Master of My Mind BN

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Master of My Mind BN Page 9

by Jenna Jacob

  Suddenly, the door burst open. Mika stood filling the frame and a menacing growl bubbled from deep in his chest. I felt my eyes grow wide. Julianna simply whined, sending him a pitiful pout before she stretched her arms out to him.

  “I know the drill, Master,” she mumbled.

  “After this baby is born, I’m going to spend weeks…no, months spanking your ass,” Mika fumed between clenched teeth.

  “I know, I know. You tell me that every day.” An impish grin replaced her dramatic pout. “Can I just say that I’m really looking forward to it?”

  “What makes you think I’ll let you enjoy it, precious?” Mika snarled as he leaned low. Julianna looped her outstretched arms around his shoulders, and threaded her fingers around his neck. Mika plucked her from the bed and nestled her against his chest.

  Julianna nuzzled his neck, trailing kisses up his throat and over his jaw. “Because you always do, Master. And because you love me so much.”

  A slight smile tugged his lips as he shook his head. “You naughty little minx. If you don’t stop hiding the truth from me, I’ll make sure you don’t enjoy them, my love.”

  Julianna groaned. Mika turned his attention to the three of us left sitting on the bed. I felt Savannah’s body tense.

  “I hope you’re happy with the clothes, Leagh.” Mika smiled then quickly sobered. “And next time you’re in a bind and don’t contact me, I’ll let every Dom in the club redden your ass. Do I make myself clear, little one?”

  I swallowed tightly. Not for one second did I think Mika was bluffing. “Yes, Sir. Crystal.”

  “Good. Come to my office tomorrow. I want to discuss something with you. By the way, I’ve asked Tony to keep an eye on you. I expect you to give him the same respect you show me, understood?”

  Tony? He’d asked Tony? Was Mika fucking insane? Anxiety crashed through me like a wrecking ball. I wanted to beg him to let Sammie do it, or Drake. Hell, anyone but Tony. But nobody argued with Mika. Nobody. His club… his rules. “Yes, Sir. I promise.”

  “Good girl. And you two,” Mika peered sternly between Savannah and Trevor before giving a little wink. “Thank you for keeping an eye on Julianna, who I’m taking home now. Enjoy the rest of your day, pets.”

  “See you guys soon,” Julianna called out as he carted her out the door.

  “You hope,” Mika’s warning echoed in the hallway as the door shut behind them.

  “Oh my god, every time Mika puts on his badass Dom hat, he scares the beejeebies out of me,” Savannah whispered.

  “Oh, like your two Masters are total teddy bears? Right!” I giggled.

  “Not on a good day.” A broad smile lit up her face, and her pretty brown eyes sparkled with absolute love.

  It felt good to laugh. I tried to keep my guilt at bay as Trevor opened the numerous packages laying the clothes out on the foot of my bed. I had no idea how I was going to repay Mika and Julianna but I would find a way.

  “It’s time to start modeling, sis.” Trevor beamed as he pulled me from the bed and shoved a stack of clothes into my arms.

  After an impromptu fashion show that lasted a solid hour, I donned a pair of skinny jeans and a sinfully soft angora sweater. Slipping into a pair of sexy Jimmy Choo ankle boots, I felt more alive than I had in days.

  “Now that you’re all dressed up and looking sexy, let’s go grab a late lunch,” Trevor urged, tugging me toward the door.

  It really didn’t take much coaxing before the three of us piled into my car and headed to Maurizio’s. As we walked inside the restaurant, memories of George stole my breath. A ball of anguish clogged my throat as I blinked back tears.

  “Oh, baby, I’m sorry,” Trevor whispered. Pain wracked his face as he stared at me. “Let’s go to Los Pueblo instead.”

  I shook my head and sucked in a ragged breath. “No. I want to stay here. Just no booths today, okay?”

  I would be fine as long as we didn’t sit in one of the secluded booths where George enjoyed doing all sorts of taboo things to me in public. Of course no one could see, but it turned him on knowing we could be discovered easily.

  “Hey,” Scotty, the bartender/manager, called out with a wave of his hand. “Take a seat anywhere.”

  “Here’s a table,” Savannah announced as she rushed to set her purse down on an empty four top.

  “Perfect. Thank you.” I forced a smile. “Let’s have some drinks.”

