Virgin's Lust

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by Kayla C. Oliver

  I was so aroused that I was afraid I might pop off too soon. Her temple was tightly guarded. She hugged my shaft hard, making every movement no matter how small an adventure in sensuality. I rocked back and forth and watched her beautiful face as she panted.

  “Oh, Zac. What’s happening?” she purred.

  “What’s the matter?” I teased. “Are you getting ready to come?”

  “It feels so good,” she moaned. “So good.”

  I slipped my arm beneath her, pulling her tightly to me, and rolled her on top of me. As she sat up, her eyes popped open and she looked at me with glazed eyes filled with lust. I rubbed her breasts but slipped my hand down to her valley.

  Gently my fingers probed until I found her bud. Her hips began to instinctively grind faster. My member was throbbing happily with every move she made. Her voice grew louder and louder as her hips bucked. She arched her back. Her head fell to the side as her hair bounced wildly around her face.

  “Oh, Zac!” she cried. “Yes! Yes!”

  “Yes?” I teased. “Is this what you wanted?” I smiled as she looked down at me. I rubbed her clit faster and watched as her eyes rolled back and she rode me as hard as her body would go.

  “Yes!” she panted. “It’s so good!”

  I couldn’t hold myself back anymore. My own desire welled up like a spring. Watching her made me feel like a virgin myself. Like all of this was new and exciting and so fucking good.

  “Oh, Katy!”

  I felt her body tighten around me as her dam broke. It was like we had both experienced an electric shock starting from the center of our lust outward. I made love to Katy like I’d never done before. Every touch, every stroke was enough to send me to the moon. But when she came, I couldn’t hold back any longer.

  Finally, she nearly collapsed on top of me, panting and gasping. I held her in my arms, still inside her as my stiffness hadn’t gone away yet.

  “Are you all right?” I asked.

  “For the first time in a long time, I am,” she answered.

  We lay there together for a few moments. But with every inch she scooted on top of me, every time I tried to shift I became more and more aroused. It seemed to be happening to her, too.

  Before I knew it, we were fucking again. It went on like this throughout the night. We used every condom, and when that was not an option I ate her pussy until the sun came up. It was amazing.

  Both of us had totally forgotten about Matt Beabe. But, it seems he didn’t forget about us.

  Chapter Fifteen


  “I don’t think I ever slept so hard,” I said as I sat up in bed. Zac was not next to me, but I heard him bustling around in the kitchen.

  “Good morning. I’m glad. You can think clearer when you’ve had a good night’s sleep,” he answered as he emerged wearing nothing but a towel and carrying two steaming cups of coffee.

  I blushed like a big nerd. After everything we did last night, it was probably a little late to be modest. But I couldn’t help myself.

  “You look beautiful.” He handed me a cup.

  “No. I don’t. I’ll bet I look a mess. Different anyway.”

  “Why would you say that?” He sat down next to me.

  “I feel different.” My eyes started to water. I wasn’t sure why. Maybe because I was suddenly scared of what we’d done. Not so much the act but what it meant.

  “Katy, you look beautiful because you look different. I can see the change in you. You feel safe and warm. How long has it been since you felt that way?”

  “A long time,” I muttered. It was true. Matt Beabe had taken so much away that the simple act of waking up in the morning without a panic attack was like being on a tropical vacation.

  “I’ve gotten a couple of texts from Nate. I need to go to work. I still don’t think it’s safe for you to be out alone. Maybe you’d like to come with me to the station. We can have breakfast on the way. Once I check in, I’ll bring you back here. You’re staying at my place until further notice.”

  “I don’t know, Zac. I think I’ll be all right at my place.”

  “My gut doesn’t like it.”

  I took a deep breath and then a sip of my coffee.

  “That guy is still out there. He knows where you live.”

  “How do you know?”

  “I saw him loitering around on the sidewalk the other night.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “I’m pretty sure I scared him off. Maybe not permanently but certainly for a while. He’s not going to be so tough when he knows your boyfriend is waiting for him.”

  “Are you my boyfriend?” I couldn’t believe that those were the words that came out of my mouth. Was I crazy?

  “Yes. Yes, I am,” he replied seriously. He scratched his scalp and nodded his head yes. I giggled drunkenly.

  “I think I’m going to go to work. I’ll be safe there. Believe me.” I didn’t want to tell Zac that my boss, Cindy, had not just a bottle of hooch in her desk but a loaded .22 pistol.

  “I don’t feel good about it,” Zac said while smoothing my hair back from my face. “That would mean you’d have to put clothes on, and that causes all kinds of problems.”

  I giggled again.

  Slipping his T-shirt over my head, I climbed out of bed and pulled on my sweatpants.

  “Since you put it that way, maybe one day off will do me some good,” I agreed. “Do you think it will be okay to go back to my apartment and grab a couple things?”

  “I’ll come with you. Just let me slip a pair of pants on.”

  Zac pulled his blue jeans on, covering his nakedness. He looked amazing with his hair wild. His body was relaxed, and even with nothing more than a pair of pants, he looked strong and imposing.

