Playing for Keeps (Honky Tonk Angels Book 5)

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Playing for Keeps (Honky Tonk Angels Book 5) Page 7

by Ciana Stone


  Roxie was pulling her hair back in a ponytail when she heard a knock at the door. Barefoot and dressed in cut-off gym shorts and a T-shirt, she ran to answer.

  Dini grinned at her, arms laden with bags from the local market and her overnight suitcase. It was girls’ night and they’d agreed to crash in Roxie’s room.

  “I hope that’s mojito makings,” Roxie said with a grin, peeking in the top of one of the bags in Dini’s arms as her friend entered.

  Dini laughed. “Yes, even though last time nearly killed me.”

  “Wimp.” Roxie took a bag from her and set it on the small table beneath the window. “Just toss your stuff anywhere.”

  Dini eyed the bed. “We’re gonna sleep in that little thing?”

  “Don’t worry, you’ll be too toasted to care,” Roxie said as she pulled out a fifth of tequila from one of the bags. “Luckily I have an ice chest in the bathroom.”

  Roxie was lucky to have scored a room at Mrs. Baker’s boarding house that had its own bath. She could tolerate having only a bedroom to call her own space, but sharing a bathroom was where she drew the line.

  Dini pulled an electric blender from her overnight bag. “Where can I plug this in?”

  “There’s an outlet in the bathroom and a drop cord under the sink. I think it’ll reach the dresser if you want to put the blender there,” Roxie said over her shoulder as she unloaded the rest of the bags. Chips, chocolate, cheese, crackers and a couple of fat subs that had to have come from the diner.

  “So, anything new?” Dini asked in a tone that sounded decidedly sly.

  Roxie busied herself arranging things on the table rather than look at her friend. She had no doubt there was gossip about her and Cade and she felt a bit uneasy about it. She still hadn’t told anyone about her bet with Cade and didn’t know that she would.

  As far as anyone knew, she was just having fun with the man while she was in town.

  “What’ve you heard?” she asked.

  “Nothing. Just asking.”

  “No, you weren’t.” Roxie looked up at Dini. “I know you. You’ve heard something so spill.”

  “Well… Hannah did mention that you’d been spending quite a bit of time with Cade. At his place.”

  “Oh. Yeah, I guess so. And since when did you start chatting it up with Hannah?”

  “Last couple of weeks. I like her. You know she’s dating that oil guy, Cooper Quinlan, right?”

  “No, I didn’t. I mean I’ve seen him come in and they look pretty chummy but I didn’t know they were dating.”

  “I think it’s kinda in the new phase and don’t try and change the subject. What about you and Cade? Is he half as good as he looks like he’d be?” Dini asked as she took the blender to the bathroom.

  Roxie shrugged. Dini knew her to be a woman who didn’t form attachments and who viewed sex as something casual. She hooked up with men from time to time, but never seriously. It was always just a “for sex and fun” arrangement. It was no surprise that Dini assumed Roxie had already had sex with him.

  That was the way it should be with Cade. Should being the operative word. Roxie wished she could see Cade in that light, but something about him got to her and she was pretty sure that if she did ever have sex with him, she wasn’t going to want to stop at a casual one-nighter.

  And that scared her.

  “Come on,” Dini encouraged as she returned with a blender full of ice.

  “Let’s just say that the man has moves.”

  “Oh, details!”

  Roxie moved to the bed and flopped down on her back, staring at the ceiling.

  “Uh-oh,” Dini murmured. “Methinks we need drinks. Post haste.”

  She got busy fixing a pitcher of drinks. After filling two plastic cups, she climbed onto the bed with Roxie. “Okay, let’s have it.”

  Roxie sighed, took a big swig of the drink, and grimaced. “Damn, a little heavy-handed on the tequila there, Dini.”

  Dini chuckled. “So?”

  “Okay.” Roxie paused. “I sort of have this little bet going with Beckett.”

  “Beckett? You call him Beckett?”

  “It’s his name.”