  “It’s like three in the afternoon,” Savannah blinked as she gaped at me.

  “You make it sound like it’s a bad thing,” I chuckled.

  “Hell no!” Trevor shot us both a conspiritory grin. “It’s five o’clock somewhere.”

  “I don’t drink very much,” Savannah confessed. “Someone has to stay sober to drive us back to Genesis.”

  “No problem,” I assured. “I can drink like a sailor on leave.”

  Well, I usually could. Having skipped breakfast and lunch, the four sweet, woody bottles of wine proved a bad call of judgment…Really bad.

  Savannah suggested food might sober us up a bit, so we ordered a couple of appetizers, most of which went uneaten. We were too busy laughing and drinking and drinking even more.

  “We need more wine,” Trevor announced. Standing he wobbled to the bar for another bottle. When he returned, he was wearing a frown.

  “Whass wrong?” Savannah slurred.

  “Snotty…umm, I mean Scotty.” A fit of giggles had Trevor nearly falling to the floor.

  Tears leaked from Savannah’s eyes as well as my own. I patted the chair next to me, and Trevor slunk down onto the seat, still laughing hysterically I wrapped him in a hug.

  “What did Snotty say?” I asked, then snorted and our laughter grew thunderous once again.

  “This’is the last bottle for us,” Trevor pouted holding up the half empty carafe.

  “Slotty’s a dirty rotten sloundrel,” Savannah sulked.

  Trevor and I weaved to the bar and tried to wheedle shots of vodka, but Scotty was adamant. Once our last bottle of wine was empty, our beverage choices were limited to coffee, tea, or soda. He’d cut us off. It was probably a good thing too, because the three of us were so blasted we had to make trips to the bathroom using the buddy system.

  Raising our glasses with the last of the wine, Savannah’s cell phone rang, and rang, and rang. Carefully placing her wine glass on the table, she pawed at her purse but couldn’t find the right compartment that held the ringing device.

  “Awww, just fnuck it,” she groused as she held her purse to her face and spoke loudly into the leather bag. “Leave me a massage…err, I mean a message at the beep. Beep!”

  Trevor and I howled. That’s about the time Scotty sauntered up to our table.

  “You three seem to be having a fine time this evening,” he announced with an arch of his brow. “Whoever is driving, I’ll take your keys now.”

  “Are you a donnannit too?” I asked. “You sure give orders like one.”

  “No, Leagh, I’m not. But I am curious. Do your Dominants know where the three of you are right now?” Scotty asked with a suspicious glare.

  His question hit me like a mac truck.

  Looking at Trevor first, then Savannah, when Scotty’s gaze landed on me, his face fell. “Oh shit, Leagh. I’m sorry, baby. I didn’t mean…”

  “Oh honey, shhh. No. No, don’t cry,” Savannah commiserated as she plucked the napkin from her lap and wiped my face.

  I hadn’t even realized that tears streamed down my cheeks.

  “It’s okay, Snotty. Just can you call Dadd…Drake for us, please,” Trevor whispered as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and squeezed me tight.

  I held the stiff cotton linen to my face and sobbed. Scotty’s innocuous question knocked the foundation out from under me. And once I’d turned on the water works, I couldn’t seem to find a way to shut them off.

  Trevor and Savannah led me to the ladies room and set me on a red velvet chaise. They held me as I bawled and bawled. />
  “I juss wanted to have a regular day, you know?” I sniffed. “And poor Slotty, he’s prolly feeling like a hot plate of shit but isss not his fault. Isss really not. Isss mine.”

  “Noooo. Nobody’s fault, L,” Trevor soothed. “Itss not fair that’s all. George loved you and you loved him. It’s gonna hurt for more than a day.”

  “You’re doing real good, Leagh,” Savannah encouraged. “You’re a strong lady. You’re gonna—hiccup—gonna get through this. We’re all gonna h—hiccup—help.”

  Trevor started to giggle.

  “Sh—hiccup—it,” Savannah giggled before starting to laugh. Hard.

  And like a chain reaction, my sobs turned to snorts, and my tears of sadness turned into tears of laughter. Even in my drunken stupor, I realized how blessed I was to have such loving and supportive friends. When the bathroom door opened, the three of us looked up. Our laughter died instantly when four, very unamused Doms—Drake, Dylan, Nick, and Tony—stepped in. Standing shoulder-to-shoulder, they looked down on three guilty and extremely inebriated subs.