  He opened the door and looked out into the hallway before taking my hand.

  “What is it that’s so important?” he asked as we strolled down the hallway.

  “You know. Girl stuff. My diary. Some hair ribbons.”

  “Oh, the really important stuff.”

  I chuckled as I hurried to my front door. But I stopped instantly.


  The wood around the dead bolt had been pried away. The doorknob was bent at an awkward angle, ensuring the door could not be closed.

  “Wait! Don’t touch anything.” Zac leaped in front of me and using his elbow slowly slid the door open.

  He gasped at what he saw.

  “What is it, Zac?”

  He swallowed but didn’t answer me.

  With all my might, I pushed him aside and stood in my doorway.

  The clothes that had been in garbage bags were strewn everywhere. But not just thrown. They were sliced to ribbons. Everything. There was nothing left intact. My books were shredded and some of them were from the library. The dishes were broken. My makeup was smeared all over the walls. That was what he used to leave me a message.

  I AdoRe You You cHeAting BitcH was written in red lipstick on the wall.

  As if this wasn’t enough, I saw a pair of my underpants with a terribly obvious stain on them that wasn’t left by me.

  “Come on, Katy. I’ll get you out of here.”

  “I’m not going back to your apartment, Zac,” I mumbled. Suddenly I was numb all over. How could I have gone from relishing every sensation to not feeling anything at all within a matter of minutes, seconds?

  “You can’t stay here. It obviously isn’t safe.”

  “It doesn’t matter where I go. He’ll find me.” I looked up at Zac. “He doesn’t seem to be as scared of you as you thought either.”

  It was harsh but true. None of this was Zac’s fault, but it was obvious to me that he underestimated Matt.

  “Well, he might not be scared of you and he might not be scared of me, but he’ll be scared of us. Right now we need to stick together. I’ve got a plan.”

  Zac took my hand and brought me back to his apartment. He encouraged me to take a shower and finish my coffee.
I did those things without saying a word. What was there to say? I couldn’t comment on the weather or work or anything we did last night because it all seemed miles away from my reality.

  When I got out of the shower, Zac was hanging up his phone. He didn’t tell me anything about his conversation, and I didn’t ask. I got dressed, stuffed my things back in my overnight bag, and sat on the bed that had transformed back into a couch.

  “Katy, I need to know what happened with Matt. Everything. How did you meet him? Where did he come from? Was there ever anything that gave him the idea you were interested in him?”

  I scowled at Zac. How could he ask me that kind of question?

  Chapter Sixteen


  It took her a few minutes of sitting there quietly. But finally, Katy began her story. It started innocently enough. These stories usually do. I was expecting to hear that he was a nice guy, a good boyfriend and all the stereotypical characteristics that came with these psychopaths. But it wasn’t like that.

  Katy had never met Matt before. At first, she thought he was a guy from the neighborhood. That explained why he was always popping up at the places she frequented. If she were out having coffee, she’d see him at the shop. The grocery store was the same. The library was huge, and people from all over were always visiting. Plus, Katy knew several “regulars” who used the quiet and the space as their office. Seeing the same faces several times a week wasn’t anything abnormal.

  Matt had slithered into her life insidiously.

  “I never spoke to him. Not at first,” she continued. “I knew there was something odd about him. But there is something odd about me, too. I don’t go out much. I don’t really drink. I’ve never had a cigarette. I’m still a virgin. If that isn’t weird in this day and age, I don’t know what is.”

  I chuckled and gave her shoulder a gentle squeeze.

  Katy went on to tell me that at first she felt sorry for him. He looked like he was really trying to fit in.

  “The first thing I noticed about him was that his face was not symmetrical. I’m not trying to be mean. But like Sylvester Stallone’s eyes droop differently on each side of his face, Matt had that. Except it was only one eye that drooped.”

  I laughed.

  “It’s not funny. To his mother, I’ll bet he was beautiful,” Katy spat. “You don’t judge people by how they look. People look at me and see all kinds of things that aren’t there. I don’t like it, so I try not to do it to anyone else.”

  Her words hit a chord. I remember what I thought when I first saw Katy. I had no idea how many beautiful layers lay beneath. She was a better person than me. Much better.

  “So, after a while, I’d smile if I saw him. Maybe wave. But I never talked to him because something in my gut said just to keep him at arm’s length.”

  “That’s very smart. Always go with your gut. You’d be surprised how many women don’t do that.”

  “Yeah, well, a lot of good it did me.”

  Katy went on to tell me that Matt became bolder as the weeks went on.

  “He was always showing up, and I noticed he kept wanting to get to my apartment.”


  “He was always offering to carry my groceries or escort me inside if it were late or help me with my books from the library or laundry from the Laundromat. Every time I told him no, he’d whisper something back at me.”

  “Like what?”

  “When I told him I didn’t need help at the Laundromat, I swear he mumbled that he was going to fuck my ass. But he muttered it quietly. I wasn’t sure I heard him right. Who talks that way?”

  Every muscle in my body was coiled uptight. I wanted to go find this guy and beat him within an inch of his life.

