Lucy Kelly

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Lucy Kelly Page 11

by HeVans to Becky

  Kai must have been dreaming about someone else. She didn’t have anything other than sisterly feelings for him or Ari.

  Getting into bed, she reached for her small clit stimulator and closing her eyes, began fantasizing about Ishme and Nyal. She soon realized that she didn’t need to stimulate her clit, visualizing kissing, and touching those two men were enough to get her juices flowing.

  She kept her eyes closed as she rolled onto her side and reached for the vibrator. She pretended it was Nyal rubbing his finger around her back hole, slipping his finger down to bring her own juices back before pressing into her anus, just as she slipped the flexible, beaded second prong of the vibrator into place. She couldn’t stop the moan when she felt the device hit her sweet spot. Then she began to insert the front part of the vibrator, needing no lube because she was already wet from her arousal.

  She felt close to climaxing and she hadn’t even turned it on. Once the vibrator was fully seated, she turned the knob at the bottom. Her hips already thrusting in an involuntary movement, she felt so full. She could feel her pussy squeezing against the internal pressure. Holding it in place with one hand, she reached up with the other and began to massage her nipples, fantasizing that it was Ishme’s mouth sucking and his teeth nipping at her breasts.

  Quickly, she could feel the onset of her climax. Her hips were pumping and the double penetration felt amazing. She reached over to grab the other pillow because she knew she was going to scream out her release. When it came, it was the strongest orgasm she’d ever experienced. Even as she fell back into the bedding, she knew that it wouldn’t hold a candle to what she would have felt if Ishme and Nyal were in bed with her.

  After a few minutes, she was able to catch her breath. She was too relaxed to get out of bed, as she had known she would be. She reached for the hand towel and the wet wipes. After cleaning herself up, she put on the nightshirt she’d tossed on the bed, rolled over and fell into a dreamless sleep.


  A few hours later, miles away in a hotel room, Sarah Kline woke up from a sound sleep having a strong climax. She’d been dreaming about two tall men with long blonde hair.


  Becky woke up well rested and ready to take on the day. There was a lot to get done. She had Power of Attorney for the HeVanly Trust. Yesterday they decided she would be representing Addie at the Title Company today to close on the land in Wisconsin.

  She also needed to make sure all the guys had solid backgrounds before they checked into their various hotels. She was planning on booking them on various tourist attractions around Chicago. The idea was for them to be seen touring the City.

  When she got up, she debated dressing up for the escrow closing and decided to let the money talk. She put on black jeans and high-heeled boots that elevated her height up to five-foot-five.

  Today, her shirt had a graphic of the game Rock-Paper-Scissors-Spock-Lizard on it; she was a fan of the show. She knew if Addie saw it, she’d get the joke. In deference to the colder weather, she also grabbed her black suede blazer.

  As she walked down the hall to the back stairs, she remembered that Ishme said he was going to cook breakfast today. She wondered who else in the house was awake. She’d gone to bed early last night, but they could have stayed up late, for all she knew.

  When she walked into the kitchen, Nyal was sitting at the table nursing a cup of coffee.

  “Good morning, Becky,” he said with a smile. He got up from the table and walked over to her. He reached out to pull her into his arms for a hug.

  Mmm, this feels nice, she thought as he held her.

  “I was walking by your room last night while I checked all the windows and doors. The next time you climax, I plan on having you in my arms when it happens,” Nyal said.

  Becky’s cheeks flushed red as she thought of her fantasies of the night before. Her internal imp responded with, “I was pretending I was already there with you and Ishme. That’s why I was so loud.”

  Did I just say that out loud? Who is this woman? she thought.

  He sucked in a breath and started to reach for her again when Ari and Kai clattered down the stairs.

  When they saw Becky practically in Nyal’s arms, Ari and Kai grew angry.

  “The vision-matcher has not yet proclaimed you her Join, Nyal. You should not touch her,” said Ari vehemently.

  Kai was nodding behind him, fisting his hands at his sides.