  “Don’t put on your frownie face, Drake. We just had a little wine, that’s all,” Trevor explained as he held up his finger and thumb, measuring a one inch gap.

  “You address me as Drake, now boy?”

  “Um, Dadddy, I’m s…ssorry,” Trevor stuttered.

  “You’re sitting in the ladies room for fuck sake. You’re telling me you only had a little bit to drink?” Drake snorted.

  “Well you’re standing in the ladies room, Master. How much have you had to drink?” Trevor giggled.

  “Shhh, Trev—hiccup—vor,” Savannah warned.

  “Not near enough to keep me from whipping your ass bloody, you mouthy little shit,” Drake thundered.

  “Oh,” the young man replied sheepishly. “Gotcha.”

  “Kitten?” Dylan slashed a brow at Savannah as she slunk down a little lower on the chaise.

  “Yes, Mass—hiccup—ter? Dammit, I can’t st—hiccup—stop these fucking things.”

  “Oh, precious. You’re not allowed to use that kind of language, no matter how drunk you are,” Nick reprimanded.

  “Sorry, Sir,” she whispered and hiccupped again.

  “Leagh, what’s going on here, sweetheart?” Tony asked as he crouched in front of me, taking the soggy napkin from my fingers he patted it against my cheeks.

  His brown eyes sparkled in compassion and understanding. I desperately wanted to wrap my arms around his neck and hold onto him, forever.

  “We came here for lun.. lun… food. But the wine was so nummy. I mean yummy. I dunno. Did we eat?” I asked leaning forward, looking between the blurry images of Savannah and Trevor. She frowned and shook her head.

  “Oh, I guess we forgotted to eat. I think wewere gonna do that, but I nn…needed a drink. Did chew know… George’s is…his ghost is everywhere I go. So we had some drinks and I fin’lly got to laugh. So we had a wholeeee bunch more of both and…”

  Through my wine induced fog, I realized that I’d probably gotten Savannah and Trevor into a world of trouble with their Masters.

  I looked up at Dylan and Nick and Drake. “Isss not their fault. Don’t be mad at S’vanna and Trev ‘cause of me, Sirs. I just wanted a day where my heart wasn’t being ripped apart. And they didid that for me. I love them. I really love them.” I turned back to Savannah and Trevor. “I really love you guys.”

  “We love you, too, Leagh,” Trevor choked, blinking back tears.

  Savannah nodded and gave my leg a tiny squeeze. “Yes, we do.”

  “I wasn’t sure I could make it through all this ssshit, you know?” I explained to the Dom’s staring at me as their images blurred. “But S’vannah and Trev took the hurt away for a few hours. Don’t punish them for that.”

  I begged the other Doms to be lenient on my behalf. “If it hadn’t been for me, they’d have… never have… dis’ppointed you guys. They love you.”

  With the realization that I was the only sub in the room that didn’t have a Dom to atone to, another wave of anguish caught me unprepared.

  The four Doms exchanged a glance. Without a word, Drake bent and cupped his massive hands around Trevor’s cheeks. Bending down, he slanted his lips over the young man’s mouth, lifted him to his feet, and wrapped his burly arms around the thin man in a passionate embrace.

  Nick cupped Savannah’s chin as another hiccup split the silence. He couldn’t help but grin at her. “You’ve had a whole lot to drink, haven’t you, precious?”

  “Uh-huh.” She nodded with a goofy grin.

  “I’m going out on a limb here, kitten, but I suspect you’ll feel like home grown hell in the morning. What do you say we take you home and tuck you into bed? It’s late,” Dylan coaxed as he and Nick each took an arm and helped Savannah stand up.

  “Okay,” she exhaled on a wistful sigh before she melted against her two Doms, kissing them as if she’d not seen them in months.

  I was left sitting alone, Tony’s erotic eyes gazing into mine. I’d have given anything for him to lean in and kiss me and let me drown in his affections, one more time.

  “Come on, Leagh. I’ll drive you back to Genesis and get you tucked into bed as well,” Tony urged as he reached out and took my hand.

  “I love you, Daddy,” Trevor murmured as Drake led him out the door.

