Conquering (Vipers Creed MC#2)

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Conquering (Vipers Creed MC#2) Page 11

by Ryan Michele

  The two men paled as Spook’s anger pulsed off of him in waves, penetrating the room. Even Javier felt it and took a step back, his guard more on alert.

  “Fucking hell,” he growled. “I’ll deal with them.”

  The assholes on the couch made a move, but Hooch and Dawg were on them from behind, pulling their guns away so fast the fucking shocked looks on their faces were laughable. Gonzo needed to hire better help if he wanted to have good business.

  Spook looked at me then nodded at the men. I waved over Bosco, and the four of us instantly subdued the two idiots. I made good use of the zip ties that were handed to me, tying them the same as before.

  I expected more of a fight from them, but with Hooch and Dawg’s guns at their heads, they complied. I thought it was a stupid move considering the look on Spook’s face and the anger pouring off of him. We might just be using the old shed again.

  Spook looked at Javier. “I understand … Good. They have nothing to do with this … Right.” Spook turned to me and nodded.

  Gonzo was off my girl’s ass, or so he said. I didn’t believe it, didn’t trust it, because I had absolutely zero reason to. Not only did I not trust Gonzo, but now that Chelsea was officially under our protection, which would be spread wide, she was on the radar for anyone who wanted to get to us or me. Add to that whether my mother was really fucking over Gonzo, and no way would I trust that he wouldn’t use Chelsea in some way. That wouldn’t be happening, though. No fucking way.

  “Becky does not have Stiff’s protection or the club’s. She’s into this shit on her own, and we do not back her one single bit. We’d fucking tell her that if we could find her, but the slippery little bitch got away from us.”

  I felt nothing as he talked about my mother. She was a stranger to me, just another woman in a long line of users. And as much as it sucked, she’d end up dead. I hated that for my brother. He’d always deserved a woman who cared about him, but he had Gabby now, and it was time to break all the old ties holding us back.

  “Good. Then we’re done,” Spook announced. He held out the phone for Javier, who stepped up and took it then placed it to his ear.

  Spook waited as Javier spoke to Gonzo.

  After he hung up, Spook announced, “Those two assholes weren’t supposed to go after Jenn or Chelsea. They were told to find Gary and thought his kids were the best way. They need to pay retribution.”

  Bosco cracked his knuckles beside me.

  “Gonzo doesn’t feel the need to go after the two women. Becky, on the other hand …” Spook’s eyes came to mine. “You’d better brace yourself, brother.”

  I nodded. What else could I do? I had no other option, and it was time this was done. I was done with all of it and wanted to move on.

  Spook turned back to Javier then held out his hand. Javier took it, and they shook.

  “We’re taking care of these two.” He nodded to the men. “You can go.”

  Javier looked at the men then at Spook, lifted his chin, and walked out. Business with him was done. While I was fucking ecstatic to have another go at these two dickheads, I really wanted to head back home where I knew Chelsea would be.

  Gonzo may have told us he wouldn’t go after Chelsea or her family, but I wasn’t taking any chances. Her ass was in my place, and I needed to explain it to the brothers I knew would take my back. Spook was probably already thinking it, but at least now it would be spread throughout that Chelsea’s family had our protection.

  The biggest part, however, was I just got her, and I wasn’t ready to let her go.

  AFTER LEAVING MY place and coming back here, I took care of Jenn. When I went to lie next to her to sleep, Stiff came in, picked me up, and took me to his bed with him. Confliction punched me in the gut.

  Yes, I’d had sex with him, but that didn’t mean I needed to sleep with him. It was so intimate. Too intimate. My mind screamed at me that it was a bad idea, but my body was pulled to him like a magnet, unable to resist. Ultimately, I decided it was only one night. I could let myself get lost just that once. As a result, for the first time in a very, very long time, I fell asleep, curled up to a man. Better yet, to Stiff.

  He woke me up by fucking me hard and fast, saying he had shit to do. I couldn’t complain, because it was wonderful. Every time he touched me, it was wonderful. He even kissed me before he left, which shocked me at first then warmed me. It was sweet in a Stiff way.