  “Okay, but a bet?” Dini looked alarmed. “Honey, you think that’s wise? I mean, you haven’t gone near gambling in—”

  “It’s not that kind of bet. Well, not exactly.”

  “Just what kind of bet is it, then?”

  Roxie quickly outlined the details of the wager. By the time she was finished, it was time for a new round of drinks.

  Dini blew out her breath. “That’s kinda…hot.”

  “Hot doesn’t even come close,” Roxie admitted, as she got up to refill their cups. “The man has mad skills.”

  “And you’ve got how much longer to hold out?”

  “Two weeks. Well, thirteen days to be exact.”

  “So, if I was a betting gal, who would I put my money on?”

  Roxie shook her head. “Damn if I know. The man gets to me in a big way.”

  “Question is, do you get to him?” Dini asked quietly.

  Roxie looked at her. “Oh oh, you’ve got that look, I feel a Dini-ism coming on.”

  Dini flipped her off good naturedly and they both laughed. “Okay,” Roxie said. “Let’s have it. I know you’ve got something cooking in that blonde-covered brain.”

  “Just thinking,” Dini replied. “I mean, sure you’re gonna have to suffer some sleep loss, but no reason you can’t have fun with it.”

  Roxie felt like a terrier the way her ears perked up. “I’m listening.”

  “Well, hell. You are a woman, Rox. And you’ve teased your fair share of men. Why not ramp up the temptation a little?”

  Roxie felt a smile taking shape. “Hmmm, I like it. Grab those chips, girlfriend. We’ve got some strategizing to do.”

  They dragged the table over to the bed. Two hours later, they were slightly drunk and had come up with several plans, all of which had sent them into giggle fits as they contemplated the outcome.

  Roxie shoved a pillow behind her back as she leaned against the headboard. “Maybe if I concentrate on giving him a case of blue balls it’ll take my mind off what I’m not getting. And,” she added, “it’ll get us out of this dustbowl and back on the road with a nice little cushion.”

  The light-hearted mood suddenly vanished. Dini got off the bed, saying she had to take a bathroom break.

  Roxie suddenly realized she’d not stopped to consider her friend’s feelings when she made the bet with Beckett. She’d just assumed Dini was as eager to leave Cotton Creek as she. That didn’t seem to be the case.

  Could it be that Dini had met someone that was making her rethink leaving? What if Dini changed her mind and wanted to stay? What would she do?

  Roxie reminded herself that she’d been alone most of her life. She could do it again.

  Problem was, she didn’t want to. Dini was all the family she had and she couldn’t imagine not having Dini around.

  That’s not going to happen, she told herself. They had a plan. All she had to do was win the bet with Beckett and they’d hightail it out of Cotton Creek and on to wherever the wind blew them.

  And one day they’d tell stories and laugh about their adventure. They’d remember the people they met and giggle about the hot guys they left behind. Roxie couldn’t let herself believe any other way.

  Dini came out of the bathroom and climbed on the bed next to Roxie. “I know you’re eager to leave, Rox, but you might as well have some fun while you’re here.”

  “Are you having fun?” Roxie asked.

  Dini smiled and stretched. “Did I tell you that I’ve kind of been seeing someone?”

  “No, you definitely have omitted that, so give. Who is it?”

  “His name is Jasper Weathers and he’s in the oil business. Actually, his family is partners in that Cotton Creek Energy Company everyone talks about that bought up all the mineral rights and started the big oil boo

  “And did he also start a Dini boom?”

  “Oh girl, I’m here to tell you that he’s got some major moves. Hot doesn’t even come close to describing it.”

  All at once, the atmosphere lightened. Crowding together in the small bed, they snuggled under the warm blanket as Dini began her tale. And for the moment, everything was fine in Roxie’s world.

  Chapter Six

  Hannah was leaving the bank when she saw Pressley headed her way. Instead of crossing the street to her car, she waited on the sidewalk.

  “Hey.” Pressley smiled and greeted her. “I was just thinking about you.”


