Bride Wanted

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Bride Wanted Page 94

by Eva Luxe

  Then she turns her anger on me.

  "Dr. Monroe! I thought you were an upstanding citizen, a member of the church…"

  Her voice is so loud I don't want it to attract attention.

  "You're right about that, Ms. Suttell," I say, to calm her down. "Here, sit down, and let's talk."

  I point towards the same chair she first sat in when she brought Elizabeth Jane in for the exam, and hurriedly close the door behind her. Meanwhile Liz is trying to re-compose herself but her big wide eyes are staring at me in fear.

  This is all my fault, and I've got to make it right somehow.

  "It doesn't look like you're an upstanding citizen," Shirley prattles on. "It looks like you're a dirty, filthy old man, who is trying to have sex with my daughter during her purity exam."

  I realize that from her vantage point when she first entered, she couldn’t see everything. She doesn't know that Liz and I have actually done the deed. She thinks we were just working on it. Now is my chance to use what she thinks she knows to her advantage.

  Suddenly I get an idea so brilliant I surprise myself with the ingeniousness of it. Not only will it satisfy Elizabeth Jane's mom, but it will also probably satisfy Dr. Stanton and the business partners with whom we're supposed to merge.

  "Now Shirley," I tell her. "Appearances aren't always what they seem."

  "Oh, Dr. Monroe," she says, shaking her head adamantly. "Don't try to pull one over on me. I know exactly what I saw."

  "Of course, you do," I tell her. "And that's why I'm trying to tell you what is really going on here. What Liz and I— Elizabeth Jane and I— have been keeping from you."

  Liz is looking at me with a mixture of astonishment and fear, as if she thinks I'm going to betray her. I'm trying to save her— and myself— but her mom won't let me get a word in edgewise.

  "I already know what Elizabeth Jane has been keeping from me," Shirley says, pulling a black and white notepad from her purse. "I found this."

  She removes a loose piece of paper from the front of the notebook and thrusts it at me as if it's proof of a crime. As my eyes fall on the words, I realize it's something that Liz has written about me. The diary that she mentioned earlier.

  "Mom, those are just fantasies!" Liz cries out in protests.

  "I know they are, but Dr. Monroe here seems intent on making them a reality."

  "Why were you even reading them, Mom?" Liz yells.

  Both her mother and I turn to look at her, surprised at the feistiness in her voice. This is not the demure young woman who walked into my office not too long ago. She's already blossomed and matured.

  "I'm sick of you controlling my life," Liz says. "I'm making my own choices and there's nothing you can do about it anymore."

  "There most certainly is," Shirley says. "Because I'm the one who funds this little life of yours. You'd be nothing without me"

  I look back down at the paper in my hands and read about how much Liz loves when I penetrate her, claim her, own her. Her deepest, darkest desires are all about me, just as mine have become all about her. I know for sure I need to do whatever it takes to protect her. I need to move forward on the idea I've just had.

  "Actually, Shirley," I say, looking into Liz's eyes to signal that she should go along with what I'm about to say, "I was trying to fulfill Liz's fantasizes. But she won't let me. Not until we're married."

  I'm not sure who looks more surprised— Shirley or Liz. Liz's eyebrows furl in confusion but she nods her head, going along with whatever, I say.

  "You're… together?" Shirley asks, looking back and forth between Liz and me. "Since when?"

  "We're engaged," I tell her. "We're getting married soon."

  "That's ridiculous," Shirley says. "You're old enough to be her father. You should be with…"

  She juts out her chin before finishing the sentence. But I know she was about to say I should be with someone like her.

  "…someone your own age," she finally concludes. "And Liz," she says, shaking her head back and forth. "You know relationships don't last. Dr. Monroe just wants to use you for sex. As soon as you give it up to him, he'll dump you and move onto the next hapless victim."

  Liz gives her a smug look, and I can tell she's thinking that she's already given it up to me and I'm still sticking around. In fact, I'm proposing the preposterous— engagement.