  On the flip side, I had to wonder if I was just a convenience for him. I was staying in his house, and he didn’t have to do anything except lay his lips on me for me to get hot for him. I hated that thought, hated that I even had to think it, but it was probably true, and that settled in my gut like a hard, pointy-edged rock, cutting me from within.

  After he left, I changed Jenn’s bandages, and then she called her advisor at school, who told her she’d talk to her professors. With that out of the way, I lay with Jenn, putting on The Hunger Games. No sense in not using the massive television Stiff had in the room, and I’d heard great things about the movie and had really wanted to see it, just never had time. I had it now, and with Jenn taken care of, I took it. It was surreal yet wonderful, relaxing even. I couldn’t remember a relaxing day ever.

  Better yet, it was simple, and that was the best part. Grams always told Jenn and me that we would find our happiness in the simple things in life; the moments we shared together, the memories we created. While I hated the reason I was here, I enjoyed this time and tucked it into my memory bank. It was a moment I could find good and treasure it.

  When the door to Jenn’s room opened after nine o’clock, I popped my head up from the pillow while movie number three—Mockingjay - Part One—played in the background. Stiff stood there, leaning his large body against the doorframe.

  Damn, he was sexy. Every single inch of him from the top of his bald head to his boot-covered feet. The way his arms flexed under his sleeves and his jeans hugged his thighs. Now that I knew what those jeans covered, my desire for him only heightened.

  I looked over at Jenn who was sound asleep.

  Stiff nodded to the TV, and I turned it off. It was purely for selfish reasons, though. My grams was big on telling us to follow our guts, and mine was telling me that whatever Stiff had needed to do, it had to do with my father, and I wanted information. I wanted to know if, by chance, he’d found my father.

  “Didn’t have to do that,” he said as I climbed from the bed.

  I moved past him and went through the door. He followed behind, shutting the door with a soft click.

  I thought better of going to his bedroom, and instead, went into the living room where I parked my ass on the couch. He sat next to me and grabbed my legs, hoisting them up and pulling off my socks. I flinched, and it took everything in my power to keep myself from pulling my feet out of his grasp. He gave a slight chuckle like he knew my confliction, and in return, I glared at him and leaned back, putting my head on the armrest of the couch.

  With the first touch of his strong, warm hands, I lost it, and a moan escaped.

  “Told ya you’d like it.” He smirked in the sexiest of ways.

  Needing to stay on task, I asked, “Did you find anything out about my dad?”

  “Nope.” His answer was short and terse. I didn’t quite like it.

  “Where have you been all day?” The damn question came out of my mouth before I could stop myself. Once again, my body and mind were at war when it came to Stiff.

  His eyes found mine. “Babe, that’s club business.”

  My temperature rose. “What the hell does that mean, ‘club business’?”

  “Fire, I’m gonna lay this out for ya because I want it to be clear.”

  A slow shiver fell over my skin, and not one that I liked. Still, I kept quiet and let him speak.

  “I get you don’t know much about the club. I like that, but gotta clue you in. When I tell you it’s club business, that means I’m not tellin’ ya where I’ve been or what I’ve done.”

  My stomach fell to my feet as images of the brunette floated into my brain. I didn’t want to care, and I should have never put myself in a situation to care. It was a stupid mistake on my part, one I knew would end up costing me. How much, I wasn’t sure yet, but it would.

  “Bottom line, babe,” he continued, “not knowin’ keeps you safe. If it’s somethin’ you need to know, I’ll tell ya. It’s not me being a dick; it’s how it is here. Trixie only knows what Spook needs her to know. When I find your father, I’ll deal with it, just like I did with the men who hurt your sister. None of that will come back on you or your family, though. Therefore, I won’t be telling you about it.”

  My mind reeled. Being an independent woman, I’d been in control of everything I possibly could in my life. I fully admitted that I thrived on knowing what was going on and when. Consequently, I wasn’t sure how I felt about Stiff knowing and doing things and not telling me.