  Pressley held up a folder. “You know how we were talking the other night? About how nice it would be to have our own place?”

  “Yes, I do and yes, it would.”

  “Well, Mr. Ross put this together for Cooper when he was looking for a place, and Cooper let me borrow it. I’m not in a position to buy but there are two really nice places for rent and I was thinking, why don’t we do it together?”

  “Rent a house?” That surprised Hannah.

  “Yeah, why not? I want my own space, but I’m not keen on just being by myself. And…well, I just thought…”

  Hannah was surprised how much the idea appealed to her. She’d been living with her folks ever since she graduated college. Maybe that was one of the reasons her mother still treated her like a child.

  “Actually I love the idea. Show me what you have.”

  “Sure, but how about somewhere other than the sidewalk?”

  “My car’s across the street.”


  They crossed the street and got into Hannah’s car. Pressley handed her the folder. “I put green tabs on the ones for rent.”

  “Okay.” Hannah noticed there were three. She went through each selection, looking at the photos and reading the information. It wasn’t really necessary. She knew the houses at first glance. Two of them were fairly large homes, in excess of three bedrooms, but one was a three bedroom, cottage-style home that was quite lovely.

  “I know the people who lived here.” She indicated the photo. “They have two grown children, one who is married and lives in Georgia and another who is divorced but has three children and lives in Florida. They wanted to move closer and their daughter in Florida found a nice place for them.”

  “And they’re willing to rent,” Pressley said with a smile. “And not a bad price if you split it two ways.”

  “No, not at all.” Hannah was already doing the calculations in her head. With what she earned working at the diner, and the bar, she could more than afford her share. “Want to go look at it?”


  “Sure, why not?”

  “Yeah, why the hell not? Oh, wait, I don’t have the realtor’s number.”

  “Mr. Ross?” Hannah asked and started her car. “No problem. It just so happens that he manages the town library.”

  They had just pulled up at the library when Hannah spotted Netta Mae Baker walking toward her car. She put a hand on Pressley’s arm as Pressley made a move to get out of the car. “Wait just a minute.”


  Hannah pointed to Nellie Mae. “Who’s that?” Pressley asked.

  “Nellie Mae Baker. She’s a nice lady, but one of the worst gossips in town. Recently she and her friend Netta started a rumor that Cody and I were fighting over Cooper and that Cody was getting around if you know what I mean.”

  Pressley looked out of the window at Nellie Mae who was getting in her car. “Wonder why they did that?”

  “Who knows, but I’d just as soon not have to speak to her.”

  “No problem.”

  They waited until Nellie Mae pulled away then got out and went into the library. It didn’t take long to find Mr. Ross, and lucky for them, he kept the keys to the houses he had listed in his briefcase. He’d known Hannah her entire life so he trusted her with a set of keys to the house they were interested in.

  An hour later, Hannah and Pressley were back at the library, signing a rental agreement. Hannah was so excited she felt like dancing. The house was perfect, and she was already starting to see how pretty the rooms would look with certain decorations.

  It wasn’t until she and Pressley were back in the car that it hit her. “Oh, damn.”


  “I don’t have any furniture. Do you?”

  Pressley grimaced. “Not a stick. The place I rented in Dallas was furnished.”

  Hannah felt like her bubble was deflating rapidly until Pressley spoke again. “But nothing’s stopping us from buying stuff. I have money put away, and we could head up to San Antonio and do some shopping.”

  “I have money saved, too.” Hannah felt that bubble expanding again. She had saved nearly everything she’d made since she got out of college. Why not spend some of it on her first place? “So, yes, let’s do it. When?”

  “How about we leave around five tomorrow, drive up and check into a hotel, have a nice dinner and then Friday hit the stores. If we need to spend another night we can, or we can drive back late on Friday. Hell, we can make a weekend of it if you want.”

  “Okay, I’ll talk to Cody and Cade about covering for me. But what if we find things? We can’t haul furniture in a car.”

  “No, but we can rent a truck. I can drive a truck.”