  “You know what? I’m tired of you guys fighting over me like a juicy bone,” said Becky, turning around to glare at Ari and Kai.

  “I’m sorry that you don’t feel I have enough of a brain to know my own heart and feelings. Tell me, Ari and Kai, did you have another dream last night?” she asked belligerently.

  “Yes, more powerful than the night before; we both did,” answered Kai.

  “And you’re both sure it was me? Was there a green streak in my hair and all?”

  “Well, that is the only thing that didn’t match. In the dream, your hair was without streaks - and it was a little longer, too,” admitted Kai.

  “Then it isn’t me! I’ve always worn my hair short and don’t plan to grow it out any time soon. As to the streak, I consider platinum blonde hair as a blank canvas. I’ve been coloring my hair since I was eighteen. The longest I’ve gone without color is a few days, when I know I’m going to change it.”

  She gave them a sharp look. “Isn’t it obvious? Either there’s someone out there in the world that looks an awful lot like me or I’ve got a twin and we were separated at birth,” she said, not really believing that.

  She thought they were confused or picking up on Ishme and Nyal’s Joining pheromones or something. She stomped over to the counter.

  “I can’t believe you’re making me work out such difficult stuff in my head when I haven’t even had my morning coffee yet. I don’t need this kind of stress in my life,” she muttered.

  At her words, the men backed down immediately and wore penitent looks on their faces. Here they were, not even twenty-four hours after Markus’s admonition and they were already pressuring her.

  Becky reached into the cupboard and selected a mug she felt was apropos for the morning she was having.

  “No coffee ready. No promised breakfast. Humph,” she muttered under her breath.

  At that moment, Markus came in from the dining room with Ishme.

  “Good morning, Becky,” they both said to her.

  “Ugh,” she grunted. The sound of the coffee bean grinder drowned out anything else she might have said.

  Both men immediately turned to the others for an explanation, which Nyal was happy to give. Meanwhile, Becky was pondering the situation. These guys were friends. More than that, they were of the same lineage. This nonsense had to stop before it escalated and they actually came to blows.

  After setting up the coffee pot and hitting the switch, she turned back and faced the men. She had a plan.

  “I don’t want anybody in the house mad at each other. I don’t want to come between family members, either. I also don’t want to ask any of you to leave.”

  When one of the guys started to speak, she held up a hand and continued, “I have come up with a plan. The four of you take four chairs from the table and line them up in front of the island.”

  She was happy to see that they were quick to comply. “Now, I want you to straddle the chairs facing the island with your backs to me. Kai and Ari, you two sit in the two chairs on the left and Ishme and Nyal on the right.”

  Markus had a good idea of what she was planning to do and he approved. He walked over to the cabinet to choose a mug and look at the one Becky had already placed on the counter.

  Hers said, I can only please one person a day. Today is not your day. Tomorrow doesn’t look good, either.

  He chuckled as he looked at the other mugs and chose one for himself. He finally picked one that said, Confidence in big bold red letters. Below, in smaller black print, it said, The feeling you sometimes hav
e before you fully understand the situation you’re in.

  He turned back around to see Becky standing behind Kai and Ari. She reached forward, placing her fingers and thumbs on either side of their spines. Level with their shoulder blades, she pressed in for a moment and then released.

  “Okay, how did that feel? Your breathing didn’t even change,” she said, as she stepped over to Ishme and Nyal. She repeated the process and both men immediately began to pant and then let out long groans.

  She stepped back, “Well,” she stated in a somewhat shaky voice, “that settles that. No more arguments now.”

  She turned to Kai and Ari, who had bewildered looks on their faces. “Either they’re affecting you,” she said, waving an arm towards the other two men, “or the woman you’re destined to meet has arrived in Chicago. You’ll probably meet her on Saturday night. So, no long faces,” she said.

  “Ishme?” she asked

  “Yes, Becky?” he answered after he got his breath back.

  “Are you still planning on making breakfast?”

  “Yes, I’ll get started in a minute.”

  Becky noticed the coffee was finally ready. She walked over to the fridge to get out the half-and-half. After doctoring her coffee the way she liked it, she took her first sip.

