Lucy Kelly

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by HeVans to Becky

  “Jalen, Ishme told me that he couldn’t get me pregnant because we hadn’t been Joined. Ever since he told me that, something’s been bothering me. If Nephilim need their wings to complete the Joining and have children, then how did the Nephilim who landed on this planet have children? Surely, the women of Earth weren’t the ones they were destined to be with?” she asked.

  He gave her a searching look. Other than Addie, he knew Becky the best. He and his brothers had lived with her for a time while Addie was adjusting to life with her Ankida. She had a fascinating and labyrinthine mind and he knew she needed this information right now or she wouldn’t have asked.

  “We’re not sure. The only explanation we have come up with is that Tamiel was here. It’s not always possible to wait for your Join. Perhaps they weren’t born yet, or perhaps they were in an accident and died.

  “Nephilim are practical. If an amount of time goes by and they no longer wish to wait, they can choose a female in the same situation as themselves and Join with her.

  “The Queen’s power allows their wings to come to the surface when they’re deeply in love. Who’s to say if the one you Join with is one or the other? Either way, your wings emerge when you love.

  “The Joining flight triggers sperm production in the male. More accurately, as the wings emerge, two small sacs are pierced. They secrete a chemical in the body, which sets off a chain reaction, resulting in sperm. This chemical also reacts as a powerful aphrodisiac to the female, preparing her for the Joining.”

  He gave her another long look, “Is that what you needed to know?”

  “Yes, thank you, Jalen. I wasn’t prepared for a long-lost sister and need a moment. Would you take the long way around? I want to sit here and if you go right back in, Ishme or Nyal will be out here in seconds,” she said.

  After another look, he agreed. Leaving her there, he turned to go down the hall and around to the service entrance. Since the presentation would be starting soon, he needed to do a last-minute security check, anyway. They didn’t want anyone overhearing what was going to be said. As he left, he gave the two guards outside the ballroom a message with his eyes and a tilt of his head. They would keep watch over Becky.

  Becky knew what she had to do. She loved them too much to let them be saddled with her. She got up from her chair and sat down at the greeter table to write Ishme and Nyal a note. She was too cowardly to face them.

  Ishme and Nyal,

  It’s been fun, really. However, it’s time to move on. I think you should go back to HeVan with Addie. She will find you the perfect woman to be your wife. We all know that I’m never going to fit into that mold and your wings won’t emerge for me. Jalen explained it.

  I’m going out for a while. I’d appreciate it if you were all gone when I get back home.


  Her handwriting was a little shaky but she didn’t want to get maudlin. Becky knew that if she had tried to write more, she wouldn’t be able to do so. Folding the note into four, she took a few deep breaths to regain control and stood.

  She walked over to the Nephilim standing guard at the door.

  “I need to run an errand. If I’m not back before the end of the presentation, would you give this to Ishme or Nyal for me?” she asked, barely holding on to a smile that was little more than a grimace.

  “Of course, Beleti,” he said.

  Becky turned around and walked away, tears she didn’t even notice streaming down her face.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Valerie stood up as people finished their desserts and hit her spoon against her glass. The room quieted.

  “Good evening. I thank you all for coming to the first ever Nephilim Welcome event.” She waited for the applause to die down before continuing.

  “I’m sure many of you have been eyeing that raised dais in the middle of the room and wondering what it’s for. I’ve heard some wild speculation as I’ve wandered around the room,” she said, and many in the crowd laughed.

  “Actually, we’ve got a little presentation prepared for you. Queen Aditya the Good, also known as Addie, is going to be our program director for this first part. Then we’ll have a question and answer session.

  “Over to you, Addie.”

  Addie got up from her seat and walked along the side of the head table to the end, where she was helped down onto the floor by Jett. He and his two brothers then approached the raised platform with three microphone stands. Only, instead of microphones, they mounted what looked like three black pens or laser pointers. Addie stopped walking just before the platform.

  “First,” said Addie, “I’d like a show of hands. How many women in this room were born with a birthmark similar to mine? Or had one appear as you got older?”

  She swept aside the fall of hair that covered the left side of her brow. All of the women in the room raised their hands.

  “Okay. Now, here’s a harder one, how many of you have some kind of gift? Do you find things, move things, know things?” she asked.

  Once more, but much more reluctantly than they had before, all of the hands went up.

  “These are the two reasons why you were invited to this event. My name is Aditya Marie Perez Azazyel. I was born in DeKalb County and grew up there. I’ve lived in the Chicago area for all my life.

  “I guess what I’m saying is that I’m human. However, as our birthmarks prove, we are all something more.

  “The books written by Valerie are not fiction. They are fact and I can prove it to you. Visitors from another planet crash landed on Earth nearly ten thousand years ago and everyone in this room is a descendent of the survivors of that crash.”

  She waited until the uproar caused by that remark faded before continuing. Addie spoke of herself as a child, seeing the same mark on a stone carving on a school field trip and how she’d dedicated her life to finding out the truth. She went on to describe the ancient sites she’d worked on over the past few years.

