frowned, wondering if she had turned nervous and had changed her mind about working for me. She didn’t seem like the frail type, though. Sure, her eyes looked rather nervous, darting around as if unsure of what to say.

  But I wasn’t fooled. She had an edge to her. An edge I wanted to rub myself against.

  I cleared my throat.

  “Ms. Endow. We need to get started. No need to be shy,” I said.

  She looked up at me, those big doll eyes begging to be punished. Behind that feminine glow was a darkness that reached into my soul. I sensed she craved domination, possessiveness, passion. Yet she remained frozen in place.

  “As your boss, I demand that you come.”

  Double entendre.

  A wild blush skipped across her cheeks, did she get it too?

  “Boss…” she whispered, looking unsure about how to address me. I could only imagine how that voice would sound screaming my name while my cock was inside her. Ever since Willow showed me her picture, I kept thinking about how she’d sound.

  It was a blend of innocence and seduction wrapped up in one. A dangerous combination rarely found.

  “You’re making me late,” I said, lowering my eyes.

  Stacy straightened up and cleared her throat. “I’m sorry, Mr. Carter. It’s just… my shoe is bit damaged. I had an… incident… earlier, at the bus stop, and… I hate to trouble you with this. It’s just that if I keep climbing the stairs, I’ll trip again, because part of it catches on the edge.”

  “Oh,” I said, relieved that that was all that was causing her to hesitate.

  I was intrigued by this incident that she mentioned, but she obviously didn’t want to talk about it. And I was even more intrigued by the fact that she had to take a bus to work. I didn’t know anyone who rode the bus. I guess she really needed this job.

  “Why don’t you let me help?” I offered.

  I bent down and began taking off her shoe.

  “Oh, Mr. Carter, you don’t have to do that…” she said, but I insisted.

  “I’ll just carry them for you and you can put them back on at the top.”

  She didn’t protest. Her feet felt just as soft as her hands. I was happy for the chance to touch her skin. Then I chastised myself, for letting her have that effect on me.

  She followed me to the top of the stairs and then I handed her shoes back to her. I was tempted to bend down and put them on for her but I needed to exercise some self-control. I was the head of a billion dollar company and here I was feeling weak in the knees— and strong and hard in the cock— just after one touch of a woman’s foot. I had no idea what had gotten into me but I half loved it, half hated it.

  Once she had her shoes back on, Stacy followed me into the building. I caught her glancing around at the artistic glass and gold structures.

  Some of the men in the lobby caught wind of her presence and stared her down. It wasn’t until I gave them the death stare that they looked away. She was mine, and everyone— including Stacy— was going to learn that very soon.

  Chapter 9 – Grant

  I pressed the up button on the elevator that would take us in between different office floors within my company’s suites. Stacy stood behind me, her heels lightly clacking on the marble floors.

  “Nervous?” I asked.

  “Just a little. Business is my major. But this is such a large important company. There’s no room for rookie mistakes.”

  Fuck, she wasn’t just all looks either. I fought the burning urge to rip off that frilly victorianesque shirt she was wearing and turned my attention to the clock on the wall. I had a meeting in thirty minutes.

  Thirty minutes was all I needed to make her mine.

  I was used to getting everything I wanted. Women never turned me down. In fact, they flocked to me and threw themselves at me. My cock was always happy to oblige. But I found it wanting Stacy more than I had wanted anyone in a very long time. Maybe ever.

  Not ever, I told myself, but the inner voice insisted.

  The elevator bell rung and the golden doors opened to reveal my top high end elevator, equipped with seats, wine, and a TV. Sometimes if I needed to think, I’d come here and let the elevator take me up and down while I sipped champagne or fucked some random women with wet panties— sometimes two or three at a time.

  But now it was only Stacy and me here in my favorite place in the whole office, and I liked it just fine that way. We stepped inside the elevator, and its doors slid closed behind us. I caught the glimpses of jealous women who knew exactly what Stacy was going to be getting, and undoubtedly wishing they could be her.

  I pushed the button to my main office, and made sure the elevator’s speed was set to slow. My cock fought against the seams of my fly as I began to inch towards Stacy. I reached out to cup her chin.

  She flicked her thick eyelashes up at me and sneered, slapping my hand to the side.

  “Excuse me?” she hissed. “Do you think I came here to be your whore?”

  She stepped back, clutching onto her purse.

  “What?” I was puzzled. That flash in her eyes was the same one that had been there earlier. When I told her I didn’t bite…

  She had wanted me to.