  “I love you, too, boy. Let’s go home.”

  We all filed out of the ladies room, clinging to the strong arms of sober and generously understanding Dominants. And as I waved good-bye to my partners in crime, I felt a goofy smile crawl across my lips.

  “Thank you, guys, I had a won’erful time,” I called out as Tony helped me into his car.

  The night was cold, and when he climbed in and started the ignition, I released my seatbelt and slid across the seat, snuggling against Tony’s hot body.

  “What are you doing, angel?”

  “Trying to get warm,” I replied as I closed my eyes and drank in his blessed heat.

  Slinking down further in the buttery soft seat, I rested my head in his lap as he silently drove down the street. The fever emanating from beneath his zipper called to the woman in me. I nuzzled my head upon his lap. His thick erection pressed against my ear.

  “Why do you have a hard-on?”

  Tony chuckled. “Why is your head on my cock?”

  “I asked you first.”

  “Because you’re near me,” Tony replied as he lowered his hand and threaded his fingers through my hair.

  I closed my eyes and purred. His touch was sublime. Still high on wine, I trailed my fingertips along the inside of his thigh.

  “Leagh,” he said in warning. “What do you think you’re doing?”

  “You’re touching me. I’m touching you. Iss all good.”

  “It’s too good. And that’s what I’m afraid of.”

  “When we get back to Genesis, will you make love to me?”

  “What?” he gasped.

  “Make love to me.”


  “Why not? Your cock is hard. It wants to. And you’ve told me that you want me.”

  “You’re drunk, sweetheart.”


  “Baby, when we make love you’ll be stone cold sober. There won’t be any regrets.”

  “Are you just saying that to me or do you say that to all the girls?”

  “What girls?”

  “Your harem of pain sluts. When they get drunk, are you so chivalr…chirivlous…”


  “Yeah, are you that with them?”

  “I don’t have sex with subs from the club.”

  Rising up, I gaped at him—both images of him—and blinked. “You’re bullshitting me, right?”

  “No, I’m not. And stop cussing.”

  “So you whip ‘em and you take ‘em to your room, but you don’t fuck ‘em. Is that what you’re telling me?”

  “Language,” Tony scolded.

  I sighed. “In’
ercourse. You don’t have intracourse with them?”

  “No,” he chuckled again. “Why is that so surprising to you?”

  “I thought BDSM was a bunch of kinky sex.”

  “Oh, angel. You’ve got a lot to learn.” I frowned and Tony laughed. “I enjoy the power exchange. It’s not about the sex for me.”

  “So who…you know, who cleans out your pipes?”

  Tony laughed. “I have a friend with benefits, but we’re not in a relationship.”

  “Oh.” Mulling his words over, I settled my head back down on his lap and closed my eyes. His erection felt as if it had grown even larger, and I wanted desperately to ease his zipper down and taste his rigid cock. Instead we rode in silence with his fingers massaging my scalp as darkness pulled me under.

  The next thing I knew, Tony was rousting me awake before he led me up the back stairs of the club. I couldn’t focus on much of anything, because the hall was spinning like a carnival ride. My stomach pitched, and my mouth watered.

  “Hurry. I don’t feel so good,” I confessed. Tony looked down at me and cocked a brow.

  “You’re turning green, Leagh. Keep that shit down until we get inside your room, or we’ll both be decorating the carpet,” he warned as he jammed the master key into the lock.

  As soon as the door opened, I raced to the bathroom and fell to my knees in front of the toilet. Tony stepped behind me and gathered the hair from my face in his fist. I retched until there was nothing left then slumped over the commode. I wanted to curl up into a ball and cry. Limp and exhausted, I felt like the biggest idiot on the planet.

  Spitting the acrid taste from my mouth, I rested my forehead in my palms. “You can go now. Show’s over,” I mumbled.

  “Not on your life, angel,” Tony whispered as he lifted me from the floor and carried me to the edge of the bed. Once seated, he crouched low and removed my boots. “Do you want me to set the trash can next to the bed?”

  “No,” I groaned as he tugged my sweater over my head and released my bra.

  Lowering me onto the mattress, he removed my jeans. Staring down at me, I watched Tony’s hungry gaze linger on my hard nipples before burning a path down my belly, pausing at the hot pink thong covering my pussy.


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