  But not real engagement. Just pretend. It's only for my career. It's only for her reputation. That's what I tell myself. But as soon as Elizabeth Jane walked into my office needing a purity exam, all my normal rules flew out the window. I'm not supposed to fall in love. But I'm not supposed to fuck my patients, either. I do a lot of things I'm not supposed to do with her. Including getting myself into a fake engagement.

  Chapter 26 – Elizabeth Jane

  I stare dumb-founded, unsure of which to be more shocked about. The fact that my mom barged in on Derek and me and then I stood up to her, or that Dr. Monroe is pretending we're engaged.

  I suppose the most shocking part of this scenario is that I told my mom off. That's not like me at all. But I've become stronger, braver. And by the time she had not only read my diary entry and caught me in the act with Dr. Monroe, what did I have to lose? She already thought that just having any kind of sexual desires meant I was destined for hell, so I might as well go all the way.

  "Young lady," Mom says, glaring at me. "Don't think you're going to get away with this. Make your choice right now. Him, or me."

  Beneath the anger in her eyes, there's something else. Hurt. Jealousy. Fear.

  I realize for the first time that my mom might come across as a monster, but it's because she herself has been scarred, and she's used me to help heal her wounds perhaps more than she should have. But like everyone else, she's just human.

  "Mom," I say, crossing the room to go hug her. "Just because I'm making my own decisions doesn't mean I don't love you."

  "You're trying to leave me just like your father did," my mom says, sobbing. "But you don't have that right. I raised you. I pay for everything. You won't have anywhere to live or any ability to go to school without me."

  I try to hug her, but she pushes me away.

  "That's not true," Dr. Monroe says. "I have a condo I lease out but it's vacant right now. Elizabeth Jane and I have discussed her living there until our marriage. And I will take care of her tuition."

  I want to protest this part— he doesn't have to pay my way— but I don't want to reveal to my mom that he's completely fabricated all of this, that he and I have never talked about any of this even once.

  He senses my hesitancy, and adds, "We've also discussed that she's welcome to work here at the office in between her class schedule, so as to pay some of her tuition, and for the work experience."

  I nod to him, grateful that he's given me a way to pay my own way. If I'm going to be cutting the cord from my mother at long last, I want to feel as if I'm contributing to society.

  "Fine," my mom says, glaring at me while letting tears stream down her face. "I see that the two of you have worked all of this out and there's nothing I can do about it. I'll see you when this all falls through, Elizabeth Jane. You'll find out I'm the one person who is always here for you, while everyone else just uses you and leaves you."

  She turns around and leaves the office. Dr. Monroe and I are alone again at last. My doctor, who took my virginity, is now my fake fiancé.

  Chapter 27 – Derek

  Two hours later, Liz and I are at the condo where she'll be living.

  "Thank you so much for doing this," Liz says. "I thought my mom was going to kill me. She acts like her main issue now is the fact that I'm moving out, but she always finds something to complain about. Really, if she knew I had let you take my virginity, without any kind of relationship in place no less, she would have hit the roof. There's no telling what she would have done. So good thinking with the fake engagement story."

  I lift her up and sit her on the kitchen table. I realize this is the first
time we've been together that hasn't been in my office. I kiss her slowly and deeply.

  "Liz, there's nothing I wouldn't do for you."

  She returns my kiss, and I feel compelled to be completely honest with her.

  "And actually,this arrangement benefits me as well," I confess.

  "Oh yeah?"

  "You probably heard Dr. Stenton mention a deal going through in a month," I tell her. "That's a business merger and the other partners would be worried if they knew I was…"

  "Having sex with your patient?" she asks.

  "Yes," I agree, feeling a bit surprised at how bad that sounds when she utters it. But fuck it. I take what I want, and taking Elizabeth Jane felt so damn good that I regret nothing. And now, all I want to do is whatever it takes to just keep taking her.