  I knew that look. But now she was rejecting me?

  “You heard me! I came for a personal assistant job, not a personal sex toy one. Either you hire me to do honest work or I’m leaving!” she thundered.

  Fuck, I had allowed my cock to do all the thinking at the wrong time.

  The elevator felt small, despite the spaciousness. This was akin to being trapped in a small space with a wild cat with claws.

  Damn it. This one intrigued me

  “I apologize, Ms. Endow.” Time to get out of this one. “You passed the test.”

  I straightened my tie, willing my hardening cock to calm down. I was wearing my best boxer briefs underneath my suit pants, so nothing peaked up into a mountain peak shape too easily.

  “Test?” She cocked an eyebrow.

  “Yes, I have way too many women who want to seduce me rather than work for me. You’ve proven yourself.”

  The bell rung and opened up to the main floor of my private office. The place was spacious, with hardly any walls, and where there were any, they were artistically placed black glass walls.

  “Wow, I see. You are a handsome man,” she said. “I can see how some women would be like that around you. But I’m not. I’m here to be a professional.”

  There was a slight purr to her voice. I’d have to work to get her.

  But I knew I could eventually have my way with her. Even though she was feisty. I never failed to get what intrigued me. And now she was just intriguing me even more, even though I hadn’t thought that possible.

  Chapter 10 – Grant

  Stacy followed me to my office, while some of the women gave her the side eye.

  By the table of my main secretary stood a woman. She looked familiar. She turned around to face me with a sly smirk on her face.

  Huh, that face. Yes, I had fucked her before. She glared at Stacy behind me, and my gut growled. I didn’t like that look she was shooting us.

  “May I help you?” I asked.

  My secretary jumped up. “I’m sorry Mr. Grant, I tried to tell her to leave.”

  I raised my hand. “Don’t worry about it. Is there a problem?”

  The woman folded her arms. I didn’t remember her name, but I faintly remembered her body. Average, not impressive like Stacy’s.

  “It depends on you, Mr. Carter.” She shifted her eyes down to Stacy again and I inched in front of her. “May we speak in private?”

  Women, they thought they were in for the long haul; if they weren’t given a chance to destroy you with their fake sense of romance, they’d come do it later with a vengeance. That’s why I never got serious with any of them. Not worth it.

  “Stacy, just a minute. This won’t take long.”

  I motioned to my secretary to take Stacy to our waiting room so she wasn’t left standing around.

  Opening my door, I allowed the woman in first. She strode inside with a bobble of the head and a smart ass smirk. What the hell was she up to?

  “I’m sorry, I forgot your name.” That came out as both an honest statement and one with a poisonous bite. She wasn’t here with any good news.

  “Tara,” she said, leaving off her last name.

  “Tara who?” I wasn’t going to be on friendly terms with her, that much was for sure. The tension between us was as thick as fog.

  “Tara. You don’t remember me, Grant?”

  “No, not really. Well, faintly.” I took a seat behind my black lacquer wooden table. It had cost me a handsome sum but it had been worth every penny. When I sat behind it, I was king— no— a God. A god all the women wanted a piece of but could never keep.

  “What is your business here, Ms. Tara?” I asked, turning on my computer to see what I needed to do today. My ten thirty meeting was on my heels. Since she wasn’t going to tell me her last name and I wasn’t even all that interested in knowing it, I’d just call her Ms. Tara until she took the hint and got out of here.

  Ms. Tara handed me some papers. There was a red square around the most important part.

  What it read was insanely impossible.

  I cocked an eyebrow and laughed.

  “Do you really expect me to believe that any of this is real?”

  I leaned back in my chair. What the hell was this crazy chic up to?

  “It is. You have one year to have an heir, or else everything.” Tara leaned over onto my table, which I resented because they were probably too dirty for my spotless piece of furniture. “And I mean everything, will be taken from you. Every cent, every piece of business and land, and even the clothes on your back will be taken.”

  The venom behind her words circled over my head. Her anger didn’t bother me, but the fact that there appeared to be truth to what she was saying did. Exactly how much truth, I’d have to check and see.

  “I will have my lawyer look at this. You better hope this is the truth…”

  “Or what? You’ll make me disappear?” she asked, smiling.

  “No, but I can make sure your career is over. I’m Grant Carter, not some man that can be fucked over.”

  She folded her arms and laughed again with a haughtiness so thick it was disgusting. Tara turned and headed to the door, her walk heavy with a switch. “Remember Carter, no one is untouchable. You’re no god. You’re only human.”