  Hannah felt like the move must be in the stars since it was all going so easy. “Okay, so you want me to take you back to your office?”

  “Yep. And hey, are you working tonight?”

  “Yeah, Wednesdays are normally pretty busy, but I don’t close tonight.”

  “Maybe I’ll swing by and if you can take a break, we can talk about what we see for the place and make a plan of action.”

  “Oh, I’d like that.”

  “Me too. I’m excited about this.”

  “I am too.” It was a feeling she had not experienced in a long time. She was acting independently, making her own decision without consulting anyone for approval or agreement. It felt good. She was certain this was the first step toward her learning to be a truly independent woman with a life of her own. Even if it was in Cotton Creek.


  Cade finished reading the report his investigator had sent and tossed the pages onto the coffee table. There was definitely more to Roxie Ellis than met the eye. He felt a twinge of guilt over having her checked out but quickly dismissed it. Despite outward appearances, he was by nature a cautious man. He always had people checked out. Not only did it save him from potential problems, it gave him the edge he needed—in business and gambling.

  Not that Roxie legitimately fell into either category. Well, maybe gambling. Loosely speaking. He was in the middle of the most erotic bet he’d ever made in his life, and he intended to win.

  He’d expected Roxie to have at least one skeleton in her closet. Most people did. What he hadn’t expected was to discover that she’d been blacklisted from every casino in Vegas. Seems Roxie fell into not only the world-class gambler category, but was also one of the best cheats in the gambling world.

  Good enough that it had nearly cost her jail time. The only reason she had escaped serving time was that the charges against her couldn’t be proven. No one could figure out how she’d rigged the game of five card draw that cost four very high-profile players millions of dollars.

  Nor could anyone figure out where the money had disappeared to after the win. Cade thought about it. How did someone dispose of or hide several million dollars? She’d reported the win and paid the required taxes on the money, so she was square with the IRS, but her life had not changed at all. No fancy cars, penthouse apartments, or extravagant purchases.

  If she had that kind of money, why was she so broke on paper? And where the hell was the money? All his investigator had been able to determine was that the funds were deposited, taxes paid, then what remained withdrawn.

  What the hell? Had she stuck it unde
r her mattress? Buried it in a backyard somewhere? It just didn’t add up.

  The report had certainly revealed some interesting information, but it’d also brought more questions. Roxie was quite the mystery, and Cade was a true sucker for mysteries.

  He pushed himself off the couch and wandered into the kitchen. He’d been up since before dawn and it was closing in on nine in the morning. Time for something to eat.

  After a quick look in the refrigerator, he headed for the shower. Might as well head over to the diner where there was real food before he made a trip to the market. Besides, if what he heard was true, Roxie and her friend Dini had holed up at her room in the boarding house last night for one of their girls’ nights. Chances were they’d be making an appearance at the diner before long.

  Not that he was trying to arrange a chance meeting with Roxie. Not at all. At least that was what he kept telling himself as he hurried to shower and dress.

  Less than an hour later he was sitting at a table in the café with Jasper Weathers, who was part of the Cotton Creek Energy company, and someone who had become a pretty good friend since Cade had arrived.

  “So how’re things going with Roxie?” Jasper asked over the top of his coffee cup.



  Cade hesitated a moment. He wasn’t sure about revealing information on Roxie’s past. “Meaning she’s not quite what I expected.”

  “Seems like neither of those gals are.”

  Cade grinned. “So I hear. Matter of fact, I hear you and Legs are getting pretty hot and heavy.”


  Cade shrugged. “Hey, I’m a guy. I have eyes. And Dini does have world-class hot legs, man.”

  Jasper smiled. “That she does.”


  “And that’s all I’m prepared to say at the moment.”

  Cade laughed. “That’s what I like about you, Jasper. Such a blabber-mouth.”

  They both chuckled and turned their attention to the breakfast plates the waitress delivered.

  Halfway through the meal, the door opened and in walked Roxie and Dini. Cade had his back to the door and wouldn’t have known who’d entered except for the look on Jasper’s face.


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