  I couldn’t deny that his words also cut into my heart. With no choice, I learned the hard way to stand up for myself and fight for me and my family. My mother ingrained that in me at a very young age. Not in a bad way, but she’d given me the skills and knowledge to deal with real life issues. She’d taught me to save money, be smart about my surroundings, keep trust close to the vest, and numerous other everyday things that every human being should know but unfortunately didn’t.

  When my father left us, I grew up faster because my mother had to work all the time, and it had been my responsibility to take care of my sister. That was before we’d moved in with Grams, which was the best move my mom could have made.

  It didn’t mean the lessons weren’t ingrained in me; they were. I wasn’t soft. I loved fierce and deep. Nevertheless, I was undone by the thought of a man taking care of me, protecting me, and keeping me safe when I’d done it all by myself my entire life. Still, I let the warmth of it spread through my body and into my soul, cracking part of the hard shell around my heart as it pulsed and throbbed.

  Stiff said nothing, only went back to rubbing my feet, giving me time to absorb his words. Unfortunately, the more I did, the more the warm, fuzzy feeling dissipated.

  The realization hit me like a throat punch: he wasn’t my man. Even though I was living in the moment and keeping my memories locked up tight, this right here would be all I had of Stiff. I’d have a couple of weeks to feel that, and then it would disappear like everything else.

  I felt the tears sting the back of my eyes and bit them back. I refused to let them fall.

  I would take each rub, each touch, and store it for when this was over.

  STIFF’S HEAD LAY back on the couch, his posture relaxed and hands still cupping my feet but not moving. The slight rise and fall of his chest told me he was asleep.

  Carefully, I pulled my legs out from his lap and rose from the couch.

  He looked years younger, the lines around his eyes and mouth almost disappearing. His tanned, bald head was perfectly shaped, making him look hotter than should be legal. For years, he’d come into the diner, and for years, my heart would speed up. Now, here I was, in his house with him.

  I let out a huff of breath, pulled a blanket from a nearby chair, and put it over Stiff’s body then set off to check on my sister.

  I MOANED AS I was lifted from the bed of its own accord. Or, at least I thought it was. I felt like a floating cloud in a sea of bluish green, the same color as Stiff’s eyes. Almost like I was on a flying carpet from the kids’ movie Aladdin that jostled me around a bit.

  My cheek hit something hard and warm, and I nuzzled into it, inhaling the smell of spice. I loved that smell. Loved it better than the beach. If I could smell it forever, I’d happily give up going to the beach.

  The carpet around me hugged me tight, but it didn’t scratch me. Instead, it was soft, almost like skin. My body settled gently on the cloud as warmth hit my back and wrapped around me. I liked it. Loved it. And I fell back asleep.

  MY LEG WAS LIFTED as callused hands moved up and down my flesh, causing goose bumps to form, but I wasn’t cold. No, I was burning, on fire.

  The hand on me bent my knee and pulled it behind me slightly. Not uncomfortable, but an unusual position to sleep. Then I felt it, warm and hard, touching my core.

  “Fire, baby,” was whispered in my ear, and thoughts of Stiff came to me: his touch, smile, and how he took care of me and my family. My arousal grew, and I wiggled my hips into the hardness.

  Kisses trailed across my neck, up my jaw, and to my ear.

  “Wake up, Chelsea.” Stiff’s voice rang in my ear, but I didn’t want to.

  The dream was too good, too perfect. If I opened my eyes, I would ruin it; it would be gone. I couldn’t lose it.

  A nip came to my ear, and I yelped as Stiff chuckled.

  “Wanna fuck you, but not gonna do it while you’re sleepin’,” he said softly in my ear, and I groaned or maybe moaned—I couldn’t tell which.

  “Don’t wanna,” I whined. Yes, whined. I was not a whiner, but in this instant, it floated out.

  Stiff’s body shook with laughter as he continued his assault on my neck. His lips, tongue, teeth, and hot breath cascaded up and down my flesh as if he were making out with my body, not needing any of my help to do so.

  I pulsed between my legs with each swipe.