  She left my office and closed the door behind her. An awkward silence followed behind. I snatched up the phone and had my lawyer on the other end in seconds.

  “I knew you’d be calling here soon,” Rob Greene, my lawyer, grunted into the phone.

  “What do you mean? Did a Ms…. Tara?... visit you?” I eyed the door, realizing like a fool that I’d forgotten to get her last name.

  I knew that Stacy was waiting for me. It irritated me to have to deal with whatever the fuck this was about instead trying to pounce on Stacy like I wanted to do.

  “No, but another lawyer did. It was Redmon, your grandfather’s lawyer. Seems like you need an heir in order to keep what you’ve got.”

  I slammed my fist on the desk. Vulnerability wasn’t even in my vocabulary.

  “Fuck that! How the hell was I not informed about this years ago?” I thundered into the phone.

  Rob knew my inferno of fury wasn’t aimed at him. But fuck, how did this slip through the cracks?

  Something of this caliber should’ve been mentioned when I first received my inheritance. Now, twenty years later, it decided to rear its head and slap me in the face? Hell no.

  “I’m sorry. But I was able to read the hidden part of the inheritance. It was written to be this way. It says that if you didn’t conceive an heir by the age of forty one, then you’d forfeit all your possessions,” Rob explained.

  In the background ice clinked around. I heard him swallow down something to drink, and knowing him, he was drinking whiskey.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” I demanded.

  “Because I didn’t know,” he said, his tone masking impatience. “Obviously, I would have told you had I known. This was in the file I was just now able to get from Benton, and that was only under threat of serving him with a disciplinary complaint and malpractice lawsuit if he didn’t pony up the documents.”

  Of course.

  Carl Benton was the lawyer my grandfather had hired for me. But it had become clear to me that he had not been doing me any favors. My grandfather had always preferred one of my cousins, for reasons unbeknownst to me, since I was the hard working one who had helped grow the company.

  Grandpa seemed to know this fact— as did everyone else in the family— so it became clear to me that he liked to give me lip service about passing off everything to me, when really that might not be the case. I’d fired Benton and asked Rob, who handled a lot of my business affairs, if he would look over my personal affairs as well. Apparently, I had done that just in time— if it wasn’t already too late.

  Rob cleared his throat and then he sighed over the phone. “We can’t fight this in court. Judge won’t even hear it. Might even piss him off if we tried.”

  My grip solidified around the phone, threatening to break it.

  “Fine. I’ll handle this. Thank you for clarifying and confirming this, Rob. You’re reliable as always. Enjoy your day.”

  Before he could return the same verbal gratitude, I slapped down the phone and sighed. I hadn’t wanted to let Rob know exactly how much this upset me. Lacing my fingers together, I picked up the phone again and told my secretary to send in Stacy.

>   The door soon cracked open and she peeked inside.

  “Come inside, Ms. Endow.” I had to remind myself to address her by her last name, so as not to scare her off so quickly.

  Hard to crack didn’t mean uncrackable. It meant that once I did, the rewards were going to be fruitful; the best pussy ever.

  Looking at her shape again as she approached my desk made my cock harden with excitement.


  She could carry my baby. But after that little stunt my cock pulled in the elevator, it was going to be hard to convince her.

  But hard didn’t mean anything. I was Grant Carter. I could move mountains; hell, I owned some.

  “Ms. Endow. I have a few errands for you to run.”

  Internally, I cursed myself for not pinning her down on the table and telling her that I wanted to plant my seed in her womb.

  But patience did yield the best fruits. The hot irritation burning in my crotch damned me to hell, but it’d be wrapped in her warm wet folds soon enough.

  “What type? I’m afraid I don’t even know how to navigate this building properly yet. But, just tell me what you need and I’ll do it, Sir.”

  I liked the sound of that.

  I pinched my eyebrows together, remembering that I had to insert her name into the system so I could give her an employee card.

  “Don’t worry, I’ll have my secretary help you with some things while I get your employee card ready. I need to be off to a private meeting, and after that you’ll help me with a few things regarding it.”

  Stacy stood proud with her back straight, ready for work. She was rare indeed…

  That was when it rolled off of my tongue.

  “Ms. Endow. I have something important to ask you.”

  I leaned onto my table with my elbows. Fuck this. I hated waiting. And I didn’t have a lot of time. I was a man of decisiveness and action, and this situation, although strange, was no exception. In fact, if anything, it was the most urgent. I could lose everything.


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