  As she reached the point in the story when she found the ship, the three pens mounted on the stands came to life. They showed a three-dimensional holographic image of her entering the cave, finding the skeleton, then the drawings, finally, the shuttle, and the Queen in stasis. The holograms then proceeded to move from image to image through her journey to the ship, slung over Jett’s shoulder.

  This made many in the audience laugh. They thought she was putting on a show for their benefit from the plot of a previous book.

  Until Addie had seen the holograms in the rehearsal for her speech, she hadn’t realized that all of the men and even the shuttle had recorded the events in such detail.

  When they came to the scene where her Ankida ran into the medical room and their wings burst from their backs, the tone of the audience began to change. Watching Tamiel pass her powers on had most of the audience reaching for handkerchiefs or napkins.

  Skipping the part where she Joined with her men - this was a PG event after all - the next image was her Ascension Ceremony on board the Far Star Station, when she officially became the Nam-Nin and assumed her powers. The images proceeded right up until she made the decision to return to Earth until the gate was completed.

  “The gate will be completed in two weeks,” said Addie. “At that time, we will be sending a probe through the gate for two reasons. First, to make sure the gates are working properly. Second, we want to download the main memory files from the city of HeVantha. We need to know what Malpha’s been up to for the last two hundred years.

  “At that time, I’ll be leaving Earth and won’t be returning. Any of you who want to join me in this adventure or come later are welcome. As you know, HeVan needs women desperately. The shuttle trip to HeVan takes approximately four to five weeks, depending on the rotation of the Earth around the sun in comparison to the space station.

  “We’re just about ready for the question and answer period of the evening and I’ll be relinquishing the floor back to Valerie for that.

  “I have only one thing left to say. Y
ou’ve read all the books. From this moment on, know that they are not fiction. They are real. They are the true history of a people struggling to keep themselves and their culture alive, while also keeping it a secret and not influence the cultures developing here. Everything in those stories about characters you know and love so much really happened. They were real people who really existed here and on HeVan.

  “Three months ago, my life changed forever. Tonight, your lives, whether you choose to come with me or to remain here on Earth, have also changed forever.

  “As an archeologist - ABD, I grant you - I personally uncovered proof all over this world. I was going to use that proof as my dissertation.

  “Finding that ship and Queen Tamiel set my feet down another path. All of you are now standing at that same crossroads. The decision is entirely yours. You know the hearts and minds of the Nephilim. You know their culture, their beliefs, and their laws. You are their descendants.

  “Will you betray them or support them?”

  The holograph went dark and Addie returned to her seat to thunderous applause.

  Valerie then stood back up.

  “Okay. I’m sure a lot of you have questions. If you’ll raise your hand, either I or one of the women and men behind me will answer them. Before we take the first question, I’m going to jump in here and answer one of them right off the bat.”

  Valerie then pointed to Miranda sitting at the head table.

  “This lady is Miranda Lockwood. I’m sure many of you have heard of her. She uses the slogan, Unlock your heart with Lockwood Matchmaking. She is this area’s premier matchmaker. Not one of her matches has ever ended in divorce in the eleven years she’s been in business.

  “There is a reason for that. Like all of us, Miranda has a gift. Miranda is an image-matcher, or vision-matcher, as she’s called in Book Five, Match Made in HeVan, so you’re all aware of her abilities.

  “Those of you named as winners upon arriving here tonight and given escorts - well, let’s just say that Miranda had a hand in the seating assignments. You’ve been matched, ladies, and these gentlemen have been waiting for you for anywhere from three to seven hundred years.”

  At that point, many of the women looked at their escorts with new eyes. The flirtatious joking of earlier was now interpreted in a new light.

  “Will you let your chance at true love pass you by?” asked Valerie.

  The questions started, then. Most of the people present still believed this was some kind of show. However, a few of them were starting to wonder and giving looks to the men sitting beside them - men to whom they were highly attracted.

  At the back table in the far corner, Ishme and Nyal were worried. Becky had not returned to the table and they had seen Jalen come back just in time to start the memory crystal projectors.

  They were going to excuse themselves, when Sarah spoke up, “I have a question. What exactly is going on here? Is this an elaborate show to promote Valerie’s books or something else?” she asked.

  For a moment, no one said anything until Markus spoke up. “Every word you heard spoken tonight is truth. Kai and Ari, here, are your destiny, if you choose to accept it. They will not pressure you. Just as Tammy, here, is my perfect match,” he concluded and Tammy gasped in surprise.

  “I need to find Becky,” said Ishme. He and Nyal got up to find Jalen and speak with him.

  “Are they…?” Sarah asked, pointing to Ishme and Nyal as they walked away.

  “Yes, they are Becky’s destiny,” answered Markus.

  Minutes later, they all heard an anguished cry coming from the hallway. Ishme and Nyal returned back to the room, hollow-eyed.

  Markus walked over to them to find out what was the matter. “What’s wrong, my friends?” he asked.

  Ishme handed Markus the note from Becky. After reading it, he thought for a long time. Then, coming up with an idea, he headed back to the table.

  “What’s wrong,” asked Sarah right away. “Is something wrong with Becky? What’s in the note?”