  "There's another meeting about me, tomorrow," I tell her. "Dr. Stenton is suspicious about what he witnessed when he walked in on us and the partners want to discuss it with me."

  "I see," she says, staring at me a bit incredulously.

  After what happened with Maria, the partners aren't going to trust me not to get into drama involving Liz. Even though Maria did take the extra money and leave— proving herself to be the gold digger I knew she was all along. And even though what I have with Liz is something completely different than what I had with Maria, or any other woman for that matter.

  My partners know me as a badass player who gets in, gets it done, and moves onto the next. They'll never believe that it's different this time with Liz and that they needn't worry because I'm…

  "So, if you tell them we're engaged, they'll know they won't have to worry about liability?" Liz asks me, interrupting my train of thought just before I was about to admit to myself the feelings that have been lurking beneath the surface this whole time, bubbling and stirring and threatening to explode.

  I love her. I love this fucking girl so much.

  "I can explain," I tell her, feeling bad that she thinks I'm just lying to save my ass when actually, for the first time ever, I wish my lie could be true.

  "It's okay," she says, smiling. "It makes perfect sense. You did this to help me, and also you. Fair's fair."

  I pull her into me and smell her hair. It always has the scent of cherry blossoms, so she must use a shampoo like that.

  I'm glad she's not mad at me— after all, how could she be? I saved her from the wrath of her mother— or at least some of it. And she seems to understand that this arrangement benefits me too.

  So why do I feel let down that she accepts it so easily? Did I want to torture her by wanting her to want this to be real instead of just pretend?

  "And when do I start working for you?" she asks, with a challenging sparkle in her eyes.

  "Oh, I… I just said that, so your mom wouldn't think…"

  "That in our fake engagement scenario, I was marrying you for money? That I was going to be your kept wife?"

  "Something like that," I admit with a grin.

  "Well, I appreciate you carrying out the lie to its fullest extent, but I'm going to need that part to be true," she says.

  I look at her. I could easily find an opening for her as a receptionist. But I don't want her to have to work for me, even though the thought of having a reason to see her every day excites me. I want something altogether different for her— for us.

  "I do have college tuition to pay," she says, "so I'm going to need some money. And I look forward to having a job and some financial independence from my mother."

  "You can start tomorrow," I tell her.

  It figures that the one woman I want to be with, to take care of and provide for completely, is the only one who isn't a gold digger and who is content to find her own independence. That thought fills me with a mixture of sadness and pride.

  I look at her and decide I'm mostly so proud of her even though she's accepting our new fake reality a bit better than I would have hoped. I suppose I wanted her to protest, to beg me to really propose to her.

  But I should have known better. Liz isn't a weakling and that's one thing I love about her. She comes across as stand-offish and shy, but it's only because her mother has scared her into being completely obedient at all times. Her real spirit— the one who mother couldn't break no matter how hard she tried— is strong, brave and, despite it all, even kind.

  As Liz returns my gaze, she looks like she's melting for me. And that's another thing I love about her— that this strong woman becomes so weak in my presence, so turned on by my touch that she'll submit to me and let me do as I please with her.

  I lean down to kiss her.

  "I guess this is the first time we're actually completely alone together," I tell her. "And in someplace other than my office."

  "I guess we should take advantage of it, then," she says, and winks.

  "I guess you're right."

  Chapter 28 – Derek

  I think about lifting Liz up and carrying her up the stairs to the bedroom. But with her legs wrapped tight around my waist, and the warmth of her pussy radiating into me, I know I just can't wait. I have to christen this kitchen table and every other spot in this apartment.

  I take off her skirt and panties, her bra and blouse and then lay her back with her legs spread wide open like they always are when I examine her. Only this time, she's completely naked, completely uncovered, completely mine to do with what I want without the threat of anyone getting in the way.

  "I love your curvy body," I tell her, tracing my hand up and down her breasts, her stomach, her sides, her hips, her thighs.