  “Ahh, that’s good. I’m going to work in my office for a while and check in with Addie. Call me when breakfast is ready,” she said, as she sailed out of the kitchen.

  Markus filled his cup and added cream and sugar. “You four should be ashamed of yourselves, especially after only yesterday promising to be careful,” he said.

  Then he added, “At least Becky’s solution resolved the issue. Are we in agreement on that?” he asked.

  All four of the men nodded. Ishme and Nyal were still a little wiped out from the powerful and sudden orgasm that Becky had given them. Markus could see they needed a minute.

  “Ishme and Nyal? Why don’t you go upstairs and clean up. Kai and Ari will show me how to begin the breakfast,” Markus suggested.

  “Addie says that French toast is her favorite breakfast. We have all made that before, so Kai and Ari can start. We should make some bacon, too,” Ishme said, as he got up from the chair.

  He suddenly grinned. He realized that Becky now knew they belonged together. Perhaps they wouldn’t have to wait until Saturday to return the favor. He ran up the stairs four at a time, whistling - the way Addie had taught him.

  Chapter Ten

  Breakfast had been delicious. Even better, she’d gotten Markus to relax his work stance so she’d worked for a little over four hours in the office. Becky was a full day ahead of schedule on her work. The BEIP device had helped her finish all the backgrounds for the Nephilim who had come down from the Far Star Station. The BEIP was her favorite new toy.

  She pressed a speed dial button on her Bluetooth and placed a quick call to Addie. She let her know the men were good to go and the buses could move out. She also wanted information on what had happened to Valerie’s two helpers.

  “Hello,” said Addie.

  “Hey, Professor, I just called to give you the good news,” said Becky.

  “I can always use good news, what’s up?”

  “I finished all the identities with full backgrounds. The buses can move out anytime. Each of the suitcases, as I’m sure you’ve figured out by now, has a cell phone, hotel reservation paperwork and an itinerary of attractions.

  “They all have some free time, of course, but I didn’t want anyone getting bored. There is a list of things to see, complete with maps and directions. In addition, there are restaurant recommendations and even tickets to a show of some type for tonight.

  “I split them up into groups of four and six, and most will be staying at hotels near the Convention Center,” said Becky.

  “Wow, you really went all out, above and beyond. Really, Becky, I totally owe you on this one,” said Addie.

  “You’re welcome - but that’s not all. As I told you yesterday, I was able to find three more bank accounts and two more safety deposit boxes. I got the evidence to fit the warrants already issued, so we’re good there. I turned it all over to Captain Udaka’s chosen officer last night. If the grin on his face is anything to go by, we’re in the clear. I really think we have it all now. The Kadyrov family will not be able to take another swipe at your family, Addie,” she said in a suddenly more serious voice.

  Addie burst into tears, “Oh, Becky,” she sobbed.

  Rune saw her crying with the phone in her hand and rushed over to the picnic bench.

  “What’s wrong - bad news?” he asked her in concern.

  She turned to him and grabbed his thigh, burying her face while she wept. He reached down with one hand to take the phone, as he wrapped the other around her shoulder. Others in their group had begun to draw near to find out what was bothering the Queen.

  “Who is this and what did you say to Addie?” Rune barked into the phone.

  “The preggo hormones are causing another waterfall? I just gave her some good news; she’s overjoyed,” said Becky.


  “Yeah, I’m on my way out to attend the escrow closing. In case Addie’s pregnancy kills brain cells, too, and she starts to forget things, would you remind her of something for me?” she asked, as she cleaned off her desk and turned off the computers.

  She stepped into the hall, then turned and closed the office door. You needed to punch in a code on the keypad to get in.

  “Sure, Becky,” said Rune, now that he understood nothing was wrong.

  “Instead of setting up a separate Trust for Gilda and then other Trusts for Addie and Grace, it worked out better to just set up one. Each person who contributes assets to the Trust - I called it the HeVan’s Gate Trust - by the way. Each person gets shares in the Trust equal to the value of their initial investment. They can cash the shares in with interest at any time,” she finished.