  “The note is not important right now. Tell me, Sarah, and forgive me if I am rude - I do not mean to be. If someone knew of your business successes but did not know you personally, would they know of your personal tragedies?” he asked.

  “What’s that got to do with Becky?” she asked.

  “Bear with me for just a moment and answer the question,” said Markus.

  “No, I only told people who needed to know. I changed my name again before graduating high school. The newspapers wouldn’t leave me alone. I actually borrowed a friend’s background so anyone digging would find hers instead of mine because we share the same birthday. That’s how we met,” said Sarah.

  “Ah, it becomes clearer. Becky, like you, did not have a happy childhood. Unlike you, she did not have a friend like Jack or have a parent, even one, who loved her. More than that is Becky’s story to tell. What I can tell you, from being a guest in her home, is that even though she is brilliant, she thinks of herself as not being smart enough.

  “She longs for home and family and yet believes that she does not deserve one. She meets a beautiful, successful sister and does not see her own beauty reflected there.

  “So she has pushed away the men she loves hoping they will find someone who, as she puts it in her note, fits the mold,” Markus said.

  “Are you saying that it’s my fault she split?” asked Sarah.

  “Not at all ? she has been heading for an epiphany of self-realization for some time. Arjun warned me of it. This is one of the reasons I made myself her guest. The Queen is very close to Becky and she is worried about how she will cope staying here on Earth when they all leave.”

  “If they’re so close - why is she staying?” asked Tammy, finding her voice for the first time.

  “She is the only one with the skills and the contacts to make the identifications we need so we can visit Earth without fear of arrest or imprisonment. She purchased all of our clothing and suitcases. She thought of everything and didn’t miss a step.

  “She developed backgrounds going back three generations for over a hundred men in under three months, and went on to implant the necessary documentation to support them,” said Markus.

  “And she’s jealous of me? I couldn’t have accomplished all that,” said Sarah.

  “As I said, she does not recognize and acknowledge her own worth. She focuses on trivial matters, like her inability to cook a gourmet meal or sew a dress. She seems obsessed with a woman named June Cleaver,” he said, and both Tammy and Sarah gave small laughs at the reference.

  “We have purchased a large tract of land north of here in Wisconsin. Becky is planning to remain our main contact here on Earth.

  “First, she is going to continue to supply identities for Nephilim coming down for shore leave and hoping to meet their destiny.

  “Second, she is going to find another Nephilim female, who wishes to remain, to work the land, and open a retreat for women and children. The abuse of women and children is unheard of on HeVan. Therefore, we would like to do what we can to help the women here. And if any would like to leave, even if it is only as far as the space station, we will be happy to help them.”

  “But what shall we do now? Our wings will emerge in less than a week,” said Nyal, speaking for the first time.

  “You will do as she asks. Addie is leaving on a shuttle to the space station later tonight. Her house requires repairs from the attack on Tuesday night.

  “Go there. I will wait and speak with Becky when she returns. She gave me some plain speaking once and set me on the path to my destiny. The least I can do is to return the favor.

  “Even now, her own intelligence could be overcoming her insecurities. She could be headed back to you right this minute. Have patience, it will all work out.”


  At the other end of the room, Addie was having a quiet conversation with Cassandra and her father.

  “Cassie deserves to know the truth. The dreams she’s been ha
ving - they are visions of possible futures. They can be very frightening. Now she’ll be able to cope because she knows what they are.”

  “You’re not taking her away from her family,” he said belligerently. “I’m her father.”

  “We have no intention of doing anything to her. We only wanted you to have this information. Also, so Cassie would know that she wasn’t crazy or in need of medication. I lost my parents at a very young age; my Grandparents raised my sister and me. We understand and value families,” said Addie.

  “We’ve given you information that no other non-Nephilim has, to help you understand your daughter. No more, no less,” said Arjun.

  Cassandra turned to her father, “Daddy, I’ve been dreaming about Addie and Grace and the others since I was little. It was such a relief to me to find out they were real.”

  “Why didn’t you tell us? Your mom and I would have understood.”

  “I know you would have listened, both of you always listen to me. But you still might have thought I was a schizoid or something,” she said.

  “Well, maybe…”


  “So, where do we go from here?” Cassie’s father asked.

  “We don’t go anywhere you and your wife don’t want to,” said Addie. “I’m sure you’ve heard the reports of the wave of fertility that’s been hitting the land. Well, I’m the cause of that. Therefore, I only stayed long enough to appear here tonight. As I stated earlier, I’m headed up to the station tonight and will remain there until it’s time to leave for HeVan.”

  Addie would have continued but at that moment Cassie slumped over on her father’s shoulder in a daze.

  “Does this happen to her a lot?” asked Addie.

  “No. I mean, she’s always been a day dreamer, but this, where she’s completely out of it, this is new,” he said.

  “Most likely it’s the presence of so many new Nephilim and the high emotions and energy that are flowing in this room. There are so many lives at a crossroads. We’re hoping some of the descendants will want to take the adventure of a lifetime, come to HeVan with me, and be part of saving a planet and an ancient civilization.


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