  I do the same thing with kisses now, my lips traveling the expanse of her body. When I get to her inner thigh, she moans.

  "I want to make you feel as good as you always make me feel," I tell her, pressing on her clit while my tongue traces teasing circles around her labia.

  "Oh, you always do, Derek," she says.

  "But I haven't tasted your sweet little pussy, and that's a shame."

  "That's definitely a shame, I agree," she says.

  I bend down and take her clit in my mouth, gently sucking, prodding, biting.

  "Oh, my God," she says, her hands gripping my head. "That feels so amazingly good."

  I reach up and trace the skin around her nipples before twisting them as I simultaneously suck harder on her clit. She wraps her legs around my head and lifts up her hips.

  "I love how you eat my pussy," she says, grinding herself into my mouth.

  Her perfect juices drip out of her pussy and I slurp them up while playing with her clit.

  "You're going to make me come, Derek," she says, her breathing getting heavier and her fingers grasping my hair harder.

  I suck on her clit until she's moaning, crying out, "Oh my God, Derek, I'm coming, I'm coming, I'm coming."

  Then I pick her up and set her down on the floor. I reach for the condom in my pocket and then take off my clothes. She's doggy style in front of me on all fours on the kitchen floor. This is a position I'd never be able to take her in at my office, so I love it.

  I spread her legs open wider, so I can see her entire pussy and ass in front of my face. I spread them open and then I can't help but put my lips back on her pussy once again, loving the taste of her wetness and feel of her folds against my mouth.

  I gnaw on her clit while I insert three fingers into her pussy hole.

  "Derek," she screams, not having to worry about being quiet or holding back any more. "I'm coming, I'm coming, I'm coming!"

  Finally satisfied that I've made her feel good, I plunge my cock into her eager pussy. I hold onto her hips and thrust in and out of her, loving how amazing it feels to watch her ass bounce against me while I fuck her.

  "Does this feel good, my little slut? My little fake fiancé?" I ask her, as I slap her ass.

  "It feels so good, Derek."

  "Were you a naughty little girl? You were caught sneaking around and your mom found out? You deserve another spanking."


  I hit her ag
ain, leaving red marks this time, but she moans as if she likes it.

  "Yes, I'm your naughty little girl. My mom caught you fucking me."

  I ravage her with my cock, while my finger traces the outline of her ass hole.

  "I'm going to take your anal virginity too," I tell her, and the thought makes my cock swell hard and full inside her, filling her all the way up. "But not yet. I have to give you something to look forward to."

  "I'm not giving that up until I get married," she says, with a laugh.

  I can't tell if she's joking, and I can't tell if it's a challenge. Maybe she wants this to be real, too. Or maybe she really does want to save that part of herself for her wedding night.

  I thrust a few more times inside her until I just can't take it anymore.

  "Well one of these days I'm really going to do it," I tell her. She can take my statement— said immediately after hers— in whatever way she wants. "I'm going to fuck your perfect little asshole."

  As I say it I stick my thumb into her asshole and she jumps, but then she leans back into it, as if she likes it.

  "That's right, you're my dirty little girl," I tell her, pounding her pussy with my cock while I spank her ass. "You want my cock in your ass. And you want me to fuck your pussy raw, so you can feel my cum shooting inside you."

  Just then I do start to come, and she does as well.

  "I'm coming with you, Liz," I grunt, grabbing her ass and pulling her towards me so that I'm stuffing her pussy with my cock as much as possible.

  "Oh, my God," she says, collapsing onto the tile floor. "I'm so exhausted."

  "Me too," I tell her, joining her and sneaking my arm under her head.

  She buries her face into my bicep.

  "That was amazing," she says. "I like it in the office, but I love it here where we're free to be as loud and crazy as we want to be."

  "Do you love it enough to write about it in your diary?" I ask her, taking out the crinkled-up piece of paper from my pocket.

  "I want Dr. Monroe to tie me up and take me from behind…" I begin reading, and she grabs it out of my hand.


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