  He brought his hand around and cupped my breast, giving it a hard squeeze. Damn, that felt good, and my hips swirled, telling him so. Then I reached up and placed my hand on top of his, letting him know I was awake.

  “See? My Fire wants my cock.”

  I dug my nails into his hand, his words turning me on. I loved a rough talker in the bedroom. It was one of my biggest turn-ons. However, my other lovers hadn’t cottoned to the idea even after I’d told them time and time again.

  “I feel you wet, hot, and ripe for me, baby.”

  I let out a whimper, trying to put his cock inside of me by moving my hips. But each time I got the tip right where I needed it, he moved away, teasing me, taunting me.

  “Words. Tell me what you want,” he growled, squeezing my breast and running the head of his dick between my folds.

  My breathing picked up as the arousal spiked.

  Seeing no point, I didn’t hesitate. “I want you to fuck me.”

  His dick hit my clit in the faintest of ways, and as he moved back, I tried chasing him, wanting more of the hot flesh. Once again, it didn’t work to my utmost frustration.

  “Yeah, you do. Wanna see that fire burnin’.” He wrapped a strong arm under my body and around my waist while the other still hung on to my breast like letting go would be painful.

  Stiff gave me no preamble, no warning. He thrust hard inside of me, letting me feel him deep in my core.

  With my leg up, I was wide open for him, allowing him ultimate access, which he took. Each shift of his hips became harder and more intense, as if he were on a mission and the only way to accomplish it would be to break me in two. I would let him, too, as long as he didn’t dare stop.

  “Fuck, your pussy’s so fuckin’ tight. So fuckin’ perfect for my cock.”

  He moved the arm wrapped around my waist down to my core. With the pad of his fingers, he rubbed hard on my clit just as his penis hit the one spot inside me that sent me flying.

  He kept moving as my pussy clamped his cock, and my head flew back to hit his shoulder, eyes closed as I screamed out my release.

  “Now it’s my turn.”

  Before I could breathe or think, he rolled me onto my stomach, his cock still inside of me. He then pushed my legs together, placing his knees on either side of mine.

  With the tight grip I had on him, I felt full, so damn full.

  “Like my cock hittin’ those fuckin’ walls, filling you until you blow beneath me?” He placed his hands on the small of my back, holding me on each side. Then it started.

  Stiff pounded his flesh inside of me almost as if he were marking me, branding me, owning me. The build happened rapidly, and I felt the quiver in my p
ussy again.

  Stiff grabbed my hair harshly and pulled my neck back. A normal woman would probably hate this, but thank Christ I wasn’t normal. The tugs of sharp pain from my scalp moved all the way through me like bolts of electricity to my toes. The act only amped up my arousal, and with one look into his eyes as well as his hard thrusts, I lost it.

  He held my hair tight so there was no moving my head. He also had my hips plastered down, so no movement there, either. All I could do was take it.

  A sharp sting came to my ass, and I erupted, my entire body setting off like I’d been attacked by lightning bolts from the sky in the worst storm imaginable. Except, I liked this storm—no, I loved.

  As I began to come down, sucking in breath, Stiff continued thrusting, taking what he needed from me. He pushed in to the hilt and stilled. The sexiest part was when he groaned my name.

  “COME ON; XANDER’S watchin’ Jenn. She’ll be fine.” Stiff pulled me toward the door by my hand, but I gave him a bit of resistance.

  I had no issues with leaving Xander with my sister. I did, however, feel very unnerved about going to hang out with the guys.

  I didn’t hang out. Never had time. And that made me a little socially awkward. At work, it was different. There, it felt like home, so I was in my element. Here? I felt so out of place I could be in Switzerland.

  “Why don’t I just stay here and you go?” I offered.

  I’d been here a couple of days, and each time he took me was better than the last. He made it very hard to keep the sexual aspect of our relationship separate from feelings. And hanging out with his boys wasn’t going to help my situation.

  This pull between us grew with every passing minute. I tried keeping that lock on the chains around my heart, even throwing away the imaginary key, but it didn’t help. Therefore, I feared that seeing Stiff in his element at the clubhouse, actually being with him there, would make things worse.


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