  “Would you make sure Gilda understands?” she asked. “She’ll still be able to get her cash back any time she wants to.”

  By this time, she’d walked into the kitchen; she wanted a quick lunch before heading to the Title Company to sign the papers.

  “Okay, Becky, I can do that,” said Rune.

  “Are you feeling better?” he asked Becky.

  Addie was only sniffling now. She’d stopped crying and he was running his free hand over her head and down her back in long strokes.

  Becky answered, “I feel like a million, thanks for asking.

  “One other thing - I put you guys up at the same hotel that we recommended to the special invitees, so you’ll be surrounded by women. If any of them approach you at the hotel, tell them you’re from HeVan, here to recruit women to emigrate. Introduce Addie as Queen Aditya, yada yada yada…you know, like we discussed,” she said.

  She walked to the fridge to pull out ingredients for making sandwiches.

  “I remember. And we’ll all remember to wear the ‘Valerie Hudson Nephilim of HeVan’ buttons that Johanna made, too,” said Rune.

  “Great, then people won’t think you’re crazy and it’ll create a great buzz for Saturday night. I think that’s it…Oh, I remember. Is Addie finished with her weeping spell? I wanted to ask how Natalie and Jennifer were getting along with their long-lost cousins,” she said.

  Rune threw his head back and laughed out loud. “Their Joins aren’t here, and that’s probably a good thing. Jaron and the others are taking their protection of the women very seriously. The others have to ask their permission to speak to the girls. Natalie and Jennifer are enjoying themselves quite a bit. They also stayed up quite late talking to Addie. She explained that she was leaving Earth early because of the people getting pregnant.”

  It was Becky’s turn to laugh. “It’s like she’s a reverse plague. ‘And a wave of fertility washes over the land.’ Hey, I wonder…”


  “Oh, I just had a thought. I’m going to check into the farming statistics
and see if there were any bumper crops over the last few months. I’m wondering if her fertility affects more than people,” she mused, as she finished putting together a roast beef and provolone sandwich on sourdough bread.

  “I wouldn’t be surprised. It’s a good thing we’re leaving. I’m sure your government is going to get suspicious, if they haven’t already,” Rune said.

  “Yeah, well, give her a hug for me. I gotta go so I have time to eat before I leave. Remember, we’re all meeting for dinner in one of the small private dining rooms Friday night. Now that I’ve met my Ankida-to-be, I should change the reservation to include them. I’ll see you guys later.”

  “Okay, hold on. Addie wants to have a quick word,” said Rune.

  Becky took a quick bite of her delicious sandwich while she waited for Addie to come on the line. Then she began putting away the fixings. She was rummaging for some seedless grapes when she heard her name.

  “Becky, are you still there?” asked Addie.

  “I’m still here if you’re done crying,” Becky said. “I’ve got too much to get done this afternoon to listen to you weep happy tears, Oh, Pregnant One.”

  “I know! I cry at everything. I can’t seem to stop, either,” said Addie.

  “Well, don’t cry now. Think what red, puffy eyes look like. I need to gobble down my lunch and then go meet with the attorneys to close on the property. In your honor, I’m wearing the Rock-Paper-Scissors-Spock-Lizard shirt you gave me. So I know everything will be fine,” said Becky.

  “Oh, Becky,” Addie cried and went into another spate of tears.

  “Becky? What is it this time?” asked Rune.

  “Ask Addie, bye!” she said and hung up.

  She was shaking her head as she went to the counter to grab an apple to go with her sandwich and grapes. She poured herself a tall glass of milk, then took her lunch over to the table and sat down. About halfway through her meal, Ari came in from the mudroom.

  “I see you’re out of that cave you call an office. Did you get everything done?” he asked.

  “Yes,” she said smugly, “and I have no open projects. I’m officially on vacation for the next month. We don’t have enough time to start building on the property before the snows come. Therefore, I’m planning to work part time until spring. That should keep Markus happy,” she said.


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