  “He was always doing that. Mumbling things I could hear, then he’d look at me with this innocent grin and his eyes would be sort of glazed over. He knew I heard him and that I heard him right. But I couldn’t prove it.”

  “Did you tell any of your friends? Coworkers?”

  “No. I didn’t have anyone to go to. Even if I did what could they do? He was relentless. Finally, I told him I didn’t like him being so pushy and that he needed to back off for a while. No hard feelings, but I need my space. It was like a breakup with a weirdo I wasn’t even remotely dating.”

  “Let me guess. He didn’t take it so well.”

  “I really thought I had been nice. I thought I said the right words with just enough conviction to let him know I meant business.”

  “People like this don’t understand kindness. They just don’t.”

  I watched Katy’s face as the color drained from it.

  “My car wouldn’t start when I was parked at the library. It had run just fine in the morning. I don’t know much about cars, so I asked the janitor at the library to check under the hood. He plugged something back in and the engine revved right up. Sure enough, I saw Matt sitting on the curb just staring at us.”

  My blood boiled as I listened to the things Matt had done.

  Katy began receiving “anonymous” pictures in the mail of hardcore pornographic centerfolds. They all had red hair, and their eyes were scratched out.

  People in her apartment building were not the brightest as she said more than once she’d leave for work and Matt would have left something outside her door. He left obscene notes or photos. Baggies of dead cockroaches.

  Katy finally went to the police when she thought she had something that could be traced back to Matt.

  “It was in a shoe box. There was no note.” She shook her head and put her hands over her face.

  I leaned closer to her. Even I was shocked by what she said.

  “He’d left me a vibrator that had obviously been used.” The words were almost too vile to speak. “At first I thought to just throw it away. Get rid of it. But then I thought it could have his DNA on it. So I went to the police.”

  “But they couldn’t help you.”

  She shook her head.

  “They suggested a restraining order. That was the best they could offer since he’d not laid a finger on me. Not yet. No law against sending someone a used vibrator.” She laughed bitterly and wiped her nose with the back of her hand. “I didn’t blame the police. I’ve seen enough cop shows to know they really need hard evidence. I just thought with all that disgusting… maybe they could run something through a crime lab or FBI files or something and get a match. I watch too much television I guess.”

  “So you got the order?”

  “Yup. Matt made sure he stayed exactly five hundred feet away from me when he masturbated outside my apartment or the library or the grocery store. Every time, he was gone by the time the police would arrive.”

  “So you moved.”

  “I moved after he killed my cat.”

  I didn’t move. My breath hitched in my throat.

  “My cat, Rhett. He was just a fat, lazy guy who wanted nothing more than to have his ears scratched and get fed. He never met a person he didn’t trust. I had him since he was a kitten. I was his protector. He was probably wondering where I was and why I let that happen to him.”

  I couldn’t find any words as Katy cried.

  “I just couldn’t take it anymore. Now he’s found me and the whole thing is going to start all over again.”

  “He didn’t find you, Katy. He found us. I can guarantee he isn’t counting on that.”

  “I’m not willing to take that risk, Zac.” Katy squared her shoulders. “I’m sorry. I really need you to leave.”

  “Please. Katy.”

  “I don’t want this. Really I don’t. But I won’t risk anyone getting hurt. Not on my account.”

  She had made her mind up. I could tell. There was no telling her what to do. But I couldn’t just let her go. What kind of man would let a woman like this just walk out of his life? No.

  “Katy, can you do one thing for me? One thing?”

  She shrugged and nodded as tears rolled down her cheeks. I wanted nothing more t
han to kiss them away. I wanted to hold her and make her feel safe.

  “Come with me. I don’t want to sound like a jerk, but the squeaky wheel gets the oil. And if that squeaky wheel is a cop, we might be able to get something done about this guy.”

  “I don’t know.”

  “That’s good enough for me.” I took her hand. We didn’t have time to stand around and wait for her to feel like moving. Back at my apartment, I picked up my phone and made a quick call.

  “Hey, Nate. It’s me again. We’ve got a situation here.”

  I told him what happened. But I wasn’t prepared for what he had to tell me.

  Chapter Seventeen


  “I don’t see how this is going to help,” I squawked as I followed Zac out of his apartment and down to the sidewalk. “I can’t just stay at your friend Nathan’s house indefinitely. You need to tell me what the plan is.”

  Zac took a deep breath and rubbed his hands together.

  “I don’t know if you noticed the box of files in my apartment.”

  “I did,” I admitted sheepishly. “I took a peek. I shouldn’t have.”

  “No. Probably not,” he continued. “Melissa Tanney was found murdered five years ago, and her killer has never been found. I dug out the case file to give it a second look.” He swallowed hard.


  “It turns out that there were a couple of witnesses who had a pretty good description of a fellow they had seen around the crime scene. But the leads were never followed up on. So, I went back and talked with these people.”

  “I don’t understand?”

  “I also asked Nathan to run a background on Matt Beabe.” He ran his hand through his hair. “These were two separate issues, you understand. I didn’t see any kind of connection at all. It’s just dumb luck.”


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